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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 13 - twilightsparkle3562

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Episode 2: "Megatron Makes His Move, Part 2"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: With both Ponyville and Canterlot under siege by the Predacons, Optimus Primal and the Maximals race to aid Twilight and her friends.


Tara Strong as Princess Twilight Sparkle

Ashleigh Ball as Applejack/Rainbow Dash

Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie/Fluttershy

Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity/Luna

Cathy Wesluck as Spike

Nicole Oliver as Celestia

Kelly Sheridan as Starlight Glimmer

Ian Hanlin as Sunburst

Kathleen Barr as Trixie

Gary Chalk as Optimus Primal

David Kaye as Megatron

Colin Murdock as Mudflap/Quickstrike

Doug Parker as Terrorsaur

Jim Byrnes as Inferno

Keith Szarabajka as Rampage/Laserbeak

Ian James Corlett as Cheetor

Scott McNeil as Rattrap/Dinobot/Dinobot II

David Sobolov as Depth Charge

Judd Nelson as Rodimus Primal

Don Brown as Skids

Britt Irvin as Luster Dawn

Gavin Langelo as Gallus

Shanon Chan-Kent as Smolder

Lauren Jackson as Silverstream

Katrina Salisbury as Yona

Devyn Dalton as Ocellus

Jim Cummings as Lavan

John DiMaggio as Arabus

Doc Harris as Grogar

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 13, Episode 2

"Megatron Makes His Move, Part 2"

Written by Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12


Megatron: "When Grogar declared himself leader of the Predacons, I vowed to myself to seek revenge. So we will take this land of Equestria for ourselves! Yes!"

Quickstrike: "That…that belongs to the goat with the bell!"

Twilight Sparkle: "According to the intelligence we've received, Grogar or Megatron are planning to make a move. If they continue to remain defiant…then they must be done away with."

Spike: "You mean, you're planning on doing what Celestia did with Instant Justice?"

Optimus Primal: "Megatron is planning on making his move soon. I recommend that the Maximals fortify both Ponyville and Canterlot to protect against any possible Predacon strike."

Grogar: "You are to find Megatron and bring him to me dead or alive!"

Spike: "I choose a lockdown."

Megatron: "I shall come at sunrise tomorrow, so be warned!"

Twilight Sparkle: "May the maker protect us all."

In the Canterlot dungeons, Terrorsaur and Laserbeak were placed on two separate racks, their wings and legs stretched out and unable to transform. Both Predacons were exhausted and unable to escape, but their spirits were still willing.

"Never give in…" Terrorsaur gasped, his voice screeching briefly. "Never give in…"

Laserbeak said nothing, but he was also determined to not give into the pressures of being imprisoned.

A few moments later, the doors to the torture chamber opened and in stepped Rodiums Primal, glancing at the two Predacons that were weakened from their captivity. "Well, well, look at this," He chuckled as Mudflap and Skids followed suit. "Two Predacons bound up with no way to escape. Do you both know why you're here?"

"Yes, you want to question us…" Terrorsaur replied. "About our involvement in that attack. I can assure you that we had nothing to do with it. You're barking up the wrong tree."

Snarling, Rodimus grabbed Terrorsaur by the throat. "You lie! Of course you had something to do with it, beak brain!" The lion Maximal growled. "And I am going to get every single bit of information out of your thick skull if it's the last thing I do!"

A few moments later, a pair of pony guards came into the torture chamber and stood on one each side of Terrorsaur. Stepping back, Rodimus motioned for the guards to begin stretching Terrorsaur out.

"Ooh, this is gonna hurt, brother!' Skids cried while recoiling slightly.

"You…you won't get away with this!" Terrorsaur shouted as the rack stretched him out further. "Killing me won't…"

"Then answer this!" Rodimus demanded as Terrorsaur yelped further and further in pain. "What is Megatron planning to do? Is he planning to attack Ponyville? Canterlot, perhaps?"

Remaining defiant, Terrorsaur didn't answer and the rack was stretched further.

"Well, are you going to answer?" Rodimus remarked with his arms folded. "Or do I have to keep stretching the rack further?"

"I…I won't give into you! I've suffered worse!" Terrorsaur screeched as he began to feel his beast mode be torn away from him.

"Youse very brave for a Predacon!" Mudflap remarked. "Isn't he, Skids?"

"Yeah! Too bad he can't escape as fast!" Skids replied, causing the two Maximals to share a laugh.

Rodimus took notice of their laughter quickly. "Silence!" He ordered with a glare. "Prepare Laserbeak for interrogation!"

