• Published 16th Feb 2021
  • 2,763 Views, 177 Comments

The Trial Continues - Zerocool7785

This takes place A week after Sunset's Trial and the day after the Battle of the Bands. Sunset now as a new trials to deal with.

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Therapy and modeling (Sunset's Goodwill Tour Part 4)

Trixie was startled back to reality from her despair by a gentle touch on her shoulder. It was Sunset and Luna was with her. Both had looks of compassion on their faces. Here they were fighting when Trixie was the one who needed to be consoled.

“Trixie?” Sunset said not really knowing what to say.

“I gotta get home. The honest and apologetic Trixie is sorry Sunset.” Trixie said.

Sunset was perplexed, why was she apologizing. Because she thought she hurt her. Sunset decided she needed to say something.

“Trixie it was my fault, I always screw everything up since the Fall Formal. I’m sorry I like you as a person, even as a friend. Just not as a girlfriend.” Sunset explained.

“You can discuss this at therapy tomorrow after school. I’ll set it up for both of you.” Luna said.

“Would you like to join us for dinner?” Sunset asked.

“The great and powerful Trixie could use a meal. Let Trixie call home.” Trixie said, taking out her cell phone. While Trixie sat chatting with her mom, Sunset walked over to Luna.

“Well mom it’s good to see Trixie back to her old self.” Sunset remarked to Luna.

“Still you both need to attend your therapy tomorrow. Now is Trixie joining us for dinner?” Luna asked with her arms crossed. Trixie shut off her cell phone and walked over to Luna.

“Trixie’s mom says it’s ok to join you…”Trixie began.

“Why do I feel like there is but coming on?” Luna asked.

“...but she wants to know if she’s picking me up, or if you are bringing Trixie home.” Trixie asked.

“C’mon we will get take out and I will drop you at home.” Luna said, exhausted.

“Trixie thinks that sounds great.” Trixie said. Luna started to walk off towards the school to get her coat and purse. Sunset offered her arm to Trixie and they walked arm in arm towards the school.

“What is this?” Trixie asked as they walked.

“It’s Sunset Shimmer’s way of telling Trixie Lulamoon that she will still go to the dance if she wants.” Sunset said, acting like Trixie.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie...would like that very much.” Trixie said smiling,

Sunset felt better knowing Trixie was feeling better. After stopping for some Chinese take out they headed to Luna’s apartment. Sunset and Trixie talked about the dance while they ate. After Dinner Luna took Trixie home and Sunset went for the ride. For once everything seemed ok.

* * *

Tuesday seemed to go ok for Sunset, school was not a living hell for her now. It hadn’t been since the Battle of the Bands. The last period was study hall. Sunset sat across from Trixie doing homework. Both of them did not talk to each other but seemed to have mutual understanding. They both were still in therapy from the hostage situation. Today they would talk about Trixie’s revelation and their relationship.

Sunset’s mind was on Thursday to Saturday to finish her tour and hopefully then everything would be good with her and her friends. She had saved the school and the bullying had stopped...almost. She couldn’t figure out why Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were being cold and unfriendly to her.

Then came the final bell. Sunset and Trixie grabbed their bags. They both headed for Luna’s office. Sunset knocked on the door.

“Enter.” Luna's voice came from the other side of the door.

Sunset and Trixie came in and saw Luna signing documents and handing them back to Ms. Inkwell. Luna looked up at her daughter and her daughter’s new friend.

“Are you two ready to go?” She asked.

“The great and powerful Trixie is…”Trixie began.

‘Yeah we are.” Sunset interrupted.

“Um ok, well let’s head out then.” Luna said.

“Vice Principal Luna, Trixie wants to thank you for dinner last night.” Trixie said.

“It was my pleasure Trixie, I am always happy when Sunset has a friend over.” Luna said. Then she turned and faced both girls. “To tell you the truth I’m just happy Sunset has friends.” Luna remarked.

“Trixie is happy to have...a good friend like Sunset. Every Time Trixie tries to make friends, Trixie fails.” Trixie replied sadly.

“I know five girls who can help, they helped me learn about friendship.” Sunset replied.

The girls went into their therapy session. It was recommended after their hostage situation but today the girls had something else to discuss. Trixie and her revelation.

* * *

“So Trixie you don’t need therapy becuase your gay.” The therapist said.

“No, it's what happened after her revelation.” Sunset interjected. The therapist raised finger to say something. Actually he wanted to ask Sunset her feelings on this.

“Sunset, does this affect your friendship with Trixie?” The therapist asked.

“It adds a new dimension to it but no not really.” Sunset replied.

