• Published 2nd Mar 2021
  • 6,555 Views, 194 Comments

I Am Anonymous - IWasAnonymous

After Jacob Irving runs away from his problems, he ends up falling through a portal and lands in Equestria. Now he plans to start a new life as Equestria's only resident human.

  • ...

A Call to Something More

Chapter 9

It has been six months since Hearth's Warming and a little over a year since Anonymous arrived in Equestria. The snow has completely melted, and the mild summer heat beats down on Canterlot. However, this doesn't bother Anon. Working many hours in the summer heat back home and in Ponyville helped with that. Besides, the weather in Canterlot is much better than in most areas. Anon read a few months back that the construction workers built the city at an altitude where the weather wasn't too hot or cold. Every day during the summertime, the average temperature was between 72 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit (22.2 to 29.4 degrees Celsius). Today was no different.

Anon is walking back to the castle. He is whistling an upbeat tune and a little skip in his step. If he is honest, Anon doesn't know what's got him in a good mood. Maybe it's the air or the recent semi-decent respect he's been getting. Well, from the lower- and middle-class ponies in Canterlot.

For the past two hours, Anon had been at Flasks and Mugs. The building needed a new paint job, so Smooth Bourbon and Sweet Mimosa requested Anon to paint it. The colors are white, blue, and purple. The colors represented the colors of the plumes of the EAF. Now, Anon is on his way to meet with a Royal Guard named Sergeant Major Eagle Eyes. Anon must walk to the castle training grounds since Eagle Eyes is a drill sergeant.

When Anon arrives, he sees 100 ponies on a company front. Standing in front of them is a fully armored Royal Guard. Two other officers stand next to him. The guard is screaming at the top of his lungs. Anon can hear every single word from 200 meters away. The guard is in the middle of one of those rants when you're called every slur in the book.

The rant goes something like this:

"I put in a special order for pillage-hungry, griffin-slaying badasses, but all I got were fruitcake, pussy-hoofers, and a side order of fucknuggets. I can tell 50% of you are cocksuckers, and the other 50% are cocksuckers that never got their cutie marks. I'll shove my hoof so far and fast up your assholes that it will crack Canterlot Mountain in two. All of you reek of alcohol abuse and prostitution. Every breath you fuckshits take is a great endorsement of using birth control. All of you make taking a massive shit in front of the princesses a more pleasant experience than training all of you. You signed up to pussy-pound Princess Celestia, but all of you cried like sissies when you realized you couldn't rail the princess. Your virgin pussies probably cried so much that you could flood the valley below us. You glitter-hoofed, dick-sucking, fagmuffin fuckstains will have your anal cavities stretched so far apart that you'll think you are being double-hoofed by King Drengr of the Minotaurs himself. I will reorganize the shitpile that is your pathetic existence. I will fuckstart your life. I'll make you twinkle-hoof, ass-eating, circle-jerking, fuckshits scream louder than your mother when she got ass-fucked in a nightclub orgy. I'll cut off your shriveled balls, put them where your brains should be, put a sombrero on your head, and beat you like a piñata. I'll make you shit so much that you'll increase the sewer business by 300%. But don't worry; I'll turn you shit-for-brains cockgoblins into death masters of international proportions in three long months. Now, everypony, drop and give me 50."

Anon stands behind the guard quietly. Never in his life had he heard a drill sergeant rant like that. He manages to stifle a laugh throughout the rant. Eventually, Anon clears his throat to get the guard's attention. He turns around with a killer glare in his eyes. Anon begins to sweat.

"What in the fuckin' shitstorm do you want?" he snaps.

"Are...are...are you Sergeant Major Eagle Eyes?" Anon asks.

The guard's gaze relaxes.

"Yes, I am. You must be that Anonymous fellow I asked about."

"Yep. You said you needed something repaired?"

"Yeah. Some of the doors on the barracks are falling off the hinges. I figured you'd be the guy to do it."

"That's true. You can point me in the right direction since you have cadets to make suffer."

"Damn straight."

Eagle Eyes point in the direction of one of the barracks. Anon thanks him and walks over to the barracks. When Anon opens the door, it almost falls off. He growls in frustration.

You would think the military budget would include repairs for its buildings, Anon thinks.

