• Published 11th May 2021
  • 2,354 Views, 134 Comments

Factory of the Magical Variety - Conglomerate

Prospector! A new, resource rich planet has been discovered. Preparing for launch.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Gathering

Apparently my tech was quite a bit faster than Zecora could even run, much less navigate the forest. Zecora took full advantage of this, mainly by riding on top of the tech. Even being a smaller tech, Zecora had a lot of leg room, I guess her species was actually pretty small. Of course, I only had Zecora as a reference, I had no idea if she was average or not, something I did not want to bring up with her.

We weren't just driving aimlessly either, Zecora made sure to guide my direction by telling me. After about an hour of travel, most likely half a day for Zecora by herself. We made it to the first area Zecora wanted to go to, we were pretty deep into the forest, but even in the dark, I could see the bright green seams coming out of the ground. There wasn't much Rodite, but there was certainly enough for a couple fabrications, and more than enough for Zecora.

Zecora was especially impressed with my drill, being able to break the rock quickly and effectively extracting the precious material underneath. I filled up one of my three collectors with Rodite, while Zecora filled up one of her urns she brought with.

"You are most helpful, normally this journey takes all day," she said.


"It looks like we are done here, let us make haste to the next location," Zecora concluded, hopping back onto the top of my tech.

The next drive took a bit longer, eventually leading out of the forest to the base of a mountain. At said base was what looked like a rockslide, and quite a few of the rocks showed streaks of black, if not entirely black themselves. Looking up at the top of the mountain, I could see larger veins of Carbite, but at the moment they were inaccessible, so the pile at the base would have to do for now.

Having filled up on Carbite, Zecora struck up a conversation on the drive to the next location.

"What do you even use these items for? I only need some, but you take much more." She asked


"I admit they have their use, but could you be a bit less obtuse?" She asked,

"IT. ALLOWS. ME. TO. BETTER. MYSELF. AND. HOME." I had the speaker explain.

"Perhaps you could share some of that with me, I could use an upgrade of my tree," Zecora said,


Princess Luna held the strange metal object in her magic, closely inspecting it. When purified by the Elements of Harmony, not much was left of Nightmare Moon, just pieces of her armor which were pretty much worthless, a shame really, and this strange grey object. Luna wasn't sure what it was, but for some reason Nightmare Moon had it, so it was her job to find out what it was, faint memories of it being a weapon rose from the back of her mind. Perhaps that was why Nightmare Moon took it, but where did she get it?

"Primitive?!" Zecora said, both looking shocked and upset. She didn't continue the conversation.

The rest of the drive continued quietly, having decided to drive around the forest instead of through it proved to be much faster in the end. We ended up at a small lake, and in the center of the lake laid an small island. Apparently there was a small reservoir of Oleite on that island, there was just one problem though. My tech wasn't water capable, sure it was waterproof, but driving underwater was not an option, I'd get stuck in the mud, or not be able to get traction due to my "lightweightedness" from being underwater.

Of all the times to not have a hovercraft/plane. With my explanation to Zecora, she didn't like the idea of taking more than one trip, but with my extra help with the other two resources, she was willing to do it. With my third collector filled with Oleite, and a thoroughly drenched zebra on top of my tech, we started the drive home. It was mostly uneventful, except when we made a detour around a patch of blue flowers, not knowing why, I asked Zecora.

"ARE. THE. BLUE. FLOWERS. DANGEROUS. ARE. THEY. CORROSIVE." I 'asked' still not being able to sound it like a question.

"No, but their poison plays a mean joke on any that pass through, best to avoid the flowers of blue." Zecora answered.

I guess Zecora thought I could be affected by poison. Well, I was immune to conventional poisons, unless they were corrosive, but there were some strange happenings in this world. Best not test my luck with something stupid like that.

Arriving back at Zecora's house, she thanked me for my work, and repaying her what I took earlier, and said goodbye. With that taken care of, and not wanting to bother her anymore today, I headed back to base. Once there I realized another problem I had, I had nowhere to store my newly gained resources. Sure Carbite and Rodite were solid, that was easy enough, but Oleite wasn't, I couldn't just leave it on the floor. Coming up with a quick solution, I used some extra blocks to create a makeshift tub, which I promptly filled with the Oleite. Problem solved, for now.

My lack of proper storage brought another problem to my attention, namely the lack of two resources which I would have loved to see during the drives. I noticed I didn't see any Luxite or Titanite, two very essential resources for some fabrications, either they were rarer on this planet, or they simply didn't occur on this planet. A worrying thought, Luxite was easy enough to find, just look for random light sources when it's dark out. Titanite though, wasn't as easy, I'd have to keep a look out for any blue ores or metals.

Perhaps I could look underground? I mean minerals on the surface was great, but that's just scratching the surface, literally. I'd have to set up a large drill tech though, something that I couldn't really do with just GSO equipment. It was then I realized that If I found enough Titanite, I would have enough for a Geocorp Fabricator. Of course I'd need one to make one, but maybe I can trick my GSO Fabricator into making one. All Fabricator's used the same process right?

Something for another time however, right now, I'd need to find Titanite in the first place if I wanted to start mining for some. Now where could I found a bluish metal nearby...

A small breeze blew over a pile of blue armor shreds sitting on a stone tiled floor

I'd have to keep looking, but for now, it was getting dark. The best time to find Luxite was when it was dark, I'd get to searching right away.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Chapter 6 is done. Now some of you might be thinking 'hey isn't Oleite a solid in game?' and yes you are right, but I feel that a reason that it is a solid in game was to avoid a liquid management system, something that I kind of want to have in my story, so there.