• Published 21st Dec 2011
  • 3,423 Views, 41 Comments

Trixie's Wish - Meltian

Trixie has but one wish, but what's she to do when her own worst enemy is herself?

  • ...

Where Do I Belong?

Where Do I Belong?

Disclaimer: I do not own, nor do I benefit financially from any of the content within this story. MLP: Friendship is magic, its settings, and its characters are copyrighted by their respective owners.

"Show off!"



"Con artist!"

One of the stallions among the riot shifted his head in confusion, glancing over at the light blue Pegasus mare standing next to him. "Breezy, we didn't even pay to see this trash! There's nothin' to con!"

"Oh yeah!" She giggled, blushing slightly out of embarrassment. "I sorta forgot."

The stallion shook his head, sighing, shifting his focus back to the blue unicorn mare standing on stage, backing up a bit as she regarded the crowd. "Buck it. Get 'er!"

There were two things The Great and Powerful Trixie was good at in life: The elegant, yet vastly under-appreciated art of illusion magic; and running. At that exact moment she was high-tailing it, perhaps for the, what? twentieth time? fiftieth? It didn't matter. She had lost count. For too long had she done the latter, and that bugged her. It wasn't supposed to be like this. She was supposed to dazzle the crowds with indescribable feats never before witnessed by ponykind!

Trixie didn't even bother to look back, sweat beading down her brow as her stage coach bounced along the path behind her. She galloped at full speed, pulling with all her might, away from her most recent disaster. Her horn burned from the strain, feeling like it was going to snap like a twig from the intense pressure of pulling the wagon along so forcefully. But she couldn't stop, not until she had disappeared into the safety of the forest.

It had started out innocently enough, just as it always had. Always the same scenario. She'd approach a town, her single, most important goal in mind. A filly-hood dream, it was; a new life, somewhere she belonged.

It was a dream that seemed so close, but so far away. Always so far away. She had snapped again, just like she always had. She never had any intentions to gloat. She never meant to chide and humiliate those ponies she only wanted to perform for, but it happened anyway, and all she had to show for it was regret. Tears stained her cheeks now, falling to the ground in big, fat droplets as she trotted through the forest. She was confident now that she had put enough distance between herself and her pursuers. Nopony would have had the drive to chase her out this far. She could finally relax and lose herself in her thoughts. She refused to let sadness reign over her any longer today. It'd had its run for far too long.

Trixie allowed herself to become absorbed in the sounds around her as she walked, enjoying the gentle rustling of the leaves as the wind fluttered through them, smiling as she heard the calls of several birds somewhere in the distance along with several other animal calls she couldn't quite place. She had to admit, she always enjoyed walking through the forests, as much as she hated traveling the road itself. The natural symphony of music it supplied helped her in sorting through the various, fleeting thoughts that shot through her mind one after another.

Good going Trixie, you've done it once again, she sighed, thinking to herself as she trotted along at a brisk pace. She was subconsciously doubling her effort to get as far away from that dreaded town as possible.

What was Trixie thinking!? Making up such a boastful story. A hydra? Really? Trixie would be fortunate if she could even take on a manticore with her magic. She shook her head and sighed, carefully traversing a shallow stream running through the forest trail. She may have been lost in her thoughts, but it would have been foalish to neglect her surroundings.

Hoofington was such a nice little town, too, with nice ponies and a quaint little charm to it... She twitched in agitation and grumbled.

"And Trixie ruined it... Ruined it just like she always does...Why can't Trixie just be nice!?" She looked up at the sky, screaming in frustration and panting heavily, slowly calming down and slumping, plopping down onto her flank.

"W-What good is Trixie's special talent if she can't even use it?" She sighed, ears folding back to the side of her head. Any normal pony would have thought Trixie crazy for talking to herself, let alone doing so while also talking in the third-pony. She didn't care; it had always helped her to vent her frustrations aloud.

