• Published 10th Apr 2021
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 13 - twilightsparkle3562

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Episode 17: "The Great Escape"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: As Grogar begins to launch attacks against towns in Equestria, Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow attempt to find a way to escape from Grogar's abandoned moon castle.


Mark Acheson as Lord Tirek

Kathleen Barr as Queen Chrysalis

Sunni Westbrook as Cozy Glow

Robby Benson as Scorpan

Kazumi Evans as Adagio Dazzle

Diana Karina as Aria Blaze

Maryke Hendrikse as Sonata Dusk

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 13, Episode 17

"The Great Escape"

Written by Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12

In the dark confines of the castle that once belonged to Emperor Grogar, the Legion of Doom were left to rot out the rest of their natural days in the dungeons along with their fellow prisoners. Once they had conspired to rid themselves of Grogar, now they were facing the consequences of their actions and had been stripped of their enhanced powers.

But they still had a desire to escape and finish what they started.

"Ugh, this is so annoying!" Cozy Glow groaned as she looked out the small window of her cell. "Here we are, stuck in a dungeon, reduced to nothing and left to rot! If only I could get my hooves on that Grogar…"

"Had it not been for those teenage mongrels, I er... we would have succeeded," Chrysalis added, stretching out her wings while playing a card game with Tirek. "If only I can get my claws on them…"

"Face it, Chrysalis. We just can't give up because of three stupid humans who claim to be different creatures," Cozy Glow declared, trying to keep the spirits of her parental figures up. "I mean, who else can…?"

But as Cozy Glow spoke, the sounds of banging on the cell doors were heard, shaking up the Legion of Doom.

"Shut up in there, you idiots!" Adagio Dazzle bellowed, catching the Legion's attention. "You're supposed to be rotting in silence! Those are Grogar's orders until he comes back for you! So if you don't want to suffer the consequences…"

"…We suggest you zip it." Aria Blaze added, giving the Legion of Doom a mocking smile.

Feeling insulted, Cozy Glow flew away from them. But as she did so, Cozy began thinking of a way to escape their situation.

"Just face it, Cozy," Tirek sighed. "Why keep fighting when it appears that all is lost? Grogar will kill us eventually."

However, Cozy remained steadfast. "No he won't!" She protested. "Listen, we've been in worse situations before, haven't we? What happened to the team I used to care about? We had a victory once, remember? Blowing up Canterlot Castle in front of Twilight and her friends? Why don't we get victories like that again?"

"Because Grogar is relentless," A voice from the cell across from the Legion's called, a voice that belonged to Tirek's younger brother, Scorpan. "Remember those apes that sat in my cell? The ones you took prisoner from that other planet? Grogar killed them all for his own amusement using methods worse than what our father used, Tirek! Don't you understand that?! When Discord was 'pretending' to be Grogar, he didn't bother to understand how cruel the real Grogar could be. He's merciless, he can't be beaten!"

Tirek refused to acknowledge his brother's presence and turned his skinny back on him. But even he was beginning to understand the gravity of their situation. He needed to escape…they all needed to escape and take care of Grogar themselves! It was better than inevitably being disposed of when they had outlived their usefulness.

"Maybe your brother has a point, Tirek," Cozy spoke up, trying to boost up morale. "Even so, there has to be a way to get out of here without getting killed. We just have to have some faith inside of us, right? Everyone has a weakness or a weak spot, no one's invincible. Right?"

Tirek ignored his daughter figure and turned his focus to Scorpan. "Scorpan, I'm well aware of what our father did to administer punishment. I received most of it, remember? Look at the scars on my back! I'm not like my father, Scorpan! He drove me to do what I did, so shut up! You know nothing of what I suffered!"

Feeling insulted, Scorpan stepped back and turned around, banged his claw on the wall of his cell. "Tirek, why can't you be like what you used to be?" He whispered to himself in frustration. "The brother I used to care about? Are you too far gone to see any sense? Father is gone now, and soon you will join him if you continue down this path of revenge."

Back in their cell, Cozy Glow couldn't help but feel sorry for Scorpan. In her mind, she knew her father figure played by the rules of evil. He had escaped the confines of a cell before and would be perfect to lead an escape from Grogar's old dungeon. "You know, maybe you should hear Scorpan out, Tirek."

"Yes, he's your brother," Chrysalis advised, placing a hoof on his shoulder. "I think we should give him a chance if we are to take Equestria for ourselves. As the saying goes: The enemy of my enemy is my friend, much as I despise the idea of having friends. Besides, the Sirens have love that I can taste from in here. He could be just the ticket towards helping me get it, and then there'll be no stopping me… us!"

Still, Tirek stuck to his guns. "Out of the question," He declared, much to his lover and daughter figure's collective shock. "Grogar is far too powerful with that bell of his…a bell that we recovered for him from Mount Everhoof not once…but twice. If what my brother says is true, it doesn't matter who we recruit or what powers we obtain."

