• Published 10th Jun 2021
  • 1,521 Views, 2 Comments

Sunset lost friendship - Theresa

after Anon-a-Miss ruins the friendship between sunset and her friends she loses the belief in friendship in fri

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now what nobody had noticed in all the fuss over Anon-a-Miss was the numbers hadn't disappeared and soon the chaos would be breaking out.

Meanwhile applebloom looked at Applejack and said "I'm sorry please don't hate me sis."

"I don't hate you but I don't know if I can trust you anymore. You spread secrets and you framed sunset for it all! How can I trust you again?"

Applebloom suddenly realized that she lost her sister in her attempt to get her attention for herself.

Celestia explained that "unfortunately because the girls actions there would be server consequences for their actions."

Desperate for any leniency scootaloo cried out "but what about all the people who sent secrets to Anon-a-Miss."

Luna replied "they will dealt with too but that doesn't mean you three in the most selfish act I have ever seen in this school will be getting off. I haven't seen behavior this bad since sunset and the fall formal."

Aunt lofty asked "what is scootaloo punishment.?"

Hondo wanted to know also.

"All three girls will be expelled."

"What?!" Everyone cried.

"I'm sorry but the other parents will be calling like crazy including the school board members who will be hearing about this if I don't give the hardest punishment I'm allowed to give."

"We understand" said aunt lofty. "Come along scootaloo we have to get your stuff from your locker and don't expect to be hanging out with rainbow dash anytime in the near future. You are grounded and unless we can find another school to take you I'll have to home school you which means you will have very little free time for a long time to come."

"Applebloom go get your stuff" granny Smith said. "We will be having a discussion about this when we get home." Applebloom gulped she knew what that meant she would be too sore to sit for a while

"Sweetie you get your stuff" Hondo said. "And don't expect to be hanging out with those girls again."

"What?! Why?!"

"Because they are obviously a bad influence on you. And you will be helping your sister with her work whenever you aren't in school or she isn't with her friends."

Twilight looked on sadly as she watched the 3 girls leave the room. "So tell me how sunset just wanted revenge or was always bad."

The girls looked guilty at each other and then Applejack said "well you gotta understand twilight everything pointed to sunset and with her history..."

Gulping as Twilight seemed to grow angry and angrier till she seemed to be on fire.

"No I don't have understand anything! I trusted you to teach sunset the magic of friendship and what do you do you turn your back on her at the first sign of trouble. I have get back to sunset and hopefully this news will help her because thanks to all of you her mind is broken!"

The girls looked at each other shocked at this news. They had been upset and yeah they had part of them wish for something awful to happen to her to teach her a lesson for all the rotten things she did and the secrets she was revealing but they never wanted her broken.

Twilight shook her head and said principal Celestia "you can have sunset journal until she recovers and decides to return. I have to return to Equestria now."

Meanwhile discord was watching through a mirror he made to allow him to see and hear everything that was happening in the school. While the cmcs were getting grilled about their stunt the other students were sent back to class and were discussing how the cmcs could have gotten the secrets.
Lyra asked Bonbon "if she had any ideas on how the cmcs had gotten all those secrets."

Bonbon quickly replied "no,only a ding to ring out and the zero above her changed into a one."

"Bonbon are you lying to me ?"

"No! Of course not!" Two more dings rang out and the number changed to three.

"You are, I can't believe you would lie to my face especially about something like this."

As the other students noticed the fight they would soon hear something that would have the school at each other's throats.

Principal Celestia announced over the loudspeaker "that it had to their attention that many students gave secrets to Anon-a-Miss and as soon as they gathered the list of names of people who gave secrets there will consequences which may be lightened if said students turn themselves in."

The students began looking at each and remembering the argument between Lyra and bonbon quickly realized that their friends who were trusted with secrets were the ones to betray them.

Meanwhile discord was watching through a mirror of his own and eagerly awaiting for the chaos that would break out when the students were forced to be honest with each other. Twilight soon arrived through the mirror back in Equestria with the news that Anon-a-Miss was gone and wouldn't be able to tell anyone else anything.
Everyone back in Equestria was glad to hear that bit of news.
Twilight quickly used discord device to enter sunset's mind. But none of the parts of sunset personality were happy to see her. Discord was curious so he decided to join twilight in sunset mind. He quickly discovered that no part of sunset personality like twilight.

Discord asked "any ideas?"

Twilight said "i don't know what to do i told them that Anon-a-Miss has been caught but they say it doesn't change anything."

Discord quickly suggested "that they go to the core of sunset try there."
As they arrived at what appeared to be a huge sea with an island in the distance. As they approach the water a figure approach while a storm rage all around them.
As the figure approach it appeared to be demon sunset.
She landed and said "well well what do we have here? A princess who thinks friendship can come from a few moments of getting along with others when you know nothing about them and a princess pet."

"Hey" said discord!

Author's Note:

I can always use ideas. So if you have one speak up.