• Published 5th Mar 2021
  • 2,800 Views, 60 Comments

The purple dragon inn - The Storyteller world

After seperating from his adventuring party Spike just wants to relax and live simple. But it seems the world has plans that involve him and his ever growing guild members.

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Welcome to the Purple Dragon Inn

“NOW GIRLS!” A young woman in torn flowing robes shouted above the raging storm surrounding them. They held out a staff made of gold with a multi pointed star at the top

Five other girls gathered around her, each sporting their own unique attire and weaponry. In unison they all clasped hands over their hearts before pulling what seemed to be necklaces from it. The six stood shoulder to shoulder, placing their hands outwards towards the storm.

A distorted and twisted voice laughed from in the storm. “So you finally show me your trump card huh? I suppose those cute pieces of jewelry are supposed to stop me?” The voice teased as the storm clouds parted to reveal and monstrosity the size of a fort in front of the girls. The monstrosity spread its arms wide.”Well take your best shot, just know you won’t get a second chance!” It threatened, a dark laugh escaping it’s form.

The girl’s began to glow faintly, growing in brightness as magic pooled around them from the earth. Floating into the air a rainbow beam of energy shot from their figures into the monster, wrapping around in. As the girls slowly descended the sounds of a thousand voices screaming in pain filled the air. The girls didn’t like the noise but they knew it meant it was working. As they collapsed on the ground from exhaustion from fighting for so long and then using such a taxing move they took comfort knowing it would be over now.

HAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!” The same twisted laughter tore through the air striking an icy knife of despair into the hearts of the girls. “Oh my, that tickled me silly!” The monstrosity complimented, it’s figure ripping the remaining magic from around it. “But now I think it’s about time we stop playing around. I have a world to burn down after all and I just can’t keep pushing it back.” It chirped happily. One of the gaping maws of the body opened up with a bead of energy building inside. What life that was left on the torn apart battlefield withered away as if being collected by the monster.

The girl’s watched in horror as the bead grew larger and larger as the seconds passed. This was it. They failed for the first and now last time ever in their mission and the world will be paying the price. As they each watched with tears in their eyes and prayers on their lips a cloaked figure walked slowly past them from behind. “I suppose I have to actually do my job don’t I huh?” A male voice spoke from in the folds of the cloak.

“Wait sugah, even if you take on that attack the toll on your body will kill ya!” A southern voice spoke from a blond haired and heavily armored girl struggling to stand.

“Even the gods would not be able to repair damages this could cause.” A soft voice barely could be heard from a soft yellow robed girl with wrappings loosened around her light blue eyes.

Others voiced their complaints against him even as this situation grew more dire. “Just run and try to gather more adventure parties to try and stop this monster!” A raspy voice ordered from a rainbow haired girl in leather armor.

The cloaked figure ignored all their complaints as they called out a name drowned out by the storm. Gesturing towards the monster the figure called out towards it. “What was it you said to my acquaintances? Take your best shot, cause you won’t get a second chance?” He goaded, taking out a readyed stance like on about to catch something.

“Oh hooo! Looks like someone still has confidence remaining. I’ll enjoy crushing it!” The monster roared from it’s other mouth with maniacal laughter. The beam shot forward towards the figure just in front of the weakened girls. Taking a step forward the figure shot out one of its hands towards the blast, taking it straight on. The magic shattered the ground, vaporizing anything it touched in an instant. The monster laughed as the dust slowly settled. As they started to speak aloud of how they can finally destroy this world a beam of energy shot out from the dust cloud, striking one of their arms destroying it in an instant. Moving the stomp close to their face they looked it over with a puzzled expression. “Hmmm. Well that’s not good.” They muttered to themselves, shifting their view back to the now settled dust finding a surprise. “Wah? HOW!” They shrieked.

Standing where there should have been a hole in the earth was the figure now missing their cloak, the injured girls still behind him looking untouched from the blast. The figure slowly pulled it’s arm away, a purple glow pulsing from around it. Anyone that looked close at the figures body could see something was wrong with it. Scales and spikes grew across the body, the mouth bleed as a maw like a dragon forcefully grew into place, sharp talons extended from clawed hands, all topped with a tail tearing through the man’s pants. The man now looked everything like a standing dragon. It looked slowly back at the massive monster while gritting its teeth as if in extreme pains. “That’s the thing. I’m the trump card.” They stated, flying through the air as their magical glow surrounding their body grew, pulsing faster and faster. They gave off a roar fitting of a mighty dragon. But wrapped by a thousand years of tormented pain.

The monster cried out for them to stop but were struck anyways at high speed, a wave of magic blowing through their body. The monstrous form blew away leaving a white haired woman with mismatched animal-like limbs floating through the air. They were grabbed by the man as he floated towards the ground. The girls further watched as he raised a clawed hand and jabbed it into the chest of the woman pulling something black and small from her chest. Even from their distance they could see that there was no blood.

As the girls passed out slowly from exertion they could each see the figure stand, his body slowly turning that into a normal human except for…

“Huh? I hope this isn’t permanent…” The male mumbled, looking at his still draconic forearms that hadn’t turned back to normal yet.

The seven kneeled in front of two shining figures. “Rise heroes! Claim any wish you may want. You have earned your share more than anyone else.” Commanded the large woman with pastel flowing hair. One of the ruling powers in the nation Celestia. Her pure white dress glowing in the sunlight. As the seven stood she looked over them but lingered slightly on the cloaked man, his sleeves hanging past his hands.

The girls took turns naming their desires. Each one met with confirmation and actions to make immediate effect by the woman. The smaller figure stood from her chair, the sister of Celestia and the one who takes over night courts Luna. Dark like the night sky clothing covering her body as her starry hair flowed in the air. “Now that you all have spoken your wish we can move on to the celebrations of your victory.” She explained, spreading her arms in a welcoming gesture.