"Right boss." The two Maximal brothers saluted and prepared Laserbeak for interrogation. Meanwhile, Terrorsaur was being stretched beyond his limits and was now begging for mercy.

"Do you realize that some ponies in Rainbow Falls are dead because of you Predacon scum?!" Rodimus Primal asked. "Do you have any remorse…any shame of your actions?!"

Terrorsaur said nothing as he felt his left wing beginning to rip, exposing the wiring underneath him.

"All right, that's enough! We can't risk losing him before we've extracted a confession," Rodimus ordered to the Pony Guards. "Take him down! This isn't working, but perhaps there is another way to get him to open up."

Meanwhile, Twilight and her friends emerged from the throne room at the Castle of Friendship, still shaking from the encounter with Megatron.

"I'm all for guests," Pinkie Pie shivered. "But he freaks me out!"

"He's no different than any of the enemies we have encountered already," Spike replied. "But anyone who impersonates a dragon like that is bad news."

"Yes and we can't take any chances," Twilight firmly declared as she made her way to the front door of her castle and activated her horn. "We're locking down now! If Megatron thinks he can just waltz in and destroy Ponyville, he's got another thing coming!"

Stepping in front of her castle, Twilight aimed her horn into the sky and shot a beam of her alicorn magic, which began to rain down magical particles over Ponyville.

The sight of the magic beam caught the attention of the School of Friendship's students and staff. Watching from their dormitory window, Luster Dawn and several of her fellow classmates were amazed by what they were seeing.

"What's going on?!" Gallus gasped, amazed by what he was seeing. "What's with Princess Twilight's magic?"

"Something must be happening, guys," Smolder cried, beginning to get a sense of what was going on. "And I think I know who's coming. It's got to be that Megawhat'shisface."

And no sooner did Smolder say those words than did Luster Dawn feel a summons from her horn.

"Luster, what is it?" Ocellus questioned as Luster read off a scroll quietly. "What does the scroll say?"

"Twilight and her fellow princesses are locking down the school and all of Ponyville," Luster answered. "All students are to remain where they are until further notice and lock the doors."

"Says who?" Silverstream asked as she immediately embraced Gallus in a tight hug. "What's happening?"

"It's from Headmare Starlight," Luster Dawn explained, throwing the scroll aside and immediately locking the door. "Apparently, all she's saying is that it's coming from an outside threat."

Confused, Yona looked out at the window as the magical barrier Twilight was placing continued to envelop the school grounds. "Yona not know what outside threat is!" The young yak cried, looking over to her friends with a worried glance.

But Gallus had a hunch that what was about to happen was something that he had been hoping to get involved in for some time.

"What are we going to do?" Ocellus asked in a terrified voice. "Is it Grogar? Is he on his way? Is the final battle here already?"

"I don't know," Luster Dawn answered while ensuring that the door in front of her was locked tight. "But we need to wait and see. Even if it isn't Grogar there's very little we can do, much as it pains me to say it."

Stepping outside the school, Starlight, Sunburst, Trixie and the ex-royal sisters also aided Twilight in producing a barrier around Ponyville and Canterlot.

"Do you think this will hold, Starlight?" Sunburst groaned as his horn spakred.

"It has to hold, Sunburst!" Starlight urged while slightly groaning from the pain of the magic that was draining from her body.

"Trixie has her doubts!" Trixie whimpered

"Well, keep those doubts to yourself!" Starlight ordered in a sharp voice. "Our students' safety is at stake!"

Meanwhile, in the skies over Canterlot, Celestia and Luna were producing the barrier over their former home.

As she covered Canterlot, Celestia couldn't help but shed a small tear. "Look at this," She whispered to herself. "This is what it all comes down to, doesn't it?"

"Sister!" Luna called out, catching her sister's attention. "That should hold Canterlot from the Predacons!"

Looking towards her younger sister, Celestia couldn't help but produce a guilty look on her face.

"I can understand your pain, sister," Luna sympathized, wiping a tear away from her sister's eye. "But we don't have a choice! This was a decision made by our successor, and for better or for worse we must respect it. It won't do good to go against it and risk making it seem like we question her authority."

"Luna, if we ever live through this…" Celestia cried as she watched her former subjects close the doors and windows of their homes and businesses. "Remind me to ensure that Equestria is never threatened this way again! We've been sidelined one time too many!"

Feeling even more guilty for her older sister, Luna silently agreed. Then, as the moment faded, the two sisters caught sight of several airborne Predacons out in the distance coming towards the shared capitals!

