• Published 16th Feb 2021
  • 2,748 Views, 177 Comments

The Trial Continues - Zerocool7785

This takes place A week after Sunset's Trial and the day after the Battle of the Bands. Sunset now as a new trials to deal with.

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The New Trial

Author's Note:

If you haven't read Sunset's Trial go read that first. This is the sequel to that story.

Sunset’s POV:

A week after my hostage situation and one therapy session later, I showed those new girls around Canterlot High and knew immediately something was wrong. My friends and I tried to tell my mom and Aunt Celestia and that was when my mom and our relationship went south. This is my new trial now.

“Dark Magic? I find that very hard to believe.” Said Principal Celestia looking out the blinds of her office. “Those girls came to my office earlier and were absolutely delightful.” Principal Celestia continued as she sat down.

It was bad enough that my Aunt Celestia didn’t believe me. I still didn’t fully trust her. Now surely mom was gonna stick up for me.

Mom turned to her sister and then looked at me and said “Huh Perhaps Sunset Shimmer is just eager to make someone else out to be a bad element, so her actions at the Fall Formal would become old news.” It felt like a knife had been stuck in my heart.

“I started to say something when Rainbow jumped in front of me to defend me. But after that my mom went back to just being Luna.

How could someone who took me in, fed me, clothed me, gave me a place to stay, say something like that. Hell Luna protected me from thunderstorms, rocked me on her lap and sat up with me through many nightmares. Now she goes and says that.

That’s why I packed several sets of clothes and left the apartment and headed out, we’ll see what happens when I get to where I am going.

* * *

Chrysalis rolled over and looked at the time. Who in their right mind was knocking on her door at 1 a.m. By the third knock Chrysalis threw on her robe and walked over to her door. Looking through the peephole she was horrified by what she saw. Her niece was standing there in a blue shirt that looked like it was over another white one and light blue jeans black boots, and her small leather jacket with an orange stripe on the sleeves.

Chrysalis quickly undid the two locks and opened her front door. Sunset just stood there with an extremely sad look on her face. Sunset looked up at Chrysalis with her blue eyes, which were also red from crying.

“Sunset what in the Sam Hell are you doing here at one in the morning?” Chrysalis asked.

“Aunt Chrysalis can I come in?” Sunset asked voice shaking.

“Sure come on in.” Chrysalis said, stepping aside letting Sunset walk in.

“Now what is going on?” Asked Chrysalis closing the door.

“It’s complicated, how long do you have?” Sunset asked.

“I’ll make some coffee, I have a feeling this is going to be a long night, but start by telling me, why you're here and not at home in bed asleep.” Chrysalis said.

They walked into the kitchen Chrysalis started boiling water, and motioned for Sunset to have a seat.

“Now why are you here, and what is going on?” Asked Chrysalis.

Sunset took a breath and told her about the last two days. The Dazzlings, the school being hypnotized, Twilight’s return, the battle of the bands, and the defeat of the Dazzlings.

“I miss everything.” Chrysalis whined.

“It was what Luna said is the reason I’m here.” Sunset said sadly looking at the floor.

“Sunset, your mom was hypnotized. I’m sure she doesn’t really feel that way.” Chrysalis said, getting a cup of coffee.

“She technically said I was saying someone else was evil hoping everyone would hate them and not me. Aunt Chrysalis I deserved getting beat up, I deserved being locked in my locker, I deserved having food dumped on me.” Sunset lamented.

“Why do you think that hun?”” Chrysalis asked.

“It’s called Karma, and it’s a bitch. Just like me the “bitchbrat”. Sunset replied sadly.

“So this couldn’t wait until a decent hour, why?” Asked Chrysalis.

“I want to stay here, I ran away from home.” Sunset said.

“Oh, Good heavens, Sunset! Luna is going to be frantic. She’s going to have a heart attack!” Chrysalis told her.

“Impossible. She needs to have a heart in order to have the attack.” Sunset remarked.

“Now hold on a sec honey, your mom and aunt were hypnotized by these sirens. It’s not fair to them. I also got to ask a question. This sleepover at Pinkie’s on Friday night, there wasn’t any drinking this time was there?” Chrysalis asked

“No. Just pizza, video games, Pinkie Pie posting on MyStable, Rarity doing her nails, and Twilight trying to figure out a spell to defeat The Dazzlings.” Sunset replied.

