• Published 28th Mar 2021
  • 16,074 Views, 988 Comments

Fallen - Rated Ponystar

Fluttershy is captured by Equestria to use her element one last time to help save them from Humanity-NegotationsVerse AU

  • ...

Angry Apple

Special Thanks to Shadowsaint007 and Alphamon_Ouryuken for helping pre-read this chapter


I'm honestly surprised that I am not dead when I wake up. I've seen Applejack kill timberwolves with those kicks of hers, and I know for sure they can snap a pony's neck in two. That doesn't mean my head isn't hurting like it got split open. Groaning, I slowly sit up from my bed and rub my forehead. Honestly, I think Applejack kicks harder than Rainbow Dash despite her speed. Looking over to my right, I see Applejack just staring at the wall with a bottle of apple whisky in her hoof. She takes a gulp of it before handing it off to me without even looking in my direction. "Here. You only get one."

A part of me wonders if it's poison, but then again, Applejack wouldn't resort to such a tactic even if she hated me with all her guts.

Besides, I could use a drink.

I take the bottle and give myself a good taste of the warm liquor. Before the war, I rarely ever drank anything heavier than cider save for special occasions. I kinda get very happy and tipsy when I'm drunk like that one New Years' Eve after we defeated Nightmare Moon, and I got dared to take six shots of hard apple whisky. I don't remember what happened, but apparently, I had started grabbing everypony's flank and laying my head on them, saying how hard or soft they were. I couldn't show my face for two weeks in public after that. Pinkie and Dash thought it was hilarious, though.

Once I drink my fill, I give it back to Applejack, who takes another swing before smacking her lips. "Before ya ask, no, Ah'm not going to hit ya again. Though ya do deserve it. Ah just wanted to get it out of mah system for a bit."

"Here to convince me to use my element?" I ask.

"No," Applejack answers, shaking her head. "Truth is, Fluttershy, yer dead to me and Ah'm only here cause Twilight practically forced me in here. Ah'm not gonna bother wastin' mah breath on ya when ya made up yer mind already."

"At least one of you is smart enough to realize that," I reply while rolling my eyes. "So why are you here then?"

"Honestly, Ah just wanted to look at ya in the eye and spit on ya, but deep down, Ah've got a question to ask ya." Applejack puts the drink down and looks at me square in the eye. "What is it that they have that makes them so appealing?"

"Who?" I ask, tilting my head.

"The humans," Applejack grumbles as she spat on the floor as if saying their name was a curse. "What is it that's so great about them that made you, mah cousin and so many other ponies betray their own country for them? Was it the technology? Their culture? Or somethin' Ah just don't understand."

She walks over and points at my chest. "What made ya betray yer own kind for them? An alien race that has done nothin' but screws themselves over time and time again. A doomed race that has never known true peace or brotherhood and destroyed everything around them year after year. What was it, Fluttershy? What was it all worth leaving everything behind for?"

I close my eyes and think hard on that answer, but it all came to one moment in truth. "Do you remember when we were all in London on Twilight's friendship tour?" She nodded to me. "After the event on our last day, one of the attendants told me a little girl wanted to speak to me. She was six years old. She had such a bright sparkle in her eyes as she looked at me as if I was some fantasy creature that came out of a book. She told me she always loved ponies and thought I was the most beautiful creature in the world." I still remember her. Sansa was her name. "She liked what we were talking about, and she wanted to become brave and strong like the six of us on our adventures. She wanted to make the world a better place."

"...She sounds like a good kid," Applejack muttered.

"I told her it would be hard work and that humans needed to learn a lot if they were going to be better, and then she said something that has stuck with me from that day." I took a deep breath. "She told me that her daddy said that humans are like children. They've only just started entering the teenage stage of their existence and are still struggling to find who they are in life. They try certain things, succeed and fail, and figure out what worked and what didn't. Sometimes they get it right. Sometimes they get it wrong. But they're no longer children like in the old days. Now they know better and are growing. It's slow, but the reward will be worth it. Because one day, humanity will be a grownup that will know what to do when the time is right, and hopefully they will teach someone what they learned and help them grow up too."

