• Published 24th Jan 2021
  • 8,627 Views, 689 Comments

The Ruler of Ponies and Men - Boopy Doopy

Why am I cursed like this? I shouldn't have to suffer this way...

  • ...

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(11-3) Brimstone

“What happened to you?” I asked the stallion in front of me, Brimstone if I remembered correctly. “What are you doing here? Why do you look so awful?”

“I…” he trailed off, huffing, practically gasping for air. “I came here… to tell you… is… is there somewhere more private to talk to you?”

I scowled at him at that idea, not liking the sound of it, but not wanting to let what he had to say go unheard. I looked to Hope to use her magic since I couldn't, and let her cast a spell over just the stallion and I, teleporting the two of us to Luna's room. Once we were there, I stood silently in front of him, waiting to hear what he had to say.

“I…” he started after a few seconds, closing his eyes and laying down on the ground in front of us. “I want you… to know that…” He paused for a moment to gather his breath before continuing, “Cadance is planning something…”

“How do you know of this?” Luna asked immediately, getting the words out before I could. “What have you and she been doing that you would know?”

“It’s… it’s a long story… but she… has Grogar’s bell… and she’s gonna use it.”

“I’ll be off to get her,” the alicorn said immediately, the worry in her eyes clear and not wanting to waste time. “You stay here, Alex.” With that, she extended her wings and flew out of the room, leaving me alone to question him.

“Where did she get Grogar’s bell?” I asked seriously, looking down at him, his eyes still closed.

“I… I was just…” he started before opening his eyes again and looking away shamefully. “I… gave it to her…”

It took all my self control to not go off on him, using a hoof to rub my forehead as I asked, “What happened that landed you in a situation where you were in a position to give it to her?”

“I… I might have… offered to help her with… trying to overthrow Canterlot…” He glanced back up at me and could clearly see the angry expression I had on my face, because he quickly added, “But I wasn’t going to actually work with her! I- I was just trying to figure out what she was planning!”

“Then how did you get the bell?” I growled. “Why did you get it? I know it wasn’t anywhere around Canterlot, and I don’t see how it could- wait! Is this still about your stupid name?”

“I- I mean… it’s…”

“Your name doesn’t mean anything! It’s just a name! Brimstone means as much to me as Alex probably does to you! You don’t- argh! God!”

I put my hooves in my face to take a breath. I realized now I should’ve done more at the time than just talk to him when I met him in the library, but it really didn’t seem like something that mattered. Becoming a villain because your name sounded villainous was the most insane logic I’d ever heard, so much so that I completely brushed it off.

“Where is she now?” I asked. “Or actually, what is she planning?”

“I don’t know! I know she- she stole my magic, and then-”

“How are you still able to talk right now then?” I asked. “If she stole your magic, you wouldn’t be able to move right now.”

“I wasn’t. I was on top of the mountain behind the castle for two days trying to get back down, and I-”

“This happened two days ago?” I asked, getting more and more upset. I had to close my eyes to breathe. It was a bad spot to be in, Cadance probably having had enough time to make a good plan and steal an unknown number of ponies' magic. But it was still okay. I had Twilight’s protection spell on me, assuming that it would work as she intended it. Not to mention, if the worst came to pass, I had that spell I got from the archives in my back pocket. The situation was bad, but there were still options. Not any good options, but options none the less.

“Maybe I should just get it over with and use that spell,” I thought to myself. “I mean, it’s heading in that direction. At this point, the chances of me using it are much greater than the chances of me not using it…”

No, that wasn’t a good idea. It was risky business using it, and not even guaranteed to work. If the worst happened, then I would, but thus far, the worst hadn’t happened, even if it was getting to that point. Using that spell would more than likely make all the time I spent here worthless, and I really didn’t like the idea of using it unless it was absolutely necessary.

“What is she planning?” I asked again, this time stopping to hear what he had to say, waiting for his answer as I stared down at him.

“I… I don’t know. I didn’t get that far into the conversation.” I glared down at him, remaining silent in my attempt to intimidate him, and he continued, “I really don’t know! I asked if she wanted help in trying to take over Canterlot, and showed her the bell, then she stole it and-”

“How did you know that she was going to plan something?” I interrupted. “How long have you been trying to work with her?”

“I- I mean… it wasn’t that long. I talked to her once but she didn’t want anything to do with me, but-”

“And you didn’t tell me until now? After she betrayed you? How do I know that you weren’t planning to work with her all along?”

“I mean, I was before, but like, I changed my mind along the way, and was planning to lead her to you so you could-”

“Why didn’t you tell me once you changed your mind?” I asked loudly, stomping a hoof in anger. “We could’ve had this taken care of if you did, but you didn’t tell me. How long have you known?”

“I didn’t tell you before because I’m very stupid, and not that smart, and thought being a villain would be easy, but it’s not. And you can lock me up in Tartarus for it later, since this is all my fault, but I’m sorry. And, um… I… might have known for weeks...”

“You are absolutely- argh! I’ll deal with you later. But you’re coming with me to help me since this is partly your fault.”

We couldn’t do anything though as Luna teleported back in front of us again, her face full of worry.

“She is not here,” she announced simply.

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