• Published 5th Mar 2021
  • 2,796 Views, 60 Comments

The purple dragon inn - The Storyteller world

After seperating from his adventuring party Spike just wants to relax and live simple. But it seems the world has plans that involve him and his ever growing guild members.

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New Staff

Spike awoke slowly, stretching his armored hands above his head with a deep grown. Sitting up in his bed he squinted around the room as sunlight came through his blinds. Yawning he reached to the side finding a glass of water where it always was on his bedside dresser. Gulping it down he sighed, giving a small cough. "New day new troubles." He mumbled, placing the glass down to pick up a stack of papers next to where the glass was. Leafing through them with a clawed hand he hummed to himself. "Let's see... Three groups ranked up this week along with most of the members inside them ranking up as well. Oh! Look's like Slayer is trying to break my record for most behemoths killed in a month. Hope he breaks it, that things been sitting for stagnant for to long." He muttered to himself. Getting out of bed he continued to dress himself in a suit as he continued reading. "Glad Eris helps so much. Our profits have doubled ever since I let her handle the face of the guild." He happily said aloud, sliding a long sleeved coat over his shoulders.

Placing the papers down he tapped his chin. "Maybe I should hire more people to give her more breathing room. It's always hectic when a big quest or disaster is finished by the guild and everyone wants to celebrate." He mumbled to no one as he stepped out of his room into an office. Multiple monsters heads mounted across the wall roared in silent rage as if frozen in a heated moment. Books lined shelves holding knowledge of all kind and a large piece covered by a drape sat in the corner. Slipping behind the desk into a cushioned chair Spike kicked his feet up on to the top of the desk as Eris walked in, balancing a tray on one hand.

"Good morning Master. Would you care for some tea and breakfast?" She said, smiling warmly at the man.

Nodding his head Spike returned the smile. "Of course. Your cooking beats the chefs that rotate in the guild kitchen." He replied, leaning back in the chair with it softly creaking. As she poured him a cup he looked her up and down. "You really have filled this role easily ever since the battle." He pointed out, reaching a hand out to flick some of her loose hair behind an ear.

Squirming away from his ticklish touch Eris bowed. "Well you dragged me from an abyss of anger and rage. It is only fair I repay the kindness shown." She answered back. "By the way Sir, a letter from Them arrived for you." She added, her tone shifting to one of annoyance.

Spike groaned as well on the news, taking his feet off the desk and gulping down the drink. "Hand it here." He ordered, holding a hand out. A letter was quickly produced and laid in his grip. With a jerk of a clawed finger Spike sliced open the letter, breaking a white and blue seal. Pulling out the note he scanned over the contents, his face grimacing further with each passing moment. Placing it down gently he leaned back into his chair, dragging a claw down his face. "Fuuuuuuuuuu-"

"Luna! So good to see you your highness." Spike said, holding his hands wide open as he entered the empty café staffed only by a minimum work force, Eris following closely behind. He had spotted no less then twenty guards around the outside and inside the building itself.

A familiar figure with flowing starry hair sat at a seat next to one of the large windows, looking outwards while sipping at a small tea cup. Setting it down the royal sister looked to Spike. "It is good to see you in good health Spike. I hope our letter didn't interrupt any plans you may have had." She returned the smile.

Both knew that their smiles hid annoyance at the situation they were in.

Taking a seat across from the princess Spike waved a hand. "Bah, forget about it. Let's focus on what you need of little ol' me?" He countered, waving down a waitress who quickly brought out a small plate of appetizers.

"Yes, lets...." Luna began, folding her hands in front of her. "The reason we needed to talk with you is we have a job for you." She explained.

Stabbing a salad harshly Spike chewed slowly. Swallowing he smiled once more. "You know I run a guild right? You could have just posted a quest for the adventurers to take up." He said, snapping another bite of the salad. His coat slipped slightly to show his scaled hand.

Luna's eyes immediately settled on it before glancing up at Eris who stood silently behind the guild master. "This isn't a job we can entrust to those who lack the experience." She started. "It's one that needs someone we know who can handle things." She added.

