• Published 16th Feb 2021
  • 2,763 Views, 177 Comments

The Trial Continues - Zerocool7785

This takes place A week after Sunset's Trial and the day after the Battle of the Bands. Sunset now as a new trials to deal with.

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News and preparations

Author's Note:

I know in the comics Babs Seed was an upper classman when Applejack was a freshman. But I'm using the version as seen in My Little Pony and the Equestria Girls comics.

“You see Sunset, I have done a lot of research after the Fall Formal on what happened to you and why. After the Battle of the Bands I think I figured it out. I was on one of two theories, thank Celestia the first one was wrong.” Twilight sat explaining to Sunset.

“What was the first one.” Sunset asked timidly.

“That you were not from Equestria, and the magic of the crown turned you into your true self, a raging She Demon from another dimension. Thank goodness I was wrong.” Twilight went on.

Sunset almost lost it. It looks like the dam was about to burst. Sunset hung her head. Next Twilight and Luna heard a sniffle and saw Sunset’s shoulder’s shake.

Luna was up in a flash and went over and pulled Sunset up into her arms. She held her girl, this was her baby and she could not handle seeing Sunset like this. Luna shot a look at Twilight.

“Sunset I didn't mean to upset you.” Twilight said compassionately, rubbing her back.

Sunset just clung to Luna, she didn’t know why she was crying. She was happy that she wasn’t a she-demon. Then a question popped in Sunset’s head, what was she?

“Twilight?” Sunset said, drying her eyes. “If I am not a She-Demon from another dimension, then what am I?”

“I believe you are the 7th Element of Harmony.” Twilight said.

“So does that mean I have to leave for Equestria?” Sunset asked letting go of Luna. She did not want to go. The thought of leaving this world behind now scared her, she had family, friends, why would she ever want to leave all that.

“No I think you’re meant to help protect this world with your friends, just like I am meant to protect Equestria with my friends.” Twilight explained to her.

“How do you know I’m an element and what element am I?” Asked Sunset.

“You’re definitely an element the way you “ponied up” at the Battle of the Bands. I’m not sure what element yet, I’m still working on it. I definitely think you’ve reformed.” Twilight told her.

“Hardly, but like I told you in my letter, things are looking up for me here at CHS. I have your friends, and even Trixie and I are on strained terms, due to the trap that the Dazzlings pushed her into doing.” Sunset said.

“Why was there a trap door on the stage I wonder?’ Twilight pondered, then after a second looked at Sunset.

“What?’ Sunset asked.

“I think you have reformed and you can count me among your friends as well. Let me know when graduation is and I will definitely come over for that. Yet something tells me that I will be back before then.” Twilight said.

“What do you mean?” Luna asked, feeling quite alarmed.

“I feel that something big is on the horizon, not sure what it is but, I have a feeling I will be back sooner than later. I don’t know why, but it’s just a feeling.

“Why did you come here, with only half of the story?” Sunset asked.

“Because you need to hear it directly from the girl who’s crown changed you into that thing, that you are NOT A MONSTER, NOT A DEMON, you are an element of harmony. More than that you’re my friend.” Twilight told her taking Sunset’s hands into hers.

“Wow.” Sunset said, trying to process all this.

“Now Sunset do me one favor, please?” Twilight asked.

“What is that?” Asked Sunset.

“When you see Flash Sentry, apologize to him, for using him.” Twilight said.

“Ok I guess I should. Twilight are you leaving now?” Sunset asked not wanting to see her new friend go.

“I have duties back in Equestria, we just had a major fruit bat infestation in Sweet Apple Acres and I am helping Applejack build a bat sanctuary. I wish I could Sunset but I can’t.” Twilight explained.

“Not even for lunch next period? The girls will want to see you.” Sunset complained.

“Sunset I don’t need the whole school knowing I’m here and your mom said we can’t eat here at her office.” Twilight reminded her.

“Please mom.” Sunset using her puppy dog eyes.

“That doesn’t work on me.” Luna said leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms. Twilight decided to join in and used the puppy dog eyes on Luna too.

“OK fine, grab some lunch for Twilight. And get back here with the girls. I can’t believe I folded like a tent-AGAIN!!” Luna said, throwing her arms up in the air and walking out of her office in defeat.

“You got your mom trained well.” Twilight remarked.

“I only won this one, because you were here.” Sunset remarked.

With that the lunch bell sounded and Sunset went to round up her friends. She knew they would feel betrayed if they knew Twilight was here and she didn’t tell them. Sunset told them as they came into the cafeteria to meet in Luna’s office. She said she had a surprise for them.

“Ooooooooo I just love surprises. It makes me nervous and excited-it makes me nervouscited!!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“You know that’s not a real word right?” Applejack said.

“That sounds like some kind of pesticide.” Rainbow Dash remarked.