“Then it does apparently.” The therapist said. Seeing that a cleverly veiled way of saying yes. He wanted Sunset to feel at ease around Trixie.

“Look, Trixie's sexual preference doesn’t bother me.” Sunset said.

“You said it added a new dimension to your relationship.” The therapist said, reminding Sunset of her earlier response.

“But I still want to be friends with Trixie.” Sunset said.

The therapist was happy to hear that so he decided to try something with the girls

“OK then I suggest you two do some activity together and see how it goes. I want to hear about it next session. ” The therapist said.

Leaving the therapist's office Trixie and Sunset were mulling over what they could do.

“Trixie wants to know, do you still want to go to the dance?” Trixie asked,

“Yes we can still go to the dance together.” Sunset replied.

“After the dance do you want to have a sleepover?” Trixie said.

“Well I can’t do it Friday Night because Saturday morning I have a shift at the Canterlot Animal Shelter helping Fluttershy. It’s the end of my goodwill tour.” Sunset explained.

“Trixie understands.” Trixie said dejectedly.

“Hey after the holidays we can do the sleepover. I turn 16 shortly after the first of the year, why don’t we do it after then.” Sunset told her rubbing Trixie’s shoulder.

Trixie smiled and put her hand on Sunset’s. She then just gave Sunset a big hug to which Sunset returned. The two girls had gone from hating each other to being friends. For Sunset it was great to have another Ally.

Trixie and Sunset walked out both smiling and chatting. Sunset was actually feeling good about life now. Luna noticed both of the girls seemed happy. She felt great to see Sunset happy finally.

“With all Sunset has been through and everything she’s suffered. It warms my heart to see her smiling and laughing and joking with Trixie.” Luna thought.

Pinkie Pie suddenly popped up out of nowhere “Now can we do it?”

“Yes Pinkie. Mom’s gonna take us home so go for it.” Sunset said.

“Fast Forward to Thursday!” Pinkie yelled.

It was Thursday all of a sudden for Sunset that was wonderful. It meant another stop on her goodwill tour. She knew she could probably stop the tour now and her friends would be ok but she was determined to finish this and deal with the guilt that she still felt at times.

As she mulled this over in study hall, Trixie noticed she was lost in thought. She snapped her fingers at Sunset who was sitting across from her. Sunset came back to her senses.

“The great and powerful Trixie wants to know what you're thinking about?” Trixie whispered to Sunset

“Making another stop on my goodwill tour.” Sunset whispered back just as the final bell sounded.

“See you tomorrow Trixie.” Sunset said as she walked out of the library to meet up with Rarity. She was getting a ride home with her. As Sunset walked up to Rarity at her locker Rarity was grabbing her stuff and saw Thunderlane walk up and gave Rarity a quick kiss.

Sunset stopped as she felt uneasy. It wasn’t that she didn’t like Thunderlane, hell she hardly even knew him. But seeing her friends with their guys, it always made her feel uneasy and lonely.

She waited until they finished kissing their goodbyes before walking up.to Rarity.

“Ah there you are darling. I was wondering where you were.” Rarity explained.

“I was giving you space with Thunderlane. I didn’t want to interfere.” Sunset said feeling down. Rarity noticed this and was concerned.

“Sunset, are you ok?” Rarity said.

“Yeah, I’m good.” She lied with a fake smile.

“Sunset if you're ready, let's model.” Rarity said.

Sunset followed Rarity out to her car and Sweetie Belle was already there waiting for her big sister, seeing Sunset coming with Rarity she was pissed.

“Why is she coming home with us?” Sweetie Belle asked irately.

“Sweetie Belle! Mind your manners.” Rarity said cross with Sweetie Belle.

Sunset stuck close to Rarity as she could tell Sweetie Belle still didn’t like her. She noticed Sweetie Belle was standing at the passenger door. Sunset was going to sit in the back when Rarity stopped her.

“Sweetie Belle do be a dear and have a seat in the back please.” Rarity said.

“WHY??!! I always sit with you when you drive!!” Sweetie Belle whined.

“You're still sitting with me. Just Sunset is too. She is coming home with us. I need her to model some dresses. So please just relax.” Rarity said, trying to calm Sweetie Belle down. Sweetie Belle got in the back seat and sulked. Rarity however didn’t notice.

Sunset was kinda in a daze all the way home. Rarity talked about Thunderlane but mostly the dresses she had been working on. She also talked about finding something for Sunset to wear to the dance.

Arriving at Rarity’s house Sweetie Belle ran inside and up to her room Rarity and Sunset walked into the house to be greeted with the smell of baking cookies. Sunset inhaled deeply.

