• Published 2nd Mar 2021
  • 6,555 Views, 194 Comments

I Am Anonymous - IWasAnonymous

After Jacob Irving runs away from his problems, he ends up falling through a portal and lands in Equestria. Now he plans to start a new life as Equestria's only resident human.

  • ...

Enter Jacob Irving

Chapter 1

Jacob Irving wakes up to the annoying, repetitive, and loud beeping sound of his alarm. He groans as he rolls over to shut the alarm off. Once fully awake, Jacob gets up and goes through his morning routine.

He works as a landscaper. It was the only job he could get with just a high school diploma. He only earns minimum wage, lives in a small apartment, and only has a bicycle to ride to work.

He gets up and gets dressed for work. He wanders into the kitchen and eats a bowl of Cheerios with a glass of milk. Anything but a bowl of cereal is a luxury.

"Breakfast of fucking champions," Jacob grumbles.

Then, Jacob finishes his breakfast and sets his dishes in the sink. He grabs his keys, his camouflage baseball hat, and his multitool. Finally, he leaves his apartment.

The apartment is on the second floor, so he has to walk down a flight of stairs to the bike rack. Jacob unlocks the lock and sets it under a bush nearby. Soon, he pedals off to work. The job site is less than two miles away. His coworkers, who were Mexicans, arrived a minute later. The homeowner wanted them to set up a desert xeriscape, which involves planting desert flowers, planting desert shrubs, hauling 50-pound sandbags, and carrying large rocks. Jacob wasn't sure if "rock" was the right word. A giant ass boulder was more accurate.

"Buenos Dias, Juan," (Good morning, Juan) Jacob greets. Jacob speaks fluent Spanish.

"Buenos Dias, Jacob. Estas preparado para trabajar?" (Good morning, Jacob. Are you prepared to work?) Juan says.

"Tan preparado como puedo estar." (As prepared as I can be)

After Jacob greets the other workers, they work on the project. However, Jacob keeps to himself and works alone. His self-imposed doesn't bother his coworkers. The temperature increases rapidly as the sun rises. By 9 am, it was 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Jacob was used to working in the heat, so it didn't bother him much. The work isn't backbreaking, and it's fulfilling. His coworkers were blasting their native music.

For lunch, they have chicken tamales and tequila. The tamales are delicious, and the tequila is strong, as Jacob likes.

Around one o'clock, the owner walks outside to check the worker's progress. Jacob immediately recognizes the owner. It is a kid that he went to school with three years ago. The problem is that Jacob hates him.

The kid, Henry Richards, is the son of a highly wealthy oil tycoon who owns a company with oil rigs worldwide. Henry had no problem flaunting his parents' money. He throws exceptionally wild parties, wears designer clothes, and drives expensive cars. Jacob doesn't hate him because of the money but the way Henry treats him. Henry had picked on him for years, as did everyone else at school. Henry used to trick Jacob into doing things that made him look like an idiot and laugh at him. Henry doesn't recognize Jacob at first. It is when he gets closer that Jacob is recognized.

"Jacob Irving? Is that you?" Henry asks with a mischievous grin on his face. Jacob knew this look too well.

"Oh, shit," Jacob mumbles.

"Dude, It's been forever."

"We graduated three years ago."

"That's almost forever."

"Too soon for my taste," Jacob grumbles. His grumble is low enough to where no one can hear it. Henry couldn't hear it.

"I remember you DJing at a bunch of my parties. What was your stage name? It was Mr.-something. I can't remember what your name was."

Jacob sighs and tries to shut out the bad memories. It was Henry who talked Jacob into DJ-ing and getting a stage get-up. A suit and a green ski mask with a question mark on the front. This incident was when they were freshmen. The DJ job lasted throughout high school.

"My name was Anonymous, no title," Jacob reminds him.

Jacob chose the name Anonymous because he wanted to remain anonymous behind the ski mask. That worked for four years until a particular bastard exposed Jacob on stage while dancing behind the turntable at the senior prom. That sealed Jacob's hate for Henry.

"Yes! That was the funniest shit I've ever seen," Henry laughs.

"Yeah, fucking hilarious," Jacob mumbles sarcastically.