Sighing in frustration, Chrysalis activated her magic and forced Tirek around to look at her and Cozy Glow. "Now you listen and you listen good, Tirek!" Chrysalis cried, using her magic to slam her lover against the wall of their cell! "I've come too far to just give up now! Equestria will be ours one way or another! Yet you are choosing to admit defeat to Grogar! Well, I refuse to surrender and would much rather die than serve Grogar a second longer!"

"Yeah, what she said!" Cozy Glow added. "I consider you my daddy for a reason, Tirek! Who else was the one who taught me how to survive in Tartarus even though I drove you crazy? Who was the one who gave me the knowledge I needed to drain all the magic in Equestria?"

Taking his daughter's words to heart, Tirek began to let his guard down a little bit.

"So are you just going to let Grogar win after what he did to us?" Chrysalis added. "I love you, Tirek, and will follow you to the ends of the universe if necessary! Isn't it time you did the same for me?!"

"Chrysalis, I…I…" Tirek stammered. "I want to fight back, but I want to do it with dignity and honor."

"Dignity and honor?!" Chrysalis remarked while backing away from Tirek slightly. "We're villains, we don't have dignity and honor!"

"Well, I do!" Tirek shot back, much to Chrysalis' shock. "Am I against friendship? Yes! But I don't consider myself a monster! I only consume magic from ponies and whoever else I come across! If I killed anycreature, then what difference would it make to me? I would have no one to rule over! That's what separates me from my father and Grogar," He then coldly explained. "I never kill, not even if it would benefit me. You two may not care about that, but I do! I want subjects to be alive so I can rule over them with an iron hoof. My father was the only exception, and he left me no choice."

Backing away in frustration, Chrysalis felt as if she was starting to lose her grip on her beloved. She wanted to escape from her prison as much as her love and her daughter figure, but she wanted to do it her way.

"Brother, I will say this," Scorpan said from the cell across from them. "You are going to have to fight for the right to survive and you will need to kill if necessary. That's one thing I had to learn the hard way from being in here. You killed our father even though you didn't have to! You've taken a life already, so what's a few more if you get what you want?! Far as I'm concerned, you became dead to me when you killed our father and sided with that monster."

"Besides, I still believe we have a chance, right?" Cozy Glow coyly. asked "I've never backed away from a challenge and I don't intend to start now!"

"Look, I can still help you, brother," Scorpan suggested. "You cannot get far without support for one another. That's another thing I had to learn in this war. Once you're free, you won't have to worry about me ever again and neither will I have to worry about you. At least someone will still be there to rule over our kingdom, much as I despise the idea of you getting what you always wanted."

Folding his arms, Tirek considered everything that was being said. He had to take the help to escape, but whether he would be a team player remained to be seen.

Pacing back and forth, Tirek took in the possibility of what those around him were suggesting. But then Chrysalis had another thought about what was going through her lover's mind.

"Maybe you are also afraid of Grogar's main weapon," Chrysalis suggested after nodding briefly to Cozy Glow. "That bear of his?"

"Yeah, that sack of fur," Cozy Glow added, causing Tirek to stop pacing back and forth. "The one Grogar says he would threaten to feed us to."

"It's…it's just that…yes, I would much rather not be fed to the bear. But I just have this fear of Scarface. I mean, how can I kill something as powerful as Scarface?" Tirek grumbled. "No amount of magic can protect me as long as Grogar has that bear at his beck and call."

"You can defeat him with teamwork," Chrysalis answered. "With teamwork we can do anything, including taking Equestria for ourselves! We did it before and we can do it again! And with the ponies distracted fighting Grogar, we'll have the perfect opportunity to do so. We can pick off the winner while they're isolated and weak.".

"Chrysalis, there is something else I want to confess," Tirek added, much to her shock. "I…I don't want to conquer Equestria anymore."

Both Chrysalis and Cozy Glow's eyes widened with shock at what Tirek had revealed!

"Not want to conquer Equestria?!" Cozy Glow gasped! "Golly, what a spoil sport!"

"What gives you the right to make such a confession?!" Chrysalis bitterly demanded! "Isn't that what you always wanted?! To rule over Equestria?!"

"Maybe for you…but not for me!" Tirek cried, flailing his arms in anger before realizing he had raised the tone in his voice and frightening Cozy Glow slightly. Taking a deep breath, Tirek slowly confessed. "All I've wanted is to survive and not live in my father's shadow anymore. That's all. The magic of the pony races is like food to me…it helps me to survive. Conquering the land was just a way to satisfy my hunger. Wouldn't you feel the same way about love, Chrysalis?"

"And getting revenge on Starlight Glimmer?" Cozy Glow added, suddenly getting an understanding about what Tirek was getting across to them. "Like that's ever going to happen."

