• Published 4th Jul 2021
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Fall of Equestria: two worlds collide - Gray Kirin

Collision between ponies and human unity and caribou from Fallen Equestria

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Sparks of hope

01.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.
Time 14: 56

A strange, at first glance, group crowded around the rest houses. The fourteen released equas and a squad of infantrymen stood facing each other.

The general mood was high, especially among the pegasuses and unicorns. Doctors and healers have already added artificial horns to replace the ones they sawed off, and restored feathers and wing bundles. Equas couldn't believe such happiness, which had fallen on their heads like a snowball, and therefore they constantly checked what they had returned. There was a rustle of feathers as the pegasus's wings moved restlessly, reveling in the return of their strength and movement. Magic rang and crackled as the unicorns played with small spells and energy lights.

The Corporal stepped forward, wedged between them so that he could see them all, saluted, and addressed the equas.

"Filladies. Since neither at night nor in the morning we could not really talk and get acquainted, we will do it now. My name is Danil Vetrov, or Comrade Vetrov, or Comrade Corporal. I am responsible for your protection and placement here,”

Vetrov made a vague gesture with his hand in the direction of the houses and the construction site visible behind them. A team of spaceport workers and earth ponies were expertly erecting a two-story building of a pleasant sand-pink color from finished panels.

"Today, until the end of the day, you will stay here, in rest houses, and you will spend the night in your own hostel,”

"Well, is it ours Comrade Vetrov? This is dormitory, isn't it shared?"

Cantata smiled, a little maliciously, magically twirling the lighter in front of her. But it was clear that equa was in a good mood.

"But yours! For you, it is built at the rate of two faces per room. The square footage there, by the way, is decent... We will be there, today and in the future. If you need anything, please contact me or Comrade Zhilin, my deputy,”

Infantryman saluted.

"Private Maxim Zhilin. I am responsible for all the same things that Comrade Vetrov is responsible for,”

The Corporal continued to represent his squad.

"Private Herbert Williams. Our plasma gunner and responsible for everything related to sports and movement in your country. New equpment, the organization of a sports ground- to him.”

The plasma gunner gave a silent salute and earned a couple of shy smiles in return. But it didn't make them any less warm.

"Private Mark Hendricks, aka Croaker. Our full-time medic, with everything that hurts, you can safely approach him. His hands and heart are golden, believe me, fillies. How many times he darned us and pulled us out of the other world I can not count,”

Graceful Glide, peering over Citrine's shoulder, smiled a little. With the hands of Hendricks, she had already met and it was nice.

"Private Egor Baelman. Our technician and a bright head. When we're done, he'll give you communicators and explain how to use them.”

Then the names fell on equas as if from a cornucopia.

Private Fyodor Lazin, a rifleman. Can help with getting a job if the money allowance seems small.

Private Denis Khrunichev, a rifleman. He draws decently for a soldier, if you want to draw yourself-to him, everything will be provided.

Private Harry Stanfield, a rifleman, will be able to get any kind of musical instruments.

Private Artem Guberman, a sniper, a good psionicist. Can brought every kind of literature, from technical to tabloid.

Private Lee Mcfinnigan, a sapper, who able to arrange an excursion or a trip to theaters and museums.

Private Anton Gamayun, a rifleman, his responsible for the procurement and distribution of provisions and household items.

Private Jeremy Young, a rifleman, could help to find a tailor or a hypernet store where you can buy something new for your wardrobe.

And something remained unsaid. That each of the soldiers will first of all protect and protect each equa. Because there is an order, and because it is right.

"I understand that there are many of us, and that we are, at first equinae glance, the same. If you suddenly forget what someone's name is, it's okay, there are tags on the right side of the chest on the combos. You've already noticed, fillady... Rocket Flare? Very pleasant,”

An orange pegasus with a red-and-purple mane snorted, its wings moving restlessly. She seemed impatient for the sky.

"Well, fillady, you've met us. And now we will be very happy if you introduce yourself,”

Equas exchanged a few uneasy glances.

