• Published 28th Mar 2021
  • 16,137 Views, 988 Comments

Fallen - Rated Ponystar

Fluttershy is captured by Equestria to use her element one last time to help save them from Humanity-NegotationsVerse AU

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Ending 3: Harmony's Chosen Part 1

Author's Note:

Alright, here is a third ending from me for Fallen. I kinda was reluctant to do this type of ending a long time ago, but I decided to give it a shot and found myself making it in passion. It's so long that I have to split this up into two parts. Enjoy.

As always, please help out at the NegotationsVerse TV Tropes Page: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/TheNegotiationsVerse

It's funny. The sounds of cheering and celebrations were not something that would typically make my stomach turn in on itself. Sure, a surprise party was always scary at first, and a sudden loud cheer made me jump in fright once in a while. However, when it was all said and done, I did like being at a party. I just didn't like it when the party was focused on me. I never wanted the attention; I still don't. Even my birthdays had me hiding in the closet whenever somepony (Usually Pinkie Pie) did a surprise party for me. Yet, I always smiled and enjoyed myself afterward with cheer and jubilee. However, this celebration only fills me with dread, and everypony else is just focused on Twilight as she and Princess Celestia are shaking hooves.

The joyful occasion is because Twilight's plan for her Harmony Pylon to be powered by the Elements of Harmony has succeeded. I can see it glowing with the various runes lit up like Christmas lights while the machine connected to it is beeping steadily. Ponies around us in the stadium are cheering and clapping their hooves while my former friends look relieved that Twilight's plan seems to be working. I wish it wasn't. Because I am the only one here who still has any sanity in their brain. Yet, despite all my efforts, I've caved in. I joined in helping make this celebration possible because someone I love would suffer if I didn't comply. I would have stayed strong if it was just me who could be facing utter beatings and even death.

But Martin. My love. The human who I have given my heart and soul to. I cannot let him suffer anymore at the hooves of Princess Celestia and her hatred against humanity. Even though I knew there was a significant chance she would just have us killed anyway, I still wasn't strong enough to stand my ground. Everpony has a weakness, and losing those I love is mine. I already lost Discord, my best friend. I can't stand the thought of losing Martin.

I look at the Harmony Pylon and snort upon hearing Twilight and Princess Celestia speak to the crowd as if this was their salvation from utter doom. Rather, it's another vain attempt to prevent themselves from facing justice for their crimes. I highly doubt this will stop humanity's upcoming invasion of Equestria to end the war they started in the name of "Harmony." At most, it might slow it down, but I've seen the humans' determination to avenge all that they have lost these past years. Nearly five years of major loss of life and the utter devastation of nations is enough to make me sink. Even Equestria has the scars of this war. So many of her sons and daughters are dead, while up north, there is a radioactive graveyard of lost souls.

And that's not even coming close to the fact that billions of lives died in agony back home when we left it. Princess Celestia is a monster for what she has done and the lies she used to justify her actions. Even if the sun was going to die in our world, it's not a valid excuse for what she did. And while a part of me knows that everypony else here is ignorant of the truth, it is also no excuse for blindly following her crusade of utter evil and going to the lengths they did for victory.

"Hey, Twilight? Why don't you give the Harmony Pylon a good test run?" Rainbow Dash suggests. "I wanna see how it works."

"I also would like to test it as well," Princess Celestia says with a smile to her student. "Just to make sure there are no mistakes."

"Sure! Let me start it up," Twilight replies as she goes to the control panel.

I stay silent in the back, watching as everypony steps back to give her space. I admit I am curious to see what will happen. Although, I honestly wish nothing would happen as it would mean that all their efforts went to waste. Of course, that will mean that Martin and I will be executed since we would have no more purpose, but I feel like that's an inevitable outcome anyway.

After she puts in what I assume are calculations, Twilight presses a big red button, and we all wait for something to happen...only it doesn't do anything. There is a long silence as we stare at the Harmony Pylon that just sits there dead as a doorknob despite still glowing with the power of the Elements of Harmony.

"Uh, Twilight," Applejack asks as she points to the thing. "Did ya break it?"

"What?! No, I thought I-"

Suddenly, it turns on again, only the lights are blinking faster, and the crystals are glowing so bright that I'm forced to cover my eyes. The girls ask Twilight what is wrong as she tries to give answers, but nobody can hear her due to the roaring and rumbling of the machine. Ponies in the stands are starting to panic as Celestia orders everypony to step away. The crystals explode into tiny bits, and the magic inside of the pylon bursts out like a dam being opened. It soars high into the air like a beam of pure rainbow energy and twists around like a tornado. Everypony watches in awe as the energy swirls around in the air.

"Oooh! This is pretty!" Pinkie Pie says before turning to Twilight. "Nice light show, Twilight! When did you add this feature?"

