• Published 11th May 2021
  • 2,353 Views, 134 Comments

Factory of the Magical Variety - Conglomerate

Prospector! A new, resource rich planet has been discovered. Preparing for launch.

  • ...

Chapter 15: Venture

Venture Company was all about taking risks, they loved to fly, race, and fight. Why exactly they started prospecting I do not know, what I do know however was that they made great flying techs, something that I used to use to my full advantage.

There was a problem though, I didn't have a Venture brand Fabricator with me. If I did, I wouldn't be sitting here right now talking about it, I'd be flying around with cheap but effective propellers.

What made Venture so much better than GSO was that they devised a way to sustain flight without the use of Ignite or Celestite. By using simple engineering they were able to come up with a very weak propeller. Of course they had more powerful propellers that could propel larger aircrafts, but that wasn't important right now.

What was important was that I had devised a way to get a Venture Fabricator, it was certainly a risk, but sort of necessary one. If I wanted to travel far relatively unnoticed, I'd have to stay in the air.

My plan was to trick the GSO Fabricator into fabricating a Venture one, don't ask me about the specifics, as I hadn't defined them yet. I didn't need much to craft a Venture Fabricator, I had all the resources I needed. Now it was time to actually craft the thing.

Thinking back to the last time I forced the Fabricator to fabricate with something it didn't like, I quickly fabricated another GSO Fabricator just in case.

With everything ready, I loaded up the Fabricator with the correct materials and components, and set it to craft a "GSO Fabricator".

At first nothing happened, then it started shaking, then it started shaking even harder, harder than the time I used bootleg Cuprite wire. Then it stopped, I thought it was done, but nothing came out the other end. Just what had happened in there?

Then it exploded, violently.

Thankfully I always have a block in front of my cabin, most of the time. A large piece of shrapnel decimated the small drill on the front, and embedded itself partway into the block in front of my cabin. I'm glad I had the foresight to make another Fabricator.

In the smoking crater however, was a heavily damaged Venture brand Fabricator, of course it's color palette like GSO, but it was the same design all Venture Fabricators used. Repairing it in a repair bubble, I anchored it down on the floor and opened up the menu, expecting to see only GSO items.

To my surprise it actually listed Venture items and blocks, that was great! I could finally fabricate some decent aircraft. I set right to work on designing a new plane, this time not just a glider.

I could even fabricate a Venture cabin, though less durable and accessible than GSO, they certainly were fast. I couldn't fabricate standard Venture blocks however, as they required Titanite, but there were plenty of other cool things I could craft.

I started with new wings, being more lightweight and streamlined, Venture wings were superior to GSO ones. Next I fabricated some Venture wheels, while not as strong, they were a lot faster that GSO, making them better for taking off. Then I fabricated a Venture cabin, not only was it faster than GSO, it was more aerodynamic, essential for planes.

Finally, I fabricated a small propeller, it didn't provide much thrust, but I could keep it on the entire time, something I couldn't do with boosters. There wasn't much else I could make in the form of utility, so I looked to see what weapons I could make. I definitely couldn't make everything, but there were some things that warranted investigation.

I could fabricate some Hail Fire rifles, medium range automatic fire rifles that did well in most situations. I could also fabricate the Oozee SMG, a stupidly high rate of fire gun that unloads bullets downrange. The last thing worth fabricating wasn't very popular with techs. The Reaper X1 Flamethrower, it wasn't very effective against other techs, being mostly fireproof and all, but I wasn't up against other techs, I was dealing with organic beings.

Who wouldn't want a flamethrower anyway? They are completely awesome, I guess that's why Venture designed them. Of course I wasn't just going to go around burning things, but flames were a good deterrent for most beings. Besides, flamethrowers were no longer on the banned weapons list now, I could use them whenever I wanted.

I had to make a couple of trips to the resource locations, I needed a lot to fabricate all I needed. I was beginning to notice some depletion though, there wasn't much Rodite left on the surface, and the well of Oleite wasn't as full as it used to be. Something to look out for in the future, I'd need to find more resource locations.

