• Published 16th Feb 2021
  • 2,748 Views, 177 Comments

The Trial Continues - Zerocool7785

This takes place A week after Sunset's Trial and the day after the Battle of the Bands. Sunset now as a new trials to deal with.

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Break up to make up

Author's Note:

Thanks for all the adds this story got and all the adds Sunset's Trial got too because of this story. I appreciate the support. Well as always I ask please review I need vindication from strangers on the internet. P.S. you post a rude comment I will delete it.

Chrysalis sat down in her kitchen, motioning to Luna and Celestia to have a seat.

“Now then, what shall we talk about?” Chrysalis asked.

“You invited us over, I thought you had it figured out.” Celestia said.

Luna said nothing just sat there, all she felt was sadness and loneliness. All day long she had her head in a fog, just gone through the motions of being a vice principal. All she could think about was Sunset and how, twice she almost lost her to a monster that was in a maximum-security prison. Now she lost her because she was the monster.

“Luna? Luna are you with us?” Chrysalis asked.

“Yeah I’m here.” Luna said without any emotion sounding almost like Pinkie Pie’s sister Maud. Her mind was on the 15 year old out in the living room.

“Luna, you need to focus, we need to make a decision here.”

“I made my decision. Sunset hates me now. The portal is open and she can go back to Equestria anytime she wants. My lease is up at the end of the year, I’m not renewing my lease. I will turn in my resignation tomorrow to you sister and pack up and move to Appaloosa. Apple Cinnamon said he can get me a teaching job out there.” Luna told them without any emotion.

Both Celestia and Chrysalis sat stunned for a second before Chrysalis spoke up.

“I must have misheard you. It sounded like you said…” Chrysalis began when Luna cut her off.

“You didn’t misunderstand me, I’m leaving. Sunset can return to her home and everyone is happy.” Luna said, staring at the table.

“I wouldn’t be happy, Celestia wouldn’t be happy. You think Sunset is going to be happy. Luna she thinks, that you think she hasn’t changed when in reality she has done a complete turnaround. What makes you think you’d be happy out there you don’t know anyone out there.” Chrys told her.

“I know Apple Cinnamon.” Luna said.

“You wouldn’t be happy, you would be too worried about Sunset.” Celestia said.

“Just like my miscarriage I would get over it.” Luna said.

“How? Like last time, by cutting, and smoking weed.” Celestia said.

“I pulled myself up from the ground and went to college, had student loans, and did odd jobs for all my school supplies. Yes even twirling around on a stripper pole.” Luna said.

“Before Sunset, Luna, what did you do at your apartment?” asked Chrysalis.

“I sat there on the couch, ate takeout and watched the news. I would watch a movie, sometimes with a pint of ice cream if it was a romantic movie. Read comic books, and overall went to bed at 7:30 and would just lay there and hold my pillow, and pretend I had a reason to get up the next morning.” Luna said remembering her life.

“Why didn’t you come to me?” Celestia said.

“You had your own life.” Luna said.

“You sat there in that apartment alone, everyday except when we would get together for Thanksgiving and Christmas. You wouldn’t even spend New Year’s with me.” Celestia said.

“I know.” Said Luna.

“Now do you want to go back to that Luna?” Asked Chrysalis leaning across the table.

Luna sat there with her head bowed deep in thought, knowing full well what she wanted. She wanted Sunset back at her apartment. But she thought this might be good practice for when Sunset left for college

“Luna?” Chrysalis pushed.

“I want Sunset at the apartment, but was also thinking that she is gonna leave for college one day then I’ll be back to square one.” Luna said.

“Well enjoy what time you got, but you and Sunset need to kiss and make up, and take her to her own home.” Chrysalis said.

“Has she been a problem here?” Luna inquired.

“No, not really, other than showing up at 1 a.m. I could have done without that.” Chrysalis said.

Luna just sat there, head hung low. She knew Chrysalis was right, Sunset had to come home and Luna and her needed to apologize to each other. The big question was whether Sunset going to accept Luna’s apology or not.