Anon sets his tool bag down and picks up some screws and a screwdriver. He begins to remove the screws. A majority of the screws aren't too difficult to remove. Some of them are stripped, which requires Anon to use a unique tool that helps remove them. When Anon gets to the last screw, he notices it's rusted to the hinge. He gets an idea from the Mexicans he used to work with.

He takes a propane blowtorch from his tool bag and holds the flame close to the screw. After a minute or two, Anon pours water on the screw to cool it off. Then, Anon removes the screw easily. Anon takes the door and lies next to him. He disposes of the old hinges and screws and attaches the new ones. It isn't long before Anon has the door back up.

Several doors in the barracks had hinges and screws that needed replacing. So, Anon spends most of the day finishing up with the doors. He's on the penultimate door when Sergeant Major Eagle Eyes walks up behind Anon.

"How's it coming along, Anonymous?" the guard asks.

"After this door, I will be on my last one," Anon responds

"Got another question for you. Did you ever serve?"

"I wanted to, but I denied the opportunity."

"Shit, that sucks. The reason I ask is that you have the build of a soldier. Not only that, you carry yourself and are disciplined like one."

"I practiced for years before I was of age."

"Could've fooled me. Did you ever consider joining the guard?"

"Didn't think I could join."

"There isn't a set-in-stone rule that non-ponies can't join. Most of those fucktard nobleponies think that the rule is implied."

"Interesting. Can I buy you a beer after the guard change to discuss it later? I want to finish this up."

"Sure. Meet me at Flasks and Mugs at, say...1815 hours."

"Sounds perfect."

Eagle Eyes turns around and walks out of the barracks.

Anon finishes with the doors. He pulls out his clipboard and takes a look at the list. The doors were the last job he had for the day. He had to tell Princess Celestia he wouldn't be at dinner that night.

He starts the long walk to Princess Celestia's private study. He stops by his room to drop off his tool bag, tool belt, and clipboard. After that, he stops by the library to return a book. Eventually, Anon arrives at Celestia's private study. The Royal Guards give Anon an approving nod. One of them opens the door and lets him through. When Anon walks inside, he sees Princess Celestia slumped over her desk. Her eyes are closed, and a little drool is dripping from the corner of her mouth. He walks over to her and taps her on the head. However, she doesn't wake up.

"Tia, wake up," Anon whispers.

Princess Celestia moans but doesn't wake up. So, Anon leans down and speaks a little louder in her ear.

"Wake up."

The alicorn princess shoots straight up, eyes wide open.

"I don't have feelings for Anonymous! I swear!" she shouts.

Anon backs up with a confused expression on his face. Celestia looks at Anon with shock on her face. She realizes what she said in front of the person she was talking about. A light blush appears on her cheeks.

"Is everything okay?" Anon asks.

"Yes, everything is fine. I'm just tired. I didn't get much sleep last night," Princess Celestia replies.

"I felt that."

"Is there something you need?"

"I was going to tell you I won't be at dinner tonight."

"Oh, why not?

"I'm going to Flasks and Mugs with Sergeant Major Eagle Eyes. I offered to buy him a beer."

"Okay. I'll let the chef know."

Princess Celestia had never met Sergeant Major Eagle Eyes before but had heard about him. She knew he had a reputation for verbally abusing the cadets he trains. That usually involves insulting the cadets' mothers, rutting their mothers, or blatantly calling the cadets obscene names. Celestia heard that he even brought her and her sister into his insults. He was not insulting her, of course. No guard in their correct and conscious mind would even think to do that.

"Why are you meeting with him?" she asks curiously.

"We ran into each other earlier today and got to talking. I offered him a beer, and he agreed to it. Since Flasks and Mugs serve meals now, I decided to make a meal from the meeting," Anon replies.

"Okay. Well, we'll miss you tonight."

"Aww. I'm touched."

Celestia can hear Anon's playful tone. However, she isn't sure if he means his comment. As he leaves, he gives a gentle wave. Then, he closes the door.

The sun princess sighs and returns to her work. The letter on her desk remains unfinished. It's to her niece, Cadence, but she doesn't know what to write. It's about a topic she isn't too familiar with but rather a topic her niece specializes in. Celestia stares at the last sentence she had written before dozing off two hours earlier.

This is what it reads:

"I believe I have fallen in love with Anonymous and don't know what to do."

