• Published 5th Mar 2021
  • 2,800 Views, 60 Comments

The purple dragon inn - The Storyteller world

After seperating from his adventuring party Spike just wants to relax and live simple. But it seems the world has plans that involve him and his ever growing guild members.

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The Fizzy Tops

Vanilla Soak tapped her leg happily as she rode in the horse drawn wagon. She looked around at her teammates, each in a different state of relaxation. "So what do you think we outta' do 'bout this request we picked up from the guild master?" She asked aloud to her party members, an easy smile on her face.

Snapping a spell book closed Sparkle Timber coughed into a clenched hand. "I do believe it would be best to stop at the village first to gather information on these bandits." He answered, his reptilian tail swishing lightly across his lap.

"Bah! Where's the fun in that?" A scratchy voice questioned. A griffon named Jitter Pops pilled out a dagger to pick at his teeth as his wings spread slightly out from behind him. "Just let me an' Shakes hunt some tracks down. We'll be in the bandit camp in no time." He boasted.

"But if we don't go to the village how can I see if they have any sweets that I haven't tried yet?" The named Shakes countered through stuffed cheeks full of candy. A battle axe sat balanced between her horns, her large form making the weapon look small in comparison. Gulping down the mouthful she strutted quickly to the front of the wagon she was walking next too. Smiling at the driver she asked "What about you Fizzy?" Her cow like tail flicking in the air like a dog.

The driver frowned at the large woman. Raising a hand they held up two fingers. "Two things. I told you to cut back on the sweets, you'll ruin your teeth before you hit your thirties. Second, I told you not to call me Fizzy. Makes new people think we named the party after me." He listed with Shakes giggling the way a child barely listening would. "As for what we are doing is getting rid of those bandits as quickly as possible. We'll start by meeting the village chief outside the place's outskirts as the request stated." Fizzilton Worf started to explain. "After that we are hunting these criminals as fast and clean as we can. Remember folks, this request will bump us up into B-rank as a group." He finished, catching everyone's attention.

Jitter slammed the dagger back into the sheath at the side of his boot and shouted "Hell yeah!" Clapping his hands together he threw a hand over Vanilla's shoulder, waving a hand in front of them. "Once we hit B-rank I'll be able to pull all the hot babes with ease." He crudely boasted.

Vanilla gave a laugh, shoving the excited griffon to the side. "Like a rank up'll help with your game if you keep that womanizing attitude." Jabbing at the man.

"Uh!" Jitter cried out, clutching at his heart. "You wound me Vanilla. Just because I won't sleep with ya doesn't mean you have to take your dry spell anger out on me." He sarcastically complained.

"Oh you want to go there?" Vanilla warned, cracking her knuckles.

Leaning in with a sharp smile. "Like you could hit me anyways" He challenged back.

The two were about to lunge for each other but were interrupted by Timber, shocking them with the tip of his tail sparking with electricity. After both gave yelps from the sudden pain he frowned at the two trouble makers. "Enough you two. We're supposed to be saving energy for the bandits, not each other. Besides, Fizz is right about the rank up. The guild system requires a bandit subjugation quest fulfilled to qualify to go higher than C-rank. This is the last thing we need to fill out to get recognition." He lectured, bopping both on the head with his spell book.

"Focus up front folks. Our destination is in view." Fizz calls to gather the group's attention drew their gazes towards the front of the cart. Peeking over the hill revealed a small forest in a smaller village with a lake near the edge. Whipping the reins Fizz got the wagon into a faster pace to get at their target even faster.

Shakes got into a small jog giggling. "Oh, this is so fun. We haven't had to take down any living targets like us. Only ever been zombies or undead. I wonder how it'll feel to hit a person with my axe?" She mumbled aloud earning a few looks from her companions. "What?" She asked innocently, cocking her head. The axe snuggly in place.

Jitter's lips tightened into a line as he looked at her confused. "Shakes, gotta say yer a weird gal." He said.

Shakes gave another giggle as she pulled out another handful of candy. "Well duh. It's boring being normal." She replied, shoving the handful into her mouth immediately after.