"This is as good of a place as any, Trixie thinks," She looked around as she spoke, taking in her surroundings. It was certainly peaceful enough; she had come upon a small clearing along the forest path, plenty of room to park her wagon and relax for a bit while she planned her next move. She may have been frustrated beyond belief, but she wasn't going to give up. Not yet. She may be many things, even if she didn't want to be them. She may have been a braggart, and a show-off, and a liar -oh, Celestia was she a liar- but if she gave up now, it would have all been for nothing. She would fail the one task given to her by the only pony who-

"NO!" She shook her head, banishing those thoughts back to whatever dark and dreary recess they had crawled out of. She was the Great and Powerful Trixie! She could do this! She could do anything!

"Right!" She grinned, magicking the wagon into place along the western edge of the clearing, setting up camp for the day. "Let's try this again!"

Silence reigned throughout the forest. Save the chirping of crickets or the occasional hoot of an owl, a calming silence enveloped the forest as Luna's moon rose high into the sky, casting its dazzling light down upon the land and coloring everything it shone upon in those familiar hues of blue and black, the colors of the night. For most of the critters that inhabited the forest, this was a time of rest and dreams. For one particular pony, though, the comforting embrace of sleep would have to wait.




"No...No... Oh Celestia no," Trixie shook her head, clearing her thoughts as she stared down at the piece of parchment she currently had situated on a small, oaken fold-out table she had dragged out from the confines of her trailer. She set it up by the blazing fire she had gotten going as twilight had begun to spread through the land. She always enjoyed a nice fire, basking in the warmth as its radiant glow danced across her features. "Fillydelphia's definitely out. Trixie has heard they're quite... inhospitable. And the ponies in Manehatten probably wouldn't know a decent magic act if it bit them in the flank." Trixie rolled her eyes, levitating a quill to the parchment, making two more scratches across the map of Equestria. "If there's one thing Trixie cannot stand, it's a snooty, aristocratic, stuck up pony." She paused, looking up and staring ahead, a look of disgust played across her face. Only then did she realize the hypocrisy of that statement; she shook her head and shrugged it off as her eyes darted across the map.

Unfortunately, a good portion of the map was now full of big, black "X" marks. They were places she had already been, or places she had no desire to try, knowing full well the likely outcome.

"Hmmmm..." Trixie turned her gaze to her current position on the map. Using the stars and several constellation charts, she had determined her position to be somewhere within the heart of Whitetail Woods, a forest located just a bit south of a town called Ponyville.

Trixie looked up, a smile on her face. "Ponyville," she mused, finding an odd sense of joy from the way it rolled nicely off her tongue. It felt natural; it felt comforting...it felt...right, somehow. And best of all, it was so close.

"That settles it!" She nodded, bringing quill to parchment in a great flourish, circling Ponyville and rolling up the map with a nod, followed by a long yawn. "Now then, Trixie requires her beauty sleep. She simply must make a good impression for the charming ponies of Ponyville. Sleep deprivation will not aid her."

With that, Trixie hobbled onto all fours, levitating a bucket of water over to the fire, extinguishing the crackling flames, a mighty hiss emanating from it as it was snuffed out. She trudged over to her wagon, heeding the call of her bed, beckoning her to snuggle into its comfy confines and drift into the world of dreams.

Closing the door on her wagon and trotting over to her bed, she hopped in and snuggled under the covers, barely having enough time for one last, conscious thought.

Tomorrow, Ponyville...Tomorrow.

Comments ( 41 )
#1 · Dec 21st, 2011 · · ·

Let me guess, this is before Boast Busters, right?

Hmm. Please do not let it be ANOTHER fic where Trixie is all "oh my I was sooo wrong and I'm weak and powerless" and manecast all "we'll teach ya bitch how to be nice". Dash is way more boastful than Trixie, Twilight is fucking crazy, Rarity is drama queen and bitch.
Trixie, while not so powerful, kicked Dash's ass, hogtied AJ and humiliated Rarity without as much as breaking a sweat. So, more independent and self-confident Trixie with cool use of illusion magic - very, very dangerous thing in right hooves. You can't hit what you can't see, and illusion can mess with your vision, make you think that friends is enemy and all that.

For now it's nice and deserves my tracking and praise for ya. Pls more focus on her character development and less on 'pity her her life is bad'. And pls make it believeable, not sudden change of attitude. You can also read "Great and Powerful" from Fenwolf2003 on Deviant Art, to see how Trixie can be written without OOC.