Anon and Eagle Eyes arrive at Flasks and Mugs. There is an available booth on the right side of the room. The two sit down, and Smooth Bourbon comes over and asks what the pair wants. Anon orders a steak with a Caesar salad and a loaded baked potato. Then, he orders a large bottle of bourbon for both of them. Eagle Eyes order a daffodil sandwich and a fruit salad.

"I'm no recruiter, Anonymous, but I'll try my best to answer any questions you have," the sergeant major says as he sips his drink.

"My first question is, how long is the Royal Guard boot camp?" Anon asks.

"It's 13 weeks long. The first six weeks are your regular physical training, and the last seven are combat drills. Those are more physically draining than the PT."

"The length of time of the boot camp is the same as a branch of the military back home."

"If they are like the Royal Guard, they are probably the most elite branch."

"Honestly, it depends on the job. The Marine Corps is good at fucking shit up. They are the first ones in and the last ones out."

"Damn straight."

Sweet Mimosa brings out the food that the two had ordered. She smiles sweetly at Anon and Eagle Eyes as they dig into their food. The steak is cooked to perfection. For a bunch of vegetarians, the ponies cook meat very well. Anon assumes it's due to the predatory minority living in the country and the thestrals.

"How intense is the combat training?" Anon asks.

"It kinda depends on your definition of 'intense.' They'll teach you spear and sword fighting techniques. Each pony species gets taught separately for obvious reasons. Since I am a pegasus, I get trained to fight with a sword in my mouth, a spear under my wing, and fighting while flying. You, on the other hoof, I don't know how they'd train you," Eagle Eyes replies.

"The big question is if I can join the Royal Guard despite being a non-pony."

"As I said before, there isn't a rule about it. The nobleponies think there is, but I know the requirements, like the back of my hoof. The recruiting office is near the bank on Aura Street if you'd like to talk to them more. That's more of their area."

Anon nods his head as he takes another bite of his steak. The pair talk for two hours, making small talk. When Anon is asked about the Rainbow Dash incident, he explains the event in great detail. Eagle Eyes is surprised that Anon fought one of the fastest pegasi in Equestria and almost won. He is also surprised that Rainbow Dash got off easy. A year's worth of anger management and counseling wasn't something he would've chosen as punishment. A five-year jail sentence would have sufficed.

Eventually, the pair decide it's getting late. Anon pays for their meals, which cost more than expected, and the two go their separate ways. Eagle Eyes trots off to the officer's barracks while Anon slowly walks to the castle.

He ponders the conversation with Eagle Eyes about the Royal Guard. The opportunities that come with enlisting are fantastic. Free health and dental care, significantly higher pay than he is earning as a handyman, a decent pension, and the ability to be deployed anywhere in Equestria. What was quite convincing to Anon was the six-thousand-bit-a-month base pay. However, something is causing Anon to hesitate to make a final decision. Rather somepony. That somepony is Princess Celestia.

Joining the Royal Guard would drastically change their relationship. She could not be his friend anymore. She'd his commander-in-chief. If he received a decent promotion or pay raise, ponies might think Princess Celestia was giving him special favors. If they meet privately to chat, the ponies will get suspicious. Not that they already did, to begin with. Anon becoming a Royal Guard would damage a relationship that Anon valued more than anything. He doesn't know what to do. So, he decided to go to an unlikely source for help. That source is Princess Twilight Sparkle.

The next day, Anon tells Princess Celestia he's taking the next two days off. He buys a train ticket to Ponyville. Thankfully, a train to the small town is leaving at 10 a.m. Anon has an hour to kill, so he goes to Doughnut Joe's to get some doughnut holes. Then, he goes to Flasks and Mugs to get a bottle of bourbon on the three-hour train ride. When 10 o'clock arrives, Anon gets on the train and sits to himself. He eats his doughnut holes and drinks his alcohol. He finishes his breakfast and a quarter of the bottle. Anon puts the drink in his backpack. He puts his feet up and takes a nap.

What seems like ten seconds later, the train arrives at Ponyville Station. The conductor has to wake Anon up from his slumber. With a groan and a muttered swear, Anon puts on his backpack and disembarks.