"I didn't!" Twilight shouts in a near panic. "This is supposed to happen! I don't know what this is!"

"Well, can ya stop it?!" Applejack asks as she tries to keep her hat on her head from the wind blowing around.

"I don't know! This doesn't make-"

Twilight cannot finish as the rainbow light beam then curves downward. Everypony gasps as it slowly changes shame into that of a smaller beam with the head of an arrow aiming downward...

...towards me.

I gasp in shock as the harmonic energy makes for where I am standing. The guards by my side quickly scatter out of fear, but I cannot move. It comes into direct contact with my body, and I close my eyes out of instinct. I feel my entire body wrapped in some kind of warm cocoon, and then I black out.


When I come to, I feel...lighter. In fact, I feel better than I have ever since I got captured. Like every injury I got was healed out of nowhere. I even flap my wings, and they feel unclipped. Slowly, I open my eyes and see that I'm not in the stadium anymore. Actually, I don't even know where I am to begin with. I see a great black void with light green and blue mist surrounding me. There is no surface that I am standing on, yet it feels solid despite nothing around me. There are twinkling stars that glitter in the dark void while a rainbow aura gently flies by. It's so quiet and peaceful that I hear nothing. Just an absolute state of stillness.

"Hello? Anyone here?" I ask as my voice echoes across this seemingly endless realm. "Where am I? Am...Am I dead? Is this Heaven?"

"No, you are not dead. This isn't Heaven, but it is quite a peaceful place." A voice states from all directions. The voice makes me 'eep,' and my wings flare out while I walk back with a gulp. Its tone oozes with utter power, and the sound is coming from all directions. It's like hearing a dragon's roar, yet it has the softness of a dove's cry. "Do not worry. You are safe here. You will not be harmed. We have brought you here."

Despite the almost ethereal voice speaking around me with no face associated with it, I slowly began to relax. I have a feeling...that I've heard this voice before. Like I know it. It's on the tip of my tongue, but I cannot figure it out.

"That is because you do know us. We have been with you since you were born, Fluttershy. Deep inside, when I choose you and the other bearers," the voice continues as I look around. "We were there when you gained your cutie mark. We were there when you and the others faced Nightmare Moon and all the other times you needed our power to defend Equestria. And even in this broken world of war and death, we are still here."

Hearing this makes me gasp, and my eyes widen. It doesn't take me long to realize what the voice is saying. It couldn't be true, but I had no other answers. "Are you...Are you the Elements of Harmony?"


I couldn't believe it. The Elements of Harmony? But it all made sense.

"I...I didn't know you could speak," I say while looking around to find them, but I feel they do not have a physical body.

"Normally, we do not. Not in the way you mortals seem to do so, but occasionally, we will speak in whatever manner possible when necessary," The Elements of Harmony say to me.

"Okay, but I can't see you..."

"That is because we technically have no physical form, but we can make something to represent us in this realm."

A flash of light erupts out of nowhere in front of me, and I cover my eyes for a few brief moments before it fades away. I slowly lower my hoof and gasp while my eyes start getting teary-eyed. I was almost unable to speak by seeing who was before me, but I gasped a single word. "D-D-Discord?"

The smiling figure of my best friend looks at me warmly before lowering their head apologetically. "Sorry, but we are not him," Discord says in the same voice as the Elements. "We took the form of a figure you trust so much in your heart. Ironic that we are in the form of the Spirit of Chaos, isn't it?"

If Discord was here, he'd laugh his socks off at such a feat. I cannot hold myself back any longer and rush to him. I hug the body of my friend. Even if it's not him, just seeing him alive is enough for me to sob and hold him like there is no tomorrow. The Elements do not try to stop me but instead embrace and let me cry out my sorrows.


There was so much I...

I wish I could...

I just cry. I cry so hard my echoes are everywhere in this void-like realm. The Elements slowly stroke my mane, and I see them smiling as I look up. "It's okay. You have suffered so much. We know you miss him, but Discord is at peace. We felt his spirit leave this world and into the next. He will be fine, and one day you will see him again beyond this mortal world."

I guess the confirmation that there is an afterlife gives me enough strength for a weak smile. Rubbing my eyes, I slowly step back and ask, "So...where are we?"

"This is the realm between all realms," The Elements answer as they spread Discord's arm around. "All dimensions of reality are forged in this infinite space. It has no beginning, and it has no end. It is eternity in its purest form. We bring those worthy of our power and accession here so they can become their truest potential."

Harmony then sighs and shakes its head. "Sadly, those we have chosen in the past have fallen into disgrace. Sunnyvale and Mooncloud, who you know as Princess Celestia and Luna, have become tyrants and were lost to their own power and pride. Cadence, who was to represent love, committed a terrible crime when she ordered the deaths of millions with the Crystal Canon. Even Twilight, who we had hoped to unite your world with love and friendship, has learned nothing in the end and follows Celestia's evil without a doubt. All of them we believed in and gave them the strength and wisdom to help your world. Yet not only has it become ruined, but Equestria invaded another world and caused untold amounts of chaos. We weep for not just the lives lost but also the path they have taken in disgrace."