Finally, a white earthequa with a red mane stepped forward and bowed her head slightly.

"Vibrant Aberration. Very long time ago i was a magophysicist-optician, now... Unemployed, alas,”

A gray equa with a blue-green mane and a strongly curved horn, quite unexpectedly for everyone, waved a flirtatious hand.

"Willow Wisp. Remember the name, because I respond to it in any form,”

And finished off the infantrymen, smoothly changing shape. There was no flash of green fire like the Changelings, just a pearly, iridescent hue to her fur, and her mane fell in a wave almost to her knees and was dyed a deep ultramamarine. Willow's figure grew taller and thinner, her voice come velvety and purring. A white unicorn with a long blue mane squinted at the transformed Wisp. Instead, she sighed and crossed her arms over her chest.

The whole squad, led by the Corporal, realized that they would not be allowed to work quietly. The sniper, without any second thought, chuckled.

"Great, fillady Whisp. But can you simulate this?’

He ruffled the sleeve of his armored jumpsuit which was painted in pixel camouflage.

"Come to me at night, and you'll see. You’ll see whatever you want, Private Huberman,

The sniper realized that it would be doubly difficult for him.

"Willow, please don't! Don't embarrass our friends like that. I am Citrine Neklace, a jeweler by vocation and profession. And thank you for saving us all, gentleme... Comrades,”

Citrine smiled a little sheepishly, clasped hands behind her back. The Corporal assured her, that it was their job. Equa snorted merrily, twitching her head and causing her white mane with its mischievous yellow strands to hang over her face like a veil.

A tiny blue pegasus with an aquamarine mane inhaled, clearly about to say something, but stopped abruptly, clasping her hands to her chest. Willow, noticing this, immediately went to her and gently hugged her, whispering something in her ear. Equa relaxed, taking Wisp's hand, which clearly gave her confidence.

"I'm glad you're making us feel so welcome... My name is Graceful Glide. And I'm an aerial dancer. At least, I was...”

Equa smiled a little shyly, her eyes still on Mark.

An electric green pegasus with a mane of three shades of orange stretched her wings with obvious pleasure.

"If it's such a drunken night... Frisky Riff... Remind me, which one of you can help with musical instruments? Comrade Stanfield? Great, we'll talk about it sometime.”

The former "black" clearly preferred to catch good luck by the tail and other things

Velvet tucked the lighter into her breast pocket and made an almost imperceptible bow.

"Not all of you know me, comrades. So, for those who were not on the boat yesterday-Velvet Cantata. Musician and composer, was, is and will be,”

However, it so happened that everyone already knew the pink-maned one. It's hard not to pay attention to the fragile coffee unicorn, which has enough rage for an entire platoon of mobile infantry.

"Frisky, do you mind if I fall on your tail later? About the insruments? Oh, thank you,"

"My name is Silver Radians. And if you need an experienced sorceress, I will be happy to help, friends,”

The unicorn, Willow had taunted, made an elegant curtsy. There was a sense of nobility and dignity in her bearing, in her pose, in her accent. This equa could not break and "awarded" a black collar.

"Balmy Grape. You can just call me Balmy... Oh, Comrade Vetrov? Will it be possible to set up a little garden near the hostel?”

Having received assurances that it is possible, and if it is for peace of mind, it is absolutely necessary, the honey-colored earthequa with a purple mane broke into a satisfied smile.

"Yes, a great idea! Herbs, berries, flower beds... I almost forgot! I'm Tea Lief,”

A dark caramel-colored equa with a red-and-white mane immediately started talking to Balmi.

"Blue Orchard. Can I join you, fillies? Can I? Yes? Hooray!”

An orange filly with a gray-yellow mane, having heard the consent from her companions, rushed to them to hug, slightly squeaking with happiness.

The purple pegasus with the black mane smiled

"I didn't think it would be like this... Lilac Skyce, and tell the doctors my great thanks for my wings,”

A pale yellow, almost white pegasus with a violet mane patted Lilac on the top of her head.