“With the exception of the magic spell, that is what 15-16 year old sleepover should be.” Chrysalis said approvingly.

“Hey have we got time to play some video games tonight?” Asked Sunset.

“Sunset it is 1 a.m. Monday morning, we have time for bed, Let’s get you settled, and then I can call Luna.

Tomorrow I will take you to school, and then tomorrow night I am gonna call your mom and Aunt Celestia over. The three of us will have a talk in the kitchen. Then we will talk to you O.K. sweetie?” Chrysalis said. With that Chrysalis put her arm around Sunset and took her to the guest room.

Chrysalis’s guest room was nicely decorated and very clean. Chrysalis turned the bed down and stepped out to give Sunset privacy while she changed into her pajamas.

“Ok Now get some sleep, you have school in the morning.” Chrysalis said.

Sunset was fast asleep almost as soon as she hit the pillow. Chrysalis walked over and tucked Sunset in.

“This girl has gone through so much. Hit by a rainbow laser, being beaten up, constantly being picked on, and a hostage situation. Through it all she has five great friends, who help her and has Luna and her. It’s not fair for a girl who is about to turn 16 to go through all this.” Chrysalis thought.

Chrysalis quickly headed to bed. Set her alarm a little earlier, as she had to drop Sunset off at school. She quickly texted Luna to tell her where Sunset was. Chrysalis never did really go back to sleep, just dozing on and off, until her alarm went off.

Chrysalis was up and quickly dressed. Now to see what Luna was complaining about. She headed over to the guest room. Upon entering she found Sunset sound asleep on her stomach. Chrysalis went over and pulled the covers down and gave Sunset a smack on her butt (not hard).

“C’mon kiddo time for school.” Chrysalis said.

“Can’t you be the cool aunt and let me stay home?” Sunset said putting a pillow over her head.

“Don’t make me get the water bucket.” Chrysalis said.

“You wouldn’t dare.” Said Sunset sitting up. Chrysalis just smiled evilly back at Sunset. Sunset was up and dressed in a flash.

She headed out to the kitchen where Chrysalis was having a cup of coffee. Sunset made herself a cup of coffee. She didn’t usually drink coffee, but after a rough night she needed this coffee. Chrysalis toasted them some bagels.

“Sorry it isn’t more honey, I wasn’t expecting guests.” Chrysalis said.

“It’s ok Aunt Chrysalis.” Sunset trying to wake up.

A few minutes later after breakfast Chrysalis grabbed her keys and Sunset grabbed her bags and headed out to the garage. Chrysalis locked the door and hit the garage door opener. Sunset was standing there with a weird look.

“Are we taking the bike in?” Sunset asked.

“Sunset I have work this morning, so I have to show up looking professional.” Chrysalis told her.

“The bike would be cooler.” Sunset complained.

“ I have a better Idea why don’t you walk to school?” Chrysalis said.

“It’s almost 20 blocks away.” Sunset replied.

“Run fast then.” Chrysalis said jokingly.

“Funny.” Sunset said.

“Then get in the car and I’ll drop you at school.” Chrysalis told her, pointing her away from the Kawasaki Ninja.

After a longer drive to school then normal for Sunset. Chrysalis parked in the student lot, and got out with Sunset. Sunset saw two of her friends on the way in. She said hi to them but Chrysalis wanted to get Sunset to Luna's office.

Chrysalis and Sunset arrived outside of Luna’s office. Chrysalis knocked on the door and from within the office they heard “Enter.”

Chrysalis motioned to Sunset to open the door. Sunset entered with Chrysalis behind her. Sunset walked in and immediately noticed the bags under Luna’s eyes, and that her eyes were red. It tugged at Sunset’s heart strings, that Luna had sat up all night crying, or at least after Chrysalis texted her.

“Luna I want to talk to you and Celestia at my place tonight around 7:30. In the meantime here is someone I think you should excuse from morning classes and talk to. Well at least talk to. I have to get to work.” Chrysalis said, exiting the room.

Sunset slowly went and sat down across the desk from Luna. Luna sat with her head in her hands. Her breathing was deep.

“What, you can’t look at me?” Sunset asked.

Luna's head still in her hands shook her head no.