Tugging at his sleeve Spike bit into a cracker with cheese on top. "Have you contacted the girls first? I'm sure they can handle whatever this is considering you both made it clear you didn't want to deal with me anymore." His tone chipper but with a heavy undertone of sourness.

A few guards around the room shifted, blades slightly peeking out of scabbards. Luna raised a hand that made them settle back. Looking to the man in front of her she frowned. "We normally would but this is a situation that you have the most... Experience in." She said, glancing at Eris.

Spike looked between the women as things clicked. His hands thumped against the table, jostling the plates and their contents. "Oh don't tell me there's another demon lord." He complained, now biting into the food more quickly.

Frowning Luna nodded her head slowly almost as if not wanting to admit it. "We can't send the girls as if they moved it would draw attention about the rising problem. But if you go..." She left hanging.

Spike's face sneered. "Of course. Can't send Harmony but you can send me, your favorite toy." He growled. Placing an elbow on the table he propped up his head. "How long, how strong, and who is it?" He listed, stowing his emotions.

Luna visibly flinched when he said toy. Clenching her hands she looked down like a child in trouble. "Two weeks, about as strong as Sombra, and... Eris' brother." She answered, flinching once more when she told him who.

Spike didn't even look back as he heard his companion stiffen. His mind ran over the situation with the info he gathered. "Two weeks isn't to far into the process if it's when he started, I was able to handle Sombra myself, and if it's Eris'..." He muttered. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out five gold coins, setting them on the table. "Fine. I'll handle this." He grumbled, standing and moving for the door.

Luna rose raising a hand out towards him. "Spike wait!" She called out.

Pausing at the door Spike smiled at the princess. "Don't worry Lulu." He soothed, calling her a nickname few knew about. "The Shackled Beast will handle things like you all tell him to do." he coldly stated with the smile still hiding his real feelings.

The door clicked softly behind the man and woman as the ruler stood there silently with a hung head. In a quick motion Luna sent a fist through the table. "Stupid nobles don't know what they've done to the boy." She muttered, pulling a platinum piece out and setting it next to the five gold coins. "Though we didn't stop them from acting like that." She thought to herself. rubbing at her knuckles.

"Spike-" Eris started as they moved through the streets.

"No." He cut her off, striding quickly through the crowds.

"But Spike-" She tried again.

"No." He answered again, pushing the side door to the guild open. His footsteps stomping up the flight of stairs to the office.

When they pushed into the office Eris got in front of the man. "He's my brother. I should handle him!" She countered, glaring at the man.

Moving around the old demon lord to the drape Spike gave it a tug revealing a scratched and worn suit of armor that could send shivers down a weaker mans spine. "The fact he's your brother is exactly why I'll handle it." He replied, taking the helmet off the model. Eris tried to argue again only to have a slap shut her up as Spike's hand struck the desk. "Enough! I handled you so it only makes sense I handle him next. Now be quiet and handle the front." He ordered, stripping out of his suit and into padded leather.

Eris stood silent before turning and leaving the room. "Please Spike..." She thought quietly as the roar of the adventurer's filled the air. Putting on a bright smile she stepped into the lobby, immediately handling the crowd.

Spike strapped the armor to his body, finding he didn't need the gauntlets he once wore what with his arms forearms and hands already being covered. A sigh he leaned against the desk, gazing into the empty slots of the helmets eyes. "I just wanted to relax. Is that seriously to much to ask for." He grumbled, slipping the helmet on. Only the glow from his eyes could be seen as he moved towards a rune on the wall behind a marble head of a random adventurer of days past. In the blink of an eye he disappeared from the room.

Appearing in a field surrounded by nothing Spike breathed to steady himself. After that he tapped a foot on the ground, sending a wave of magic through the air. Soon a ping went off in his mind making his body rotate in that direction. "Found you." He said, darting off in a blinding burst of speed.

The world blurred around him as he followed the ping. fields turned into forests, forests into plains, plains into mountains, and mountains into corrupted lands. In no time at all Spike skidded to a halt on a cliff face looking out into a valley with swarms of monsters milling about, a dark castle lying just off slightly away. Sitting on the cliff edge for a moment Spike rested his arms on his legs. Swinging his legs lightly he took in the scene and sighed heavily. He knew he should have been feeling some kind of emotion at what lay in front of him. Be that anger of another enemy against humanity or awe at the scale of things but all he truly felt was boredom. "It's just not exciting anymore." He whined lightly, pushing off the edge into a freefall.