"Another one? Skye, you were still in the infirmary with the medics, you should be sorry, they can't take it anymore. I'm Ciarin Streak, a weather equa, who digs in the hot winds. Maybe you need such winged one at the spaceport?”

"Summer Drops. I flew with Streak, but I did more watering and regular rain.”

Ears of the earth-equas immediately turned with interest in the direction of the pink pegasus with a white mane. After that, they continue asking Vetrov about the garden and the trench instrument. Corporal puzzling sapper with the search for earthmoving equipment for future gardeners, and slapped the technician on the shoulder.

"Now, Private Baelman, it's your turn."

Yegor walked over to the equas, handing out communicators, spare batteries, and chargers. And briefly explained and showed, how to use all this, at least as a phone and alarm clock.

Equas's mood went from elated to, if not joyful, then approaching it. Their movements became smoother, their shoulders straightened, their eyes began to shine, smiles flashed more often and chuckles were heard.

They're free. They were given their magic and wings back, without asking for anything in return. Close friends that will protect and hide is near. They were given a new life for nothing.

Of course, it would be some time before the equas fully recovered from their horrors. Even such strong ones as Cantata, Silver, Riff.

The sorceress, who had already put the communicator in her pocket, touched the sleeve of a passing technician.

"Comrade Baelman. Can you answer one question? What will happen to our Equestria? Will you do something with caribou?”

Everyone froze. In one simple phrase, the aristocratic unicorn drew attention to herself and expressed what all the freed were concerned about.

Equas's eyes darted from one infantryman to the next. There was hope in them. Waiting for help. Surely these soldiers wouldn't leave their home in the lurch? After all, they will help those who are still languishing in slavery?

Corporal sighed.

"Excuse me, fillady Radians, I'll answer for my comrade... I do not know exactly what the General will do, but he will not leave your country without help. And about caribou, we'll do much the same as we did tonight. They deserve only shot in the head,”

The hope that shone in the eyes of each freed equa flared up like a hundred megaton sun after Vetrov's words.

Every infantryman saw it. Everyone felt it. And everyone made a vow not to let this fire die out.

03.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.
Time 4: 22

Glide sauntered across the dew-covered grass and flexed her shoulders and wings in a circular motions. The pegasus wanted to fly until the sun came up and then a little more. Graceful had always liked the dawn. It helped her to gather her strength and give her new hope. At home, while there was a chance, every time Princess Celestia raised the sun, pegasus tried to expose herself to its very first, most gentle rays.

A thin streak of orange and yellow was visible above the horizon. In the city behind, one by one, the streetlights went out. Only the spaceport had a life of its own, and the lights on the control tower were unquenchable red beacons.

Graceful pulled her communicator out of pocket and turned on the transponder mode with a couple of jabs. Glide spread her wings, catching the air currents, smiling as she remembered how Hendricks had begged her and the other pegasuses not to fly over or near the spaceport without indicating their presence in the air. As the medic explained, it is more necessary for the ships to notice the Pegasus in time.

Pushing off, Graceful soared like a rocket into cool sky. Artificial silver-colored feathers, donated by doctors in addition to the healed ligaments of the wings, were kept as if they were her own.

It was beautiful.

Climb into the sky, dance with the wind and the rising sun. Dance for them.

Soar and fall, laying an unthinkable U-turn at the very ground and flying up like a candle, as if defying gravity.

Splashing in the fiery glow that fills the whole sky, the whole world, and the magnificent freshness of an autumn morning.

Cutting the wind with the feathers, to feel the air swirl on the wings, leaving thin traces behind the tips.

Meet the whole body with a flaming wave of light, as soon as the sun's disk appears completely. Allow this radiance to reach the farthest corners of the soul, burning out and purifying all that is superfluous and oppressive.

For an interminable moment, Graceful hovered in the air, arched, wings and arms outstretched, head thrown back. The sun bathed her in golden fire, glittered on her new feathers, and continued its journey across the firmament.