As Anon steps onto the platform, he takes a deep breath. The smell of the countryside fills his nostrils. This is a smell that Anon misses. He adjusts the straps of his backpack, rolls his shoulders, and steps off into the sunlight. Anon doesn't walk one hundred yards before sweat drips his forehead.

Damn this summer heat, Anon thinks to himself.

The ponies of Ponyville don't notice Anon walking down the streets at first. They notice the tall, green human only when they do a double-take. Most wave and greet him with happy expressions. Anon finds it considerate that they make their greetings short. His quickened pace and focused look probably had something to do with it.

Eventually, Anon arrives at Twilight's Castle. Its crystalline walls glisten in the sun. They almost blind Anon. He reminds himself of the first time he saw it and his comment to Twilight. He opens the door and takes a step inside. Anon's footsteps echo as he walks toward the library. Anon is willing to bet that is where Twilight is. Just as he predicted, the Princess of Friendship sits on a bean bag in the library. A large book, wrapped in a magenta aura, is floating in front of her. She doesn't notice Anon walk up behind her. He leans down and takes a look at what she's reading. Twilight is reading a romance novel. It's something that he didn't expect her to read. The page she reads has an intimate scene where the stallion and mare are having sex. A shit-eating grin creeps across Anon's face.

He leans closer to Twilight and whispers in her ear, "Whatcha reading, Sparkle-butt?"

Twilight yelps and tosses the book across the room. She looks at Anon with embarrassment. A blush appears on her cheeks. The shit-eating grin is still on his face.

"Seriously, Twilight, reading a book of that genre is very unbecoming of a princess," Anon says mockingly.

"Sneaking up behind ponies and scaring them is also unbecoming!" Twilight retorts.

"Cool your jets, Twilight. That book is not something to be too ashamed of. I watched my fair share of porn when I was a teenager. A bit too much, I might add."

Twilight raises an eyebrow. "Porn?"

"You know, pornography."

Twilight shakes her head to show that the word is still unfamiliar. Now, it's Anon's turn to blush. He rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"Porn is a film that presents sexually explicit subject matters to arouse and satisfy the viewer. They usually include stimulating material such as nudity and sexual intercourse," Anon explains.

A mocking grin creeps across Twilight's face. Anon knows he's walked into a carefully laid trap.

"Anon, I know what pornography is. I just wanted to get you back for sneaking up on me," Twilight says.

"Well played, Sparkle."

Twilight laughs as she uses her magic to pick up the book and put it in a box with a lock. She turns around and offers Anon a seat on a beanbag.

"What brings you back to Ponyville?" Twilight asks as they sit down.

"Uh...I came back to ask for some help. Specifically, your help."


"It involves a friend of mine."

Twilight's eyes grow large, and an excited smile explodes. Anon has a friendship problem. This concerns Anon, considering how Twilight got when a friendship problem arose. Her horn glows momentarily, and a clipboard and a pencil appear. She begins to write on a piece of paper. When she finishes, Twilight looks up with an expectant expression. Anon furrows his eyebrows.

"What are you doing?" Anon asks.

"Waiting for you to start," Twilight replies excitedly.

Anon shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

"Is everything okay, Anon?" Twilight asks.

"Yeah. Could we go to a more comfortable setting?"

"Sure. Where would you like to go?"

Anon motions for Twilight to follow him. She follows him out of the castle, onto the street, and to Hard Cider's Watering Hole. Twilight isn't surprised that Anon wants to go to a bar to talk. She believes it's his form of therapy.

They walk into the empty bar. Hard Cider has his back turned to them so he doesn't see Twilight and Anon walk in. He's cleaning some glasses with some distilled water. Then, he uses magic to set the drinks on a white towel. Twilight and Anon sit at the bar. Hard Cider still hasn't noticed them.

Anon decides to speak up. "Hey, barkeep. Bourbon for me. The entire fucking bottle, if you don't mind. I need something strong."

Hard Cider freezes for a moment. He turns around and sees Anon. He smiles, reaches the bar, and pulls his human friend into a big hug. Anon doesn't resist the hug and wraps his arms around his friend.

"Well, howdy, Anon!" Hard Cider greets.

"Hey there, Hard Cider."

"What are you doing here?"

"I came back to Ponyville to ask Twilight for some help."

Anon gestures toward Twilight. Hard Cider's cheeks redden with embarrassment. He gives a bow before apologizing for not acknowledging her. Twilight politely waves off the apology and says it's okay.

