• Published 28th Mar 2021
  • 16,137 Views, 988 Comments

Fallen - Rated Ponystar

Fluttershy is captured by Equestria to use her element one last time to help save them from Humanity-NegotationsVerse AU

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Fallen Star

Special Thanks to Shadowsaint007 and Alphamon_Ouryuken for helping pre-read this chapter


"Before you even start," I say before she can continue, "how do I even know you are telling the truth to begin with? For all I know, you could be lying to me to make me feel sympathetic."

"A fair point," Celestia points out before she asks, "I assume you know how a truth spell works?"

"Twilight showed it to us one time," I answer as Princess Celestia's horn glows and an orb of blue mystical energy appears between us.

"Test it out," Celestia orders as I look at the orb to make sure it's real and not an illusion.

After double-checking, I give an honest answer first. "My name is Fluttershy." It starts glowing green for a few minutes before going back to blue. Okay, now time for a lie. "I approve of the war against humanity." It soon becomes red.


"Well enough." Sitting down on my bed, I stare at the princess, looking at me with what appeared to be both annoyed and yet tired eyes. Truth be told, even before coming to Earth, there were times when I saw Celestia look so old and tired that I doubted anypony else, but a few even noticed. This really shouldn't be a surprise, I guess. She's lived past a thousand years and has seen everything come and go since that time, including loved ones and friends. Discord and I never talked about his immortality and how he would remain living long after I passed away. Sure, coming to Earth removed the immortality that the alicorns and Discord had, but they were still predicted to live long lives.

Now he is gone...and I'm the one who's still alive. Ironic, huh?

Still, I should be focusing on my questions. The one thing that so many people and ponies have been asking ever since this war started is why? Why did we do all this? Why was Celestia so determined to convert or wipe out humanity? The official story is that we came here as ambassadors of friendship to provide aid and guidance to a species that needed our help to achieve the magic of friendship. Because humanity has rejected this, it was decided among all four alicorns to declare war on humanity and convert them for the greater good of themselves and the planet they were ruining.

I can still remember the grand speech made that day in Canterlot by all four Princesses. I can recall the cheers and military parade done with Shining Armor, declared Commanding General of the Armed Forces, proudly holding the fancy sword that Princess Celestia made for him, which was lost after he died. It was deemed that any humans who resisted or refused to be saved were to be mourned as lost souls while the new foals were treated as one of us. Now I know this to be nonsense, but I cannot figure out why we came here then for the life of me. Not to mention what warranted Celestia to be willing to eliminate all life in our homeworld.

"Why did we come to Earth," I ask with a heavy sigh. "What was the reason for all of this? The actual bucking reason."

For a while, Celestia just stares at the ground, looking at her hooves while her face shows an inner struggle. I didn't think she was going to do so until she finally spoke, "I'll just come out and say it. Our world was going to end in fifty or so years."


"What?" I whisper, not expecting this. "The world was...going to end?"

"Yes," Celestia answers before turning to the wall of my prison. "Hundreds of years ago, before Nightmare Moon returned, I sensed something wrong with the sun. Eventually, I realized it was dying and would eventually go out. Without the sun, all life would have perished, and, knowing this, I tried everything I could to save our world. I used every spell and ritual, even dark, forbidden magic, to try and prolong the life of the sun, but nothing worked."

I check the orb, and it's glowing green. I pale upon realizing this was true. Was the sun going to die? I nearly choke up, thinking that the giant star in the sky was slowly counting down to the final days of our end. I would have been about sixty or seventy when it happened. Still old enough to experience such horror, not to mention any children or grandchildren I had.

"W-Why didn't you tell anyone this?!" I shout in fear. "You could have warned us! We could have done something about it!"

"How do you think the world would react if they knew we had a set deadline for extinction?" Celestia snorted. "You've seen how ponies panic when things go wrong or when something happens that violently changes their natural order. This would have caused chaos on a scale that has never been seen before. It might have even broken up Equestria, which would have only made things worse. The few I did tell were those I needed to help me find a way to try and save the sun, but nothing we tried worked."

"Why not ask the other races for help?" I point out. "After all, they would just have just as much reason to help us!"

Sure, they weren't as advanced as us, but some races, like the griffins and dragons, once had kingdoms that lasted for thousands of years before their downfall. Equestria was not always the top nation globally, just the most recent in the past millennia. Many past great civilizations had ancient texts and magic that might have shown us a key to saving it. The sun wasn't always run by ponies. It had once moved on its own. Maybe they had something to help?