The pegasus fell like a stone. She skidded to a stop near the ground, then came down gently. A smooth, flowing curtsy to the dawn sky completed today's dance.

A little to the side, there was a gasp of genuine admiration and a quick, stomping sound. As Glide already knew, the ponies in this world applauded this way.

The pegasus turned to face the fiery golden unicorn, who was still stamping her hooves on the ground and laughing happily. She smiled and bowed to the audience member, who had not been seen before, thanking her for the applause.

"You were amazing! I have no words for how you were able to merge with the dawn! Bravo!”

"Thank you... Did you really like my dance?”

"That's not the word! This... This! It's simple... I couldn't take my eyes off it! You're gorgeous!”

Pegasus squeezed her eyes shut with pleasure and gave the curly-haired unicorn another bow.

"Viiiii! Let's get acquainted, I'm Sunny Trail! I work as a dispatcher here,”

Pony tossed her lush mane in the direction of the tower at the runway.

"Graceful Glide... Whoa. Is it difficult? "

"Not really. But it is very interesting! You're sitting in a tower, watching the locator, and the spaceships are moving at your commands. Mighty ships unquestioningly follow instructions of the little pony! Tee-hee!"

Sunny broke into a wide, happy smile. Her face literally lit up with the consciousness of her own importance and usefulness. Glide snorted with amusement at the sight of the little sun blooming beside her. And she just couldn't resist hugging this curly-haired miracle.

"Whoof! Be gentle, Glide, I'm a little pony, not an infantryman!”

Resisting the urge to lick Trail's nose, the pegasus released her and sat down next to her. The dispatcher, once free, fell dramatically on her back, her legs tucked up and her tongue hanging out, showing her indignation with an excessively strong hug. However, under the giggling pegasus, Sunny quickly “came to life”

"Would you like some coffee, Glidee? With cookies? With delicious cookies? Will you? Great, morning picnic! So, where did I throw the bag?”

03.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.
Time 13: 00

Silver Radians knocked on the door of the office marked "Major Pressley Harper, Military mission."

It wasn't too difficult to find a human embassy in the city. Soldiers offered their help, but the sorceress refused, saying that independent actions would help her recover faster.

Now, she standing in front of the door of the officer she wanted to talk to. And she hoped, that this conversation would help to free up her house a little.

There were quick footsteps outside the door, and the Major invited equa inside. He took the coat from her and pulled out a chair, offering her a seat.

Silver found the strength to accept the fleeting concern, even if a chill prickled inside her. Orders of magnitude weaker than before the rescuing, but still cold. Equa only hoped, that one day this cold would leave completely.

"I'm glad you found time for conversstion, fillady Radians. A cup of tea? Coffee? Sorry, I have no wine or liquor, just some moonshine,”

Silver smiled faintly and agreed to the tea. Harper glanced quickly at the electric kettle, which immediately clicked the switch and made a businesslike noise. He took a couple of simple mugs of thick carbon fiber from the table, poured tea leaves and sugar.

Setting the steaming tea in front of equa, Harper sat down at the table across from her.

"So, fillady Radians, you wanted to talk with me. About what, may I ask?”

Unicorn pulled the mug toward her and just stared for a few seconds at the thin tendrils of steam rising from the surface.

"Mr. Harper, I want to tell you something about how things were in my house during the Fall and after. In the hope that this will bring the liberation of my country a little closer. You know how difficult this is for me, don't you?”

Radiance looked up at the Major.

"I hardly know you or your race... But seeing, how friendly you are with the ponies, talking to your soldiers, I think you can help. And not to harm my homeland any more...”

Silver led the story. About how a beautiful country fell after being stabbed in the back by one of the most trusted ones. As someone who used to be the first defender became one of the first tormentors. How the Keepers of the Elements broke down.

And she called out names. Those, who sold their home for the opportunity to command the bodies of the equas. Those, who helped the invaders to restore their order, tempted by gifts. Those, who were stabbed in the back when they should have been standing till last drop of blood.

She talked about their traits, their characters, their old and acquired habits. About their affairs and finances. About where they live.

