• Published 10th Jun 2021
  • 1,521 Views, 2 Comments

Sunset lost friendship - Theresa

after Anon-a-Miss ruins the friendship between sunset and her friends she loses the belief in friendship in fri

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"Hey yourself" said demon sunset. "Sunset has never had anyone by her side that would be there through thick and thin. The princess despite adopting sunset was too busy for anything besides her lessons. You twilight took my place and left me in a magic less world to learn the magic of friendship. I learned that it doesn't exist among humans. You know nothing about humans twilight yet after barely 3 days most of which the girls looked after you you thought you understood the human world enough to say the magic of friendship exists there. Humans have trouble with kindness, generosity and honesty. Loyalty is something they value but not enough that they wouldn't reconsider for a better offer. Laughter can be kind and cruel in the human world and you thought leaving me in the hands of a bunch teenagers who Society can't easily live up to harmony was a good idea."

"I thought they could help you learn about friendship."

"Humans are better at living to the opposite of harmony even if they mean well. When was the last war in Equestria? Hundreds of years ago. Humans can't stay out of war even if they put a different name on to try to say it not a war."

"I'm sorry sunset, Please give me a second chance to be a real friend to you."

Demon sunset looked annoyed but finally said "convince the core sunset to leave the house on the island and you will have your second chance. Of course getting to the island will be a challenge in itself because of the storm.
I'm not sure you can convince her though considering while the students of the school saw sunset as a monster she was living in abandoned train station and stealing lunch money to keep from starving. She volunteered at the local food bank so that other people could have food and work at the homeless shelter as a food server. She kept others away because she didn't want anyone to know about Equestria and magic. "

"Why wouldn't she want anyone to know about Equestria or magic?" twilight asked.

"Simple human greed. They often love power more than anything else and a world where gems and gold two very valuable items on earth are plentiful and magic could become a possible war development whether we liked it or not i felt it was best if they never knew. I have been lucky that Celestia was kind enough to cover up what happened at the formal especially for a few jewels that I was saving for an emergency and the sirens didn't do anything worse than brainwashed everyone or I be paying for that. The school might be closed and I would definitely lose my freedom to power craze humans who already have a ton of power but aren't happy. "

Twilight stumble over her words for the first time "I never realized how much she cared about others. She was protecting Equestria from a possible threat but what about the girls. They had magic and nothing happened."

Sunset scoffed" most of the people who saw anything or were effected by magic were teenagers the last person adults believe without hard evidence.
And luckily movie magic is computers and makeup that can make it look like almost anything is real so any video recorded wasn't believed to be real.

"So you were protecting everyone this whole time? By didn't you ever say anything? "

Because you wouldn't have believed it. You spent all your time in the human world either with spike or the girls who treated you like a human teenager. And after the fall formal they weren't going complain about getting powers. If you actually had to live in the human world not just spend a few days with sleepovers and good friends and free food you find it's a lot harder than Equestria. When I wasn't spending time with the girls I was working my butt off so I wouldn't starve. But of course my replacement gets everything easily friends and magic and family. I keep the money and jewels that I brought from Equestria for a rainy day even if it is hard. If I used them all on a nice home and food I might not have enough for emergencies. So tell princess how will you convince the core sunset to come out when the rest of us see only the replacement who had everything handed to her on a sliver platter?

Twilight responded "I don't know but I will find a way. Anon-a-Miss won't be spreading anymore secrets and those girls who started this have been suspended from the school and won't be able to return. The girls realize how wrong they were to jump to conclusions and I promise to be there more for sunset. "

Sunset looked at her and said "the boat is over there, good luck getting through the storm. "

The waves were huge and crashing all about except for the island. It would be a dangerous path for anyone to take especially without magic to protect themselves. But twilight knew she had to try. As the waves crashed all around twilight and discord they struggled to keep the boat from capsizing discord yelled" if I wanted a bath I could have stayed home but no I joined up with the only princess who doesn't have a quiet life ". It looked like they would never make it but somehow they did. As they approach the building he wondered if twilight would be able to convince sunset to come out when all the other pieces of her personality seem to think twilight was a fake friend.

"So how are you going to pull this off?" Asked discord.

"I'm not sure but somehow I will convince sunset I do care about her and I will try harder to be a better friend."

As they arrive twilight began trying to convince sunset to leave only to get a go away!

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