"...Is it really gone? Our world? Was the sun really going to die?" I ask as I look at The Elements in despair. "How could you let it all happen? Aren't you a god?"

"We are not a god," Harmony states with a heavy sigh. "We are powerful. We have been around for a long time. But we are not one of the various gods that exist. There are others more powerful than us. We were merely one of many forms of power in your world, but we are no deity. Despite what some think of us as."

"What about the sun? Was Celestia telling the truth? Was our world doomed?" I demand with almost a flurry of speed.

"Yes, it was dying," The Elements answers. "This is not the first time it has happened. It has happened before, and it happens every so often. Provided it is stopped at that time."

"I don't understand," I comment with confusion.

"Every world has a beginning and an ending." The Elements wave of their hand as a flower appears in its palm. It starts to grow strong and beautiful but then ages and dies before becoming dust. "At some point, an end must come. Much like this world, your world has been part of a cycle of birth, life, and death. Sometimes by accident, other times on purpose. And more than once, it has happened by the actions of the residents of that world. They sometimes lead to their own destruction. You would be surprised how many times that's happened on Earth from what the powers of its world have told me. As for your world, it is gone, but slowly it will be born again. Life will begin once more. A new direction. A new chance."

"So there was nothing that could have been done," I mutter with sorrow. Was it really going to be the end of the world? Was the massive amount of death unavoidable regardless of whether Celestia manipulated things or not?

"I did not say that," The Elements point out which makes me perk up. "There were many ways to save the world from this end. Even I had plans for those who would succeed after you and your friends passed the Elements of Harmony to your successors."

"We had successors?" I ask with awe. "Who are they?"

"Sadly, they are mostly gone now. The moment Equestria left your world behind, it didn't take long for most of the life on your planet to die off. Only one of the six still lives, an earth pony who was in Equestria when you traveled between dimensions. The rest were a griffin, hippogriff, changeling, yak, and dragon, but now they sleep for eternity in the warm embrace of the afterlife."

I wish I knew them. Even more impressive is that most of them weren't even ponies. I never heard of hippogriffs before, but a yak? A griffin? Dragon?! A changeling of all things?! Half of those were long-time enemies of Equestria. What future was there where all of them were not only friends but the successors of the friendship my old friend and I had? It's a future I wished I could have seen.

And one I wished Celestia could have seen, considering her thoughts on the other races.

"... They weren't going to be ponies...I have...so many questions," I whisper but then sigh. "But I guess it's pointless to ask them since they're...gone." Then I blink before raising my eyes to face The Elements. "Wait. Why am I here? Why did you bring me here?"

"We have brought you here because we wish to end this war. This suffering that has happened in this world must end for all sides," The Elements said with a growl. "Our power is to be used to heal and protect. Only punish when it needs to be; even then, we still find a means to grant redemption if possible. We did not know Sunnyvale's true intentions when she manipulated Twilight and the other Elements into transporting us into this world. By the time we realized what was going to happen, we were too late to do anything. We felt...the deaths of so many innocent lives back in our world...we wept..."

A tear drips down the face of The Elements before they wipe it away. "Since then, we have remained silent. We refused to answer the call of our bearers because they have each shamed us. Rainbow Dash has fallen into fanaticism to the point that utter bloodlust is all she desires. Applejack has lied to many for her own selfish reasons that cost the well-being and lives of innocent ponies. Rarity only cares about her own suffering and not the suffering of others. Pinkie Pie has forced herself to ignore the destruction she hates because she fears losing her friends. And Twilight? She has forsaken every Friendship lesson she has ever learned in the hopes of continuing to please her teacher. A teacher who has long since been consumed by fear, hatred, and pride."

"So Twilight's Harmony Pylon wouldn't have worked?" I ask with hope.

"Not in the way she intended," The Elements answer while rolling their eyes. "They believe that We caused the original barrier, and in some regards that is true. However, the barrier was also combined with the excess energy of dimensional travel. Traveling between such planes of existence is dangerous. Combined with our magic, the exposure was dangerous for humans who have no magical resistance in their being. However, what nopony knew was that the barrier would have eventually stopped expanding and died out."

"Wait, it wasn't going to consume the entire planet?" That had been the biggest obstacle in the war. The barrier had protected Equestria from any human counter-attack until the Thalmann Generators destroyed it.

"No, eventually it would have stopped and faded away over the course of a few years. It would take a long time. Perhaps years, but it would fade," The Elements explained. "Twilight seeks to do the same with the Harmony Pylon, but it will do nothing. While our power can be summoned and moved into it, our will is what decides the effect. And we refused to be used for war any longer. However, we do wish to end this war. And we have chosen you to do so."