Taking a deep sigh, Chrysalis herself also contemplated the validity of her own goals. "I suppose you're right," She sighed. "But I am a queen, I demand respect from my subjects and getting the ultimate form of respect…"

"-Is by giving respect to others," Scorpan added. "You give respect to gain respect. It's better to give than to receive. You may not embrace friendship, but respect is much greater than friendship."

"Not…fear?" Chrysalis asked, looking back at Scorpan, who nodded that what he said was the correct answer. "That's what I declared to Princess Twilight when we were defeating them in Canterlot. Fear is how I always ruled over my subjects, and it served me well until those ponies decided to intervene."

"What does it matter?" Cozy Glow asked. "Let's just get out of here and get rid of Grogar before we decide to embrace respect, if it all."

"You can respect each other by helping each other to escape," Scorpan declared. "I can help you all."

Tirek wanted to protest, but Cozy Glow stopped him. "We need to trust him, Tirek," She remarked. "If there is any way we are going to escape…we have to trust him. We don't have a lot of other options at the moment."

Looking towards his brother, Tirek was left with no choice. "Very well then," He reluctantly sighed. "We'll do what you say, Scorpan. For now."

Later, Sonata Dusk paraded between the two cells and looked to see the occupants inside lying fast asleep.

"All right, prisoners are asleep and I've got a taco with my name on it," She giggled as she sat down in a chair right beside the Legion of Doom's cell. "Dinner time!"

Opening one of her eyes, Cozy got up and quietly flew over towards Sonata Dusk as she was biting into her taco. Taking one of her forelegs, she wrapped it around Sonata's mouth to prevent her from screaming. "Okay, grab the keys! Quick!" She sharply whispered to Tirek and Chrysalis who grabbed the keys with her magic while Tirek drained Sonata's magic and regained some of his stolen strength.

Taking the keys, Chrysalis placed them in the lock and opened the door, allowing her, Tirek and Cozy Glow to escape. Then, snatching the keys from Chrysalis, Tirek reluctantly proceeded to open his brother's cell.

"Scorpan, I hope you know what you are doing." Tirek declared.

"Trust me, brother," Scorpan replied as he got out of his cell. "You have to trust me. You are the only family I have left. I don't want to believe there is no good left in you, no matter how much my heart tells me so. If only so we can both be free of that monster, I'll help you out."

"Now where do we go?" Cozy Glow asked as Scorpan turned his attention towards the farther end of the dungeon.

"This way, come on!" Scorpan cried as he took to the air followed by Chrysalis and Cozy Glow. "Take out the guards, quick!"

As they attempted to escape, several donkey soldiers charged and pointed spears at the prisoners!. But Tirek, with his newly acquired strength, managed to easily defeat them and consume their magic, regaining more of his power.

"Where are we going?" Cozy Glow asked.

"There's a door that I was brought here through," Scorpan answered. "It leads to a loading dock!"

"A loading dock?!" Cozy cried!

"Yes, a loading dock! There should be something there that can help us. Hurry!" Scorpan answered.

But just as they were about to get to the loading dock, the group was stopped by Aria Blaze and Adagio Dazzle.

"Going somewhere?" Adagio asked evilly as she and Aria stared down Scorpan and the mean three. "I don't think so! You'll pay for what you did to Sonata, pay with your lives that is!"

"What do we do now?!" Chrysalis frantically asked Scorpan. "Where are we gonna go?!"

"I'll tell you where you're going," Aria Blaze answered. "Splatsville! Prepare to suffer my wrath!" Hissing, Aria then lunged at Cozy Glow!

But Tirek was quick to intervene, grabbing the Dazzling by her neck and clutching it tightly.

Adagio charged towards Tirek, only to be stopped by Chrysalis. Loudly hissing, Chrysalis pressed the leader of the sirens on the ground while Scorpan and Cozy Glow moved forward.

"The ship is gone!" Scorpan cried!

Cozy blinked in confusion. "What ship? I don't see a ship."

Scorpan explained. "The ship that brought me here! I know it was here! I saw it with my own eyes!"

Cozy Glow groaned in annoyance. "Great! There's no way out of here! Now what?!"

Suddenly, Scorpan got another idea. "Follow me!" He declared, flying towards the outer reaches of the castle's areas. "I think there's another way out if we move fast!"

Cozy wanted to follow, but all of a sudden she heard a loud scream coming from Chrysalis as Adagio Dazzle stuck her fangs into her throat!

Hearing his lover's scream, Tirek attempted to go towards her, but Aria was quick to stop him, wrapping him up to choke him.

"Chrysalis!" Cozy Glow cried, flying over to her mother figure as fast as she could!

But Adagio Dazzle took her tail and wrapped Cozy Glow around, attempting to choke her.