The monsters moving around jumped in surprise at the sudden crash of something near the cliff face. A few moved forward only for a line of purple energy to whip out from the dust cloud cutting them in half. Roars went out signaling an attacker as Spike darted out of the cloud through the wall of monsters. His form could best be compared to a blender. Monsters went in, red mist came out as he tore his way through the valley moving ever closer to the castle. He met no resistance until a massive club slammed down on top of his form. A troll the size of a small building chuckled as it lifted it's club from the ground. It's eyes scanned over the splatter marks of a few monsters that got caught in the swing but no sign of the attacking Spike could be found. Scratching it's head it caught a flash from above in the air. Looking up it's eyes widened as Spike sliced through it's body in one clean motion, landing with not even a speck of dirt disturbed on the ground. Before the troll's body could even hit the ground Spike was on the move again, turning the army of darkness into mincemeat.

less then ten minutes passed as he made his way to the steps of the castle, it's dark stone walls looming ominously above. Spike lifted a goblin he had grabbed along the way up to his face. "Tell your master he has guests." He growled darkly, dropping the monster. He watched as it scrambled into the castle, a trail of liquid following it's path. Tapping his foot impatiently Spike folded his arms. A group of monsters lunged at him from the shadows to his left only for a wall of flames to erupt next to him burning them all to ash. After another minute Spike started to walk his way into the castle with little concern about the mayhem of corpses he left in the valley.

The dark lord of the castle sat on his throne, his leg bouncing in thought as he looked at the doors of the throne room. A elven woman laid a hand gently atop his own making him instinctively grab it tightly as two young children appeared from behind his throne. "Why is there no noise anymore since the call?" He asked aloud.

"Easy dear. I'm sure it's just a group of troublemakers that are being handled as we speak. Nothing can stop you from reaching your goal." The elven woman soothed, rubbing at the mans exposed cheek.

One of the children hopped in front of the seated man. "Yeah! Besides, no one is as tough as daddy!" The little girl shouted, grinning with a smile missing a few teeth.

The little boy just silently nodded next to the girl, clutching a stuffed ursa minor teddy bear.

The group silently remained there until a loud banging came from the door. The orcs stationed at the door looked to the demon lord and on his nod opened the door. Collapsing inside was a goblin that peddled it's way to the feet of the stairs leading to the throne. It's garbled vocals spoke and with wild gestures pointed to the door, making a slicing gesture across its throat.

The lord stood slowly as a heavy aura appeared around him. Turning to the three other people who had been around him he pointed to a door off to the side. "Quickly. Hide yourself. Trouble is approaching and it seems that trouble is a hero." He commanded, striding down the steps as the woman picked up the two kids who questioned what was going on.

"Hush children, Daddy needs to focus on work." She ordered gently, opening the door and moving behind it. She closed the door almost fully with only a small crack to see outside.

The demon lord moved his cape out of his way as he stood there silently facing the door. It felt like eons until a slow thumping at the door made him stiffen.

THUMP..... THUMP.... THUMP....

The orcs looked to their lord once more and on his nod moved to open the door. As their hands touched the handles the door exploded open taking them with it. A metal boot was the first thing the lord noticed. It's sharpened edges to cut when kicking making him gulp slightly. The boot moved down back to the earth slowly drawing his attention to the rest of the figure. There Spike stood caked in blood, his fingertips dripping still. The demon lord could see a single red eye glowing through an eye slot as smoky breath exhaled from the mouth of Spike's helmet. Stuttering lightly the demon lord waved a hand out dramatically. "We-welcome hero! You have done well to make it here but your adventure ends now!" He did his best to keep a brave face as he drew a wicked sword from it's scabbard. "I, The demon lord Fulgrim will put an end to you here and now." He confidently stated, taking a step forward.