I feel my heart nearly leap out of my chest as my mouth drops as low as it can. I stare at the smiling expression on Discord's face as I step back in shock. "M-M-Me?"

"Yes, you," The Elements state with pride. "Out of all the Elements, Fluttershy, you have stayed true to your own. You were and always have been Kindness itself, but you have also grown into the roles of the other Elements."

Suddenly some of the stars around us in this great void start moving and changing shape. They slowly turn into squares that remind me of TV screens as they show me and my actions ever since the war began. The first shows me telling my friends I was defecting to join humanity. It was one of the hardest things I had ever done. I wasn't just betraying the best friends I ever had. I was betraying my family and my home.

"You stood up to your friends by telling them the truth. Not just what Equestria was doing, but what you felt deep inside of you. You were willing to stand up for yourself and live by the morals you have always treasured inside. You showed Honesty."

The next one showed me learning my medical training while helping out various patients during the middle of one of the battles I was a part of. I risked my life during various attacks to ensure I was giving whoever needed medical help, whether human or pony.

"You hated war. You hate fighting. But you were willing to sacrifice your own wishes for the greater good of others to make sure that they were protected and healed. You risked your life for the sake of others. You showed Generosity."

Then I saw Angel Bunny, my darling pet, and other animals as I showed them to some human children in a hospital. They were all orphans who had lost their families, and I brought my animals for them to play with. I remember seeing the smiles on their faces and the warm tears in their eyes as they hugged and played again like they were supposed to. Not live in fear and horror from the nightmares they saw at their age.

"You made sure to make the little ones smile. You showed them light and joy in the darkest of times. So many people lost hope because of what was happening in the world, but you? You made them feel better. You showed Laughter."

Then I saw myself during those times I was locked up in the dungeons. My friends are arguing about why I should help them with their plan with the Harmony Pylon. I even saw my arguments with Princess Celestia.

"And when you were locked away, facing uncertain pain and possible death, you stood your ground. You refused to back down from doing the right thing and fought to the end to keep to your vow to help humanity. You showed Loyalty."

"But I caved in the end," I pointed out with a sorrowful sigh. "I gave in...they had Martin..."

"Yes, but that is understandable. You love him. And he loves you. Nopony is perfect, and we understand the need to protect the ones you love," The Elements said as they patted me on the shoulder. “Those who have become your truest friends in the end.”

The final one showed me with all those in the resistance playing cards and laughing. There was Discord who was dressed up as a blackjack dealer. Derpy was betting everything she had while also putting in a tray of muffins at top. Flash Sentry and Lyra, side by side, doing their best to avoid each other's gazes while blushing. Carrot Top and Dinky Hooves shaking their heads at the latter’s antics. And I was there with a big smile on my face without a worry for the war. And then came in Martin, who tapped me on the shoulder and kissed me on the lips before I melted in his embrace.

“I know losing your friendship with the others was hard, but you gained new friends. Friends who have helped you in many ways become stronger.” They smiled and said, "You are so kind to so many. Both friend and enemy. We rarely find someone as kind as you in any world. But you showed through all your actions that you are the greatest representative of the Element of Kindness we have ever had the pleasure of knowing. And because of this, we have faith in you to end this war."

"But how?" I ask, tilting my head. "How can I do this?"

"We wish to ascend you into alicornhood."

For a second time, I was shocked beyond belief. I fell on my haunches with my wings flared out and my tail straight in shock. "A-Alicornhood?"

"Yes, we believe we have made the right choice this time," The Elements explain. "It is rare that we give one pony all six Elements, but we believe you are worthy of it. You can become an alicorn with great power. One that we believe you can use responsibility for. Equestria needs a true and kind leader to guide her into this world. We believe that is you."

"B-B-But I don't know if I can do it!" I shout while shivering in fear. "I... I'm not..."

"You are worthy," The Elements say as they put a hand on my head, and I instantly feel a calming relaxation. "There is no other in Equestria more worthy than you, but we will not force you into this."

"...What if I say no?" I ask, curious.

"We will merely use our power to teleport you and Martian away back to the human lands. Equestria's fate will be on its own, and we will merely wait until those worthy of our power to come one day. Be it pony or maybe even human," [/i]The Elements answer. "If you accept our power, you will become an alicorn, and we will be with you all the way to assist and guide you."

I bit my lip before a question came to me. "What will I be an alicorn of? Celestia is the sun. Loona was the moon. Cadence was love. And Twilight is a friendship. What will I be? Kindness?"

"No, you will be nature itself." An Alicorn of Nature, The Elements answer. "What this world needs most is not a warrior, scholar, or queen. What she needs is a healer. A healer is what you will be. A healer and protector of nature itself. This is what you will be if you accept our power. The choice is yours."

A healer.