Harper listened very carefully, without interrupting or asking again. Major had a tenacious memory and a habit of keeping his voice recorder on the comm. What Radians had said could not only simplify the liberation, but also eliminate many of the problems afterward.

Silver, from what Harper had seen, was willing to take whatever part she could in preparing for the release of her Equestria. And since the sorceress could not defend her homeland face to face with the enemy, at least she would stab them in the back.

"I'm very grateful to you, fillady Radians. Words, you have told me, is equally disturbing and reassuring,”

"May I? What's reassuring, Major?"

"Information about traitors and their buisnesses, fillady. This is a great opportunity to make a lot of interesting things, that can help in the liberation of your country. And I am troubled by the news of your Princess Cadence's treachery. This can be a problem. Not immediately, but still,”

Harper rested his chin on his folded hands and sighed.

"However, I would like to ask how all this information came to you. Not because I doubt it, but because I need it for a more accurate assessment of them,”

"I understand, Mr. Harper. Life in the high society of Canterlot is quite a spectacle. Where everyone watches everyone, listens and draws conclusions. Otherwise, there is simply no holding back. When the Fall began, I was in the capital. In the thick of it,”

Equa sighed, setting down her cup and rubbing her temples. It wasn't easy for her to talk about what she was going to say, but it was necessary.

"I tried to fight... But I couldn't even stand up before traitors. However, I remember well those who turned away from the country even before the arrival of the caribou and falling under them... Influence. And then, in captivity, I talked to other aristocrats. And so, I made up the picture I just told you, Major. In the hope that this will help,”

"It will help, no doubt. And thank you again, fillady Radians. If you want to tell me anything else, I'm yours at any time. You can call on the comm or come in person, as you like,”

"Thank you, Mr. Harper. However, can I ask you to tell me something?”

"Depends on what you want to know. You understand,”

"Why do you look so much alike? I mean, the soldiers and everyone else involved in the army service?”

"Explain yourself, fillady. What do you mean?”

"You look like brothers. I can't find the exact words for this feeling, but you all seem to be connected by a single spirit. It's a mystery to me,”

Harper, hearing the sorceress's surprise, only smiled. This was not the first time the Major had heard such a question, and, as the beamgum sees, it would not be the last time. Ponies were asked about the same thing so often that many military men had their own prepared answers.

"Oh, I think I can answer that question for you. This is absolutely not a secret, information can be found even in military encyclopedias for children and foals,”

Harper grabbed his mug and leaned back in his chair.
"What you describe as "the spirit that permeates you" is called a psychomatrix. In short, it is a complex of knowledge, skills, ideas, attitudes and awareness that is embedded in our mind and soul,”

Equa's eyes widened in surprise. Neither the officer sitting in front of her, nor the soldiers with whom Radiance had communicated before, looked at all like a washed-out dummy, as she used to think of all magically programmed ones.
"But this is, in fact, the erasure of identity? How so?”
"Not erasing. An add-on, a new full-fledged fragment. The matrix is embedded in an existing personality and belief system. However, after engraftment, the personality begins to change in accordance with the nature of the nested. It is not completely erased, but it becomes different. Have you ever wondered if it would be good to add responsibility for someone around you? Or to make the official obligations and ethics self-fulfilling, even within certain limits? Psychomatrices allow us to do all this,”

Radiance listened, playing with a lock of her mane. The revelations were quite unexpected for her. The sorceress took care of her mind and simply could not imagine, what it would be like to voluntarily accept a structure that would change you to fit the template.
"That's why matrices are put to all human military and politicians. In our hands the power is concentrated. We can do a lot of unpleasant things if we don't keep ourselves in check.”

