• Published 10th Apr 2021
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 13 - twilightsparkle3562

Welcome to Season 13 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!

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Episode 32: "Grogar's Endgame, Part 6"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: Starlight and Trixie continue their face off against the clone of Chrysalis, only to get help from an unlikely source.


Tara Strong as Twilight Sparkle

Ashleigh Ball as Rainbow Dash

Tabitha St. Germain as Luna/Mrs. Cake

Nicole Oliver as Celestia

Kelly Sheridan as Starlight Glimmer

Kathleen Barr as Trixie/Chrysalis

Brian Drummond as Mr. Cake

Doc Harris as Grogar/Pony Soldier

Mark Acheson as Lord Tirek

Sunni Westbrook as Cozy Glow

John De Lancie as Discord

Robby Benson as Scorpan

Lauren Jackson as Silverstream

Chris Britton as Starswirl the Bearded

Ellen-Ray Hennessy as Mistmane

Taye Diggs as Capper

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 13, Episode 32

"Grogar's Endgame, Part 6"

Written by Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12


Discord: "Hand over my magic or I might just snap little Cozy Glow here into oblivion!"

Grogar: "You should know better than to mess with me. I have powers greater than your own! I will not submit to your demands! Not now, not ever!"

Discord: "I will get...my magic back if it's the last thing I do!"

Luna: "We can't hide from him forever, sister."

Celestia: "Scarface may be a grizzly but even grizzlies have their weaknesses."

Luna: "You're getting nothing from me! I said no! I will not ever masquerade as a moose!"

Celestia: "Right for the heart."

Luna: "End of the line...you beast. It is finished."

Twilight: "Surrender your bell to me and I will give you a quick exit. Come on, Chirin. Let's finish this the way we started...TOGETHER!"

"Starlight? Starlight?!" Starlight Glimmer could hear the faint whispers of somepony calling her name as she weakly opened her eyes to find Trixie: Her face covered in scrapes, motioning for Starlight to wake up.

Slowly awakening, Starlight found herself in a closet alone with Trixie, surrounded by various props and objects.

"What...what happened?" Starlight moaned as she slowly came to. "Where's...where's Chrysalis?"

"Still looking for us, hopefully," Trixie explained. "It was lucky of me to use that teleportation spell before we hit the ground."

Illuminating her horn, Starlight tried to mentally pull herself together knowing that very soon, her archenemy would surely be looking for them.

"I think she might be dead," Trixie whispered as Starlight opened the door to the closet, finding herself in one of the classrooms that had not yet been attacked by the donkeys.

Suddenly, Starlight felt pain in her back as she fell forwards, items falling in a loud clatter. "Starlight, are you crazy?! You want her to find us?"

"It's not my fault...Trix," Starlight groaned. "My...back...it's…"

Trixie realized that Starlight's back injury had flared up again as a result of their fight with the Chrysalis clone. But Starlight wasn't going to let her back woes bring her down.

"It's...it's fine," Starlight grunted, trying to get to her feet. "Can you still fight, Trixie?"

Trixie nodded. "I can. But what about you?"

Starlight could then sense that her enemy was coming towards them. "I'm not going to let my...ugh!" She started to say before falling back down again on one foreleg. "...back stop me! Just be ready in case she comes!"

Just then, the two mares heard a loud explosion from outside the classroom! The noise made Trixie wince as Starlight realized that the donkey soldiers were starting to make their way towards the school.

"I think we may have more urgent matters to worry about!" Trixie cried, her horn charging up in anticipation.

From outside the classroom, Rainbow Dash continued to valiantly fight the donkey soldiers, but her strength was wearing out.

At the same time, Silverstream also continued to try and fight her way against the invading donkeys. But to little avail. "It's no use! We've got to...fall back!" Silverstream cried before a donkey soldier beat her down with a club and proceeded to wail on her over and over!

"Silverstream!" Rainbow Dash cried as she too was knocked to the floor.

Seeing this, Trixie leapt into action! She threw the closet door open and proceeded to blast at the donkey soldiersL Hitting them repeatedly with her magic and sending them flying!

"Nopony hurts the Princess of Loyalty!" Trixie declared as she continued firing beams of magic from her horn, allowing Rainbow Dash and Silverstream to escape into a classroom. "Get inside, quickly! Trixie will hold them off!"

Dashing into the classroom, Silverstream and Rainbow Dash joined Starlight as Trixie shut the door behind her.

"Thanks, counselor Trixie," Silverstream gasped while trying to catch her breath. "We tried to hold them off as long as we could."

"Yeah, there's just too many of them. Even with their leader gone they just keep coming!" Rainbow Dash gasped. "Guess you and Starlight haven't fared much better."