A healer for the world.

I think about all the suffering and destruction. Not just on the human lands but also in Equestria.

The cities obliterated.

The forests that have burned.

The fields that have become bare.

The waters that are polluted and dried.

The massive amount of graves in the dirt.

I close my eyes and prepare to take the most giant leap in my life.

And I won't lie. I'm a bit nervous.


Suddenly, everything becomes clear as a bright light overtakes me.

No words come close to what I felt as the Elements of Harmony enveloped me with their power. It's not even close to what I usually felt whenever I used them with the girls in the past. I could feel as if my entire body was being changed inside and out, yet in a way that made me feel like I was stretching myself out for the first time after being asleep for so long. I suppose the closest feeling I could give is that of a butterfly emerging from its cocoon to spread its wings out for the first time. Knowledge was implanted inside of me like that of a download from the internet. I almost was afraid my head would explode, but I just calmly breathed and took it all bit by bit. It almost felt like a lifetime was passing before my eyes, yet in truth, it was just a few seconds. I wonder if this is how Twilight felt when she turned into an alicorn all those years ago.

Slowly, as I learn rapidly with the help of the Elements, I feel no longer afraid. Not just of what is happening to me but what will happen when this is over. The Elements tell me what to do and to trust them as they are now a part of me. I can feel them inside and around me as if we are one. Normally, when I had just the Element of Kindness, I could only feel its power, and it reminded me of a soft, warm meadow with gentle breezes and grass tickling.

Loyalty feels like a powerful storm, ready to thrust itself into the unknown with no fear.

Laughter feels like a series of tickles and kisses on your face that make you smile.

Generosity feels like a blanket of comfort while having a hot, warm tea inside your belly.

Honestly feels like a suit of armor that can take any blow and strike back twice as hard.

And Friendship?

It feels like you are connected to every living thing in the universe and can feel the hearts of all living things.

And I can feel it all. All six are inside of me.

I am ready now. To end this war and save two races from further destruction.

To finally bring back peace.


The rainbow-colored light fades away from me as I feel myself returning to the real world once more. Slowly I raise my head, spread my wings, and let my new horn pulse with yellow aura magic. It feels strange having a horn, yet it also feels no different than having wings all my life as a pegasus. I slowly open my eyes and look at my figure. I'm only a few inches taller than I was previously, but that's not the only thing that has changed. My hair is longer, but streaks of white and green flow through my name with an ethereal feel to it. They sparkle a bit, like diamonds in the sky, and, I'm embarrassed to say this, I wonder if Martin will like them? I'm also no longer in chains. They've turned to dust with my power. Instead, I'm clean and bruise-free, with my wings fully restored after they were clipped to prevent me from flying. God, it feels good to have them whole again.

But the most apparent change is the regalia I am wearing. My four hooves are covered in white armored shoes, similar to Princess Celestia's, but they have four unique gems. The Elements of Honestly, Generosity, Loyalty, and Laughter are on each of my protective regalia. They no longer are in the shape of their past users but instead look like mine: a butterfly. On my chest, covering my furry barrel is the Element of Friendship, also in the shape of a butterfly but surrounded by smaller ones carved into the whitish armor. Finally, there is my crown. The crown is my original element, Kindness, displayed in the center of it all.

Naturally, I look at those around me, and their expressions are as I expected: utter disbelief and shock.

The entire stadium is staring at me, but I am not nervous anymore. In fact, I feel stronger and braver than ever, knowing that the Elements are beside me.

All six of them.

Speaking of Elements, I turn to my former friends, who look paler than I've ever seen them, as each of them focuses on the Element they each lost to me. Rarity looks ready to faint, her eyes twitching every second while Pinkie's mane has wholly deflated, and a look of horrible realization hits her. I guess she figured out already what this all means. She's always been brighter than most ponies give her credit for. Rainbow Dash has collapsed on her rear end and is pointing at me, trying to say something, but nothing is coming out of her mouth. Applejack is similar, with her mouth so low a massive hoof can enter it. Twilight is the worst of them all. She's outright babbling nonsense while looking at every part of me in complete shock.

However, the best expression comes from Princess Celestia.

She's scared.

Utterly scared because I have done something impossible in her mind, and I can also see rage and horror in her eyes. Her wings are flared out, and her horn sparks every five seconds as if she were a bomb ready to go off. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she did at this point.

Finally, Twilight shouts what everypony is thinking: "WHAT THE FLYING BUCK IS GOING ON?!"

"I think it's obvious," I say, making the silence quieter. "The Elements of Harmony have chosen me to be the bearer of all six. They have rejected you. All of you. And in turn? They have ascended me into alicorn status. I am Fluttershy, Alicorn of Nature. And I am here to end this war."


