• Published 11th May 2021
  • 2,354 Views, 134 Comments

Factory of the Magical Variety - Conglomerate

Prospector! A new, resource rich planet has been discovered. Preparing for launch.

  • ...

Chapter 19: Swarm

Even though they were only small propellers, they still costed a lot of Oleite to make, especially since I was making four of them. it was enough to almost completely drain the well of Oleite. Thankfully some of it had filled back up since the last time I collected, but I had no idea how large the reservoir actually was. Hopefully enough for me to not have to worry about it any time soon.

The new plane design was bigger, with tipped wings this time, they allowed it more control in the air. I also made space for more collectors, I definitely wanted to carry as much as possible. I could also fit it with a repair bubble and batteries, an essential if I wanted to stay in a fight.

I wasn't sure how effective the repair bubble would be against the acid-fire, but it would probably be enough to not lose a wing. I wasn't just going on the defensive either. The tipped wings actually had attachment points on the bottoms, allowing me to fit weapons underneath, I also put the Oozee SMG underneath, it wouldn't get a full range of motion, but it meant my front was the most deadly.

I also fitted the flamethrower on top, while it would affect the aerodynamics a little bit, it also had a full range of motion, able to spew flames in any direction.

Armed to the metaphorical teeth, this plane was ready to fly, I also made sure to protect the cabin more, even if I lost a bit of the streamlined shape.

With four propellers, this plane was faster than the last one, but not by much. I would be able to make the journey with probably a few hours to spare now, not much of an improvement, but a welcome one.

I still had time to make my journey, I really only spent one day flying and recovering, giving me more than enough time to attempt it again.

Lining up the plane in the clearing, I started all four propellers, made sure my batteries were charged, checked my radar, and took off.

The sun was high in the sky while I flew, maybe a little bit after noon, I wasn't too sure, I didn't have a clock.

The flight was boring to say the least, having made it before there wasn't much new, and there wasn't much to think about either.

The whole point of the trip was to get some Ignite, revenge was only a secondary objective. Besides, I was sure I didn't have enough firepower to take on the whole hive.

After several hours of flying, I reached the desert again, I didn't land this time, just followed my previous path, right to the border.

I wasn't exactly at my 'death' location, but I was close. I could see several small outcroppings of Ignite, but I wasn't just going to land and mine them just yet. I had to do something first.

It didn't take long to find the remains of the plane. Not much remained, but the mostly white object with charred black spots on it easily stood out against the desert sands. There wasn't anything salvageable.

I landed nearby, but kept the propellers running, I wanted to be able to take off on a moments notice. I mentally kicked myself for not bringing an upgraded radar, the extra power and distance would really help right now. There wasn't much I could do about that now though.

I wanted to fight, but I also didn't want to lose this tech either, so for now I would just grab as much Ignite as possible and go. In and out, only pausing to defend myself.

The Ignite outcroppings were a bit of distance apart from each other, but clearly visible. I could traverse the distance in a few seconds. I kept my weapons ready the entire time.

Deathly silence resided over the entire desert, no wind, no chittering, even the winding of my propellers and wheels quickly drowned out in the silence. A small sense of dread came over me.

Obviously these things were adapted to the desert right? Or at least the wasteland, that meant they must've had some way to camouflaged themselves. Black really stood out in the light.

Everything remained silent though, no movement in the sand, and nothing appearing on my radar. I hadn't actually entered the wasteland yet, maybe that's why I wasn't attacked? Maybe I set off some sort of alarm when I crossed the border.

I didn't know exactly how most insects worked, I think they use hormones or something. I had reached the first outcropping of Ignite, when I realized something, something bad.

I had forgotten to bring a drill, while I could still 'mine' the crystal, I'd have to do it with my guns, something that was quite a bit louder than a drill. I'd have to be fast.

A red icon appeared on the edge of my radar, before quickly going out again. I snapped to attention, aiming all of my guns in the icon's direction, nothing moved. I couldn't see over the dune however, and my radar range expanded past it. I was not in a good position.