And those three did start it with their heckling coming out of nowhere, to boot. They didn't even do anything while Trixie was the one to at least try and save Ponyville.

I'll be keeping an eye on this one.

The romance tag.... Twixie? :raritystarry:

Gah, my fanboyism when it comes to shipping pairings :facehoof: Anyhow, this is pretty good so far. I'll reserve my rating until it goes a little further, but this is close to how I like seeing Trixie. A little underconfident deep down, but refusing to act weak because of those doubts, and still full of herself when she gets carried away by her act.

Finally, someone who understands! Brohoof to ya, all glory to Trixie :trixieshiftright:

Uh oh... I hope she's ready to fight a Space-Bear :derpytongue2:

>> RK_Striker_JK_5

Indeed. Everyone seems to forget that she tried to fight the Ursa, even though she knew from the start that she didn't stand a chance against it, while everyone else (except Twilight) just stood back and started talking smack about her. I think that whole scene is the reason she's one of my favourite characters :trixieshiftright:

Brohoof to ya too. Trixie is best pony. Dash talked much, but did she have a chance against Ursa? Rarity? AJ? I don't think so.

There need to be more fics where she actually saves the day, but still gets scorned for it because of the Ursa incident (and her boastful nature). How she would react, I'm not sure (leave that to the author, I guess) but it would make a more interesting angle than the 'I'm actually a tortured soul, don't judge me!' line of reasoning.


I still laugh when I think what've been if Trixie actually vanguished Ursa. Like:

"Huh? You lured Ursa here? What an idiots...", then she throws it to Everfree with telekinesis, sighs and turns back to trailer muttering "Insolent stupid foals, can't let Trixie get her beauty sleep..." . And flabbergasted manecast. With blank looks, dropped jaws and whole 'SHE ACTUALLY DID IT WHAT THE FUCK?" expressions.That would've been just perfect.

Yeah... then all of a sudden, along pops Ursa Major. Now I wonder how Trixie deals with THAT.

Why nopony writes something like that?! I'll read and comment that with power of thousand suns! But nooo, all the same 'i'm a tortured poor soul my childhood was bad I love my cape and hat i'm orphan my parents died' stuff. "Trixcord" fic one of the few with non-cliche plot and cool Trixie. She actually vanguish Ursa Minor in that one (with Discord's help but still)

I think I'll write a Trixie fic now. Maybe throw Gilda into the mix, but make her as much as a bitch as she was in the show. Boastful, arrogant illusionist with a hat+ aggressive, bitchy griffon trying her hardest to stay cool would make an interesting combo, methinks.

Huh. Throw Berry Punch in the mix - Happy, lucky drunk that somehow friends with Gilda (probably cuz both love booze) and Trixie. She'll balance their bitchiness.


Huh? :rainbowhuh: , please, another ship for a change (but do whatever you like) :unsuresweetie:


For now the character is right, but we'll see in the next chapter, the way she acts will determine if this is a
helpless-becoming powerful, or something else :trixieshiftright:

I'd read that :pinkiesmile:

I think we've kinda hijacked the comments section here though...

The last time I included Berry Punch in a fic, things got a little... stange. Put quite simply, what happened was something along the lines of 'how many ways can I get Octavia drunk when I introduce her to Miss Punch?' So maybe that's not the best of ideas.

I should really stop debating ideas for MY fics on someone elses... I must kick this habit someday.

Glad we're all aware of that fact:twilightsmile:

Looks like Trixie will explore redemption once again. Since this is before Boast Busters, are you writing through, under, or over the events of the episode? Anyway, I hope you don't mind if I track this. I'm interested in the romance tag you put there. :pinkiecrazy:


Trixie seems too sophisticated to have a bad childhood, in my opinion. I always thought she was spoiled by her parents. She has such high self-esteem, so she has to be ego-stroked by somepony, right? Also her hat and cape seems to be in just about EVERY Twixie story ever. It's like a staple now, though, you might think of it as a cliche. As long as she's not over enthusiastic about it. "OH MY GAWD, MY CLOTHEZ! I have nothing without them!"

Yeah... Y'know ponies don't normally wear clothes...

Haha, I could go on, but I find it more interesting to poke fun with writing.