“Why don’t you go get Sunset, I’ll try to apologize to her. Whether she accepts it or not is another thing.” Luna said with her head in her hands.

Chrysalis walked out to the couch where Sunset had dozed off. She looked at her sleeping, peacefully it seemed. Chrysalis walked around and sat down on the couch and stroked Sunset’s hair a little bit. Then putting her hand on Sunset’s shoulder she gave her a gentle shake.

“C’mon, honey wake up. Someone is here to see you.” Chrysalis said gently.

“I don’t want to go to school today.” Sunset moaned half asleep.

“Sunset, Luna is here.” Chrysalis said.

“I missed the part where that’s my problem.” Sunset said fully awake now.

“I’m gonna make it a huge problem for you in a second .” Chrysalis said.

“Fine.” Sunset said sitting up. Slowly rising to her feet, she followed Chrysalis into the kitchen.

Upon entering the kitchen she saw Luna, sitting there with her head in her hands, and Celestia standing beside her. She could tell Luna was a bundle of nerves and misery. This was not gonna be easy.

“Why don’t we leave them alone so they can talk.” Said Chrysalis motioning to Celestia to follow her, out on to the front doorstep. After both of them left the house, Sunset went and sat down next to Luna.

Luna was still holding her head in her hands. Sunset gently touched her and rubbed her arm. Luna looked over at Sunset with bloodshot eyes. Both just looked at each other for about 10 secs.

“Huh Perhaps Sunset Shimmer is just eager to make someone else out to be a bad element, so her actions at the Fall Formal would become old news.” Sunset said.

Luna almost burst into tears again. How could Sunset a girl she loved as her own daughter start with that. Was she going to use this against her forever? Finally just as Luna was going to say something, Sunset said something else.

“I tried to warn you about The Dazzlings, and you just blew me off.” Sunset told her.

“I was under their spell, I was not in control of my actions.” Luna lamented.

“In any other circumstances, I might believe that. But you forget I grew up in a world where magic was a common everyday thing. I spent YEARS studying magic before I came here. One thing I studied was mental suggestion and mind control. What the Dazzlings did was merely ensured your loyalty to them and that you would carry out their orders. How you did it was all up to you.” Sunset told Luna. With that Sunset stormed out of the kitchen.

Meanwhile Chrysalis and Celestia came inside as it was getting close to winter. The nights were getting colder and it was too cold to stay out for long. Chrysalis and Celestia decided the living room couch would be more comfortable.

They figured by now they would hear talking coming from the kitchen. What they saw was Sunset storm out of the kitchen and out the front door. What they heard in the kitchen Luna sobbing uncontrollably.

Chrysalis and Celestia went flying into the kitchen. Luna was laying with her head on her arms on the table just sobbing uncontrollably. Celestia just rubbed Luna’s back.

“Luna what the hell happened?” Asked Chrysalis.

“Sh-She w-won’t even for-forgive me. She h-hardly let m-me talk.” Luna sobbed.

“That is it!” Declared Chrysalis. She stormed out the door to find Sunset..

She found her outside leaning up against the garage door.

“Sunset, you'll freeze out here!! Now go in there and apologize to Luna.” Chrysalis commanded her.

“Don’t talk to me like that. I’m not one of you subordinates.” Sunset shot back.

“Little girl you are one step away from me taking you over my knee.” Chrysalis threatened.

“I’ll scream for Luna, she won’t let you hit me.” Sunset said smugly.

“You can be such a brat. Oh everyone feel sorry for me. Until I don’t get my way then I have a temper tantrum.” Chrysalis mocked her.

“How dare you mock me.” Sunset growled.

“What was it you said ‘I can speak to anyone, anyway I want’ remember?” Chrysalis said, reminding Sunset of her former self.

“Don’t you dare, throw that in my face.” Sunset snarled back.

“No but you can go and throw a little mistake in Luna’s face, every chance you get. Now I will give you two options, you can march your happy little butt in there and sit and talk to Luna. Option two is if you are still gonna be a little brat, you and I can talk first, then you can stand up talking to Luna. Get it?” Chrysalis said.