"I'm having a party tonight. You should pull up and do your DJ shit again."

"I'd rather not."

"Dude, I can fucking guarantee that you have nothing to do tonight. It will be great. Maybe, you'll get a girl like mine."

Henry points his thumb back at his house. Jacob looks over Henry's shoulder and sees a girl that looks to be in her early twenties. She is wearing a skimpy bikini that isn't within the borders of public decency.

"I prefer not to spend time with girls whose job is to dance on a pole."

"It's better than the girl you have. Oh, wait, you don't have one," Henry snaps.

Jacob can see Henry's irritation. Henry isn't used to being told "no,", especially from a low-life such as Jacob. Since Henry is an asshole to get what he wants, Jacob resorts to his favorite way of dealing with people he hates—being snarky, sarcastic, and straightforward. It's odd to deal with people, but Jacob enjoys the reactions.

"Unlike rich asswipes like you, I don't like girls that live in a brothel," Jacob quips.


"A whore house, dumbass."

Anger rises in Henry. Jacob tries not to smirk.

"FUCK YOU!" Henry shouts.

Henry glares at Jacob and walks away. Jacob returns to his work. The workers keep working until the sky turns pink and light purple. Jacob helps his coworkers load their tools and grudgingly translates for Henry when Juan goes to get the payment for the job. Soon after, Jacob leaves on his bike to return to his apartment.

When he arrives, Jacob goes to his mailbox and grabs his mail. The amount of mail causes him to gulp. It is that time of the month. Time to pay the bills. The bills include credit card bills, rent, utilities, and a student loan he took out before dropping out of college.

Jacob chains up his bike and goes into his apartment. When he enters the apartment, Jacob lays the envelopes on the table. Jacob fixes himself a sandwich and a glass of water before looking at the bills. As he ate, he added up the cost on a piece of notebook paper. When he finishes adding, Jacob is sweating bullets. The statements only left him five dollars to live off of for the next month.

Jacob stares blankly at the amount. Anger and frustration build up in Jacob's body until he can no longer contain it. He angrily swipes the plate, the glass, and the bills off the table. Then, he puts his face in his hands. His parents didn't prepare him for life and how to survive independently. They kept putting it off. The time they could've used to help Jacob, they spent coddling and spoiling his younger brother, Daniel Irving. Jacob didn't want to do the job his parents wanted him to do. When Daniel was interested, they spent most of their free time with Daniel while pushing Jacob aside. His parents treated Daniel like a king and Jacob like a pauper.

Jacob slams his fist down on the table in disgust, frustration, and anger.

For the first time, Jacob feels like taking his own life. The bills, the years of being picked on, his neglectful parents, and his loneliness weighs heavily on his decision to kill himself. It would be quick and easy to take a gun to his head and pull the trigger. The only problem is that Jacob didn't own a gun. He only has his multitool and an old KA-BAR knife that he bought as a teenager. Slitting his wrists or stabbing himself would be too painful. Now, committing suicide was no longer an option. What Jacob does next, he couldn't explain, not even if he tried. It is like an innate instinct that suddenly awakens inside of him.

He gets up and cleans up his mess. Then, Jacob walks into his bedroom. He grabs his old backpack, which he used to take to school, from under his bed. Jacob filled it with several t-shirts, three pairs of jeans, socks, and plenty of underwear. He slipped his multitool in with his clothes, a notebook, a box of mechanical pencils, and an advanced survival book written by American Special Forces and Eagle Scouts.

After he loads his backpack, Jacob takes a hot shower. The reason doesn't occur to him; he just felt like it. He finishes his shower and puts on some clean clothes and shoes. Jacob slips on a light jacket and his camouflage hat. Then, he attaches the KA-BAR knife and its sheath to his belt. Finally, he picks up his wallet, which had two hundred dollars, and puts it in his pants pocket.

Jacob leaves his bedroom and walks to his front door. He's about to walk out but feels like he has forgotten something. Jacob returns to his bedroom. After looking around the room, Jacob spots the thing he is failing.

On his dresser was a small stuffed animal. It is a pony. Its body is dark blue. The mane and tail are yellow, and it has black button eyes. It was a gift from his teacher when he was little. He called it Thunderclap.