A hand raised slowly from one of the women. Large pink curls shifted around as the woman moved awkwardly in place. “Um, excuse me your Highness but I think you forgot to hear someone’s wish…” She said, looking down in case she was going to be scolded.

“Hm, I don’t believe so. We have heard the wishes of all those that helped in stopping the god of chaos from destroying the world.” The starry royalty replied.

A woman in finely designed dress with purple curls spoke up before the noble could continue. “But your Highness, you are missing someone very important in the mission.” The fashion forward woman countered.

The others were growing in courage to speak up in complaint. That is until the pastel colored royalty raised a hand. “Enough. Why don’t we hear from the one you are defending thinks?” They challenged back.

As all eyes shifted to the cloaked figure one could see them visibly flinch under all the attention. Stuttering slightly, the cloak hood shifted as if looking around. “Um… uhh I think th-that you girls are more deserving of your wishes being granted. I didn’t really do much until the very end.” The stammered.

“Bull! If it ain’t for you we all would be dead. As far as I'm concerned just give my wish to him.” The southern voiced woman spoke up.

The others voiced in kind each willing to hand their wish abilities over to their male companion. It was clear the rulers were growing annoyed by the complaints but before either could tell them to be silent the man shouted “Girls!” shocking the six women. The cloaked figure hunched over as if sighing. “Listen, it’s heartwarming to know you all think so highly of me but please do not throw away your wishes that you’ve fought to make reality just for me. It would make whatever I wanted bitter and unwanted.” He explained.

When they tried to counter Celestia spoke up. “Enough. You girls are part of the strongest and most well known party ever. The only one to be recognized by other countries as well as this one as a triple S ranked. He has spoken stating for you all not to give your wishes away.” She began to lecture before taking on a softer tone. “But it is obvious he has had a positive effect on you all so I will hear what he desires but it may not be as grand as the rest of yours.” She added. With a gesture she called him forward. “What is it you desire, young man?”

The girls took easy notice how she didn’t call him a hero. The man stepped forward kneeling once more as he pulled the hood from his head. Short green hair bent back from his head on top of slightly tanned skin. “I don’t really wish for anything. Just to live a simple life away from attention. I know I'm not really recognized as one of the party members but I am still known to have worked with them.” He started, looking up with sharp emerald eyes. “That is why I wish to have a guild under my command. That way I can work a simple job and help others get famous so I can just relax in their shadows.” He explained.

Luna looked to her sister with a questioning look. On getting a nod she turned back to the kneeling man. “Rise, Spike Drake. We will allow you to open a guild off in one of the far reach towns. Should you prove able minded to grow it to other spots then it will be allowed.” She accepted.

The six around Spike sighed, content that he was able to receive his wish. They were dismissed by the rulers as a group of people began to walk into the throne room. They regathered in the gardens, each taking a different place to relax while Spike stood off to the side. Fidgeting with his sleeves, muttered quietly to himself.

“Are they still bothering you darling?” The fashionably dressed woman asked, stepping closer to the man.

Flinching away slightly from her approach Spike looked away as he gave one final tug at the sleeves before letting them hang. “Don’t worry Rarity I’m fine. Just a bit nervous is all.” He replied.

“Ain’t nice to lie boy especially to friends you almost died with.” The southern gal spoke up, resting with her feet on a table and a cowboy hat tipped over her eyes.

The rainbow haired girl slapped a hand on the table across from the southern woman. “Applejack’s right. You shouldn’t lie, are they still hurting you?” she questioned, leaning towards him in her chair.

Shaking his head dismissively Spike said “I said it's fine.” His voice was straining to not raise. “Listen. You all should focus on what you wished for and make them part of your life. We finally are free to do as we desire with no more leashes holding us back.” He spoke softly after breathing. With that he pushed off the wall and started to make his way out of the area. “If we meet again I’ll treat you all to a meal. Hell, I’ll even make it but for now goodbye everyone and good luck with things.” He finished, turning to bow towards the silent group before fully disappearing from view.

Two weeks later

A woman walked covered in robes towards a building with a sign swinging lightly in the breeze. “So this is the fabled place ay?” She said aloud to no one. Stepping through the doors warmth surrounded her. People of all races laughed and shouted across the building floors. To the back was a bar with a strange looking woman in a casual maid uniform. A few patrons scattered on the stools talking with each other save for a single figure dressed in a trench coat that covered his arms completely.

“Do come in dear customer. We have a spot open right here.” The maid at the bar called out clearly over the noise, gesturing to a stool in front of her.. As the robed woman sat down the maid leaned across the counter with a gentle smile. “What would you like, little one?” They asked.

Looking around the woman leaned forward close to the maid. “I would like the dragon’s shield please.” Speaking the words she had been instructed to repeat. A nervous look taking over her face.

The man next to her in the trench coat tapped a covered hand on the counter. “Another filling of yonder days please.” downing his drink fully.

The maid’s smile didn’t change as a bottle of purple liquid floated over and poured into a glass placed in front of the woman. “The dragon’s shield is a great drink to have over a story. Got any to share?” The calming voice of the mysterious maid replied.

The robed girl gulped as she received the confirmation. She told a tale of how her village was being attacked by bandits and no one would help them. After she told the story she swallowed the drink, feeling a wave of calm covering her body and mind.

“Why don’t you rest in one of the rooms above dear. We will be having some bandit style soup later tonight.” The maid soothed, her voice seeming to puppeteer the woman away towards the stairs. Once the woman was gone she turned to the man. “How strong would you like your drink sir?” She questioned.

“I’m feeling like a rank C will do.” He chuckled, taking a drink of the liquid after his glass was filled up. His sleeve dipped just slightly to flash a purple surface underneath.