“My mom is a great cook, Sunset. She's making them for a bake sale her friends are organizing.” Rarity told her. Sunset just nodded.

“I saved two cookies for my girls…” Cookie Crumbles began before stopping to see Sunset.

“Rarity I didn’t know you were bringing a friend home.” She said.

“This is my friend Sunset Shimmer. She's gonna model a few dresses for me for the big dance tomorrow night.” Rarity explained.

“Well Sweetie Belle didn’t seem to want her cookie, can I interest you Sunset?” Cookie asked.

“Thank you.” Sunset said, taking the cookie.

“Wow, these are good! Mom could take some baking lessons from you.” Sunset said.

“Oh who’s your mom, do I know her? I’d love to help her if she wants.” Cookie offered.

“Luna.” Sunset replied, finishing her cookie.

“The Vice Principal is your mother?” Cookie asked.

“Yes she adopted me.” Sunset told her.

“Wow, I had no idea. Well you girls have fun, it was nice to meet you Sunset.” Cookie said heading back towards the kitchen.

Entering Rarity’s room. Sunset noticed the screen Rarity set up and Rarity had the dresses all on a rack. Sunset sat down on the bed and took off her boots when Rarity stopped her. Pulling her chair over she sat across from Sunset.

“Ok Sunset I can tell you are mad or sad or both. I think the word I’m looking for is upset. What’s wrong?” Rarity asked concern, filling her voice.

“Well Christmas is coming up. I have never been close to anyone for the holidays. This time it’s different and I’m not sure how to feel about it.

Also I worry that I feel like a burden to you girls, or wonder if I’m a charity case, then there is the homecoming dance. You all have dates, while I’m happy that you and Thunderlane are getting along. I mean I really am. It’s just that all the girls have someone but I get tired of hearing and seeing it everyday.

A quick kiss here, a hug there. Then you all talk about these guys constantly. Rarity you're happy I understand that, but it hurts also because…” Sunset finished trying not to break down.

“Because you feel left out.” Rarity said, sitting next to Sunset putting her arm around her.

“Exactly. See Trixie only asked me to go to the dance so I didn’t sit at home the night of the dance.” Sunset said.

“Well I think you should come, and show everyone you can be at a dance with no drama. Now try on a few dresses and let's see how you look.” Rarity said.

Sunset tried on six different dresses before she saw one on the end of the rack that she fell in love with. She ran over and took it off the hanger and put it in front of her to imagine herself in it.

It was a plain purple dress with an orange trim on the bottom and an orange waistband. To Sunset it was perfect. Rarity was perplexed at Sunset’s choice.

“Sunset that’s not finished yet. I still have to work on that.” Rarity told her.

“No, I want this. It fits like a glove. Do you have matching shoes?” Sunset asked.

“Possibly what’s your shoe size?” Rarity asked.

* * *

Meanwhile in Sweetie Belle’s room…

Sweetie was on a video call with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo and told them about the car ride home and the modeling session next door.

“I know Rarity treated Sunset better than me. First we get shoved to the side so we can all love on poor Sunset. It’s bad enough she turned them into mutant half- species but now this.” Sweetie Belle said.

“I know Applejack always talks about her too. It’s like we don’t even exist anymore, it really gets my goat!” Apple Bloom commented back.

“Gets my goat?” Scootaloo replied.

“It’s a farm expression.” Apple Bloom replied.

“Hmmm..have you guys heard about that new school website MyStable?” Scootaloo asked,

“Yeah, muh sister Applejack signed up for it.” Apple Bloom

“So did Rarity.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Well, so did Rainbow Dash. Hmm.. girls maybe we can use this to our advantage somehow.” Scootaloo replied back.

“I have an idea we need to meet this weekend and then see if this is gonna work. If we keep gettin’ ignored we gonna do it.” Apple Bloom replied.

The girls signed off their video call and started to work on their schoolwork also in the back of their minds formulating a plan.

* * *

“The orange shoes go so well with your homecoming dress. Darling you look well darling. You're going to be the belle of the ball!” Rarity exclaimed.

“You really think so?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah. I do.” Rarity replied.

Then Rarity told Sunset “Now thanks to your help I can see where I need to make alterations to some of my dresses. Thank you for your time and help darling. While I didn’t get a chance to finish that dress you chose. If you like it then take it. It’s yours for the dance tomorrow. Make sure to take the matching shoes too.

Now listen Sunset. If you want to find someone, maybe you should look outside Canterlot High. You know, try a different school maybe...I don’t know, Crystal Prep.”