"We'd better get back and warn Twilight that they are coming," Luna suggested. "Come on, sister!"

From out in the distance, Megatron and his army of Predacons drew near the limits of Ponyville while also keeping a close watch on Canterlot. Seeing the magic barriers erected to undoubtedly thwart entrance, Megatron felt amused. When he then saw Optimus and several other Maximals heading towards the Castle of Friendship, he got even more amused. "They never learn," he remarked, looking through a telescope. "Such a pity. Oh yesss…."

"What do you think, boss?" Quickstrike asked, his body covered with slight burns after being burned by Megatron earlier. "Do we attack?"

"Not yet, Quickstrike," Megatron replied while passing the telescope onto him. "We wait until our enemies are ready for battle, then we make our move!"

"How long will that take?" Rampage asked while ensuring his gun was fully loaded. "I'm itching to kill me some four legged creatures!"

"When I say it's ready!" Megatron roared back in a defiant voice. "Let's give them a false sense of security, shall we? Those magic barriers can't hold forever!"

So the Predacons waited at the borders of Ponyville. But little did they realize that at that moment, Inferno was hiding from behind a bush along with Lavan and Arabus. Inferno looked at his former royalty…his "queen" in lament, knowing he would have to betray him to Grogar.



Back in Ponyville, Twilight and her friends continued to oversee the magic barriers being placed just as Optimus and the Maximals arrived on the scene.

"Princess Twilight!" Optimus called, catching her attention as he landed in front of her. "We came as soon as we heard the news!"

"Thank you, Optimus," Twilight replied with a smile. "Can you have some of your Maximals spread out around the Ponyville borders? We'll need their help if we're going to stand any chance of driving Megatron and his forces away."

"Affirmative," Optimus nodded, motioning for Rattrap and Dinobot to come over to him. "Rattrap! Dinobot!"

"What's up, Fearless Leader?" Rattrap said as he got off Tigerhawk's back while he transformed to robot mode.

"Rattrap, I need you and Dinobot to cover the borders of Ponyville," Optimus ordered. "We can't let Megatron pass through without a fight."

"If that's what you want, boss, consider it done." Rattrap acknowledged in a reluctant tone and much to Dinobot's chagrin.

"Silverbolt, Blackarachnia and Cheetor will accompany you," Optimus continued, before turning over to Rhinox. "Rhinox, you're with me and Tigerhawk in defending the castle and the School of Friendship!"

Just then, the Maximals were welcomed by another of their kind as Depth Charge landed in front of them with his gun ready. "And what about me?" He asked, much to Optimus and especially Twilight's surprise.

"Depth Charge, what are you doing here?! You were sent to Mount Aris." Twilight asked in a surprised voice and much to Optimus' annoyance.

"Got fired," Depth Charge replied in a matter of fact tone of voice. "Queen Novo sent me packing. Didn't like what I had to say."

But Optimus had reason to believe that Depth Charge had gone back to his old ways, it wasn't like the bounty hunter Maximal to just be "fired" from something over a disagreement. "We will discuss whatever got you fired from your post later," He reluctantly replied in a low tone of voice. Then he called out "Cheetor!"

Hearing Optimus' voice, the young Maximal raced over to him. "What's up, big bot?"

"You will stay here and defend the castle with Rhinox and Tigerhawk," He declared while looking over to Depth Charge with a firm glance. "Depth Charge shall go with the others to aid in defending the Ponyville borders."

But Depth Charge saw otherwise. "Trying to get me slagged huh, Optimus?" He guessed. "Well it won't work. I'm not afraid to play by my own rules!"

"Just go do as you are told, hardhead! And try to keep the body count low if you don't mind." Optimus sighed.

Depth Charge reluctantly nodded to indicate his agreement, transforming into his manta ray beast mode and following Silverbolt to the borders.

"Yeah, I can't help but wonder either, big bot," Cheetor remarked. "Border duty doesn't seem suited to him, I'm much a faster fighter than he is."

"He needs to be taught a lesson," Optimus firmly replied. "A lesson on the proper way to fight in war, and that even in war are there some lines you don't cross."

"It makes little difference to me what he does," Twilight declared. "Right now we need to defend from the Predacons and whoever else is coming! If his methods get results at the expense of the Predacons, so be it!"

"I agree with Twilight," Rainbow Dash added. "No reason to keep fighting amongst ourselves! The Predacons came here looking for a fight, and we'll give 'em a fight they'll never forget!"

Doing as they were told, Rattrap and Dinobot accompanied Depth Charge to the edge of Ponyville where all of the citizens had been forced into lockdown. Not a single soul except for the Maximals and the pony guards were out and about.

