• Published 4th Jul 2021
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Fall of Equestria: two worlds collide - Gray Kirin

Collision between ponies and human unity and caribou from Fallen Equestria

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Heart-to-heart conversations

06.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters
Time 18:30

Cadance closed the door of her chambers and went into the bathroom. She threw off her regalia and hoofshoes right on the mat at the front door and jumped into the font.

In the blue glow of magic, the taps turned, the shower heads rustled, spurting warm water.

And under the rustle of warm streams, it was impossible to hear the quiet hiss of the princess. Clenching her teeth, Cadence shivered slightly, trying to calm the boiling cauldron inside somehow.

But the emotions did not want to subside. Time after time, Mi Amore saw the faces of the equas, whom she wanted to comfort, whom she wanted to help in some way.

Ice Creek. A blue crystal equa with a dark blue mane. She simply refused to talk to the princess, only asked the earthpony nurse to tell the traitor that she did not want to see her.

Vivid Blue, an ultramarine pegasus. She cried quietly without end. And she shuddered when a stallion's voice was heard within earshot.

Moonlight Violin. A white thestral with a purple mane. As if not noticing anything around, she quietly whispered requests to hold on and not give up to Velvet Cantata.

Hart Puzzle. A chocolate unicorn with a dark crimson shiny mane. She was just silent, not paying attention to anything.

The disgust, fear, and emptiness in their eyes when the princess tried to speak, burned Cadence like a hellish mixture of acid and napalm.

She remembered intelligence reports from that Equestria "reflection" that Celestia had sent. But the mind seemed to refuse to accept the fact that this other Cadence had committed such a monstrous betrayal.

Mi Amore felt it as her own. The princess knew intellectually that it was not her fault, she knew that she had not betrayed her people and country.

But still, her heart burned. And it burned unbearably. Cadence could not accept that her reflection had distorted the very essence of love. Violated. Defiled. Turned inside out.

When the pain, bitterness and such unusual anger reached a peak, something clicked in Mi Amore. Not as a break, but as a weapon's safety catch that has been removed.

The princess let the shower wash away last tears, got up and turned off the water. With a simple spell, she cleaned herself up, put on her regalia and rode to the library. Along the way, the princess typed on her comm a requests to the Canterlot University of Magic and one closed hypernet archive.

The princess knew for sure that there was something she needed in one of these places.

What Cadence had planned was an adventure and a very risky one. If something goes wrong, the consequences can be catastrophic. But Mi Amore felt, knew in her heart, that she was obliged to help broken equas.

And those four who were now in the care of doctors here, and those who were now suffering behind the barrier.

And Cadence clearly knew who could help her with this. Let him do a good deed for once in his life. The princess will figure out how to make him do it.

06.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.
Fallen Equestria
The time is 19: 00

In a public pool in a natural cave, several equas, changelings and equins were splashing around. And even one foal, whom the fanged father taught to swim. The half-breed baby was diligently floundering and sniffing, keeping his head above the surface.

Lyra, in a one-piece green swimsuit, was sitting on the side and swinging her legs in a thick, phosphorescent light green liquid. A young changeling was sitting next to her, kneading her shoulders and enthusiastically telling about the history of the hive and the kingdom. Especially about the last years, when the shifters began to accept refugees from Equestria.

Amber-eyed listened without interrupting. In recent days, the whole world of Lyra has turned upside down, all the usual patterns have been shattered. At first, people turned out to be a reality, in addition, they pulled mint equa out of slavery. And they offered to work with them if Equa wanted to.

And now the changelings turned out to be very friendly and sensitive creatures for testing. In addition, they differed in appearance from the usual image - there were no hard crests and seemingly broken limbs. In a peaceful environment, the Changelings did not hide the manes of all shades of gray and green and the usual, almost Equine, stature.

As soon as they were brought to the hive with the major, the man who had not taken off the "skin" was sent for interrogation, and the doctors took care of Lyra. Two Changeling fillies examined and scanned her with magic for damage. But not finding any other than the severed horn, they did something that put Lyra in a dead end.

Healers hugged equa, briefly, but warmly and gently. As if apologizing for not being able to heal her wound. As if asking for forgiveness for their impotence.

Then a shifter came, introduced herself as Firefly and dragged Lyra to the city for a "tour". Along the way, telling the most basic things that a filly who found herself in the changeling kingdom should know.

That Lyra is a political refugee and a guest here. No one will put her in a cocoon, no one will suck out love by force. Unless the Equa does something that the Equestrian criminal code wouldn't pat on the head for.

That the changelings have long understood that the shared feelings do not fade away, but grow stronger and continue to live, giving the equines strength and food for them. And it turned out to be a huge boon when the main flow of refugees began.

That the Equins live here quietly, having joined the Changeling society and brought new benefits with them. Eartheques and Equines ennoble the kingdom with greenery. Pegasus and pegasus work in the weather service. The horned ones are doing something, but everyone has found a niche here.