“Luna, look at me. Huh Perhaps Sunset Shimmer is just eager to make someone else out to be a bad element, so her actions at the Fall Formal would become old news.” Sunset said to Luna.

“Sunset I was hypnotized by Equestrian magic. I miss the old days, when I handled normal problems. With Equestrian magic, I’m out of my element.” Luna said looking up.

“The old days, before I chained you down and destroyed your life.” Sunset stated.

“You never destroyed my life Sunset, you don’t chain me down. You fill a void in my life, you complete my life.” Luna lamented.

“Gilda told me, I completed her too, because I was like a shadowy reflection of her. Do you really think I went back to my old ways and tried to get someone else in trouble, like I did with Twilight? Twilight forgave me for that.” Sunset insisted.

“You are nothing like Gilda, your my daughter…” Luna began.

“You’re not my mother, so take those adoption papers and shove ’em Luna. Shove ‘em hard.” Sunset said.

Luna started crying. Sunset realized then and there she went too far.

“Luna I…”Sunset began.

“S-Sunset go aw-away.” Luna sobbed out. Luna sat there her head in her hands leaning forward quietly sobbing. It felt like her whole world had blown up around her. Because of being charmed/hypnotized Luna realized may have lost her daughter.

Sunset walked in a daze the rest of the day. In first period Applejack noticed Sunset was in another world. Thank goodness Ms. Cheerilee didn’t call on her. At lunch her friends finally got her to tell them what was going on.

“But Sunny, I thought you and Luna were doing good.” Pinkie said.

“Yes, you said you were happy living there, and Luna treated you good, plus you still need to make your tour and help each one of us out on a Saturday.” Rarity reminded her.

“I helped you all last Saturday, and the students seem to be a little but nicer and more accepting.” Sunset observed.

“Um sugercube, listen you ever have another fight with Luna, and need a place to stay, there is always a bed for you at the Apple place, we can always make room for a guest.” Applejack told her.

“Guys I feel terrible, I don’t know what to do.” Sunset said.

“Well 7th period you have study hall, ask to go to the office and apologize to Vice Principal Luna.” Fluttershy said.

“She needs to apologize to you too, Sunset.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Listen after school, go and talk to her at home. It’s the best thing for you both.” Rarity added.

“Guys after school I’m gonna walk back to Aunt Chrysalis’s place. All my stuff is there, that’s where I am staying.” Sunset told them.

“I don’t mean to pry, sugercube but whar does she live?” Applejack asked.

“About twenty blocks away.” Sunset replied.

“You are gonna walk twenty blocks, are you outta yer mind?” Applejack asked stunned.

“Yeah I am, why?” Replied Sunset.

“Well maybe Big Mac can give ya a lift in his truck.” Applejack offered.

“I don’t want to cause trouble, I seem to do that all the time as it is.” Sunset said sadly.

“Relax I got this. Just trust me.” Applejack said.

“Fine.” Sunset relented.

* * *

A few hours later...

The final bell had rung and Sunset got her books together and didn’t even stop in Luna’s office, she just left with Applejack and Big Mac. Applebloom came up to Applejack and looked at Sunset.

“Why is Sunset coming home with us?” She asked.

“Well Applebloom, we are dropping her off, where she is staying at.” Applejack told her.

Big Mac you agreed to that?” Applebloom asked.

“Eeyupp.” Replied Big Mac.

Sunset privately wondered if Big Mac ever said anything other than Eeyupp and Nope. She figured he was probably really shy. Sunset had to admit he was cute, but you don’t date your BFB (Best Friend’s Brother).

Big Mac got in the dirver's seat and started up his pickup and Applejack hopped up in the back and extended her hand to Sunset. Sunset took it and climbed up in the back. Applebloom who usually rode in the back got up in the passenger seat.

Sunset opened the back window in the pickup truck and told Big Mac how to get to Chrysalis’s place.

“Think you got it?” Sunset asked.

“Eeyupp.” Big Mac replied.

The ride home was uneventful and quiet, Sunset was lost in thought. The Dazzlings had screwed things up, but did they show Luna's true nature?

In Luna’s office…

Luna was heartbroken as she looked out the blinds, seeing Sunset go with the Apples then spending time with her after school. She was on the phone with Chrysalis.

“Chrysalis she thinks she destroyed my life. Damn those Dazzlings.” Luna complained to Chrysalis.