"Oh great, since when did they show up?" Rattrap groaned as he ran alongside Dinobot, soon spotting Depth Charge. "Hey, you ain't getting in here, Megadip!"

"He will find a way, vermin!" Dinobot replied while readying his swirling sword. "Or perhaps your crash landing in this world scrambled your circuits."

"Eh, there's a part of me that wishes you were still dead," Rattrap remarked while taking out his gun and cocking it. "Telling it like it is, Chopperface. You have no idea how much of a pain in the diodes Depth Charge was."

On the other side of the barrier, Megatron could only groan in disgust at the arrival of Rattrap and Dinobot. "Blast that traitorous Dinobot!" He groaned. "Again he defies me," Megatron then realized that there was a way to get into Ponyville and turned his attention over to Dinobot II. "But at least I have some…inspiration. Dinobot II, prepare to start digging!"

Laughing evilly, Dinobot's clone transformed into his beast mode and began to dig into the ground.

"As for the rest of you," Megatron ordered. "Prepare your weapons! We're gonna start cracking at that barrier! It will fall! Yessss!"

Meanwhile, Inferno led Lavan and Arabus as quietly as he could. "I can't believe I'm attacking the royalty," Inferno said as he and his comrades hid in a ditch. "I feel like a traitor."

"He is an enemy," Lavan cautioned flexing his flaming muscles. "And anyone who is an enemy of Grogar's is an enemy of mine."

"I second the motion," Arabus added while the green gem on his forehead gleamed brightly. "I outta blow them right out of here right now, all of them! We could eliminate both our enemies at the same time."

But Inferno was beginning to have second thoughts about carrying out his mission. This caught the attention of Grogar back up in his palace on the moon, who was beginning to sense Inferno was trying to back out.

"I can read your mind, Inferno," Grogar whispered while tapping into his bell's powers. "And I will not allow you to think another thought on it! I will not have another servant betray me!"

Going into Inferno's mind via his viewing globe, Grogar updated Inferno's processor to make him an obedient soldier. "Good, my loyal warrior," Grogar laughed. "Now obey me and do as you are told. Capture that traitorous Megatron dead or alive!"

Much to the shock of Lavan and Arabus, Inferno cocked his weapon despite having just displayed hesitancy at what was in front of him. "Yes, my emperor," Inferno declared in a monotone voice, causing both Lavan and Arabus to be taken slightly aback. "I shall obey you and carry out the mission assigned to me!"

"Excellent," Grogar laughed. "You are going to complete your mission and be successful. Failure will not be an option."

To Lavan and Arabus' further shock, Inferno began to make his way out of his hiding spot and cocking his weapon again, aimed it at several Predacons in the back of the army! Aiming his weapon, Grogar ordered Inferno to strike at the army. "Now, my servant, fire!" Grogar commanded and the mind controlled Inferno aimed his weapon and fired his weapon several times, the blasts hitting several Predacons and catching Megatron by surprise!

"What was that?!" Megatron demanded, taking to the air with his gold dragon wings. The Predacon leader was shocked and outraged by what he was seeing. "Inferno?! You traitor! Pirhanacons, deal with him at once!"

Several of the Pirhanacons heard Megatron's cries and proceeded to take down Inferno. Still weakened from being rescued from the sea, however, the Pirhanacons were sent back flying from the mind controlled Inferno's blasts.

"The rest of you, focus on breaking that barrier!" Megatron further ordered as he and Shockwave proceeded to go after Inferno. "Shockwave, deal with the traitor!"

Before the crocodile Predacon could deal with Inferno however, Lavan and Arabus emerged from their hiding places! Lavan fired blasts of flame at Megatron and using his wind powers, Arabus sucked up Shockwave and fired through his arms of wind! Arabus sent Shockwave flying into the magic barrier, causing it to crack slightly.

"In the name of Emperor Grogar, you are under arrest, Megatron!" Lavan cried.

"Grogar can just kiss my tail!" Megatron thundered, aiming his dragon head at Arabus and firing a shot at him! "No one controls me! No one!"

"We shall see about that," Grogar declared. "Inferno, attack your fellow Predacons! Show no mercy!" He forced Inferno into the sky.

Not seeing what was going on behind them, the Predacon army was forced to scatter.

"What in the…?" Quickstrike cried as he got to his feet. "Since when did fire varmint decide to attack us?"