"You think?" Starlight groaned, the pain in her back once again flaring up. "Chrysalis did this to us. She's a persistent bug, I'll give her that."

"Where is she now?!" Rainbow Dash asked, pounding her fore hooves together while remembering the last time she'd encountered Chrysalis in the distant lands. "I still have a bone to pick with her! She's not getting away this time!"

"Looking for us, probably," Trixie replied. "We all fell out of the attic window until I managed to cast a teleportation spell to get Starlight and I away. How is it out there?"

"You were just out there," Rainbow dryly remarked. "Dead and wounded donkeys, what else do you want me to say?"

Suddenly, all heard the sounds of hoofbeats coming down the hall at a frantic pace and Rainbow went out to investigate. Looking out the window, she saw a pony soldier running towards them with blood on his face.

"Hold it!" Rainbow Dash cried. "What's going on?! Why are you here?!"

"Princess Rainbow Dash," The soldier gasped. "It's Chrysalis...she's on the move!"

"Where is she?" Rainbow Dash inquired only for the pony soldier to grin evilly and drop his disguise revealing "he" to be a "she"!

Before Rainbow could react, Chrysalis trapped Rainbow in a sickly green aura and then threw her into the classroom, causing her to crash into several desks! This made Starlight and Trixie jump into action!

"Surprise!" Chrysalis cackled as she stepped into the classroom. "Did you honestly think you can get away from me that easily with that stupid teleportation spell?! I wasn't born yesterday, I knew you cowards had to have fled to somewhere!" She then turned her attention over to Starlight Glimmer, as the unicorn mare struggled to stay on her feet.

"Chrysalis!" Starlight gasped with a determined look on her face. "Don't you ever...quit?"

"I never quit until my goal is accomplished, Starlight Glimmer," Chrysalis declared as she slowly walked over to Starlight and towered over her. "And it seems like our little soiree in the attic has left you weak...as a kitten. Easy pickings."

Starlight could only wince some more in pain as she felt her back starting to slowly increase in intensity.

"Hey Cheese Legs!" Trixie called, preparing to fire her magic at Chrysalis, only for the Changeling to send Trixie back into the classroom wall and knock her out cold, much to Starlight's horror.

Before Starlight could react, she fell back down in despair and pain.

Licking her lips, Chrysalis forced Starlight to her feet. "Stand up, you wimp!" She demanded, forcing Starlight to look her straight in the eyes, her magic grip forcing itself onto Starlight. "I'm not done with you yet. Not by a longshot!"

Starlight felt her back starting to crunch, causing her to scream in agonizing pain.

"Headmare Starlight!" Silverstream cried before Chrysalis forced her back into the wall.

"No one is coming to save you this time, Starlight!" Chrysalis taunted. "Prepare to do battle, and prepare to lose it all!"


Meanwhile, Tirek, Chrysalis, Cozy Glow and the Klugetown citizens along with the pillars were making their way through the Ponyville square, walking amongst the dead already littered in the streets.

"There has been a great deal of death and destruction already done," Tirek sighed while looking down. "We must keep going, there's nothing we can do here."

Soon they came across the destroyed Sugarcube Corner and Cozy Glow suddenly stopped to gaze at the destroyed structure.

"Cozy Glow, what are you doing?" Tirek inquired of his daughter figure. "We have to move! We can't stay here"

"You heard your father, come on!" Chrysalis cried, but Cozy felt her eyes gaze on the destroyed structure.

"Wait," Capper said, silencing them. "I think...she's thinking of this place if you catch my drift." And slowly walking up to the child, Capper threw one of his arms around her shoulders.

"Capper, what's going on?!" Tirek cried in a demanding tone of voice. "We have to advance! Staying here will only leave us vulnerable to attack! This is war, it's not pretty! And it's time you got used to it!"

"You can go on," Starswirl gestured, sensing the pain that was in Cozy's body language. "But not this one. She's young, she's seen more than she's used to. She needs time to adjust."

"Starswirl?" Mistmane started to ask. "What…?"

Slowly walking up to Cozy Glow, Starswirl motioned for Capper to stand aside and join the others. "Go," He somberly declared. "I will stay here and catch up with you later. I assure you, I won't let any harm come to this child if we're attacked."

Acting on his orders, Capper rejoined the group and gestured for Tirek and Chrysalis to continue on.

"You know this place?" Starswirl asked Cozy Glow as tears began to form in her eyes.

"This is...this is where I first learned of friendship," Cozy began to sob. "I never realized before what would happen if Grogar got his way. How could he do this? Doesn't he care about anyone besides himself? Why be ruler of everything if there's no one left to rule over?"

Right away, Starswirl could sense that there was a change coming over Cozy Glow, a change that was more than likely to be a permanent one.