"You talk to much." Was all Fulgrim heard before a fist connected with his chest, shattering his armor and sending him backwards into the steps. His weight and the force of the strike making the stone steps crumble. Spike didn't even give him the chance to cough up blood as he appeared above the prone man, a boot raised in the air. With quick motions Spike stomped into the man with force that drove the lord deeper and deeper into the ground. Blood splattered further around Spike's feet as he stared coldly down at the man. Stopping for a moment SPike reached into the ground to grab Fulgrim by the throat. With ease he raised the broken lord with his hands into the air, squeezing his neck tighter and tighter.

Fulgrim for his part kicked and thrashed, clawing at the scaled arms holding him as his vision blurred. He was about to lose consciousness when suddenly the grip loosened and he sucked in a small amount of air. His eyes focused back on the armored warrior holding him, finding the figure staring to the side and downwards. With some struggle Fulgrim was able to see a stuffed ursa minor sitting on the ground. "Oh no..." He quickly thought as a voice called out from the side.

"Let go of daddy you meanie!" The young boy cried out, standing halfway between Spike and the now mostly opened door that revealed the woman and the other child.

Spike's grip completely dropped letting the lord drop to the ground gasping for air. An armored boot took a step towards the child. "Hector run!" Fulgrim coughed out, holding a hand out to grab at Spike's clawed hand but missing just slightly.

Spike's attention sat fully on the child as he moved with slow steps towards the kid. For the most part the child stood firm but with clear shaking legs as Spike stepped fully in front of the kid. "Did he kidnap you?" Spike's voice came from the armor.

"N-no! Daddy and mommy loved each other a lot and made us!" Hector answered, taking a fearful step backwards. "We...we won't let you take away daddy like you all took auntie Eris." Hector added, his voice close to tears.

"Auntie Eris huh?" Spike muttered, straightening himself slowly. His vision moved to the elven woman who clutched the little girl tightly to herself. He could see a spell glowing in the palm of her hand. "Teleport. She's ready to get the kid in case I make a move. Smart parent." He mentally complimented, turning back to the still down demon lord. "What is your reason for becoming a demon lord? Power? Wealth? Control?" He questioned, moving back towards the man.

Rubbing at his throat Fulgrim scowled at Spike. "To get revenge for the death of my sister. I know you adventurers took her life months ago." He answered, spitting at Spike's feet.

Spike stood there silently for a moment. "What if I told you she was still alive? Would you stop trying to be a demon lord and give up those dark powers?" He inquired, squatting in front of the fallen lord.

A harsh laugh came from the injured throat of Fulgrim. "Let's say she is alive. If she was safe then yes I would stop. But she's dead! Has been for a while now." He answered.

Spike's hum echoed a little more then usual thanks to the helmet. Standing up he clapped his hands. "Alright it's a deal then." He suddenly stated. With a click of his fingers the elven woman and children appeared next to Fulgrim. "You all are coming with me." He ordered, runes flashing to life around his form. Before anyone could do anything they disappeared in a flash of light. The castle slowly collapsing on itself after they left.

Eris sighed as she sat down in Spike's office, taking her break for the day. "I hope Spike at least gave him a quick death." She said to no one, raising the cup to her lips. A flash of light in the center of the room blinded her for a second. As it cleared she took in the sight of Spike standing over four familiar forms. Spitting out her drink Eris rushed over to the group. "Grimmy! Eluma!" She cried out, clutching the beaten lord and elven woman tightly. "Hector! Saphira!" She added, letting go of the adults to hold the boy and girl.

As she grabbed them tightly Spike walked around the desk, collapsing into the chair with a groan. Tossing his bloody boots on to the top of the desk he said "How's this? Good enough to stop being an annoyance?" He took off the helmet revealing a slightly more angular jaw line with sharp teeth poking out from his bottom lip. Tapping them lightly he grumbled "Hop these don't stay too." As he leaned back further into the chair.

Fulgrim looked stunned as he was gripped by Eris. "I...Is that you sis?" he asked, looking her in the face.

"No silly, it's grandma apocrapha. Of course it's me!" Eris teased instantly before yelping as a spurt of blood hit her in the chest. This made her notice his beaten up form. "Master you didn't kill him but why is he practically a corpse?" She demanded to know, casting healing magic on his body. One could hear his bones snapping back into place.