He picks up the stuffed animal and holds it close to his chest.

"Why am I doing this?" Jacob asks. Of course, Thunderclap doesn't answer.

Jacob removes his backpack, sets Thunderclap inside it, and puts his bag back on. This time, Jacob leaves his home for good. He opens his door, steps out, and closes it. After standing there momentarily, contemplating his decision to run away, Jacob descends the staircase.

He leaves the bike locked to the stand. Jacob doesn't want anyone to know he's gone.

Jacob walks towards a patch of woods that borders the apartment complex. He knows that on the other side are the city limits, and leaving the city is his plan.

Eventually, Jacob arrives at the city limits. A small creek, about four feet across and seven feet deep, travels alongside the city limits. On the other side is a clearing that stretches over the horizon.

If I am going to leave my life behind, Jacob thinks, might as well leave my identity behind, too.

Jacob takes out his wallet. He pulls out anything that identifies him. Then, he breaks any cards that he has into several pieces. Jacob stares at the pieces. Getting rid of anything identifying him is not the best idea in the universe. Then again, running away wasn't either. So, Jacob tosses the pieces into the creek below. The pieces float away as Jacob crosses the creek. Once he crosses it, he begins his seemingly long trek.

Jacob walks for a few hours. When he grows tired, Jacob removes his backpack and rests at the base of a tree. He looks at the bright, full moon. By its position, he could tell it was between 9:00 and 10:00. He had read how to do that in his survival book.

Jacob closes his eyes and tries to get some needed sleep. However, rest seems to evade him. Jacob tries a meditation technique that he read about on the Internet. Easier said than done. Thoughts of his parents plague his mind. He grits his teeth. His parents and his over-pampered brother. His family. Those god-forsaken people.

Jacob's train of thought is interrupted by a twig snapping. It causes him to jump. When no other sound follows it, Jacob closes his eyes.

Another twig snaps. This time, Jacob becomes slightly afraid. He knows cougars live in this area, and attacks weren't rare, but not often. Again, no other sound came after it. Jacob settles on the idea that his mind is playing tricks on him.

Once again, another twig snaps. Then, a gentle snort follows. Jacob has had enough.

"Who in the -" Jacob turns around and comes face-to-face with a piglet. A wild piglet.

Jacob screams. The piglet squeals and runs away. He assumes it is going to run far off. However, it runs to a team of hogs. The piglet's mother grunts loudly and charges. The rest of the group follows. Jacob slips on his backpack and runs.

Jacob knew that hogs could maul and trample people. Though they are not as dangerous as cougars, hogs are deadly.

Jacob continues running through the woods. Briars cut his skin, and branches strike his body. It's painful, but not as painful as being cut to shreds by oversized pigs.

For several minutes, Jacob runs in a dead sprint. However, he isn't paying attention to what's ahead of him. He focuses on what's behind him. Jacob assumes that only broadly spaced trees and saplings are ahead of him. Plus, it's dark. It's so dark that he doesn't see a rock about the size of a softball, and he trips over it. Jacob puts his arms out to catch himself.

Jacob went through the leaves, the pine straw, and the dirt. At first, Jacob thinks he's fallen through a hunter's trap, but he doesn't stop falling. Jacob begins to flail his arms like a child trying to swim. He keeps falling, falling, and falling. Jacob screams until his throat is sore. Jacob soon passes out from fright. He doesn't even notice when he hits the ground.

Jacob gasps as he wakes up. T's daytime. Birds are singing, and some frogs are croaking. He sits up and looks around.
He notices he isn't in the same area he was at night. Instead of oak and pine trees, there were apple trees around. His backpack and hat are lying next to him. Jacob furrows his eyebrows in confusion. He pats his body to check for broken bones. It surprises him to find no broken bones, but something else catches his eye. His hands were green! He looks down at his shirt to look at his chest. It was green, as well.

Confused, Jacob rubs his head. His long, black hair wasn't there. Jacob pats his head rapidly to see if he feels right. There isn't a single strand of hair.

"Where the hell am I?" Jacob asks himself.