"I helped Mrs. Cake bake something...I don't remember what it was, but she was a nice mare to be around," Overcome with grief, Cozy Glow fell to her knees and wept, thinking that the worst had befallen her while Starswirl looked on. "Grogar...he told me to be strong, but not like this. Why did it take me so long to realize all of this? Why didn't I realize this sooner when I had a chance?" Cozy cried through quiet sobs.

It was clear to Starswirl that Cozy was emotionally scarred by what they were seeing.

Then, suddenly, he sensed t movement from inside the rubble of the destroyed property.

"Shh, listen!" Starswirl whispered to Cozy as he could hear faint sounds coming from below. "There's somepony alive in there!"

"What?!" Cozy Glow cried as Starswirl ran up to the structure.

"Hello?!" A male voice. "Hello?!"

"Get us out of here!" A female voice and Cozy Glow realized who it was!

Meanwhile, Tirek and Chrysalis along with Scorpan led the Klugetown residents towards the battlefield where Sombra and the rest of Grogar's forces were fighting.

Suddenly, Tirek looked over and saw his clone beating down pony soldiers and draining their strength.

"Brother, do you see…?!" Scorpan gasped!

"Yes," Tirek angrily declared as he clenched his paw up into a fist. "He's created a clone of me! The foul scum!"

Angered, Tirek turned to Capper and the Klugetown citizens. "To arms!" He bellowed! "Take no prisoners! I'll teach Grogar to make a mockery of me!"

Hearing the centaur's yells, Capper and the Klugetown citizens charged into battle and aided the defenders in fighting the encroaching army.

"He's mine!" Tirek cried with his eyes deadlocked on his doppleganger. "Grogar's not going to get away with this!"

Loudly roaring, Tirek ran towards his clone.

Chrysalis was about to join in when Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks! "It appears that I too have an imposter that must be dealt with." She thought to herself and before anyone could react, the former queen disappeared.

A few moments later, Chrysalis found herself in front of the battle ravaged School of Friendship and immediately set her sights on the source of her summons: The classroom where her clone was located, about to give the final blow to a weakened Starlight Glimmer!

"Any last words?" The Chrysalis clone asked in a sarcastic tone as she prepared to send a killing spell through Starlight's body. "No? Very well then, time to die."

With her horn glowing ominously, the Chrysalis clone was about to deliver the killing blow to an injured Starlight Glimmer, who shut her eyes as her entire life played out in her mind at a rapid pace.

Suddenly, the Chrysalis clone felt herself getting hit with a sharp beam of magic and released her grip on Starlight as she fell to the ground! "What?!" the clone snarled as she quickly regrouped to discover the real Chrysalis standing behind her. "YOU!"

The true Chrysalis looked to her clone with a defiant smirk on her face. "Yes, me. Me, me, me," She spoke with a dark chuckle escaping her lips. "You know what sucks about sequels? You can never top the original no matter how hard you try."

Starlight opened her eyes, and looked up to her savior, only to be startled by whom it was. "Chrysalis?!"

In response, the former queen turned to Starlight with a glance, much to Starlight's growing confusion."What…?" Was all Starlight could utter since she couldn't tell what was going on. And her back pain made it difficult to focus on much else.

"No one," Chrysalis resumed before she turned back to the clone, her expression grew serious as her eyes narrowed. "Has the right to live on this earth but me! Especially if it's some pale imitation like you!"

The clone seethed in rage upon the insult. "You DARE?!"

"You're darn right, I do," Chrysalis retorted with her horn glowing in rage. "Let's say we take this outside and settle who the real queen is!" Not waiting for a response, the real Chrysalis tackled the clone and teleported them both outside.

All the while, Starlight saw the whole thing unfold throughout, at a loss by what she saw.

Just then, Trixie came around and regained her consciousness. "Starlight, what...what happened?What's going on?"

"I-m-I'm not sure," Starlight stammered. "But I think Chrysalis-the real Chrysalis-saved our lives."

"But if that's her, who were we fighting all this time?!" Trixie nervously pondered.

Suddenly, sharp and bright blasts of sickly green magic blasted through the walls, causing Starlight and Trixie to cover their eyes! Much to their shock and amazement, the real Chrysalis had her clone pinned down in a magical lock.

"You know what is greater than fear?" Chrysalis cried as the clone looked on in horror. "DEATH! Especially for a cheap copy like you!"

Before the clone could react, Starlight and Trixie recoiled as Chrysalis bent down and snarled savagely as the Chrysalis clone cried out in horror! Then as quickly as it started, the clone was silenced

Rather than cowering in fear, Starlight weakly looked up and wondered just what Chrysalis was planning to do.

"Starlight Glimmer," Chrysalis said to herself. "We meet again."

Starlight said nothing, not realizing what was about to happen next now that the true Chrysalis had returned.


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