The group continued progressing towards the village when Vanilla tapped Fizz's arm, pointing past him at a hut on the edge of the village with an old man standing next to a young girl. "Think that's our important individual." She suggested.

Nodding Fizz shifted directions towards the two figures. pulling in front of the pair Fizz stepped off the wagon. "Afternoon mister. You wouldn't happen to be the chief of this place would you?" He asked casually, a hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

The old man stroked a beard as heavy brows furrowed under a horn. "Depends youngin'. You from the guild?" He countered.

Pulling out his adventurer card Fizz passed it over to the old man. "The names Fizzilton Worf. I'm the leader of Fizzy Tops. Does this let me know you are the chief?" He asked, introducing himself.

Nodding slowly the old man passed the card back looking over the group. "Looks like my granddaughter was effective in getting some help. Yes I'm the chief of this village and I do hope you can help with our problem." He answered. Raising a wrinkled hand he pointed east of the group towards a rocky outcrop visible over the tree line. "The bandits always come from that direction. We think they took over the old cave system that's inside the rocks." He added.

While the two were talking the rest of the group chatted with the young girl. "What's your name sweetie?" Vanilla asked, leaning on her knees to be closer to the young girl's height.

"My name is Gumdrop." The young girl answered, smiling sweetly at the group.

"Oi, kid. Ya got any women here looking to get with an adventurer?" Jitter asked, his arms crossed as he looked around the area.

The girl raised a finger to her chin. "Hmm, a few but I think they prefer guys that think with their head more than their dicks. Or at least that's what mama says." Gumdrop answered innocently.

Jitter felt a bolt from the comment go through his heart as he fell into Shakes' arms while Sparkle and Vanilla struggled to contain their laughter from the child's words and their effect. Clutching tightly at Shakes' sleeves Jitter looked up with teary eyes. "I don't want to be here. The children are mean." He begged.

The group talked with the child more with less words coming from Jitter. Fizz on the other hand figured out all he needed from the chief before calling their attention. "Come on guys. We got a job to do." He ordered. As they moved away from the waving pair Fizz looked to the sulking Jitter's. "The hell happened to you?" He asked with a raised brow.

"I don' wanna talk 'bout it..." The usually proud griffon mumbled, the rest of the group laughing behind him.

Shaking his head Fizz looked to the rest of them. "Well at least you guys will listen. We have an idea where the bandits are staying. Apparently they only come out at night to raid the area so most if not all should be inside the cave. Once we get near I want Vanilla and Shakes to scout the outside for any stragglers. We are on a clear kill job so don't bother with holding back." He instructed smoothly.

"What about when we get inside?" Sparkle inquired, sorting through his spell book for appropriate spells.

"We'll take up the usual blocker position. That should help cover any openings we may have against the enemy." Fizz answered.

Pumping her fist Vanilla gave a quiet cheer. "Yes, get to take the front. I can't wait to test my skills against a thinking target." She smiled happily.

The group discussed further tactics as they moved through the woods. Eventually they settled into quiet silence, checking their equipment as the goal entered their view. Crouching down Fizz gave the signal for his two hunters to spread out. Without a word they disappeared into the foliage with little sound. The remaining three shuffled further through the underbrush towards the cave.

"Hey Fizz question before we really hop into this job?" Sparkle questioned lightly, bookmarking his selected spells.

"What is it? Getting second thoughts about taking a life like this?" Their leader replied, asking his own question.

Shaking as a small puff of fire left Sparkles mouth. Adjusting his glasses he said "No, becoming an adventurer sort of requires the will to already take a life in some way or another. What I'm thinking is actually are we aiming to get a higher rank then B? Like our old parties..." He frowned at the mention of parties.

Jitter spat to the side while Fizz continued to look straight forward. "I want to go higher. How else will we show those that left us behind that their way of doing things aren't the only way to reach the top?" He answered, just in time as Shakes and Vanilla reappeared with the group.

"Got four!" Shakes whisper shouted, a goofy grin on her face as she wiped blood from her axe.

Vanilla straightened her hair. "Got three on my end." She added with a small pout. "Stupid bandits. Couldn't have set out at least one more for me..." She moped.