He stands up, slips on his backpack and hat, and wanders around the apple trees. Jacob guesses the trees are part of a farm. The evenly spaced apple trees give it away. He picks an apple from a nearby tree and eats it.

Walking deeper into the apple orchard, he hears some farm animals making various noises. Jacob hopes to find someone so he can ask for help. So, he heads in the direction of the sounds. Then, Jacob sees an odd sight in the corner of his eye.

A strange tree stands about twenty feet away to his right. It looked like an apple tree but had different colors. The leaves were dark teal, and the branches and trunk were maroon. Jacob walks closer to the tree. The fruit dangling from the tree's branches is just as strange. It's an apple but has stripes, and the lines are shades of gray. Curiosity seizes Jacob. He grabs the odd apple and gives it a gentle pull. However, the apple remains attached to the branch. Jacob pulls on the apple again, a little harder this time. Furthermore, the apple refuses to let go. He tries again with a little more force. No dice.

"You're a tough little bastard," Jacob says.

Jacob yanks the apple with all his might. Instead of getting the apple, he gets a burst of electricity. The shock sends Jacob flying and yowling like a frightened cat. He lands on his back and begins gasping for air. Eventually, he catches his breath and stands up.

Jacob looks around but with more caution.

Jacob is about to keep walking when he hears voices from behind him.

"It came for over here!" a female voice calls out. The voice sounds like Reba McEntire.
He hears footsteps, but it sounds heavier and faster than human footsteps. The footsteps stop as Jacob turns around. The thing is in view until he looks down. Then, he gets the surprise of his life, or so it seems.

Four ponies, each varying in height and age, stand before him. They are different colors, as in the broad color spectrum. One has an oversized bow in her mane. Another has a yoke around his neck. The oldest has a scarf around her neck, and the last has an old beat-up cowgirl hat on her head. Besides the different colors, the ponies don't look like regular ponies. They look incredibly cartoonish. They have large eyes that look almost human and short muzzles. It was enough to freak Jacob out.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here in our orchard?" asks the pony with the hat.

"Talking...ponies. What?" Jacob stutters.

"My granddaughter asked you a question," the eldest pony snaps.

Jacob slowly begins to back up. The four ponies move closer. Jacob stops, turns around, and bolts. The pony with the hat gives chase.

Jacob runs as fast as he can. The backpack slightly slows Jacob down, but he keeps running. He spots a fence bordering the orchard; he slows down to climb over the wall and sprints across the farm. Chickens, sheep, pigs, and other animals scatter as Jacob sprints across the farm and down a small path.

A small town comes into view. Jacob hopes that there might be some humans who can be of help to him. However, his hopes are dashed when he arrives in the town. There are ponies everywhere. Unicorns, pegasi, and regular ponies. Each has different colors. Not one human is in sight. Jacob turns around and sees not one but six ponies chasing him. Once again, he begins sprinting. This time, Jacob sheds his backpack.

Jacob runs through the center of the street. Ponies dive and move out of the way. Some scream as Jacob passes by.

A female unicorn pulling a cart isn't paying attention as she walks out in the street.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!!!" Jacob screams.

The unicorn tries her best to run forward but with no luck. Jacob hurdles the cart. Surprisingly, he clears it and sticks the landing. Jacob resumes running. He sees a patch of woods at the edge of town. He turns his head to take one last look at his pursuers. They are still running after him. Jacob faces forward. Jacob's head hits a low-hanging sign. He's instantly knocked unconscious.

Twilight Sparkle observes the human. She recognizes the species because of her adventures at Canterlot High School. After the human ran into a sign and knocked himself out, she had Applejack tie the creature up and hang him from a nearby oak tree's branch. Twilight had run back, grabbed the things he dropped while running, and laid them next to the tree.

"What is it, Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asks as she flies near the dangling creature.

"It's a human, but he looks-" Twilight pauses as she searches for the right word, "-different."

Rarity slowly walks over to the dangling human. Then, the human begins to stir. He groans and opens his eyes. Rarity quickly backs off.

When Jacob opens his eyes, he begins to struggle against his restraints. Then, he looks down and sees his pursuers.

"W-where am I?" Jacob asks, "Wait. Why am I tied up like a pinata?". Now, he's a bit ticked off.