To my surprise, Celestia chuckles darkly. "You really think the other races would help us? The griffins and dragons were enemies of pony kind for years and have never accepted that we become the new superpower while their kingdoms and empires fell apart. That's why we've been at war with them so many times. The minotaurs might be talented in science and technology, but they have no understanding of magic. The deer isolate themselves and think of themselves so highly that they look down on other races despite having such a small kingdom. The kirins isolate themselves and refuse to do anything with outsiders. Plus, they can't speak. The goats, cows, and donkeys, while former associates of ours, were never intelligent or skilled enough to form their own societies. Diamond dogs are mostly nomads, with their few kingdoms constantly at war with one another for gems. The Abyssinians are thieves and hate magic. I might have considered the hippogriffs if it wasn't for the fact that they disappeared and were probably wiped out by the Storm King. The centaurs have been in a state of chaos and became barbarians since Tirek was defeated, not to mention I wouldn't trust them. The yak culture is barbaric, and they, quite frankly, aren't that smart. The zebras are a mysterious race I know nothing about save from your associations with Zecora. And I would sooner let Equestria burn before I trust a damn changeling. As for the other equine nations like Saddle Arabia? They have never accepted our culture or rule, preferring to always live their own way. I couldn't trust them."

Taking a deep breath after her tirade, Celestia looks at me with narrow eyes that are filled with both sorrow and rage. "The truth of the matter, Fluttershy, is that Equestria has always been its own ally. What few we have are only able to be because we dominate them culturally, economically, or militarily. You have not lived as long as I have and seen the wars they started. The ponies they raped, murdered and raided. The lives they ruined." She closed her eyes, and a tear slipped down her cheek. "You were not a little filly who saw her home burn down with her parents inside while griffin raiders laughed at the sight. All while comforting your little sister who wanted to know where her parents were, but you cannot find it in you to explain to her that they're never coming back."

"...Is this why you left them to die? You honestly didn't trust them?" I ask with mixed feelings in my tone as I saw the orb still green for truth. "I can honestly see other species putting themselves first before each other, and some species are terrible in their actions. But I believe that, when push comes to shove, they would have worked with us to find some kind of solution."

"That's naive talking, Fluttershy," Celestia comments while shaking her head. "Never before in our world's history can I recall other races helping each other. It was always a fight to see who was dominant and who wasn't. Maybe if the other races learned about friendship and harmony, I would have considered it, but after a thousand years of having to deal with them militarily and politically, I cannot see it."

"And yet you have seen it," I point out, which causes her to tilt her head. "Despite them being the same species, humanity has always fought against itself. Their entire history has been killing each other more times than I can imagine, but for the first time in their history, when faced with a threat like Equestria, they came together and put aside everything to survive. Humanity was able to come together to survive against a threat trying to wipe them out, and they have succeeded so far. Wasn't it you and Shining Armor who both said that because of mankind's constant warfare and divisions against one another that the war would be over by Hearth's Warming Eve? Five years later, I think that statement has proved to be false. If humans could come together as one to fight a threat bigger than themselves, who was to say the other races couldn't have worked with us?"

I lift my hoof and glare at her. "The truth is, Celestia, you didn't trust them. Hell, I don't think you trust anyone. You never told Twilight the truth. And I'm guessing neither Cadence nor Luna figured it out or were told as well. What gave you the right to decide who lives and dies?! What gave you the right to play god?!"

"I am no god. There are no gods," Celestia hisses in anger as she growls at me. "If gods were real, then why did so many good ponies I once knew had to suffer despite the number of prayers and pleas for help? Where were the gods feeding the hungry? Saving the dying? Helping the poor? I realized the day my parents died that gods are nothing more than fake imaginary concepts to help ease us into accepting suffering in our lives, but doing so does nothing to fix it! When I became the Princess of Equestria, I knew that I had to do what nopony was willing to do to keep us all safe and united! Did you know that Equestria almost fell apart so soon as it began?"

"What are you-"

"Before my sister and I came into power, there was a council composed equally of earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns, but they continued to bicker and complain and backstab against each other! Corruption was rampant. Certain ponies wanted more rights than others. Greed and backroom deals were made. Political parties who refused to compromise for the greater good. Equestria could have fallen into civil war so soon after it began if not for the fact that Starswirl saw this and found my sister and me. After we became alicorns and were given the responsibility of ruling Equestria, I had to deal with these problems time and time again, even after my sister and I ruled as well as we could. It was then that I realized that I had to make the choices for everypony else because unless someone did so, then everything we accomplished would be for naught!"

"So you made it so that Equestria only listens and answers to you, is that it? We cannot think for ourselves and decide our own fate?!" I shout in anger. "For somepony who claims not to be a god, you sure act like one!"

"You think I wanted to do the things I did? The lives I had to sacrifice? The teachings and histories I had to erase, censor, or rewrite? The laws and teaching I had to have drilled religiously and culturally? Keep us from following the same path as so many ancient civilizations met their end? You think I like having a religion made out of my image?" Celestia questions me as she points at herself and shakes her head. "Judge me for whatever reasons, but I kept Equestria safe. I protected her. I made her last a thousand years while other nations burned to the ground. I united us and focused on the lessons and teachings that other so-called wise leaders were too stupid to realize. Maybe I am a dictator, but if that's the price to pay for order and preservation, then I'll live with it."