Harper chuckled softly, as if somewhat embarrassed by what he wanted to say next.
"And after all, what is the main task of a every soldier? Protection of the civilian. Protection of those who cannot stand against a force superior to him. This is the basis on which military matrices stand. We are primarily defenders of the weak,”
"It sounds very chivalrous, but...”
"Stupid? Here is another plus of psychomatrics for you-awareness. I understand that my task is to protect and I will perform it in the best possible way, taking into account my capabilities and skills. Am I a mobile infantryman? I will act in battle in such a way as to complete the task as efficiently as possible, without being distracted by anything. Am I a tank driver? The same thing. Am I a pilot? The same thing. Am I a counterintelligence officer? No matter, same thing. After all, how well I will cope with the combat task depends on how well I will be able to protect civilians. Humans, ponies, equines, it doesn't matter,”
"That's strande. It seems that your matrices allow you to combine in your mind what, in principle, does not combine. Caring for civilians and composure in battle? But how?”
"Awareness, fillady Radians. And, you say, to combine the incompatible? Perhaps, one of the functions can be described like this. The matrix allows you not to harden your soul completely. Not to be a soulless machine all the time, but, let's say, to turn the toggle switch, changing the perception and the course of thoughts depending on the situation.”
"It turns out that these charms, although they bring alien features to the personality, strengthen it and make it more whole? Interesting. Although it is quite scary,”
"To the point, fillady, this is not a spell, but a psycho technique. Would you like me to send you some literature on the topic? Again, nothing secret, everything is from open access,”

At the words about literature on the topic, the sorceress perked up. Radiance love to read and learn something new, to find new strength. This was, perhaps, the most important hobby of equa, harmoniously intertwining the desired and the necessary.

After struggling with the communicator and the Major's offers to help for a couple of minutes, Silver managed to receive the files and save them to the desired folder on the device.

Harper handed Radiance the coat, escorted her to the exit, and still managed to insist on a taxi to the hostel of the freed. Silver sent the Major a small smile in farewell, got into a cab and told the burly earthpony that she was ready to leave.

03.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters
Equestria Fallen, Ponyville.

The train hissed, screeched its brakes and stopped. Stallions, accompanied by their slaves, were getting out on the platform, porters were pulling out luggage, casting greedy glances at the newcomers. But everyone preferred not to notice and give way to the two caribou that got off the tail car. One of them sported fresh bandages across his broad chest and a manticore sting on his belt, confirming the hunting feat.

The newcomers cordially said goodbye and went to the city, in different directions. "Healthy" to the city hall, and "wounded" to the market square.

If you don't look very closely, and without special equipment, both caribou just slowly strolled along the street. And no one felt their tenacious gaze, grasping every little thing.

In the market square, a bandaged one was also leisurely strolling, examining the surroundings.

The stalls with various goods, including live ones, seemed to absorb all his attention. He meticulously chose a loaf and a bunch of sweet rhubarb stalks. He simply left the payment on the counter, to the surprise of the hostess "red" and left, angrily wincing from the pain in his wounds. Apparently, the hunting trophy comforted him sufficiently and the deer did not want to "play" with the mare.

Waving the package, the caribou crossed to the side of the square, where merchants of a slightly different kind were clustered. There were scaffolds, tethers, and pens. There were talkative barkers or bored owners who were spinning around, as if they were not interested in the revenue.

And there were equas. Plenty. In slave collars, with dim eyes and drooping shoulders. Plunged into despondency and hopelessness. Conquered, enslaved, broken. In their properly place.

The bandaged caribou walked past the rows, looking closely at everyone, merchants and "goods". Until he stopped at one mint-colored equa without a horn, who wore a black collar. He called a gray pegasus, who was putting up her for sale.
"How much for this one?”
"My Lord, are you sure?" I have more skilled and obedient...”
"Now you will get in the gut. How much for a mint mare?”
"Two hundred and fifty bits. A leash and a gag are attached,”
"Two hundred, and keep the gag. You can even put it on yourself, since you're so smart,”

Pegasus breathed a sigh of relief when the caribou took his purchase away. The problematic product went to an equally problematic buyer. Well, and the tree wolf will eat them both.

The caribou was already leaving the square a little faster, carefully watching that his "purchase" did not stumble and fall. The amber gaze, full of pain and anger, did not touch him.