"You were trespassing on my farm. Then, you ran off," Applejack announces.

"Oh, that. You're probably not going to believe this, but-" Jacob hesitates as the wind blows him to where his back is facing the mares, "Okay, can someone turn me around?"

Twilight uses her magic to turn Jacob around. He looks at his body, then at Twilight, and back again.

"What the hell was that?" Jacob asks as he blankly stares at Twilight.

"Magic," Twilight replies nonchalantly. "You don't have magic where you come from?"

"Yeah, but not that kind of magic. The only magic I've seen is pulling a rabbit out of a hat and the 'Oh, no. Where did my bra go?' magic show."

Twilight and her friends look at each other in confusion.

"It's pretty clear that you guys didn't get to party in high school," Jacob states dryly.

"I know how to party," Pinkie Pie announces.

"No offense, but you look like you'd throw a six-year-old's birthday for an eighty-year-old."

"Everypony has to release their inner filly."

Jacob scoffs, "Last time that happened, I looked like an idiot. Now, will someone let me down? I can feel my circulation in my arms and legs getting cut off."

Twilight uses her magic to unravel the rope restraining Jacob. He falls to the ground, but he lands on his feet. Then, he walks over to Twilight. Jacob raises an eyebrow as he looks down at her. He can see tiny droplets of sweat building on her forehead.

"Who are you, exactly?" he asks as he sets his hands on his hips.

Twilight gulps. She can see a large knife attached to his belt. It makes her nervous when Jacob puts his hand on the hilt.

"I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle. These are my friends," Twilight replies. She tries to add some authority to her voice.

The other five ponies wave as Twilight introduces them by name.

"Okay, Princess, do you mind telling me where I am? I've got a feeling I'm not in Kansas anymore," Jacob asks as he looks around.

"Right now, you are in Equestria. The town that you ran through is Ponyville," Twilight replies.

"Ponyville, huh? That's original," Jacob grunts. "And where is my stuff?"

Twilight points her foot toward the oak tree. Jacob walks over to the tree.

As he gathers his things, he can hear one of the ponies walk up behind him. He turns slightly to see who it is. It's Pinkie Pie. Jacob ignores her and looks through his backpack to ensure his stuff is there.

However, Jacob stops when Pinkie Pie asks, "What's your name?"

Jacob stands up and sighs. He's about to say his real name, but he stops himself. He remembers that he forwent his identity as Jacob Irving. Destroying his identification cards is proof of that. Though, it was more symbolic than anything else. Cob sighs again. He can sense the ponies' patience growing thin and turns around. Now, he decides to get rid of his identity for good.

"I am Anonymous," Jacob says.

"Anonymous?" Rarity questions. That would explain the giant question mark on your face."

Anonymous reaches for his face and slightly brushes it. Now, he thinks this dimension is playing a cruel joke on him. He tries to forget his past, and the dimension turns him into something from his past.

He finishes his previous task and puts on his backpack and hat. Then, he looks down at the group of ponies.

"It's been a pleasure conversing with you, but I need to find some shelter before nightfall," Anonymous announces. He adjusts his hat and walks forward.

"Hold on. Despite scaring my critters half to death, you can stay in the barn," Applejack offers. It's not much, but it will help."

Anonymous stops and turns around. Staying in a barn sounds tempting, but Anonymous decides against it.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I'd rather rough it."

Twilight is surprised. She has been taking mental notes on Anonymous. So far, he has acted like a human, except for refusing Applejack's help. He seems confused and slightly overwhelmed but throws her for a loop because he didn't show it. His blank states are almost concerning. Anonymous's eyes reminded her of her brother's eyes when he stood at attention as the captain of the Royal Guard.

"Are you sure about that?" Twilight asks concerningly.

"I am sure. I think I'm better off on my own."

"What are you, a survival freak?" Rainbow Dash asks.

"Nope, I've been on my own for...twelve years. I believe I can handle myself," Anonymous replies as a matter of factly. I've read many survival books in my free time and know how to survive in the wild." Anonymous adjusts his jacket and turns around. He starts walking again.

"What about food and water?" Fluttershy asks.

