• Published 24th Jan 2021
  • 8,630 Views, 689 Comments

The Ruler of Ponies and Men - Boopy Doopy

Why am I cursed like this? I shouldn't have to suffer this way...

  • ...

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(1-4) Jealousy

Hope grumbled in annoyance as she watched Alex and Fluttershy walk off. She couldn’t understand what he saw in her. Well, actually, she could, at least a little bit, but not really. Sure, she saved him, and both Hope and Alex appreciated that, but… was there any reason to be so excessively happy whenever she was around? Hope didn’t think so. Not that she was jealous. She just didn’t like it was all, and might have wished the pegasus would come around even more scarcely than she already did, and found herself frowning whenever she was around.

Okay, maybe she was a little jealous.

But it wasn’t really Fluttershy per se. As far as Hope could tell, the yellow mare was already paired up with Discord in terms of partners. She just wished her own partner, at least, one part of her partner, wouldn’t be so… distant from her. She wished Alex… or, at least, the Alex part of Sombra, would be as happy to see her as he was to see Fluttershy. Or maybe didn’t just hate her. That was the worst part. It was all Sombra she figured to herself, so it was really Sombra hating her, which made it worse, and made her feel terrible. Not that he wasn’t getting better with time, but it was just going so slowly, and she almost knew that some part of him would hold it against her forever.

Why did he have to go and tear that string apart? Why did he have to do this to himself? Maybe if her magic were just a little bit stronger, she could have fixed him like she was supposed to…

No. This wasn’t her fault. It wasn’t Sombra’s fault, or Alex’s fault, and it certainly wasn’t Fluttershy’s fault. She knew whose fault it was, and that pony would get what was coming to them soon, in just a few hours. Hope had the perfect plan all lined up and ready to go. She and Sombra would’ve gotten to the same point they were at now, ruling Equestria with her plan, but that dumb princess had to just stroll in and ruin everything.

Hope grumbled again, frowning as she made her way back into the throne room, helping to answer ponies questions as she waited for her friend to come back. She debated whether she should take the issue up with him, but ultimately decided not to. She already spoke earlier that morning and didn’t really want to make him angry again with that discussion, at least not today. Besides, the two of them at least got to share a bed, so it wasn’t really that bad on her end, even if it did grate on her more than a little bit.

She took the opportunity to clear her mind before the evening, spending the next while waiting for Sombra by going through ponies requests and questions. There weren’t too many, just a couple of ponies entering the court every so often, but she still did find it nice to speak to them, and did sometimes get a few interesting comments from them afterwards.

“You know,” one pony said to her after she thanked them for coming to see her, “you’re much easier to speak to than Princess Celestia was. She could sometimes be a bit unrelenting…” They looked around nervously immediately after they said that, as though they said something wrong, and quickly added, “Not that she’s not a great princess, she is-”

“It’s okay, I understand,” the unicorn replied gently, happily. “I appreciate the compliment.”

“Actually, speaking of which, when will Princess Celestia be returning…?”

“I can’t say I have an answer to that,” Hope responded. “That might be a question you take up with Princess Luna, or Sombra when he returns, if you’re willing to wait a little while.”

“I- I see,” the pony answered, their ears lowering against their head as they cowered a bit, taking a step back away from her. “I don’t- it’s really not important enough to wait around for. I’ll just be heading out now…” With that, they quickly exited, leaving Hope all alone again.

It was mostly a lie that she told the pony. She knew the answer was probably never, at least not while she and Alex were living. Although she knew her friend toyed with the idea of bringing her back, she also knew he wouldn’t actually do it. At least, she didn’t think he actually would. She would be very surprised if he did, considering how he felt about her.

It was just as well too. From her perspective, or at least, from what she heard, the streets of Equestria were much better, with no new villains popping up or major crimes reported. Of course, she knew the bulk of that was simply due to the fact that both of her counterparts, and Sombra in particular, were seen as downright frightful to the point where ponies almost feared stepping out of line, but it was still nice to hear ponies occasionally talk about anyway. It made her smile and feel like she was actually doing something.

It was just a few minutes after the pony left when Alex returned, thankfully without Fluttershy, a look of concentration on his face as he seemed to be thinking something over.

“How was lunch with them?” Hope asked as he took the seat next to her. “You look like you’re thinking about something. What did they want to talk to you about?”

“Just Twilight looking out for herself and her friends,” he answered, staring ahead. “They don’t want me to mention their part in…” He trailed off, looking around for a few seconds before using a hoof to point at himself and continuing, “This. They want me to leave it out of the trial under the guise that ponies won’t have faith in the leaders of Equestria afterwards.”

“That’s funny,” she laughed. “I just had somepony tell me that I was better at ruling than Celestia was. Are you going to do what they asked?”

"I was going to just say no, but it was mostly Starlight asking, and Fluttershy also mentioned that she didn’t want to see them look bad to other ponies.”

“Ah, okay, that makes sense,” Hope responded calmly, inwardly rolling her eyes. “Was there anything else? Or did they only want to see you to ask about that?”

“They did ask about me and you, Starlight mentioning that we should get married… oh, I do have to actually ask you something. I’m having Starlight look into trying to do something about Sombra and I. How would you feel if I were able to get rid of one part of me completely? I told her I wouldn’t ever agree to something like that, but I want to hear what you think anyway.”

"I’m… not sure if it’s a good idea to go messing around your head. I mean, you already did that before, and look at you now. Messing around more is just going to make things worse, especially since I really do think you’re getting better. I mean, at this point, just trying to remove one personality would be almost impossible just because they’re so mixed, at least from what I can tell. You’d just be risking hurting yourself more…”

While she told him those things, in her heart, she wanted him to try it. She wanted Sombra back, her Sombra. Or, at least, she wanted Alex to love her like Sombra did. She didn’t like the fact that he was able to just so casually bring up Starlight mentioning them getting married like he didn’t even care, as though he were talking to an acquaintance. It made her feel awful, but she forced herself to hide it.

“That’s what I thought,” Alex told her, “but I asked her to check into it anyway, just to see if anything can be done… but that was it. The main bulk of the conversation was about Cadance.”

“Well, I can say that I’m glad that she’s getting what she deserves.”

“As can I,” the stallion agreed, “although I don’t want you to end up being surprised, so I’m going to tell you now that I’ll be pardoning her.”

“Wait, what?” she asked, completely confused, wearing a look of shock on her face before frowning and scowling. “Why are you pardoning her?” she asked, sounding a bit angry.

“Because I want her to be ashamed of herself. I want all of Equestria to know what she did so that it’s always what they think of when she’s out and about. I want her face to burn red with shame wherever she goes. I want her family and friends to never look at her the same because of what she did to me, and to them as well.”

Hope thought about the idea of that for a moment, replying, “I guess that’s a punishment… although if it were up to me, I’d keep her imprisoned in the castle, locked in the dungeon forever… but I’ll do whatever you want to do.”

“I appreciate that, Hope. Thank you.” He let out a yawn and stretched a bit, saying, “It’s almost two o’clock. Almost time for her judgement…” He got up from his seat again, telling her, “I’m going to start preparing for the trial. I’ll see you soon.”

Author's Note:

I'm debating adding the romance tag. It's not really the direction I'm planning, but I feel like it's going in that direction...

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