That was the day I realized what humanity really was. It was still young, growing, and learning. I really took a look into human history and culture, and I began to open my eyes to the positives. The joys and celebrations. The wonders and achievements. The smiles and laughs. Everyone always focuses so much on the negative that they forget to see the positive. I noticed that humanity had changed so much in the past five thousand years that I only wondered what they could accomplish in the next five thousand.

It was then that I knew why Lyra liked them so much. We ponies had stayed nearly the same for so long, but humans were always moving forward despite the missteps and occasional wrong direction. There was something to admire about them. Something to learn from them.

"...I see." Applejack snorted. "That's naive, though, isn't it?"

"Perhaps, but I believe it to be true," I answer. "What we're doing is killing them, AJ. Even if they live on as ponies, you take away their culture, history, and very beings that make them who they are. That's killing them one form or another."

"Even if what they are losing is what makes them monsters in the first place?" Applejack asks, snorting.

"Monsters exist in all of us," I reply, glaring back. "And we were the monsters this time."

Applejack shakes her head and makes for the door. "Ah'm done listen' to yer hogwash. Princess Celestia will deal with you." She opens the door and pauses. "Maybe what you are saying is true, Shy. But they killed mah brother. They killed ponies I love and care about. And Ah'll never accept a world where they don't pay for that."

"...even if it means the death of an entire world?"

"Mah family is mah world," Applejack whispers before she shuts the door behind her.


No less than an hour after Applejack had left did Celestia come in. She looks at me with disappointment and frustration while I just sit on my haunches and say nothing. "So none of them could convince you."

"I told you," I say before shaking my head. "You're wasting your time."

"You would condemn your own kind to more war and death for these humans," Celestia asks in disbelief. "Your friends. Family. Even foals to slaughter if the humans have their way with us?"

"I'm not the one who tricked them all into thinking that we were coming into this world as peaceful teachers and not conquers," I fire back while giving her the most hate-filled death glare I can muster. "Especially since you let us commit genocide already back home."

There is a long silence between the two of us before Celestia sighs. Her horn glows for a bit, and a wave of white magical energies spread across the walls before they disappear, and I realize that she's put up a sound barrier. Turning away, Celestia stares at the wall with eyes that seem to hold, to my surprise, pain and sorrow. "So you did figure it out. I wondered if Twilight had done so on her own if you told her."

"Only after talking to her did I realize the truth," I answer while closing my eyes in disgust. "How many times have you hid the truth from others? How many memories did you wipe or lives you ended to keep it a secret?"

"Believe it or not, but this is the first time I've ever used a memory spell on anyone," she replied to me with regret in her tone. "Sometimes the devotion and trust my ponies put on me is very frightening. You have no idea what it's like to be looked up to as a living goddess and have your word taken literally at every turn. Until now, no pony has ever realized what has happened to our old world."

"But you did...and you made us leave while knowing it would kill billions of creatures," I hiss before making my way to her. "You are a monster."

"I know," Celestia admits, much to my surprise. "You think I even sleep at night anymore? I haven't slept decently since we first arrived on this stupid planet. You think I wanted to do this? I had no choice."

"...tell me everything," I demand. "If you're going to even defend your reasoning, I want the truth and nothing else."

"...very well."

Author's Note:

A short chapter, I know, but this to me fits with AJ in how I have written her for the NegotationsVerse. She's not going to bother trying to change the mind of someone she hates and knows isn't going to budge. Going the whole "angry shouting" AJ was a route I didn't want to go with either because we already had that with Rainbow. So I went with the quiet seething anger route instead.

Now some of you are going to wonder if next chapter is going to be a lot like "Truth" in some ways, yes, but we're also going to see more of Celestia's personality and her true feelings about all that has happened and what has made her become this kind of monster to begin with.

Only three chapters remain btw.

As always, please help out at the NegotationsVerse TV Tropes Page.