Anonymous stops and sucks in the air through gritted teeth. The ponies are starting to get on his last nerve. These questions about his survival and well-being are annoying to Anonymous. It's none of their damned business. He exhales. Anonymous turns once again.

"I'll hunt for something; a water source is likely nearby. This town wouldn't be here if there weren't a source," Anonymous answers.

"Y-you'll hunt animals?" Fluttershy stutters. This made her even more nervous.

Anonymous nods his head.

"With what?" Rainbow Dash asks suspiciously.

Anonymous pats the hilt of his knife.

"I'll fashion a spear or make a sling. Now, excuse me; I need to make a shelter."

Anonymous turns around and walks away.

Over the next few hours, Anonymous gathers materials for a temporary shelter. It's a small slanted shelter no taller than Anonymous's waist. It takes him about twenty minutes to build. After that, he made a fire pit and a spit, which didn't take long. Then, he spends several hours hunting with a modified spear. He uses a stick with his knife tied to the tip of the stick with some vines. At about eight-thirty, Anonymous has bagged two squirrels. He cleaned them and began cooking them over the fire.

Anonymous turns the stick on which the squirrels are roasting. He thinks about his current situation and the events that transpired recently. A whole new dimension with anthropomorphic ponies is mindblowing. Anonymous sees the squirrels are done, so he removes the roasting stick and breaks it in half to separate them. He lays one squirrel on the rocks surrounding the fire pit and eats the other.

He's about halfway through the first squirrel when he hears some leaves rustling. Anonymous slowly reaches for his knife, which is lying by his leg. The night is dark enough to where he can't see what's around him. The fire illuminates only ten feet around the camp. A twig snaps as Anonymous grips his knife. Something comes out of the dark. Somepony. It's Twilight Sparkle. She is wearing a saddlebag on her back, but she's not wearing her crown.

"Princess, this is an unexpected visit," Anonymous states as he releases his knife.

"Please, call me Twilight. I don't like being called Princess that much."

"Okay, Twilight," Anonymous emphasizes, "Twilight," "What do I owe the pleasure?"

"I was wanting to see if you were alright."

Anonymous spreads his arms out and motions at the small camp. "Wouldn't you say I'm alright?"

"Yes, I would. I'm impressed with your setup. Seems cozy."

"It's not a five-star hotel, but it'll do."

Anonymous takes another bite out of the squirrel. Twilight winces as she sees this. She knows that humans are omnivores, but seeing humans eat another creature is strange.

Soon, awkwardness fills the air.

"So, Anon," Twilight says, "can I call you that, by the way?"


"Can I ask you a question, Anon?"

"Go ahead. Have a seat while you're at it." Anon points to a large rock near the fire pit.

Twilight sits on the rock and asks, "Why did you turn down sleeping at Applejack's barn?"

Anon tosses the roasting stick into the fire and picks up the last one."I told you then, and I'll let you know now. I can handle myself. Not that I didn't appreciate the offer. I prefer to be on my own."

"Let me ask you another question. Why do you like being by yourself?"

Anon takes a bite from the second squirrel and looks at Twilight with a blank stare. Through the flames of the fire, the stare creeps her out. She can tell that something is wrong with Anonymous because his posture changes. Then she asked the question, and Anon went from sitting straight to leaning towards her.

"That's none of your damn business," Anon says in a low voice. He returns to his previous position.

"I'm sorry, Anon. I didn't mean to intrude in your personal life," Twilight apologizes. "I'm trying to understand how you operate."

Anon sets down the half-eaten squirrel and glares at Twilight. She can tell that he isn't happy with her. The look in his eyes is cold and threatening. The fire adds to the effect.

"Is that what I am to you? A wild creature that you can observe?" Anon continues glaring at Twilight with a blank stare.

"No. You act differently than the humans that I've met. You aren't social, and you are secretive. I wanted to observe so I could come up with an educated answer to why you act that way."

"I like being alone. As I mentioned earlier, I've been on my own for a while, so I've gotten used to being alone. I'm not saying that I don't like or hate being around people. It's just...what I'm used to doing. Does that answer your question?"

"It will suffice. I would still like to know more, though."

