• Published 4th Jul 2021
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Fall of Equestria: two worlds collide - Gray Kirin

Collision between ponies and human unity and caribou from Fallen Equestria

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Second insert, something about weapon

06.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters
The time is 11: 34

Williams waved his hand around the surrounding shooting range, the targets in the distance, the rack with the prepared weapons, at which Vetrov was conducting last checks.
“So, we are in place, on the firing line. Fillady, does everyone remember the safety precautions?”

All five equas expressed the statement in one form or another. Hendricks, standing a little to the side, adjusted the medical bag on his belt.

Not all of the Canterlot freed were attracted by the idea of taking up arms, even if only for acquaintance. But five of them found some enough curiosity, some just determination.

Vibrant Aberration was attracted by the opportunity to "touch with her own hands" a sample of people's technologies.

Silver Radiance showed more academic interest, along the way asking if the shooting range was adapted for combat magic.

Velvet Cantata wanted to test the statement that shooting is good for relieving stress and helps to vent anger.

Frisky Riff was just for any loud and bright boiling, and then there is also the opportunity to shoot from a "fantastic" weapon.

Well, Willow Wisp came, it seems, out of pure curiosity, which is sometimes characteristic of cats. Maybe also to get on the nerves of the plasma gunner. Although the latter was in the "duty shift", hiding behind a psychomatrix and an armored suit.
“Okay, then let's start with a little acquaintance and a story about where what is,”

A hand in a massive armored glove hovered over the beam pistols and assault rifles lying side by side. Everything is made of dark gray metal, laconic and simple outlines. Above, below and on the sides of the "receiver" of assault rifles and pistols there were ribbed slats for installing additional modules. And the free space between the "picatins", as Williams called this fixture, was occupied by dull gray stripes of composite heat diffusers.
“These are X-ray lasers, razers, if short. The main weapons of Mobile Infantry and Space Marines. You see us constantly with them, who is on duty as Comrade Corporal and I, wearing an armored suit and a beam assault rifle, “beamer” if short. Who in the free shift usually carries only a pistol,”

The plasma gunner glanced approvingly in the direction of the "free" Hendricks, who also had a beamer hanging behind his back.
“X-ray weapons are relatively light, have neither recoil nor toss, but are prone to heat and it can be uncomfortable to shoot from army models at least without gloves. Powered by standard batteries, which come in three types - pistol, intermediate and rifle,”

Silver, who picked up a pistol from the table and tried on how it fits in her hand, raised her ears in surprise.
"Excuse me, Mr. Williams? You say army models of beam weapons... Does this mean that there are also civilian models exists?”
“Of course there are, and a lot. Different prices and quality, but they are sold freely. This is not a heavy weapon, so no permits and notifications from the authorities are needed,”
“I beg you, Herbert, get the permission even for a civil case for ten minutes. Yes, fillady, in Alliance society is completely fine with weapons,”
“I would say it differently... But I understand that we have very different cultures and what I think is madness is the norm of life for you,”

Silver, with some disappointment, put down the x-ray pistol that had not come to her hand. While Vibrant was studying the weapon with noticeable interest.
“Comrade Williams, is it possible to find literature on the principles of action somewhere?”
The plasma gunner nodded curtly, at the same time as the Aberration comm beeped.
“What was freely available was thrown over. Let's move on. Plasma weapons. My favorite,”

Herbert pointed to the pistols and carbines laid out in a row. More heavy and angular outlines than X-ray weapons, plasma models were distinguished by a "bar" appearance and clearly more weight.
“In principle, according to scientific terms, this is called a "directional ball lightning generator". It turned out to be easier to simulate this natural phenomenon than to try to launch plasma in the atmosphere "head-on",”

Frisky took a heavy, angular pistol, aimed at distant targets. But she did not put her finger on the trigger, remembering the morning briefing and the promised punishment for violating safety - suspension from any shooting.
“So, these things spit fireballs? Cool! I could use a couple of them at concerts. I'm kidding,”

Herbert did not move an eyebrow and continued to tell and show
“The recoil of plasma weapon is already there, and tangible. And it is desirable to put a compensator on some models. As you can see, this weapon is powered not from batteries but from charging cells that accumulate hydrogen or deuterium, if more power is needed. Also in pistols and plasma carbines there is a pistol battery, which acts as a starting energy source and recharges as it fires. If the weapon is in good condition and adjusted correctly, then it can almost never be changed. Yes, and so that there is no confusion - the plasma gun is what I am now with,”

The soldier patted the massive weapon, slung on his back.
“It is more powerful and longer-range, and also can not conduct a single fire, the "starter" in it is an intermediate battery. And plasma pistols or plasma carabins are what's on the table. Weapons for medium and short range, usually fired in short bursts or single shots. Fillady Velvet! Please wait, I'll get to that,”

With obvious effort, the pianist picked up a long rifle from the table. Unlike the previous types of weapons, there was also a battery socket and a window for a magazine with small pointed bullets, which now lay next to the sister of this rifle.
“You have taken, perhaps, the most intolerant weapon for beginners. Yes, this is a good old bullet rifle, but it has electromagnetic acceleration. It kicks like a prize-winning stalion, without a compensator it's not even easy for us to shoot,”

Vetrov took the rifle from Velvet and put it back on the table.
“Kinetic weapons are universal in use, reliable, cheap and quite common. For shooting, it requires standard batteries and superconductor bullets. No, you can't charge with pieces of nails. It will not explode, but it will work poorly and drain the battery very quickly,”

When he finished telling to equas about the small arsenal that was now laid out on the table, the plasma gunner smiled.
"And now, fillady, that why are we here. Take the barrel that is looking at you, ammunition for it and go to the border. We will make some holes in targets,”

Frisky, blurring in a satisfied smile, was the first to jump up to the table and grab a plasma carbine with a cell. She started to charging, but stopped, remembering the briefing. And, shining like a brand-new bit, she almost jumped to the line, where Vetrov tried to calm her down.