They were astatic too se Twilight again. One by one Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash all entered, put their trays down and started to eat. In between eating the girls chatted with Twilight and with Sunset’s permission Twilight told them about her being an Element of Harmony and explained them to the girls.

After lunch Twilight hugged each girl goodbye and reminded them to continue to help Sunset learn about friendship as they had been doing. Eventually the girls all got ready to go to classes, Sunset was very sad to see Twilight leave.

Shortly after lunch Luna returned to her office and as classes began Twilight headed out back through the portal to Equestria. After that the day seemed to be normal or as normal as things could be around Canterlot High School.

“Hey Sugarcube I got a question to ask ya?” Applejack said to Sunset that day after school.

“Ask away.” Sunset grabbing what she needed from her locker and looking around nervously. Applejack noticed this and decided to reassure your friend.

“Sunset, relax I’m here, anyone tries to push into your locker an’ I’m gonna lay them out flatter than a pancake.” Applejack said.

“Applejack you and your friends are too good to me. I don’t deserve it.” Sunset said.

“Of course you do, Twilight said for you to learn about Friendship, at first I was lookin’ out fer ya. But Ah have really come to accept and value you as a friend. Ah like ya Sunset-not in that way though.” Applejack said.

“Is that what I was to you guys a charity?” Sunset asked.

“Sugarcube, you were not a charity. We asked Luna if we could help you with rebuilding the wall. We tried to help ya that night but ya freaked on us.” Applejack said.’

“Well I could see everything I was doing, just I had no control over any of it. It was like someone or something was controlling me. That’s why I was so scared of you girls when you approached me that night.” Sunset told Applejack as she closed her locker.

“Sugarcube, ya may really have been a bitch at times, but I don’t hate ya.” Applejack reassured her.

“Well what did you want to ask me anyway?” Asked Sunset.

“Well this Saturday we have to move the apples into the barn before winter comes and get them undercover. I was uh wonderin’ if you like to help?” Asked Applejack.

“Ok what time do I show up?” Asked Sunset.

“Sunrise will be good, actually.” Applejack replied.

“Wow, um maybe it would be better if I slept over on Friday huh?” Asked Sunset.

“Well that would make it easier on your mom not having to get up before dawn and we can find a place fer ya fer the night.” Applejack replied, sensing Sunset’s apprehension.

“Well before I commit, let’s go ask my mom first.” Sunset said. Sunset started towards Luna’s office. Then she turned around and motioned Applejack to follow her.

“Big Mac will be waiting for me and Apple Bloom to head out. Just call me, after school and tell me what your mom said.” Applejack said.

“Ok, I will do it.” Sunset fist bumping with Applejack.

As Applejack left to get in the cab of the truck, Apple Bloom shot her daggers with her eyes. Now she was gonna have Sunset spend a night and help out getting all the apples under cover. This was getting to be too much.

“You’re gonna bring her over to the farm?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Yeah she wants to reform, she helps us out I know fer sure she has reformed. You need to be nicer to her.” Applejack scolded.

Luna was in her office on the phone with Chrysalis. Chrysalis was talking about her visit to the prison. Luna was perplexed like Chrysalis was.

“She wanted to play chess?” Luna asked.

“I think the chess game was a ruse, for her message. That the prison won’t hold her, there’s a war coming that she intends to fight, Sunset will be at the center of it and we will find out where people’s loyalties truly lie.” Chrysalis recounted to Luna.

“Thanks Chrys I will take this under advisement. I need to get Sunset ” Luna said Luna hung up the phone and leaned forward holding her head in her hands.

“When is this gonna end, Sunset has been through so much, she’s trying so hard to reform, why can’t people leave her alone.” Luna thought. Luna started crying all she wanted was happiness for Sunset. She was startled when Sunset came into the office and knew Luna had been crying.

“Mom what’s wrong, and don’t tell me nothing.” Sunset demanded seeing Luna upset..

“Sunset Gilda called Chrysalis over to the prison and played a game of chess with her…”Luna began and gave Sunset a run down of the events. When it was over she gave Sunset a chance to process what was told.

“Then that settles it. I'm gonna have Rainbow Dash teach me self defense, and I want Chrysalis to train me to shoot. I’m not gonna run to Equestria, but I am tired of living in fear.” Sunset said.

Sunset then told Luna about helping Applejack on the farm this Saturday and staying there Friday Night.

“Yes, Sunset I’m ok with that. You got your stuff, if so we can head home.” Luna said.

“Yeah I’m ready let’s go.” Sunset replied.

Upon arriving at home. Sunset started on her school work. Luna hung her keys and got changed. Then after that got on her phone and ordered some Chinese take out as she was in no mood to cook.

She sat down on the couch and texted Chrysalis about how worried she was over this. She wanted Sunset safe and it seemed like that would never happen. Luna decided to put on a brave face.