“Listen you , Celestia come to my house tonight about 7:30 and we will discuss this. In the meantime Luna, I have to get back to work. I’ll talk with you tonight.” Chrysalis said to Luna hanging up.

Chrysalis leaned back in her chair and rubbed her face. She was exhausted and still had to figure out what to do with Sunset, as she figured she needed to feed her dinner. Chrysalis figured she would wait until she got home and maybe order out.

Chrysalis phone rang again. She looked down and saw it was Sunset. She took a deep breath and answered the phone.

“Hi Sunset.” Chrysalis said, answering.

“Where is your spare key?” She asked after being dropped off by the Apple family.

“In the potted plant next to the door. Listen Sunset I will be home in about an hour, hour and half max. I want to start your homework. I mean it young lady. If you get done before I get home. Then you can play Video games, or if you want to wait on that feel free to watch TV. If you can’t find anything on TV I also got Netflix.

You can find soda in the fridge and snacks in the pantry. Now what do you want for dinner?” Chrysalis asked.

“Anything vegetarian.” Sunset said.

“Got it, vegan. OK I got to go, I’ll see you when I get home.” Chrysalis said, and then hung up.

Sunset let herself in the house and set up on the kitchen table and after getting a soda Sunset started her homework. After about an hour she was done. Sunset went in and crashed on the couch.

Around half an hour later Chrysalis came home and saw Sunset passed out on the couch. Chrysalis quickly went into the kitchen leaving Sunset to sleep in the living room. She quickly started to cook some spaghetti, she cooked a few meatballs for herself. As well as cooking some sauce. When everything was ready she laid the plates out and some cut up French bread and butter and then went out to the living room.

An evil smile came across Chrysalis’s face. She turned on her phone and went to YouTube and found the video then after making sure the video was on max Volume she hit play after putting it near the couch. All of a sudden a bugle reveille played on the phone.

Sunset almost fell off the couch and got to her feet as Chrysalis shut off the phone. Then she glared at Chrysalis. After a second Chrysalis started laughing.

“What the hell Aunt Chrysalis?” Sunset asked.

“Hey we were woken up every morning at 4 a.m. like that the lights would come on and your feet better be on the floor. If not the Drill Instructor flipped your mattress.”

“Well I’m not in boot camp. It wasn’t funny.” Sunset snapped back.

“Well come on Ms. Grouchy pants dinner is ready.” Chrysalis said. Sunset followed her into the kitchen. She was shocked by a big plate of Spaghetti and French bread with butter. Sunset was going to ask about the meatballs but Chrysalis put her hand up.

“It’s ok I like meatballs with my spaghetti, not to worry Sunset I respect your vegan wishes. Now eat up we got to clean up, form dinner. Did you do your homework? Chrysalis both told and asked her.

“Yes I did my homework.” Sunset replied.

“Ok well at 7:30 tonight your mom and Aunt Celestia are coming over and the three of us are going to have a palaver in the kitchen.”

“What’s a palaver?” Sunset asked.

“Basically it’s a long discussion. Simply put we're gonna have a serious talk.” Chrysalis told her.

“What am I supposed to do?” Sunset asked.

“Welcome to 1985, you're going to learn and play the Original NES games.” Chrysalis told her.

“NES?” Asked Sunset

“Nintendo Entertainment System. The biggest Video Game library in history. At least I think it is.” Chrysalis smiled.

Sunset shot up and immediately put her plate and silverware in the dishwasher. She started to pack up the leftovers and put stuff in the dishwasher, Chrysalis was impressed.

“Okay kiddo head out the living room and I will hook up the Super Genintari, go over controls then whatever you want to play you can have fun with until we call you in the kitchen.” Chrysalis told her.

After a short explanation, Chrysalis set Sunset up with the flagship game Super Mario Bros. For the next two hours Sunset played several different games. She really liked playing several of them. She did well at Burgertime. Actually Sunset did well at all the games. Chrysalis could see she was a girl gamer.

At 7:30 the doorbell rang. Sunset’s stomach dropped to her knees. She paused the game and went over and shut off the system and laid on the couch. Sunset felt uncomfortable with Luna and Celestia. The problem is they just walked in the door.

Chrysalis sat down with Luna and Celestia in her kitchen. “Now then, what shall we talk about?” Chrysalis asked.