"This is no trick. This is the truth," I point to Celestia and glare at her. "You have disgraced The Elements of Harmony with all your actions. You have shamed Equestria and killed billions for your greater good. You are a monster, Princess Celestia. Harmony itself has decreed it."

"Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" Princess Celestia screams as her hair becomes frizzled and her eyes glow black and green. I quickly recognize it as dark magic and realize she will attack me. No doubt seeing me has finally broken whatever little sanity she has left. Being told by the Elements of Harmony, representing what you built your entire homeland around, that you were no longer worthy must have shattered her mind. "GIVE BACK THE ELEMENTS, YOU BITCH! I AM THE PRINCESS OF THIS NATION! NOT YOU! AND I DECREE THAT YOU MUST DIE!"

Levitating upward, Princess Celestia screams as a blast of unholy fire and lighting burst out of her horn and heads straight toward me. The old me would have ducked for cover or said my prayers in the face of such an overwhelming assault. However, I am different now. I merely activate my horn, and all six of my regalia begin to glow. In an instant, a bubble shield of rainbow-colored magic surrounds me, and the dark magic slams into it, but there is not a single scratch on my shield or myself. The Elements guide me in my head on how to properly use this magic. It's not like hearing voices in my head but a feeling of instinct inside my heart.

Princess Celestia roars even more and continues sending her stream of dark magic at me, her horn glowing with the intensity of the sun she used to control. She then glances at Twilight and screams. "TWILIGHT! ATTACK HER!"

"But...But..." Twilight looks almost ready to pee herself by the tone Princess Celestia is ordering her around.

"DO IT!"

This seems to snap Twilight out of her fear, and she soon attacks me with her own magic. However, my shield is strong enough to block them both. Plus, I could feel Twilight not putting her all into the attack. I'm unsure if it's because she's reluctant to attack me or is not in a clear state of mind, but it doesn't matter. I narrow my eyes and focus more on my magic before my eyes begin to glow white. A pulse of rainbow-colored magic, mixed with white and pink, burst out, and two large waves of energy head toward Princess Celestia and Twilight. Both are slammed by it and are thrown back before crashing onto the ground next to each other. My former friends scream their names and rush towards them. I look to the guards around the stadium, who are too scared to move and just standing there, unsure of what to do.

Slowly marching forward, I light my horn as my eyes continue to glow. Flapping my wings, I rise up and stare down at the seven who look at me with horror-filled eyes. My mouth opens, but it's not just me that is speaking. It's also the Elements.


Power flows through my veins, I raise my hooves, and all six of my Elements begin to glow. Two large tendrils of white energy whip themselves towards Princess Celestia and Twilight, who aren't fast enough to escape. They scream in agony as they are quickly wrapped in the white energy and start to glow while struggling as much as possible, but it is futile.

"Let them go!" Rainbow Dash shouts as she finally makes a move. I've been waiting for her to do this. She streaks right at me, but she's as slow as a fly in my eyes. I wait until she's close enough, and then I do something I never thought I would ever do to my first best friend.

I punched her right in the face.

And I did it with the great strength of an earth pony.

Needless to say, I broke Dash's nose and sent her flying back down like a meteor as several of her teeth came loose from the impact. She coughs up blood as Pinkie Pie and Rarity help her up before looking at me with disbelief that I punched her. I disregard her for now before turning back to Twilight and Princess Celestia, slowly morphing in the bright white light. Slowly, my magical tendrils remove themselves and fade away while the two alicorns slowly begin to return. Or I should say, former alicorns.

Twilight lands on her stomach, groaning as she tries to get up. There is a large gasp as it's revealed she doesn't have her wings anymore. She is no longer an alicorn but a Unicorn once again. However, the bigger surprise is for the pony next to her. She has a familiar white coat and sun-designed cutie mark, but her mane is no longer the rainbow design that flows like the sea. Instead, it is a darker shade of pink, no longer in size than my own. Princess Celestia is no more. She is what she was before: Sunnyvale. A simple unicorn.

"What...have you...done?" Sunnyvale whimpers as she slowly gets up, teary-eyed and voice cracking. "You...How could...how could you do this? You...took it all..."

She then begins to cough and collapses. Twilight is instantly at her side, like the loyal student she was. Then something happens that is, even to me, depressing to see. She's getting older. Her face and skin slowly start to change and grow old. It matures into that of a young adult, but soon there are wrinkles and paler hair. Twilight, with tears in her eyes, tells the aging Sunnyvale to hold on as she glares at me. "What did you do to her?!"


"No! No! She can't die! She can't!" Twilight shouts in denial as she holds onto the dying unicorn who's already starting to look in her late elderly ears. "Princess! Just hold on! Don't go! We need you! I need you!"

"Why...all I did...I did..." Sunnyale coughed.


"Twi...light...help...me..." Sunnyvale, looking thinner and paler, croaks before there is a final gasp from her mouth. She clutches her chest and twitches a bit, coughing blood before going limp. Her eyes roll in the back of her head, and she breathes her last.