“Option number one sounds better to me.” Sunset replied.

“I thought it would, now go in there and talk this out with her.” Chrysalis said pointing at the front door.

Sunset opened the door and turned left into the kitchen. She knew it was gonna take more then I’m sorry but, maybe she should listen to Luna. Sunset sat down next to Luna and looked at her actually having cried herself to sleep there on the table.

Sunset slightly rubbed Luna’s arm. Luna sat up and looked at Sunset.

“Here to hurt me more?” Luna said.

“No, I am here to apologize. I should listen to what you have to say, but just let me say one thing, then you can let loose one me. I have never had a stable home, or parents that gave a flying feather about me. Then you came along but when you said what you said in the office it was like you thought I hadn’t changed. It felt like Equestria all over again.” Sunset told her.

“I changed that night you came out and handed me a trowel to start laying bricks after the Formal.” Sunset said.

“Sunset I love you with all my heart. If you have a problem you can come to me. The last thing you should do is leave at one in the morning. Now I am glad you thought to come here. I end up finding out by a phone call from Chrysalis and a note taped to your door. I cried all night, but thought you needed a night to yourself, so I let you stay here. Then you have treated me like complete crap since then. Sunset I was under The Dazzlings spell I wasn’t thinking right.” Luna told her.

Sunset just looked at the floor. Then looked up at Luna’s sad red eyes. She could feel her heart melt a little bit.

“Sunset I can only say I’m sorry so many times.” Luna pleaded.

“Well say it again anyway.” Sunset said.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know how to make it up to you, I really don’t.” Luna replied.

“You can make it up to me, by believing in me. I have changed.” Sunset told her.

“Sunset I know that, I saw that when a meek, shy little Sunset asked me for a pair of pajamas. I saw it when she shyly asked to sleep next to me because of the thunderstorm that was coming that night. I saw it in how you persevered through all the bullying school with the help of the Rainbooms.

I have seen it when you and I had a nice vegetable lasagna dinner one night. I also saw it when you went all out for my birthday. Sunset I have seen a new you that has changed every time I look at you.” Luna said.

“Luna it is gonna take me a while before I call you mom again.” Sunset said looking down.

“I know Sunset, I’ll hold off on sending in the adoption papers. I want to regain your trust. I know it is gonna be an uphill battle for me. But I will try every day to get the bond back we had.” Luna said.

Sunset smiled weakly then spoke up “I’m ready to go home.”

“Sunset I am too. I am too.” Luna replied. After that Luna and Sunset stood and embraced in a big hug.

Coming out of the kitchen Chrysalis and Celestia stood up. Luna tossed Sunset her keys. “Here hun go warm up the car.”

“O.k. but first.” Sunset went over and hugged Chrysalis and even halfheartedly hugged Celestia.

“Good night Aunts.” Then Sunset ran out to turn the car on.

“Everything go, ok?” Chrysalis asked Luna.

“Oh wonderful. Now I’m one on trial.” Luna replied and walked out the door.

Canterlot State Prison:

A top level security prison. The inmates get very little news from the outside but one did hear about the gas explosion at Canterlot High. She also heard the rumors that a she-demon did the damage and was determined to get answers. Finally she saw her chance.

Several of the inmates were walking down the main hallway as they were headed out to the yard for recreation. Among them was Gilda Griffon. All of a sudden Gilda got stopped in the hallway by an old acquaintance Greta.

“Look who it is. What are the odds you and I would end up at the same summer camp?”

Gilda noticed a tattoo on Greta’s neck, looked like a small devil.

“Relax. This it’s not on you.” Greta said pointing to the tattoo. “It’s on our little she-demon friend. I got some people on the outside who would love to meet her. You know take a picture, slice her throat, put her head in the dryer, and I heard a rumor...you know who she is.” Greta finished.

Gilda paused for a second and then snorted lightly and smiled and replied to Greta. “If I knew who she was, she’d already be dead.”

After a few seconds a guard called out. “Gilda you got visitors.” Gilda side stepped Greta and walked away with a smug confident look on her face.