Sorry Mr.Author for going off topic! Please continue to write this! Looks good so far. :twilightsheepish:

Holy shit... thank you for that idea, dude.

'Trixie is the most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria (or so she claims) but her powers mysteriously vanish when her hat blows away in the wind! Join her on an epic adventure, along with several familiar faces, on a quest to recover her magic!'


Oh no! :rainbowlaugh: That made me laugh so hard! So her powers are amplified by the hat? That's an amazing concept. Do it, man. DO EEEET! :pinkiecrazy:

...Seriously, I'll watch you and everything.

Added to my massive list of ideas, putting it near the top because it's so damn awesome.:pinkiehappy:


That could work so well as a Friendship is Magic spin-off cartoon :rainbowlaugh:


While I'm not sure I can completely please you, I can say this isn't a fic where she's completely wrong and regretful This is a fic about a mare who just wants to find a place where she belongs, but her impulses toward other ponies get in the way of her desires. I've read enough Trixie stuff to get her personalization down pretty well, This is just a different take on her life, and why she might be so her.


Well, I put it there mostly to be safe. I'm pretty sure I want it there, and know that I can use it or eventually take it off, but if anything, yes, it was going to be Twixie. Or I could Totally come from way out of left field and it ends up being Trixdash. (I admit, never seen that one)

Also, I'm well aware that technically Rarity, Applejack, and Dash started it.


It's... Yes, you could say a redemption fic of sorts. But not quite as over the top as some out there. and it goes through Boast Busters, and past it, so yes, it follows the canon of the series. Trixie's childhood WILL be explored, and I have some of my own ideas for just how it affects her. To put worried to rest, she won't have had a necessarily bad childhood, and I do have my own reasoning for her boastfulness. I suppose you'll all just have to wait and see if this is worth your time?

anyway, I hope anyone who's read will bear with me. I tend to let ideas stew for a while before applying everything to the figurative written word. If this story ends up not being for you, I apologize.

Also, I don't mind ideas people are discussing for other fics they suddenly had ideas they suddenly had, but maybe give me some feedback along with it if you comment? If you already have, then you don't need to. Also, if anyone's interested, this is mainly the source behind the idea for this story.


79705 You got me to love that comic almost at once. It's almost like she's bi-polar or has two Trixies inside of her: the show-mare one and the one who just wants to fit in.

Actually, it's a common thing. You meet someone and want to befriend him, make a small talk about, say, sport. He's fan of one team, you're fan of the other. One of you start an argument, it's escalates, tempers flare and next thing you know you call him stupid ass, fag and promise to kick his ass. Then you have one big moment like "AH FUCK WTF AGAIN?!" - your temper got the better of you aaand you're just like Trixie - good intentions but poor temper.


Honestly, I would really go with that idea if it weren't for the fact that another story is doing it to an extent with Fluttershy. Who knows? maybe I'll implement it somehow. I'll need to see.

80921 I don't think Trixie really has a TEMPER to her...arrogance and egotism does not equal hotheadedness. But...yeah, I can see your point. Even a nice guy like me has that happen sometimes. I'm a great person to be around (yes, I'm arrogant too, and I'm proud of it), but stick me into a certain situation...I'm liable to do something stupid without realizing it or without really meaning to, too. It just happens. It's that way for Trixie, too, if you ask me. She's no Discord, no Nightmare Moon, no Gilda...she's just a talented mare who has WAY too much confidence. The interesting thing that a lot of writers like to focus on, naturally, is exactly WHERE that confidence comes from and WHY she is the way she is. That's one way that Trixie is so great...and it's one reason why she's so popular, eh?

80924 It's your story; do whatever you desire. I was just commenting on the comic. So long as it's a story where Trixie doesn't die and/or doesn't end up hating Twilight, I'll like it. Those would be the only two things that would leave me hating you. The thought of Trixie being dead makes me shiver in fright, and I REALLY don't like her hating Twilight...unless it's a good storyline leading up to something. But, it's your story; do what YOU want to do and what YOU think is right.


Well, you'll be pleased to know she doesn't die, nor end up hating Twilight. I frankly can't stand either myself, so I get what you mean. And I think I needed to hear that. A lot of times I end up questioning myself when people question me, or something I do/write, therefore making me likely to conform to suit their tastes and not my own. Thank you.