"Good luck with getting it out of me."

Anon returns his gaze to the fire and picks up the squirrel. He returns to eating. Meanwhile, Twilight uses magic to levitate a small box from her saddlebag. She sets it close to Anon. He looks at it suspiciously. Anon tosses what's left of the squirrel into the fire and picks up the box.

"What the hell is this?" Anon asks.

"A care package. The girls and I compiled some stuff to give you. Pinkie calls it a "Welcome to Ponyville Present'." Twilight replies.

Anon shakes his head in disgust. He makes it clear that he doesn't need help. However, he didn't want to be any ruder about it than he had been. Anon picks up the box and opens it. There's a small leather bag that is tied off by some string. Below it was a dark blue blanket with intricate design patterns. After that was a compilation of cookbooks.

Surprisingly to Twilight, Anon cracked a half-smile.

"Look inside the bag," Twilight says. "That one is from me."

Anon complies and takes a peek at the bag. He raises an eyebrow in interest. Then, he lowers the bag and looks at Twilight.

"I don't need any money," Anon announces dryly. "Since it's a gift, I accept it."

"You're welcome. It won't last forever, so use it sparingly," Twilight warns.

"I'll find a job and pay you back every cent."

"Anon, it's a gift. Use it." Twilight adds a pleading tone to her voice. "And where will you find a job?" The pleading style is gone.

"I used to be a landscaper. I'm not a professional, but life will be okay if I get some money. Also used to do odd jobs in high school, so that's another source of income."

"I'm sure there's somepony that would pay you to help them with something. At do you plan to do with the money you earn?"

"I don't know. Buy a house or rent one. Buy food, more than likely."

"So you plan to stay here?"

"Until I can-"

Anon hesitates. He knows that returning to his world would not be possible. Only because the more he thought about it, the more not returning to his world sounds better. A new start. A clean slate. The situation he's in is perfect for that.

"You know what, never mind," Anon states.


"I've got a couple of questions about...well...the ponies here," Anon announces.

"I'll answer any questions you have."

"What are those tattoo things on your asses?" Anon points to Twilight's flank.

Twilight blushes at Anon's question. She notes that Anon has no problem with being straightforward with everything.

"They're cutie marks."

Anon raises an eyebrow. Are they a symbol of something?"

"Sort of. You get cutie marks when you discover what you're good at."

"Let me get this straight. If you do something, like paint a picture, a cutie mark of a paintbrush could pop up on your ass?"

"Basically. Ere's more to it than that, though."

"I'll take the basic description. Another thing, I've seen pegasi, unicorns, and regular ponies, but what kind of pony are you?"

"I'm a combination of all three. I'm an alicorn."


The awkwardness soon returns. Twilight and Anon sit in silence while watching the flames. Twilight looks over at Anon and watches him. She could tell he was thinking by the way he rubbed his chin. What was going on in his head caused her to wonder more about him.

Anon sees Twilight looking at him. He returns his head to face her.

"Am I that interesting?" he questions.

"I'm sorry, Anon, just observing you," Twilight admits.

"Please don't. It makes me uncomfortable."

"Noted." Twilight sighs and stands up. "As much as I'd like to know more about you, I must return to my castle. It's getting late."

"Got it. I need to hit the sack, anyway."

"Good night, Anonymous."

"G'night, Princess."

Twilight walks back into the darkness as Anon drapes the blanket over him. En, he grabs Thunderclap from his backpack and embraces it. Anon knows it's childish but feels more secure with the old stuffed animal.

Anon lays down under his crude shelter, using his backpack as a pillow. He watches the fire die out before attempting to sleep.

Anon looks at Thunderclap and smiles. Funny how his toy fits in better than him. This amuses Anon.

"Maybe this place isn't so bad as I thought," Anon tells Thunderclap. As usual, no reply.

Soon after, Anonymous falls asleep.

Author's Note:

Hey, everyone. Thanks for taking the time to read my first published fanfiction. Since this is my first fanfiction, I welcome all constructive criticism that you may have. I also welcome any private messages if you have any questions. I'll post the second chapter as soon as I can. Spoiler Alert: It's called The Goddesses.

Revising editing performed 6/27/2022