Chrysalis texted Luna, asking if Luna wanted her to stay over. Luna texted back that she didn’t need to. She was gonna put on a brave face for the night. Shortly after Luna was done texting Sunset came out and climbed into Luna’s lap.

Luna relished these times when she could rock her girl. For Sunset it was an escape from the day. Luna always smelled of lavender; it was a calming scent and for Sunset it was safety. Unfortunately Luna had to get up as the doorbell rang.

After checking through the peephole to make sure it was the food. Luna opened the door and gave the delivery girl (around Sunset’s age) a tip. Her and Sunset had dinner. Sunset the vegetable delight, Luna the sweet and sour chicken. After some TV they were ready for bed.

“Sunset I know this is weird as there are no storms tonight, but would you mind sleeping next to me in my bed?” Luna asked.

“Um ok sure, are you scared too?” Asked Sunset.

“Yes, yes I am.” Luna replied, getting into bed. Sunset went into her room to grab her phone and then slid in next to Luna. Luna put her arm over Sunset and soon the two feeling safe and comfortable fell asleep.

* * *

Thursday went by fine for Sunset as more and more people were accepting her in CHS. Maybe not accepting her but, leaving her alone which she was ok with. She was also getting along better with Trixie as well. It was an easy day. She was looking forward to Saturday. That was the kick off of “Sunset’s Good Will Tour”. At least that that’s what Sunset called it.

Friday finally arrived and word that a new girl was going to start school from Manehatten on Monday. It was Applejack’s cousin Babs Seed. Her old school had closed down and her parents had transferred jobs to Canterlot, knowing they had family there. Also figuring it would be easier for Babs to go to school where she had family.

For Sunset Friday was dragging. She just wanted to get to Applejack’s farm and begin working. Finally the bell rang and Sunset stopped at Luna’s office with a quick hug and kiss goodbye.

“Now you behave yourself over there got it?” Luna told her.

“Yes mom.” Said Sunset.

“I mean it, now have a good time and I’m glad that you’re owning up to your mistakes, I’m proud of you Sunset.”

Sunset grabbed her bag, waved goodbye and ran off. Luna could help but shed a few tears Sunset was growing up, she wished she had reached out to her earlier. Especially when she found out she was sleeping in the Apple’s clubhouse.

“I can’t wait, she arrived earlier today and Babs said she’ll help tomorrow with our fall harvest. Hey wait what is she doing here?” Applebloom asked, seeing Sunset hurriedly walking towards them.

“Well sis she’s gonna help with the fall harvest I told you that.” Applejack explained.

“What? We don’t need her.” Applebloom whined.

“Applebloom, she’s having dinner, gonna spend the night and help tomorrow. Granny Smith is fine with it too. Now get in the cab and stop your complaining.” Applejack said.

“Sorry I’m late.” Sunset said as she ran up to the truck.

“It’s ok Sugarcube hop in the back with me. Oh before I forget my cousin Babs Seed is in town at least for the rest of the school year.” Applejack said climbing in the truck.

“Well she’s lucky she’s got family to help her get settled in at school. I’d like to meet her.” Sunset said as Big Mac started up his truck.

“Well you get to do that when we get home.” Applejack said taking off her hat so it wouldn’t blow away. The ride to Sweet Apple Acres was quiet, not that much could be heard over the wind and other noise. Arriving at Sweet Apple Acres everyone disembarked and Applejack pulled Sunset aside.

“Sunset I have some bad news to tell you. With Babs arriving…”Applejack

“I’m gonna have to sleep outside huh?”

“Not exactly outside, up in the hayloft of the barn.” Applejack said cringing.

“Can I see it?” Sunset asked.

Applejack walked toward the barn with Sunset. Walking through the barn Sunset noticed the smell, but it was not overpowering. Following Applejack up the ladder in the loft she was shown where she would sleep for the night. Sunset tried the bed by laying on the hay that was piled up to make a bed. It was pretty comfy.

“Hey, this hay is pretty comfy.” Sunset laughed at her joke.

“Here I’ll get ya a pillow and a few blankets and you should be warm enough after that, it will be a little cold at night.” Applejack told her.

“Applejack it’s great, better than the clubhouse.” Sunset told her climbing down.

“Still bothers me you were sleeping out there, especially through a severe thunderstorm.” Applejack said.

“Yeah and now I am scared of them, but mom is there when I need her. Besides, would you have let the queen bitch of CHS sleep at your house.” Sunset said smiling.

“That’s one thing you can always count on is your family. In answer to your question, an Apple never turns away anyone in need. Now let’s get you settled” Applejack said as she started out the barn followed by Sunset.

Applejack and Sunset headed up to the house. Sunset was sure she could do this: a rough night's sleep, a day of hard work, after dinner and breakfast Sunset was gonna be helping one of her friends. Repaying her debt. In the morning “Sunset’s Good Will Tour” finally kicked off.

Right now though it was time to set up her bed in the loft and join the Apples for dinner, and meet Babs Seed.