There was still plenty of Cuprite, I hadn't had much of a use for it. There was still Plumbite in the walls, even though I couldn't access it. There was still plenty of Carbite left on top of the cliff too, so it wasn't like I was completely out of resources. Still, I'd have to cut down on consumption until I found more.

With everything needed, I went to designing my new plane, it was a shame I couldn't fabricate any Venture blocks, they were extremely lightweight and flexible, perfect for aircraft. I was stuck with GSO, rigid and a bit heavier, I wouldn't be able to add much else to this plane than the necessities.

It was barely even able to lift off with the one propeller, that was not a good sign, it even kept listing off to the side even when it was evenly balanced. I'd need more power, thankfully that was possible with the addition of another propeller, now I had one on each side.

With the added propeller, I could actually add a few more accessories, but not much. I stuck with the radar, radio, and speakers, the most essential. I was even able to replace a part of the main body with a collector, allowing me to collect resources while out and about. If I had the resources I could definitely design this better, but right now I only had the one ingot of Titanite, so that was out of the question.

The plane was done, and now I could fly uninterrupted, I could travel farther faster and more clandestinely. I just needed a place to go. I've been East and West a bit, with Dragon's peak to the West and the Erudite field to the East. I hadn't been North of South however, perhaps I'd find something new?

I wasn't sure exactly where I was on the globe, but if I travel North or South a lot it would either get hotter or colder, depending on what hemisphere I'm in. The first thing I'd want to find was Celestite, with it I could create more shield bubbles, a strong but energy costly defense.

I'd be able to upgrade the dongle on the Component Factory again. That would allow me access to the most powerful components yet, I could create some powerful blocks with those. I didn't have Celestite yet though, best save the imaginary salivating at the mouth until I actually got some.

With my new tasks in order, I drove my new plane out of my base. I made it to the top of the ravine and was about to take off.

It seems like I'd never get to take off without an interruption anymore, as a certain blue icon appeared on my radar. I knew who it was though, thanks to my radar's upgrade.

Zecora soon walked out of the tree line, it was a little odd seeing her this late, it was getting pretty dark out. None the less she still walked up to my tech.

"Zecora, you have an impeccable sense of timing, this is like the third time you've stopped me from leaving." I said, feigning annoyance. "Do you want to come with?"

"I will not be flying anytime soon, though something interesting has happened this afternoon." Zecora said, grimacing a bit.

"Interesting how? If you came to tell me this late I assume it's pretty important." I asked

"Indeed it is. I have made friends with the ponies, allow me to explain..." Zecora started telling me all about how she went into their village earlier today, and the adventures that a little kid caused. It was interesting to say the least.

"At the spa, there was a mare named Twilight, she asked for my insight. She wanted to know if I knew of you, I told her that I do. I even said you wanted to meet with her, but I didn't tell her where you were." She finished.

"Thank you Zecora, I'd prefer to meet these ponies on my own terms. Is there a place for us to meet?" I asked.

"I did set something up, though it is rather abrupt. She agreed to tomorrow at noon, at my place is this opportune." Zecora said.

"Thank you Zecora, I'll be there. This is more important that flying right now." I said

Zecora nodded, then said her goodbyes and left.

Now I had a chance to meet with the ponies, apparently one of them was named Twilight. It was a bit of an odd name, I always thought it was weird to be named an object or thing. Though it's not like it's very uncommon, I've met Suzie Vroom.

Dear Princess Celestia,

My friends and I all learned an important lesson this week: Never judge a book by its cover. Someone may look unusual, or funny, or scary. But you have to look past that and learn who they are inside. Real friends don't care what your "cover" is; it's the contents of a pony that count. And a good friend, like a good book, is something that will last forever.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

P.S. To follow up on the report on the dragon, I have managed to arrange a meeting with the mystery third party, I hope to learn what their goals are and why they are here. I will report to you my findings in this endeavor.

Author's Note:

Chapter 15 is cool. Now with super hyper awesome Venture techs. I had thought about starting with Geocorp first, but anything from Geocorp takes a ton of Titanite, something Teck doesn't have access to. While a lot of Venture parts do take Titanite, a lot don't so I went with that. Where do you think Teck is going to go first? What do you think they are going to find? Also, here is a design for the plane, I actually did have a problem with it listing to the side for no reason. Funny how it works