Then, Hard Cider offers the two of them a drink. Anon pulls out his bourbon from his backpack. Twilight orders water. The bartender uses his magic to pick up three glasses. He fills them with a couple of ice cubes. Then, he pours the bourbon into two of the three glasses. He fills the other glass with water. Once the drinks are passed out, Twilight pulls up her clipboard and pencil. Hard Cider tries to leave to give Anon and Twilight some privacy, but Anon motions for him to stay. Hard Cider sits on his bar stool.

Twilight asks Anon what's going on. He tells Twilight and Hard Cider his dilemma about joining the Royal Guard and how it might affect his friendship with Princess Celestia. He eventually admits that he doesn't know what to do. While Anon is talking, Twilight is taking notes. Hard Cider just listened to his friend talk.

When Anon finished, Twilight remained silent, thinking about what Anon had said. Eventually, she decides what to say. She takes a sip of water before speaking.

"Anon, you need to do what makes you happy," she says.

"What?" Anon questions.

"You need to do what makes you happy. I may be the Princess of Friendship, but I won't abstain from saying that friendships can hold you back from pursuing your dreams. No friendship or even a romantic relationship is worth throwing away your dreams. It's a tough decision to make. I know you prioritize others before yourself, and that's good, but you have to make decisions that benefit you."

Anon nods his head. Then, he turns his head to look at Hard Cider. He looks at Anon with surprise.

"Oh, you want my opinion?" Hard Cider asks.

"Yeah. It's one of the reasons I came here," Anon says.

"Well, I have to say I agree with Princess Twilight on this."

Anon rubs his beard, considering Twilight's advice. He sighs deeply. Nervousness begins to cause his stomach to ache and his hand to tremble. To counteract this, Anon fills his glass with bourbon and knocks it back. Three more times, Anon does this. Then, he grabs the whole bottle. Much to Twilight's surprise, he gulps down every drop. His head hangs as he slams the bottle down.

"Anon, is everything alright?" Hard Cider asks.

"No," he responds, rather gruffly, "Another."

Hard Cider hesitates but takes a bottle of his strongest bourbon off the counter behind him. He replaces Anon's glass with another one. After placing a few ice cubes in the mirror, he fills it up. Hard Cider pushes the drink over to Anon.

"Here, brother. This one is on the house," Hard Cider says softly.


Twilight tries to stop Anon from drinking another, but Hard Cider raises a hoof. He shakes his head. Twilight backs off. Anon finishes the drink and sets the glass down.

"Thank you," Anon says.

"No problem," Hard Cider replies.

Anon stands up and puts ten bits on the counter. He says it's for Hard Cider's troubles. Hard Cider knows better than to argue with patrons who give him money. The two friends shake hands and hooves before they part ways. Anon puts on his backpack and leaves the bar. Twilight provides the bartender with a gentle wave. She catches up with Anon. He is walking in the direction of his old house. His head is hanging low, and his hands are in his pockets. Anon and Twilight walk in silence for a while before Anon sighs deeply. He raises his head to look at the sky.

"Thank you, Twilight, for the advice," Anon says.

"You're welcome," Twilight responds.

"I was afraid to acknowledge but needed to hear anyway."

"It wasn't easy advice to give."

"Honestly, I'd rather take the advice I need to hear rather than some advice I want to hear."

"Advice you want to hear does more harm than good."

"Yeah. Now, I have to make a decision. A tough one."

"There is no easy way around it. I wish I could help you there, but you must do that alone."

"It's the thought that counts, Twilight."

Anon stops in his tracks. He squats down to Twilight's level and looks deep into her eyes. Then, Anon pats her on the head. Twilight is frozen with confusion. She stands there until Anon waves at her while he walks away.

"You're a good pony, Twilight. Don't let assholes like me convince you otherwise," he says.

"Thank you, I guess," Twilight replies, albeit confused.

"Dinner at your place tonight, yeah?"

"Uh...sure. 7 o'clock sharp at the castle."