"Cozy Glow!" Tirek coughed, trying to get himself out of the grip that Aria Blaze had him in! "Let... go... of me!"

"Never! This is going to be fun!" Aria Blaze laughed as she kept up the pressure.

Realizing he needed to act fast, Scorpan dashed back into the castle!

Tirek saw his brother leave them and felt nothing but betrayal was left to the mercy of the Sirens along with his lover and his daughter figure.

Scorpan retreated back into the castle and proceeded towards the empty throne room! "There's only one way to escape now!" He cried, amd letting out a loud roar he used his strength to bang a hole into the spot where the throne once stood. Looking down into the hole, Scorpan dove in and found himself in a large cave that only had small torches for light. "If what I heard is true…"

Following the dimly lit torches, Scorpan soon found himself standing in front of a tall monstrosity with the body of a serpent. "Incredible!" He gasped, admiring the tall structure before proceeding to a small door at the bottom of the structure. Climbing up through the structure, he bypassed several rooms and joints before finally making his way towards the cockpit. "Hold on, brother!"

Meanwhile, the mean three continued to struggle with the two Dazzlings and all Tirek could do was watch helplessly as Adagio released her fangs from Chrysalis' neck, the wounds looked nasty.

"Grogar will reward us handsomely, Aria!" Adagio declared "When we bring him what's left of these three traitors! And to think, we could pull it off without that annoying idiot Sonata getting in the way."

"Time to finish you off!" Aria hissed as she prepared to bite at Tirek. "Then I'll take all your magic, including the stuff you stole from Sonata!"

But then suddenly, the ground beneath them rumbled and the Sirens lost their balance and grip on their opponents.

Inside the dungeons, Sonata Dusk came to and quickly got up to leave, but not before picking up her prized taco. This was a mistake as the ceiling began to collapse around her!"OH NOOOO!" she screamed as the ceiling caved in on her and the taco!

With a look of horror on their faces, Adagio and Aria looked up to see a giant, green robotic creature towering over them!

"What is that?!" Cozy Glow cried as the metallic creature roared. "Is that a dragon?! Where are its scales?!"

Just then, a beam of green light hit the mean three and pulled them up towards the creature's mouth.

"Don't let them escape!" Adagio shouted as she and Aria prepared to give chase. But just then, the creature's left leg rose up and moved forward towards the two sirens. Both Adagio and Aria screamed in horror as the creature's foot moved down on them!

Meanwhile, the mean three were brought into the cockpit of the creature as Tirek looked up and saw Scorpan piloting the creature. "Scorpan, what is this monstrosity?!" He demanded of his brother.

"This is Serpentera II!" Scorpan answered. "A creature built by the previous occupants of this castle. But it has a very limited battery life."

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Cozy Glow cried. "Let's get out of here before that… thing runs out of juice!"

Powering the thrusters, Scorpan lifted Serpentera II into the moon's atmosphere while the castle crumbled beneath them.

Once they were clear of the moon's atmosphere, Tirek went to the cockpit and approached his brother. "Scorpan," He bitterly demanded. "Was this all you wanted to teach us about respect? By having us nearly get killed?"

Turning his head to Tirek, Scorpan sighed to himself. "Brother, what I said earlier was a lie. I believe there is still some good in you," He explained. "Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday…the good in you will come out fully. Besides, the time will soon come for you to face your fears. Father is gone now, it's time for us both to move on."

Tirek was not convinced, but he had a strong indication of what his brother had planned for him and his companions. "Well, let's hope that doesn't happen," He remarked. "I'm just grateful to be out of that dungeon."

Turning his back around to the front, Scorpan had one more message for his brother. "Your lover needs you to tend to her wounds. Go to her. At the least you have learned how to get along with others, that is a start." He reminded, motioning for him to leave the cockpit.

Doing as he was told, Tirek left the cockpit.

In another part of Serpentera II, Cozy Glow had placed several bandages on Chrysalis's neck much to the Changeling's annoyance.

"All better!" Cozy Glow declared in a joyful voice.

"Yes, of course," Chrysalis muttered. "Doesn't change anything about what just happened, however."

"What matters is that it is over, Chrysalis," Cozy replied. "We can now focus on finishing off Grogar, right?"

"Yes, but all this talk about respect…it's making me sick," Chrysalis gagged. "I need love, not respect!"

"But respect will help us survive," Tirek remarked as he stood in the doorway. "Now that we are free from Grogar's dungeon, we must embrace the thought of respecting one another. It's the only way we can survive."

"Maybe rescuing your brother was a mistake," Chrysalis bitterly muttered. "It's made you soft."

"Scorpan and I may not be on good terms, but he helped us to escape," Tirek declared. "We need to take that into consideration. Besides, respect is what we might need to survive what is to come next."

Sighing deeply, Chrysalis had no choice but to accept what was to come as Serpentera II traveled towards Earth.

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