Velvet, saw Frisky off with a slight smile, and took an assault beamer with a battery. The pianist did not want to test the truthfulness of Williams's words about the recoil force of the initially attracted rifle on her shoulders.

Willow, who was not very interested in the weapon itself, hesitated for a second. And with a wide grin, she raised the kinetic pistol, the battery and the clip to him. Innocently batting her eyelashes, she purred to Herbert.
“Comrade Williams, will you back me up? I'm afraid of a strong recoil,”

The man flinched slightly. He remembered Willow too good.
“Fillady Wisp!”

Hendricks coughed, drawing half-chngeling’s attention. The medic at that moment was not driven by jealousy, but by a banal desire to cover up a friend.
"Willow, please. We agreed,”
“What? I can’t make even a single joke? You're boring, Croaker,”

Vibrant snorted merrily as she watched Wisp goading Herbert and followed the example of Cantata. Red-maned one at that moment was possessed by pure scientific interest. She did not just want to see a razer shot, of which there were plenty on the night of liberation. Equa wanted to join this miracle of technology herself, even if it was created for war.

Silver was the last to approach the table. The sorceress pondered, weighing one or another weapon on her hand. Finally, she decided to start with a plasma pistol.

At the firing line, Vetrov and Williams checked the readiness of equas. Warned them that without permission, the weapon can not be loaded, even half, like a kinetic pistol.

The first, of course, went almost bouncing with impatience Frisky. The energetic pegasus quickly emptied the plasma gun cell in several bursts and rose from the foam, very pleased with the result. The roar of shots, the bright strokes of plasmoids, the smell of ozone acted on equa like New Year's fireworks on a foal.

Willow fired only one shot, then gave the pistol to Danil and said, that she would try something else, but later. The Corporal shrugged his shoulders, stood a little to the side of the Vibrant preparing to shoot, and fired the entire clip at the target without even twitching.

Aberration seemed to enjoy the process. Vibrant seemed to want to understand and feel from and to all the processes taking place in the beam. So the battery was enough for her for a long time. When the battery ran out, equa touched the forearm from all sides with her hand and grunted in surprise.
“I thought it would be hotter. Or is it because I was shooting slowly?”

The plasma gunner gave red-maned a hand, helping her to get up, accepted and discharged the weapon.
“Yes, the beamers are heated mainly in intense fire. When the battery is quickly dropped off, the recuperator can not cope with the amount of heat and it goes to the radiator,”

Velvet, before perching on her knee at the turn, asked if it was possible to give the targets at least the silhouette of a caribou. Vibrant shivered and said that she would wait on the sidelines while the pianist spits out her anger. Cantata muttered something unintelligibly through her teeth, while the Corporal was picking at the target field settings on the comm. After a few seconds, Vetrov said that he had downloaded a full simulation program, not only of the appearance but also of the behavior when hit. And he advised to shoot in the stomach.

A couple of minutes later, Velvet stood up with a wide, furious smile. Equa was shaking a little with adrenaline, her eyes glittered almost feverishly. Giving the weapon to Vetrov, the pianist expressed a desire to make another approach with each type of weapon later. It's a painfully pleasant sight, even if it's virtual.

Silver, who was watching how Cantata take her rage away, was surprisingly calm. It was as if she understood that the pink maned was shooting at inanimate targets. Or the sorceress was not at all touched by death of caribou.

Radiance, taking the pistol stance that she had spied a few minutes earlier, announced that she was ready to shoot. But sorceress asked to return the neutral appearance to targets.

The sorceress did not like the plasma pistol, it turned out to be too heavy and difficult to hold. Especially if you hold it with one hand, leaving the other free for magic. So for the next call, Silver decided to take a x-ray pistol

A couple of hours passed. All the batteries were depleted, cells and clips were empty. Equas, in general, were satisfied with the time spent.

Silver compared the capabilities of humans weapons and her spells, which she had wanted for a long time. And now she was seriously thinking about buying her own x-ray gun.

Vibrant held in her hands and tested in action a sample of technologies that did not give her peace of mind.

Cantata wonderfully took her anger away at caribou targets and left the shooting range with the face of a cat that had eaten too much cream. Vetrov looked at her with a mixture of apprehension and tenderness.

Frisky was satisfied with the bright and loud "blasters". And when Williams, yielding to her persuasions and plaintive eyes, gave a long qburst at the targets, she jumped and clapped her hands at all. And she expressed a desire to come and shoot again.

Well, Willow was just pleased with the company of friends and her medic, with whom she left the shooting range under the elbow.

Hendricks, who had Whisp clinging to his shoulder, was glad that there were no injuries today.