Anon gives Twilight a thumbs-up as he walks away. He sticks his hands in his pocket and thoughts of his decision to make fill his mind. Anon tries to push the thoughts out of his head, but nothing works. Perhaps a nap until dinner would help. So, he picks up the pace. Eventually, he makes it to his house. Anon pulls his keys out of his pocket and unlocks the door. The wooden door creaks as it opens. He walks into his old bedroom and sets his backpack down. He lays down on his bed and attempts to sleep for two hours. Frustratingly, sleep doesn't come. Anon stands up and walks into his living room. He paces back and forth, thinking about whatever comes to him. Eventually, Anon gives up and walks outside. To kill time, Anon visits some Mane 6 while in Ponyville.

The first pony Anon goes to see is Fluttershy. Though he isn't the best of friends with the quiet pegasus, he still knows her well enough that he should visit her. The animals accept Anon's arrival well, except Angel Bunny. Never in his life would Anon think that he'd have hatred toward a rabbit. When Anon is allowed into the cottage, Angel starts squeaking at Fluttershy. Anon doesn't understand what the rabbit is saying, but he can take a good guess. Fluttershy, on the other hoof, does understand. Her eyes widen as the rabbit squeaks.

"Angel Bunny. That is rude to say to Anonymous," Fluttershy snaps.

The rabbit squeaks again, crosses its arms, and sticks its tongue out at Anon. Fluttershy condemns Angel for his comment.

"Fuck you, too, asshole," Anon says.

Fluttershy looks at Anon with surprise.

"How'd you know what he said."

"I assumed it would be something he'd say."

For forty-five minutes, Anon and Fluttershy drink tea and chat. Before Anon leaves, he gives the demon rabbit the finger after saying goodbye to Fluttershy. Anon begins to walk in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.

Anon goes into a slight jog to cover more ground. Within five minutes, he arrives on the farm. The Apple family's dog, Winona, smells Anon before she sees him. When the Anon comes into view, the border collie begins barking happily and leaping up and down. As Anon jogs on the property, Winona almost knocks him down. Granny Smith greets Anon at the door of the house. The rest of Apple is in the dining room, eating apple pie. They are happy to see Anon and offer him a slice. Anon happily obliges and takes the piece of the pie. He chats with them for an hour. He eventually leaves Sweet Apple Acres to see Pinkie Pie and Rarity.

Pinkie almost knocks Anon down when he walks into Sugar Cube Corner. Rarity, on the other hoof, is more elegant than that. What surprises Anon is that Rarity doesn't submit any marefriend applications. Sweetie Belle tries to tease Rarity about Anon being there, but her old sister ignores her. She remains polite and reserved. When Anon leaves the Carousel Boutique, it's close to 7 o'clock. He makes his way to the Friendship Castle.

Much to his surprise, he arrives on time. Spike, Starlight Glimmer, and Twilight are seated around the table. Dinner is chunky potato soup. There is cheese, sour cream, and chives on the table. Anon is somewhat disappointed that Twilight didn't serve any alcohol, but he hasn't complained since she made the meal.

At around nine-thirty, Anon decides to go home and get some rest. He says goodbye to Twilight and her companions. Then, he hasn't thought about the decision he has to make for hours. However, he realizes there is no avoiding it now. So, he puts his mind to it.

Being a soldier is all Anon has wanted to be since he was a kid. It was his parents who ruined his chances. Now, he has the opportunity since his parents aren't around. Joining the Royal Guard would fulfill this lifelong dream. Losing Princess Celestia as his best friend makes him sick to his stomach. Twilight's advice also comes to mind. As much as he hates to admit it, he knows she's right. He needs to do what will make him happy. That being said, neither choice ends with Anon being entirely happy. Anon snorts in frustration. He is still no closer to deciding than he was yesterday. Anon sighs as he watches the ponies walk home from closing their shops, going to restaurants, or going to the bar. The evening is so...peaceful. The stars twinkle in the cloudless night, and the moon illuminates the dimly lit streets. These are the kinds of nights that Anon likes.

In one of the nearby houses, Anon sees a stallion tucking their two toddlers into their beds. The father, a green-bodied unicorn, opens a book and begins to read to his kids. This is what Anon strives to protect. Millions of families across Equestria like this one can sleep soundly at night because of stallions and mares who give their lives to protect them. It is their duty and calling. Then, at this moment, Anon knows precisely what he will do. He takes a look up at the Equestrian capital city.

"Now, step two," Anon sighs.