81267 Believe me, you're not always gonna hear or see the things that you WANT to hear and see. Some people are haters, some say things that just aren't true, and sometimes you just don't see what you're hoping for. But, as an author and a writer, you have to keep going and not let things affect you. If you're proud of what you write, that's all that matters. Heck, even Sergeant Sprinkles is probably proud of "Cupcakes", despite how horrible and disgusting it is. So long as you never give up writing just because of peer pressure, you'll never be a loser.

Um...sorry for the speech...can't help myself sometimes. And, that's good to hear. I love Trixie and it's good to know that you're not gonna have either of those things happen to her. I'll be curious to see what you decide to do. This IS labeled as romance, so I'm hoping for another Twilight x Trixie; yes, there's a lot, but you can NEVER have enough of those two unicorns being together. :twilightblush:


Yeah, compared to pretty much every other antagonist on the show, Trixie is... not that much of an antagonist. Could you see Gilda, the Diamond Dogs, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, Blueblood or the others even trying to fight off an Ursa? She could've just run off and left the town to fend for itself after her home was destroyed.

And I'm glad she won't be dying or hating Twilight. Out of the four she interacted with, she'd be the one least likely to be hated IMHO, at least after Trixie gets her heart rate under triple digits. ;)


Well, if you can be patient, I think you'll enjoy the story. I say this because I'm not exactly known for my speed as a writer. I submitted to the Writing Training Grounds on Ponychan, and the guy who reviewed it liked it as a whole, but had many a suggestion for drawing out length, this chapter will probably be revised in the next day or two. When I'm fully happy with where it is (i.e add on probably another 500 words or more) then I'll start on the forthcoming chapters.

Also, unrelated note, but Since you're here Tailslover13, I'm loving your "May The Best Pet Win...My heart?" Story.

I didn't just liked it. I loved it! But yes, like I had pointed it, if you wish it to be publicized, come up with more ideas and keep the word count up! :pinkiehappy:

Take your time. Rushed stories are never something to be proud of.

82576 Good luck to you! Can't wait! Oh, and thank you very much...even though I only have one chapter up and everypony is already going gaga over it! :twilightblush:

Okay guys, I'm sorry I haven't revised/posted a new part at all, but some stuff with College came up among other things. Through access to certain funding channels, I practically go to College for free, and I had to get information to the third party source that helps me- That being said, obviously that doesn't take up all my time. The other thing would be Christmas just hasn't given me any time to do anything, since we had to rush to get things looking nice in the house, and I often had to watch my 4 month old niece; and now there's New years, which is my birthday. That being said, I'm going to have a revised first chapter up by the January 5th, and no later. It WILL add at least 500+ words, so it'll be worth a re-read.

Anyway, I hope you all have a Great New Years!

Sooooo... We gonna carry on with this story ? :unsuresweetie:


Yes, it will be continued. I'm really sorry for no updates of any kind, but I hit a bit of a slump because of some recent events in my life, and my creative drive has been drained. It's really inconvenient so soon after I started the story, but I do often think about it; I haven't forgotten this thing. Rest assured it WILL continue, and I will have an update the moment it's done.

I hate breaking promises, and I always try to avoid disappointing, but if you can be patient, you won't regret it, I can assure that. I'd rather put out work at my creative best, rather than throw something together with no drive at all, providing a mediocre story.

Once again, I'm so sorry.

129823 I shall wait as long as it takes ! :rainbowdetermined2: Dont feel the need to rush. If the quality stays at a high standard i dont really care how long it takes to publish a chapter. :pinkiehappy:

Step 1) Attempt to read through the comments
Step 2) This is too much for my insignificant mind
Step 3) Great job ruining my interest of any Twixie fics, guys.
Step 4) Remove tracking of all Twixie stories, including this one.
Step 5) Thank you again, guys.

You said my Rainbow fic was eerily similar to the one you were working on and I find this one and it's like, a more serious and better done take on Trixie right before Ponyville which is the topic of my only other fanfiction

we keep accidentally writing the same fanfictions

We are apparently mirror clones and I am so pleased by this :pinkiecrazy::pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy:

And so we wait some more.

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