At the edge of the square, the bandaged one met his friend and he handed him the key to the rented house where they were to live.

When he reached the place, the caribou picked up the mare on his shoulder and so went into the house, ignoring the growing red spots on the bandages.

Going into the living room, he put the "acquisition" on the sofa and walked around. The curtains at the same time crept down by themselves, closing the windows.

Caribou released equa's wrists with wave of his hand and squatted down in front of her. And then he took and ruthlessly tore up the remnants of the templates.
"Fillady Heartstrings, I'm going to ask you not to shout, no matter, what you will see.”

Taking her hands in his, the bandaged stag continued.
"There's something I want to show you. Can you promise me to be quiet? Again, what would you not see?”

Lyra, convinced that this was all a dream, nodded in fascination.

For a split second, the air around the "caribou" rippled, blurring and hiding his outlines.

Futuristic armor that covers the entire body. Behind the right shoulder is the fluted hilt of a short blade. On the chest on the belt is something vaguely similar to a griffin fire crossbow, only more elegant and perfect in appearance. Feet in armored boots. And a hairless, pale, flat face under the raised visor of the helmet.
"Remember the promise, fillady Heartstrings. Don't yell,"

Said the human holding her hands.

Lyra's breath caught in her throat. It began to get dark in her eyes, and equa collapsed on the sofa. When Lyra woke up, the human was still there, sitting next to her and stroking her palm with his armored-gloved fingers.
"I understand that you have a lot of questions to the revived myth, fillady. And I am ready to answer them, to the extent of my knowledge. But first, I want to learn something from you. Do you agree?”
"Are you sure you're a real human? Not a caribou, who decided to make fun of me?”
"One hundred percent human. Caribou can't produce things like that, can they?"
Huan pulled out from the holster on his belt a pistol, as black, as his armor. He pointed it to the side and pressed the trigger. The weapon made no sound, only a hole appeared in the wall.
"A dark energy emitter, aka a disruptor pistol. A versatile, powerful and very quiet toy,”

The human unlocked a part of the pistol and handed weapon to Lyra.
"You can take a look. I removed the battery and it is not dangerous,”

Equa took the gun in her hands, closing her eyes. Almost cold, made of a material unknown to Lyra, heavy. Real. The gun seemed to have the imprint of the owner's power and the race that created this weapon. Races of scientists, inventors, researchers. And, as it turned out, soldiers.
"I want to know why you're here. Why were you pretending to be a caribou?”

The man took the gun, loaded it and returned it to the holster.
"You see, Lyra, the caribou's appetites are absolutely irrepressible, it's not for me to tell you. And they began to open portals to other worlds in search of new slaves and prey,”
"Oh, Sisters! Tartarish idiots! Ouch... Excuse me...”
"Fillady Heartstrings. Quieter. Or I won't tell you anything,”

Lyra covered her face with her hands, held it as if removing a spider web. And she sat down on the sofa, patting her palm next to her. The human smiled warm and soft. He sat down next to equa, took her hands and continued the story.
"Caribou came to our friends. Also to Equestria, but different. They came and stole an entire village into captivity. These are not equas, like you and your friends, but real little ponies. Four hooves and a long bang, big eyes and a panicle tail,”

Lyra couldn't help but smile as she heard a warrior who looked like he could lay down a whole hird of shield-bearers, chanting a nursery rhyme.
"Have you seen any of them here? We came here because we want to bring them home. These are our agreements with the Heavenly Sisters of that Equestria. That's our job. Lyra, can you help us with this? Do you know anything? Have you seen anything?”

Lyra stared at the human without taking her eyes off him. He scratched her wrist with his fingers, bringing her back to reality.
"I don't remember exactly... Everything is too confused right now. I'm sorry, I...”
"You're worried, I understand. If you sleep, will you be able to remember? Can I help you sleep? A pill? A spell? Or sing a lullaby? Or read a fairy tale? Or all of them together?”

Lyra giggled and laughed, following human’s smile.
"Give me a pill. It is interesting to try your inventions,”