"And you were willing to let every other race die to do that, huh?" I spat in disgust

"I didn't do it intentionally," Celestia replies, shaking her head. "I may not trust the other races, but I never wanted them to all die off. Think of me what you will, but I am not a monster. I tried finding a way to save our world, but I only managed to find a way to save Equestria in the end. By using the Elements of Harmony, combined with Starswirl's theory of cross dimensional travel, and there was enough energy to teleport Equestria, save for the Everfree Forest-"

"Why didn't the Everfree Forest come with us?" I ask not just because I was naturally curious but also home to several creatures I cared about. And a friend, Zecora, who had been like an older sister and teacher to the six of us when we were younger.

"I don't fully know," Celestia says, shrugging. "My guess is that the unnatural state of the forest was able to keep it from following us across dimensions. I honestly never cared to think about it."

"Even if someone we cared about was living in it," I say in disgust. "Zecora wasn't just a friend. She's helped us multiple times save Ponyville. She should have been spared at the very least. A lot of good creatures should have been spared."

"I tried to save everyone!" Celestia shouts in rage, which makes me lean back. "I spent years trying to do so. Even for those who I hated and despised, but there wasn't enough time! What little time I had while running the country and finding the Elements new wielders was dedicated to finding us a new home that would save us all, but the more I did so, the more energy, resources, and limit of opportunity there was for us! There was no other choice, and the longer I waited, the more risk there was! I had wanted to do it after you and the girls got the Elements, but I held back. It was only after Tirek nearly killed us all that I realized that I couldn't waste anymore time. If something happened to you, Twilight, or any of the other girls, then the Elements would never work, and we would be doomed!"

She took a few deep breaths before lowering her head. "The one thing I must always do, no matter what, is protect my subjects. Even if it means sacrificing the entire world to do so, then I will do it. This was not a choice I made easily. I can't sleep decently anymore ever since we left our dimension. So, yes, Fluttershy, I left all our fellow creatures to die in our world. Would I still try to find a way to save every creature if I had a chance? Yes. But I would make the same choice all over again if it meant we survived." She looks me directly in the eyes. "Could you have done the same?"

I don't answer that. Honestly, I don't think I can make that choice. Save what I could while letting so many die, or do what I can to try to save everyone while risking the possibility of saving nobody? It's a choice that has no happy outcome unless a miracle happens. I lower my head and shake it. "I still think you should have tried to get help from the other races… but as for making a choice? I don't know. I don't think I can make that choice. It's too big for me."

"Welcome to what I have to deal with every day, Fluttershy," Celestia states as she summons a bottle of wine from her magic that poofs into my cell. "Ever since I was a filly and turned into alicorn, I've had to make choices like this. Choices about who lives and who dies. What is best for an entire nation of millions. You have no idea the struggles, sacrifices, and regrets I've had ever since I took the crown. This crown… being the leader of Equestria. This is all that I am."

All that she was.

For a split second, I realized something. Celestia was but a child when she was thrust into this position. How would a young filly, who lost her home and family, feel if she learned that the stability of an entire nation was on her shoulder? How fast would she have to grow up from the pressures and pain that came with it? Growing up knowing that your friends would die one day? That any spouses or children would also be gone? That this was the fate you would be forced to deal with for the rest of your life all life, not just in Equestria, but the world depended on your ability to move the sun and govern millions?

I wonder… is there really a Celestia, or is there just the figure and nothing more. Was being the ruler of Equestria such a weight that being a ruler is all she can be? Every choice is a calculation for the greater good? And to do so for over a thousand years? No wonder she thought she was the only one who could guide Equestria, protect it, and decide its fate.

Celestia is still a child. A child who never grew up right. A child who thinks that there is nothing but her way of being right and others being wrong. A child who thinks she knows what's best because she was told to be the best.

For a brief moment, I think I can pity her, but soon it's gone. Because there is only so much an excuse like that to give. Taking a few moments to think, I close my eyes and shake my head. "Alright, let's move on to my next question. The war with humanity. Why?"

"Because humanity refused to convert into ponies," Celestia said, rolling her eyes. "I thought that was obvious?"

"No, I mean: why try to convert them in the first place? Why are you so determined to wipe out their culture, faiths, beliefs, and more? Everything about them you seem to hate with a passion, and I want to know why?" I point my hoof at her. "Why do you hate humanity, Celestia?"

She's quiet again for a few minutes as she collects her thoughts before she takes a deep sigh. "Do you want the personal one first or the greater scope one?"

"Personal?" I ask in surprise. "How could you have a personal problem with-"

"They killed my daughter." My eyes widen as I feel my jaw drop fully as Celestia takes another few gulps of wine. Wiping her mouth, Celestia continues, "Not my real daughter, mind you. But she was one of the closest ones I've ever had. Next to Twilight, she was the greatest pupil I ever had. Young. Energetic. Kind and...loving..."

"I… I never heard of her. What was her name?" I ask with actual curiosity. I have never heard of this mare, this apprentice of Celestia's before Twilight. Actually, I can recall that Celestia did have an apprentice years ago, but she died very young in an accident. Was this the same pony?

It takes a while, but then I hear the name that is spoken both in sorrow and in joy:

"Sunset Shimmer."

Author's Note:

The Celestia one ended up going much longer then I wanted it to be so I split it up. The first one focusing on the issue of her leaving Equstria to die the second will deal with hatred of humanity.

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