But Grogar was having the time of his life as he continued to pilot the hypnotized Inferno via his bewitching bell. Aiming his gun at Megatron, the mind controlled Inferno hit his former superior in the chest, sending him back into the barrier and further cracking it!

"That's it," Megatron thought, looking at the cracks in the barrier. "Maybe Inferno has some use after all!"

Tapping into his wind powers, Arabus transformed into a tornado and proceeded to throw several Predacons in different directions.

"Dinobot II!" Megatron called down from the sky, causing Dinobot II to stop digging. "New plan! I order you to start cracking at the barrier!"

"As you command, Megatron." Dinobot II declared as the barrier began to crack more and more! Soon the Predacons would break through and make their way into Ponyville!

Back in Canterlot, the badly injured Terrorsaur was placed in a dunking machine where the tank was filled with water, water that could seep in and ruin his inner circuits.

"Terrorsaur, this water is dangerous to you," Rodimus explained. "Tell me, why does it seem dangerous?"

"You intend to destroy my inner body," Terrorsaur gasped, weakly lifting his head up. "Well, you will never succeed, no matter how hard you try!"

"I beg to differ. We will find a way to preserve your spark. We will get a confession out of you one way or another." Rodimus declared and motioned for the dunking of Terrorsaur to begin.

Doing as they were told, the guardspony pushed down hard on the dunking machine, sending Terrorsaur into the pool of water. The water creeped into his system and upon being pulled out electricity could be seen circulating throughout his body.

"What does Megatron have planned for Equestria, Terrorsaur?" But after not getting an answer despite several minutes passing, Rodimus motioned for Terrorsaur to be dunked again.

"We can keep this up," Rodimus cautioned, walking over to a wall and leaning against it. "Or I can hear what you have to say."

Still, Terrorsaur remained defiant. Then he got himself an idea, turning his attention over to Laserbeak.

"Perhaps seeing your friend being dunked as well might make you see otherwise," Rodimus remarked. "Skids, Mudflap, place the condor in the dunking tank. Let's see if he'll talk!"

Doing as they were told, the two Maximal brothers placed Laserbeak in the dunking tank and Skids pushed him down hard into the tank, the water already corroding his metallic body.

"Laserbeak, what does Megatron have planned for Equestria next?" Rodimus demanded. "Tell me!"

Screeching, Laserbeak felt the cold, raw water course through his body, further impacting his ability to transform and escape.

"Don't suppose that rescue is coming for you both," Rodimus remarked while looking at each of the captured and tortured Predacons. "There is a barrier that is keeping the Predacons from rescuing you! unicorn and alicorn magic are what is keeping you our prisoners!"

"Megatron, please help us!" Laserbeak thought to himself, his electric circuits fusing out further.

Back at the Castle of Friendship, Twilight continued to stand in front of her castle with her friends and realized that something was wrong with the barrier.

"Optimus, look!" Rarity suddenly cried as she noticed something! "The dome! It's cracking!"

"Then that means the Predacons will get inside," Applejack cried in disbelief. "Twilight, we need to do something!"

Acting fast, Twilight fired her horn at the crack, trying to at least stop it from widening! "I don't know how long it will hold! Megatron must already be cracking at it somehow!"

Suddenly, Optimus heard his radio go off. "Optimus here, come in," He declared into his radio. "What is it, Rattrap?"

Listening, Optimus took in what was being said. "Megatron is under attack…by Inferno?!" hH remarked in a confused tone. "What?! No, keep holding your ground unless I tell you otherwise! We'll deal with them! Maybe them being distracted will be a good thing!"

Hastily turning off his radio, Optimus took to the air once more. "Princess Twilight, wait here. I'll be back! Something unexpected's come up." He declared before powering his prime jets to the position that needed his attention.

But no sooner did Optimus leave than did more cracks in the barrier begin to appear, and Twilight became worried as pieces of the barrier began to fall on the castle.

"What was that?" Fluttershy shouted in a panicked voice as another piece of the barrier almost fell on top of her. "The dome…we've got to save it!"

"Anypony have some super glue?" Pinkie cried as she saw more and more cracks form throughout the barrier. "Cause I think we are going to need some!"

"Twilight!" Starlight frantically called as she ran over with Sunburst and Trixie. "The barrier! It's…"

"I know," Twilight interrupted in a calm and scared voice. "It's breaking! I'm afraid it's only a matter of time until things really start to take place! The real battle is about to begin!"

Looking up, the barrier which had been intended to better protect Equestria's soon to be announced shared capitals was now falling apart. Now, Twilight and her friends were left with the possibility of being confronted by the Predacons again…on their own home field!

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