The next day, Anon arrives once again in Canterlot. He makes his way to the castle and his bedroom. After removing his dirty clothes and toiletries from his pack, he puts his backpack by his bed. Anon decides to nap before talking to Princess Celestia about his decision. Surprisingly, Anon sleeps for a couple of hours.

When Anon wakes up, he mentally prepares himself for what he's about to do. He takes a deep breath to calm his nerves and rolls his shoulders. Soon, he leaves his room to go to Princess Celestia's private study.

As usual, two Royal Guards stand at attention next to the door. However, the two guards aren't the usual ones. When Anon approaches, the guards cross their spears before the door. Their faces remain firm and strict.

"'Sup, fellas. I need to see Princess Celestia," Anon says.

"Do you have an appointment?" the guard on the right asks.

"Nope. I didn't think I needed one."

"Then, you can't see the princess," the guard on the left says.

"Would it make a difference if I said this is an emergency?"

The guard shakes his head—Anon grunts in annoyance.

"Hey, Princess Celestia! Tell your guards to let me in! I need to talk to you!" Anon shouts.

Both of the guards instantly point their spears at Anon. He backs up with his hands raised in the air. The guards have angry scowls on their faces. They begin threatening Anon until the door opens. Princess Celestia has a shocked expression on her face. When she makes eye contact with Anon, she realizes what is happening.

"Guards! What is the meaning of this?" she asks loudly.

"Your Highness, this creature doesn't seem to know what 'no appointment, no meeting' means," one of the guards replies.

Celestia sighs. "Guards, Anonymous is one of my close friends. If he wants, he can see me without an appointment."

"With all due respect, ma'am, but since when did you start giving out special favors."

"When I started letting my closest friends visit centuries ago, Private Stone Cutter. Now, both of you stand down. For the record, Anonymous only comes to see me when he has something urgent. Please, Anonymous, come in."

The guards return to standing attention as Anon walks inside the study. He closes the door behind him as Princess Celestia sits back in her chair.

"Anon, please accept my sincere apologies. As you can tell, these two guards are fresh to this job," Princess Celestia apologizes.

"It's fine, Tia. They were doing their job," Anon replies.

Celestia offers Anon a seat across from her. He takes a seat. Princess Celestia uses her magic to serve Anon and herself some herbal tea. Anon raises an eyebrow as he sniffs the tea. He has never drunk a tea of this kind before, even though he has lived in Equestria for over a year. He takes a sip of the hot tea and enjoys it a little.

"How was your visit to Ponyville?" Princess Celestia asks.

"It was good to be back. It was nice to see everyone," Anon replies.

"I'm glad that you enjoyed yourself. You needed a break from your job."


Anon's index finger rapidly taps the side of the cup. His right leg shakes, and a few droplets of sweat form on Anon's forehead. Celestia notices this. Something makes Anon nervous, which rarely happens, and he wants to say something. Princess Celestia sets her cup down and looks at Anon with concern.

"Is everything okay, Anon?" she asks.

"Yeah. It's just...I have something to tell you. It's important," Anon forces out. His voice is shaky with nervousness.

"What is it?"

Anon stands up and begins to pace back and forth. After a few minutes, he takes a deep breath and turns toward Celestia.

"I need to resign as a handyman," Anon announces.

"A resignation? Wha...what for?"

"The reason I went to Ponyville was to do some soul searching. I had needed to decide whether to...enlist in the Royal Guard or not."

Princess Celestia is in shock. Her eyes widen with surprise.

"Is there a problem?" Anon asks.

The thought of Anon becoming a soldier scares Celestia. Not because of her feelings toward him but because of what could happen to him. 800 Lunar, 1400 Solar, and 300 Royal Guards were killed when Queen Chrysalis and the changelings invaded Canterlot. In total, 2500 died that day. Thousands more died during the war with King Sombra a thousand years ago. The thought of Anon being laid to rest, alongside the countless stallions and mares who gave their lives for Equestria, makes Celestia sick to her stomach. She can't bear the thought of going to Anon's funeral.

"I can't let you enlist, Anon," Princess Celesta says.

Anon furrows his eyebrows and crosses his arms.

"Why not?" Anon asks.

"You just can't."

"Give me a better excuse than that, Tia."

"I can't let you enlist. I can't bear the thought of losing you in a battle."

"Really? What's your excuse? I believe it's my right to enlist if I want to."