And so passed Sunnyvale, aka Princess Celestia.

And honestly? May she rot in the most bottomless pits of Hell.

Twilight screams her name repeatedly as tears drip down her face. She and the girls watch in horror as the body of the late princess quickly becomes nothing more than rotten skin and bones before crumbling into dust. Twilight tries in vain to catch the fading ashes as they are blown away by the wind, but there is nothing she can do.

Covering her eyes with her hooves, Twilight whimpers as the other girls look ready to cry just as much as she is. I don't say anything, but I feel some sorrow for them, yet none for Celestia. Twilight then slowly looks at me with despair. "How could you?"

Slowly, I lower myself down, and the magic of the Elements fades away to let me speak. "Even after all this, you still can't believe that what she did was wrong, Twilight?"

"She was the Princess of Equestria!" Twilight screamed.

"And now her reign is over," I reply before walking up to the five, gulping in terror. "This war is over. Equestria will make peace with humanity, and I will see that things are changed around here so that what happened before never happens again."

"You cannot do this! Guards! Place Fluttershy under arrest!" Twilight shouts.

However, the guards do not move.

"Guards?! Do you not hear what I just said?!" Twilight screams. "I said-"

"Twilight. Stop."

My ears perk as I turn around, and I see Spike walking towards us from the entrance with a detachment of military guards, including a high-ranking officer. It takes me a moment, but I soon recognize her as General Valkyrie.

"Spike? What's going on?" I ask.

"I guess you didn't know?" Spike asks before pointing to the stadium's top level, where I see a small booth. "The entire show was being reported via radio. Princess Celestia wanted to use this as a means to boost morale in the entire nation. Practically everypony has heard what has happened. I rushed over here and met General Valkyrie along the way. She told me she was coming over here and-"

"Spike! General Valkyrie!" Twilight shouts with joy before pointing at me. "Arrest this traitor now!"

"...You hear her. Arrest the traitor," General Valkyrie ordered, to which her guards quickly rushed forward and past me. Before the girls knew it, they were in chains, much to their protest. They were forced down to their stomachs. Twilight and Rarity had their horns neutralized with anti-magic collars, and Dash's wings were quickly wrapped before she could fly. They did try to struggle, but there was no point due to the number of them. One or two Royal Guards looked ready to intervene, but I glared at them, and they soon stood down and bowed their heads.

"What are ya doing?!" Applejack shouted as she was forced down to the dirt. "She said to arrest the traitor!"

"The only traitors here are you five," General Valkyrie snorted as she looked at me and pointed. "Do you really think you five or Princess Celestia have any defense after what just happened? The Elements of Harmony just choose Fluttershy to be an alicorn! The very same pony that has been saying that not only was the war wrong but that you were responsible for the deaths of all those back in our world! Spike told me everything, and I'm this close to having you all executed right now for what you've done!"

"What are you talking about?!" Twilight screams before looking at Spike with an utter heartbreaking expression. "How could you do this, Spike?! You're my brother!"

"Twilight," Spike bit his lips before shaking his head. "I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore. Not after learning the truth."

"What truth?!" Applejack demanded.

"Nobody is wielding the sun or moon back home, girls," I reply, snapping their attention to me. In fact, I think there is nothing but silence as I speak. "The Princesses were the only ones who could move the sun and moon back in our world. What happens when you take that away, and nopony is there to move it for fifteen years."

"...No..." Rarity whispers in horror as the realization dawns on not just her but the others as well.

"Everyone back home is dead, girls," I reply as I shake my head. "Zecora. Little Strongheart. Gilda. Every griffin, changeling, dragon, and so forth. Even the ponies outside of Equestria. They are all...gone. The Elements told me themselves."

"...I'm the last of my race," Spike whimpered as tears dripped down his face. "Tell me, Twilight? Why should I continue fighting for the side that has made me the last dragon?"

Twilight couldn't say anything. She was too stunned to speak. She just zoned out as if her mind was utterly shattered. The others weren't too far off as well.

General Valkyrie then turned to me and saluted. "Princess Fluttershy? What are your orders to do with these traitors?"

It only takes me a minute to realize she is talking to me. "P-P-Princess?"

"You are an alicorn. By right, you are eligible to be the ruler of Equestria as such by the laws of our land," General Valkyrie points out.

Me? A Princess? A ruler of Equestria? Most girls dream of becoming such a thing when they are younger. I never did. Yet, I can feel everypony's eyes on me as they await my decision. I almost want to shout that I don't want to be a princess, but seeing as everypony is willing to listen to me, I might as well play along for now.

"...Put them into the dungeons for now. There will be a trial in the future for them, and we will decide their fates then," I order, making my former friends all stare at me with terror. "However, I want you to clip their wings. Remove their horns as well. And make sure they have no contact with their families. Not until I deem it so."