The group moved as one to the edge of the forest, the cave entrance just in front of them. "Everyone ready?" Fizz asked, looking back at his party members.

"Let's do this thing!" Shakes whispered excitedly, vibrating in anticipation.

"We came this far. No point turning back." Sparkle answered, making a praying gesture.

Jitter and Vanilla nodded while bumping fists with large grins on their face.

Looking over the people he chose to trust Fizz couldn't help let a small smile across his face. "Least kills has to pay for dinner back at the Dragon." He said. The group rushed forward as one, having done hundreds of jobs before. The sounds of clashing metal and spells igniting echoed from the cave for hours.

Smoke spilled slowly from the mouth of the cave as five figures slowly walked out covered in ash, grime, and bandages. The sun's weak rays landed softly on their tired forms. Silently they walked back to the village, leaning on each other or weapons for support.

Nearing the village the five could see a group of villagers waiting nervously at their approach. Stopping just a little away from each other Fizz limped forward. With a raised hand he gave a thumbs up. "Bandits are no more." He said, a smile breaking out on his face as the village erupted into a roar.

The villagers swarmed forward, heaving the group above them. Some of the adventurers gave outcries at the sudden lift while Shakes just giggled while five men tried to lift her up a little. A modest party was started in celebration helping the adventurers relax a little. Fizz chatted with the chief while Shakes and Vanilla gorged themselves on the food. Sparkle tried to find a quiet corner but was quickly surrounded by children let by Gumdrop who wanted to hear what happened. While Jitters finally got some attention from the fairer sex. Of course though he almost immediately drove them away with his attitude.

Morning came and went into midday before the group finally woke from their sleep after the party. Slowly they left the village who all had woken up to wave them goodbye with large smiles.

"Hey guys?" Vanilla asked softly as the village disappeared from view, gaining her party's attention. "I'm glad we met." She quietly said.

The others gave their own thanks as the wagon worked its way back to the inn. They arrived back at night slowly pushing open the doors to find the place dead silent with everyone looking at them with deep glares. Fizz pulled out the bounty with the chief's stamp marked clearly on the front. "Where's a party gotta go for a rank up?" He questioned, dropping his seriousness for a moment.

The Purple Dragon inn erupted into cheers as the party was pulled towards a table with drinks ready for them. The inn grew to its normal loud volume as things went back to normal. Taking the drink Fizz raised it in a toast towards his companions. "To our new rank and our next goal of A-rank!" He shouted over the noise.

The others crashed their drinks into his before downing the liquids inside. When they pulled their mugs away they found the maid normally behind the bar standing at their table. "Eris! What can we do for you?" Shakes asked, leaning towards the woman.

Patting the large woman on the head the now named maid Eris pulled five cards from behind her. "More like what can I do for you dear." She corrected, holding them out to the group. "Welcome to a new level." She complimented.

Jitter looked over his new card with a whistle, taking in it's iron color. "This put me high enough to have a chance at ya sweety?" He inquired, leaning towards Eris.

For a brief flash Eris' professional air dropped as she leaned towards the griffon. "Try that again when you are at least an S-rank junior." She countered, walking away back to the bar as the party laughed.

"So...Think they'll grow any further?" Eris questioned the covered patron at the bar.

A chuckle escaped his form as a clawed hand wrote something on a document. "Oh I'm sure you'll have to answer for that comment sometime in the future dear." He replied, standing up and heading towards a door marked guild staff only.

Nodding her head as she looked over the filled building at the wild group of people. "I suppose so if you took them in Spike." She muttered, orders already taking her attention away.

Author's Note:

I want this to be an interactive collection of stories and characters. So if you have an OC or character you'd like in here send me a PM or comment here. But please no "This is Razor, he's a lone wolf who doesn't work with others but suuuuuper cool and powerful and invincible and everyone loves him and he gets all the girls and and and...." K? Just need names, maybe the fantasy job they have (fighter, rouge blacksmith even), characteristics with looks and quirks, even a MLP race or fantasy one.
Course as the writer there may be changes so no yelling at me please haha.