With a tired wave Spike closed his eyes as he took of armor pieces, letting them fall to the ground. "be thankful with what you get Eris." He countered, his leg guards slamming into the ground. "By the way once you get them healed up and settled in try to get their measurements for uniforms." He added, pulling a measuring tape out from a drawer.

Eluma spoke for the first time since meeting Spike. "Uniforms? For what exactly?" She inquired, looking over her still sore husband.

Clapping her hands Eris smiled. "What a wonderful idea Master! Master is pointing out that to make you all safe and functional members of society who won't be hunted by the crown anymore you will be joining me in working at the guild here." She explained, already catching onto what Spike meant.

"Has this been where Auntie was all this time?" Saphira asked, looking wearily around.

Ruffling the little girls hair Eris nodded. "Master saved me when I went to far, sparing my life when others would have only taken it. By working here I don't have to worry about anything other then the occasionally rowdy adventurer. But you are free to knock their heads together when that happens." She answered, helping the four up and slowly out of the room.

Spike let himself slowly fall asleep in his chair as the last of his armor fell to the ground, dreams of nothingness filling his mind.

Spend and Terry followed behind two individuals. "Come on. I promise I didn't mean to miss that trap in the dungeon. It was something I've never seen before." He begged.

"Terry believes it is still fair to pay for repairs after the trap incident." the dog man stated, gibby wobbling slightly on the side of his face.

One of the figures a woman pushed open the doors to the guild, it's noise hitting the group. "Because of your screw up I lost my brand new dagger set. That was five hundred gold pieces man." She jabbed at him. "I think he needs to pay up. Right Dink?" She added, nudging the other person with scorch marks across their equipment.

"Viper's right. Looks like you are outvoted three to one there Spend." Dink replied.

"Good afternoon adventurers." Eluma welcomed, bowing towards the group as they stepped past her stand. "We hope your quest was successful. If not the drink of the day is Siren's tears. Great for drowning out the taste of defeat." She smoothly advertised.

Spend hunched his shoulders as they group gave small laughs. "I'll take one order please Eluma and maybe a nice kiss from ya." He tried to make himself look pitiful to get a reaction.

Eluma raised a hand showing a ring on her finger. "Once again Spend I'm already taken dear." She smiled sweetly like a mother gently putting down a kids crush.

A mug slammed near Spend's spot, the liquid swishing around. "More specifically taken by me champ." Fulgrim tightly smiled at the shrinking man.

A plate of food was placed on the table by two kids. "Yeah, and mommy is to busy helping other adventurers who can actually complete their jobs." Hector and Saphira added the last jab through Spend's heart as he grabbed his mug and nursed it much to the enjoyment of the other party members.

Magner breathed in tightly as he frowned at the negative attention Spend was getting. "Dang, kinda feel bad for the guy. Kids always go for the biggest stabs don't they." He said, turning back to his fiancé and Eris who were both giggling at the show.

"I'm sure he'll be back up in a day or so." Lizzy suggested, sipping lightly at her wine glass.

Eris chuckled as she filled Magner's drink. "Or right now." She pointed out. Her finger showing Spend already perking up as a group of all female adventurers passed him. Casting a look up to the second floor Eris smiled at Spike's low profile figure who gave a nod at her looking. "I wonder what's gonna happen in the future." She said aloud.

Magner and Lizzy looked to each other and smiled. "Who knows with that man. He makes his own lane through fate." Magner said, the building getting louder as people drank, laughed, and enjoyed themselves with Eris' family moving around to help the work load.

Comments ( 9 )

I love how you take this story in a new direction with every chapter

Not bad not bad now you

Love the chapter. Next one please!

I find it amusing how smoothly the ex-demon lord and his family adjusted to life working at the inn. Then again, given what the staff actually are, not too surprised. Though I am amused at how my character is the butt of the joke in this story too, very entertaining.:rainbowlaugh:

Seriously, what the hell is with the princesses seeming to hate Spike so much!?

Very nice!:moustache:

is it dead?

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