"True, yet you live comfortably as a handyman. You have complete freedom in terms of taking jobs and holidays. After joining the Royal Guard, you won't be able to do so. Please, Anonymous, reconsider your decision."

"Tia, it's not going to happen. I've made up my mind already. I've always wanted to be a soldier since I was a child. Also, why am I the only one you're trying to keep from joining the army? I don't see you blocking ponies from enlisting in front of the recruiting office, and I know you care about your people just as much as you care about me."

"There's more to it than that, Anon."

"Somehow, I don't believe that. I know you are concerned, but it's what I want to do."

"Why? You never brought up enlisting into the Royal Guard until now."

"Because it's my duty."

"No, it's not."

Anon angrily slams his first down on the table. The tea set shakes. Princess Celestia backs up with fright in her eyes. She has never seen Anon this angry.


Celestia has no response. The only thing she can do is sit there, slack-jawed. Anon, however, backs up and reaches into his backpack. He slides a handwritten letter onto Princess Celestia's desk. It is the letter of resignation. At the very bottom was Anon's signature.

When Princess Celestia looked up, Anon was standing at the door. He stands there momentarily before turning his head around one last time.

"I'll...see you around, Princess Celestia," he says.

Anon opens the door and closes it behind him. He doesn't even look at the guards who shoot him dirty looks for screaming at Princess Celestia. He walks a short distance before he stops in his tracks. He turns his head a little and growls, not at Celestia but at himself. What went down in her office wasn't how Anon intended it to be.

"Way to fucking go, Anonymous. Way to fucking go," Anon growls to himself.

That evening, Anon doesn't go to dinner with the princess. He goes Flasks and Mugs, eats a meal, and drinks a ton of bourbon. He chats with the off-duty guards to take his mind off what happened earlier. When he mentions joining the Royal Guard, they go berserk with excitement. Most of them offered to pay for Anon's meal and drink tab. Lucky Charms manages to get about half the bar to accompany Anon to the recruiting office. About twenty guards lead Anon down the street.

In one of the many terraces on Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia watches the small group through a telescope. Anon is easy to spot out of a group of off-duty guards. She steps away from the telescope and sits on her bed. She levitates Anon's resignation. Tears begin to fall from her face as she rereads it. She begins to cry. Princess Celestia doesn't pretty-cry. She sobs loudly. Celestia blames herself for letting her emotions get in the way of her friendship with Anon and possibly something more than a friendship. A good friend would have supported his decision to serve in the Royal Guard.

It isn't long before Princess Luna and a squad of Lunar Guards arrive at Princess Celestia's chambers. The squad of Lunar Guards is ordered to stand outside to ensure they aren't disturbed. Luna spends the next three hours consoling her sister.

At the recruiting office, Anon is awaiting his aptitude test results. Anon had passed the physical fitness test. The recruiter even stays behind to let Anon take a two-hour extended aptitude test called the Equestrian Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Test. The difficulty comes back with a 64 aptitude score. The test's passing aptitude score is 30, so Anon passed with flying colors. The score qualified Anon for Officers' Candidate School, which he planned on taking after basic training. Anon is given a four-year contract and signs his name at the bottom of the page. The office erupts into cheers. However, Anon has his mind on other things. His mind is on Princess Celestia and how he treated her. Sadness fills him, but there's no going back now. He cracks a fake smile and cheers anyway.

Anon receives his boot camp date and a list of what he needs to bring to boot camp. The small group returns to the bar, and Lucky Charms offers to buy everyone's drink—the first round. For the next few hours, they drink a lot of alcohol and enjoy themselves, but Anon mourns the loss of his friendship with Princess Celestia.

Author's Note:

Good day, everyone. Thank you for taking the time to read my most recent chapter. Anon's handyman storyline ends in this chapter, and his arc as a Royal Guard begins. Since Chapter 2: The Goddesses, I've been looking forward to getting to this stage. Patience, as my father always tells me, is a virtue. In the beginning, Sergeant Major Eagle Eyes' rant was inspired by the speech from Slap on Titan, an abridged version of the anime, Attack on Titan. I rearranged some items, kept others, and removed others.

You can find the video here:

And now, the moment some of you have been waiting for, Chapter 10's chapter title spoiler:
Chapter 10: The Struggle is Real.