Turning back, I quickly gunned down the Ignite outcrop, dropping several usable chunks. Quickly setting them in my collectors, I took off.

Several red icons appeared on my radar, and looking down, I could see some black shapes in the sand. I wondered if these things even realized I could fly, I hadn't really flown when I first met them. Maybe they didn't even think I was the same being. If they could think at all.

Banking back around, I dove towards the next Ignite outcrop. Preemptively firing my guns, I destroyed it and landed. Once again more Ignite was set in my collectors, I took off once more.

Even more red icons appeared on the radar, and even more black shapes appeared in the sand. Several of them firing acid-fire bolts up at my plane. None of them hit, but they were getting more aggressive.

These 'hit and run' tactics continued for a bit, I'd spot and outcrop, fly over to it, dive down and collect it then take off again. Every time the insectoids retaliated, either they didn't like me harvesting their Ignite, or something else.

I didn't underestimate these thing's intelligence, they attempted to set a trap at the next outcrop, I could see the sand shifting around it, and a green hue appeared in the sand, but I just flew over it.

This continued to the point where my collectors were almost full, but these insectoids had lain a trap at every nearby outcrop. I debated whether or not I should be greedy, when I realized I had yet to shoot at one of these things.

They were no longer camouflaging themselves, with hundreds of them trailing behind my plane while several stood still ahead of it. Being insects, their wings weren't used for speed, but for mobility. Mine were used for speed, so none of them could catch up to me.

Circling around, I gave one last look for any more un-trapped outcrops when several hundred of the insectoids flew up ahead of my flight path, almost acting like mines in the air.

They didn't predict my maneuverability though, as the tipped wings provided enough steering to completely avoid their wall of bodies. They probably wouldn't make that mistake again.

Realizing it was time I left, I started a new course back North, only for an even larger 'minefield' to fly up. It wasn't just only in front of me either, more flew up from the sides and several flew up from the back. Effectively surrounding me.

I started gaining altitude, but so did they, there wouldn't be enough time to clear the wall, so I had to tear through it.

Bullets filled the air in front of me as all of my guns began firing, several insectoids were shot out of the sky in the onslaught I unleashed. The flamethrower spewing flame at anything too close.

Several bolts of acid-fire flew around me, some impacting my plane, the repair bubble did it's job though, and prevented me from losing any parts. I continued to shoot my way through the swarm.

There was one disadvantage to loading a tech with guns however, recoil. While I didn't have an overwhelming amount of guns, the combined recoil was enough to slow my plane down. Not enough to stop flying, but reducing it's speed to the point where the back of the swarm could catch up.

I still hadn't broken through the front however, so I was at a race against the insects to escape from their grasp. There were still several insectoids in front of the plane, they were quickly gunned down however, and the path North was clear.

Angling all the guns backwards, and careful not to shoot myself, I used their recoil to my advantage and sped up. With the added bonus of eviscerating several of the insectoids in the process. I had escaped.

There was a problem though, I only gathered so much Ignite, I'd have to get more sometime. When I did though, they'd be ready for me.

"My queen, another ponycraft has stolen from us."

"Another one? Did you destroy it?"

"No, it has escaped our defenses."


"It flew faster than the last one, it also had more weapons, several guards and soldiers were killed."


"There was something odd about this one though,"


"It didn't fall for any of our traps, it even kept a lookout for us."


"They must have built it specifically to steal from us."

A slam echoed throughout the chamber, the walls shook a little bit. Something was not happy.

"Those ponies invade our lands, steal our resources, and build crafts specifically to fight us. Well, two can play at that game, lets see how the ponies enjoy being invaded themselves..."

Laughter sounds out throughout the chamber, soon a cacophony of chittering joins in.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Chapter 19, a pretty good one I think, I had originally planned for Teck to go on a rampage in the wasteland, but that wouldn't work out. So I devised the hit and run scheme, while also having Teck indirectly cause tension between the ponies and insectoids. Here's the glider design, I had wanted to add more but there was a point where I was just like this was too much, even for Terratech.