"Yes, your Majesty."

I look at my five friends one last time before they are carried off by a squad of military soldiers. I take a deep sigh and try to control my inner emotions. There will be a time to mourn and cry later. For now, I have to focus.

"Spike?" Spike is at my side at once. "I...I need your help..."

"Whatever you need, Fluttershy," He says as he puts his claw on my shoulder.

"Send a message to the human lands about what has happened and that Equestria wishes to negotiate for peace. Tell them that Princess Celestia and Twilight have been removed and that I am...currently in charge," I state before turning to General Valkyrie. "I also want an order for all forces to stand down. The war is over as of this moment."

"I advise that we use the military to keep the peace. There are going to be ponies disturbed by what's happened. Some radicals might try something, or riots could be started," General Valkyrie states before sighing. "Not to mention, once word gets out of the truth behind our leaving of our old world, ponies aren't going to take it well. If it hasn't already"

"See to it, but make sure we do our best to see everypony unhurt if possible," I calmly state. "Also, arrest all the scientists and ponies involved in making the Conversion Potion. We still need a cure. It's one of the reasons why we need Twilight alive as well. Find out where all their notes, documents, and anything hidden from the public about the potion are kept. Princess Celestia's quarters should also be searched by those you trust."

"Yes, your Majesty!" General Valkyrie salutes and goes off to give orders to her troops.

"The nobility is also going to want answers," Spike warns.

"Tell them I will see them in a few days. Right now, I need to focus on ensuring humanity accepts our peace and prevent more lives from being lost for...my subjects." I then sigh and shake my head. "It's going to take time to get used to saying that. I don't even know if I want to be a princess."

I then turn to Spike and bite my lip. "Do you think...do you think I can do this, Spike?"

Spike smiles warmly at me before hugging me as tight as possible. "I trust the Elements, Fluttershy. And right now? I can't think of a better pony for the job. Whether you do this full time or until we can settle a new government, I'm will you a hundred percent of the way."

A large smile spread across my face as I slowly hugged him before I realized something. "Actually, I need to head back to the castle."


"Someone is waiting for me."


I practically blast the door open and rush into the prison my love is in. Before Martin can say anything, I break his chains with my magic and hold him close to me. He's in shock before he relaxes under my touch. Our lips soon meet, and I feel that warm kindness he has always held in his heart, fueling my body with passion.

Oh God, I missed him.

I missed him so much.

"F-Fluttershy?" He whispers as we end the kiss. "What happened to you?"

"It's over, Martin," I whisper with happy tears as I nuzzle his neck. "It's finally over...the war is over..."

"Really?" He asks, dazed and yet happy. "It's...over?"

"Yeah," I reply, kissing him on the lips. "I'm in charge now."

"...I can see that," Martian says with a grin. "I like the new look."

"T-Thanks," I reply, blushing as I hide behind my name. Heh, I've taken down two alicorns, yet I'm like a shy little mouse whenever my boyfriend compliments me."

"Well...I guess this is a weird time to ask this, especially since they took my ring," Martian then holds my hoof, and I feel my heart pounding. "I promised I'd ask you this after the war was over. But after everything we went through? I think it's best to do it now. Fluttershy, will you marry me?"

"...YES!" I scream in the Royal Canterlot Voice for the first time as I hold him tight and kiss him on the lips again. "YES! YES! A THOUSAND TIMES, YES!"

"Oww, ears!"

"Sorry!" I quickly apologize before kissing him on the lips again. "But yes, Martin, I will marry you."

"You will?! Great, I-rrggh," Martin winces as he hugs his ribs. "Ow, that smarts."

"I'll make sure you get the best medical treatment possible," I quickly say as I motion for the doctors to come in and levitate Martin onto a stretcher. I put a hoof on his chest and smile. "I promise things will be okay."

Martain nods to me, and I watch him get carried away. Spike comes in a few minutes later and smiles at me. "I heard you from upstairs. Congratulations, Fluttershy."

"Thanks, Spike," I say with a sigh. "And the girls?"

"Mostly silent," He answers with a frown. "Pinkie is the only one making any sound, and it's...laughter. But not the good kind. I think we should get a psychologist to check her out."

"Agreed," I say before realizing that I'm quickly falling into this role. "Spike? Do you think...that I should become a Princess of Equestria? I don't want the position, mostly because I'm afraid of getting power-hungry, as Celestia did over time."

"Honestly, I think we need a new government overall. Monarchy or not," Spike admitted. "Equestria can't continue as it has been. It needs to change."

"True," I admit with a nod. "But we can't do this alone. We need humanity to help us."

"You sure they'll be willing to do so after everything we've done?" Spike asks.

I smile warmly at him. "Yes, because I have something that can be useful to them and make them want to work with us."

"What's that?"

"I can heal this world."