Only a few people are taken into the guard and the army, for obvious reasons.

So Lyra's day was filled with impressions, resembling a crumbling pile of bright postcards.

Here they are walking through the Silver Park, where all the plants are white with streaks of green and aquamarine color. The unusual flora was the fruit of the long labors of changeling breeders, who had previously simply played with bonsai and ornamental vines. Until one day a group of Earth-equas refugees got into the Hive.

Two of them got very close to one of the changers who were playing with plants. As it turned out, the magic of the earth's equas was the missing fragment that turned a frivolous hobby into a beautiful and lush park. Firefly even whispered softly to Lyra that the Silver Park had grown so well precisely because of the love in the herd that had bred it. Mint equa, who was lying on the silver-green silk grass at that moment and watching the clouds run across the sky, only snorted merrily in response.

Then Firefly treated Lyra to a cafe, despite the latter's desire to pay out of a modest allowance. And at the same time, with gratitude and awkwardness before the changeling, a reverse wave of emotions returns to the equa.

Here they see how in the square a hefty thestral, one of the few equine guards, tremblingly puts a wreath of mint-colored irises on the head of a desperately blushing equa. He gets down on one knee in front of her, making an offer to join the herd. And a white pegasus with a mane of three shades of red quietly cries with happiness and falls next to the furry ear, embracing him.

And now Lyra is sitting on the edge of the pool, thinking not only about whether to dive into the phosphorescent gel. Maybe she should go beyond the shoulder massage with Firefly today?

And since Lyra Heartstrings was happy and calm, she decided that it was worth it. She caught the black filly's hand that was squeezing her shoulder and gently kissed it. Lyra knew that the changeling would understand everything correctly. With her sensitivity to emotions.

The hot wave that swept over equa showed that Firefly understood everything correctly.

It was unexpectedly difficult to walk to the guide's house. Because of spontaneous hugs and kisses, when the resonance of emotions literally threw equa and changeling one to the other. Lyra couldn't remember ever being so overwhelmed with feelings in her life. Tenderness, gratitude, desire. As soon as her own weakened a little, absorbed by Firefly, a wave of returned ones came from her.

As soon as the membrane of the entrance to the small studio of the shifter was tightened behind the fillies, all decency and restraint were forgotten.

Lyra almost provoked an awkward moment when she tried to unbutton her jacket and attract Firefly for a kiss at the same time. The shifter laughed, easily picked up equa in her arms and lowered her onto a modest bed.

Firefly was gentle. Firefly was affectionate. Firefly was hot. Firefly was good at it.

Lyra arched and twisted, like a flower stalk swayed by the wind under hot hands. She moaned and gasped from soft lips and a long tongue.

And she would fall asleep, tired and very happy, hugging such a warm, such a pleasant Firefly. Who, even when sinking into sleep herself, did not forget to return joy and happiness to equa.

06.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters
Time 20: 04

Cantata was sitting over a half-empty sheet of music and twirling a pencil in her fingers. Inspiration did not come.

With a sigh, the pianist dropped her head on the table, clasping her temples with her hands. A complete plug.

Velvet twirled a pencil aimlessly in her fingers and glanced around the room with an unseeing gaze. There was no neighbor and the room felt not somehow deserted, not somehow good and free

One moment Cantata was brought back to reality from the murky abyss of prostration and creative crisis by a delicate knock on the door. After the permission, a curious blue face looked in. Gracefull flashed her eyes with delight and waved her hand to the unicorn.
"Hi, Velvet! Now we want to get together with the girls and sit together for a while. It seems that even Mark and Harry promised to come."
"Thank you, Glide, but no. Unfortunately, I don't feel like it right now,"

Pegasus, still timidly looking out from behind the door, sighed.
"You really, really don't want to, Velvet? Well, maybe..."
"Not at all, Glide. And please don't ask again. Nothing will change from this,"

The Pegasus was clearly upset. Gracefull hoped that it would be possible to collect all the equas from their group. But Radiance has gone to Manehattan, Rocket disappears at the shooting range, where she explodes something under Lee's supervision. Two out of fourteen is not such a big decrease, but still noticeable.

More precisely, three.
"Glide? Are you just going to stand in the doorway?"
"Oh... Sorry, Velvet, I'm leaving. It's a pity that you're not with us,"

When the pegasus disappeared from sight, the pianist again dropped her head on her hands and muttered softly to herself.
"And how I'm sorry about that..."

Despite her dislike of the former submissive, Cantata could not be seriously angry with Glide. The pegasus was too soft and open. Moreover, Velvet remembered how Glyde got hurt... No, Cantata couldn't afford to be unnecessarily harsh with Gracefull.

So when the door was scratched once again and opened without waiting for an answer, Velvet did not yell or beat with magic.
"Gracefull, why are you like a foal, I'm ... Whisp?! What do you need?"
"I'm sorry that I didn't wait for permission... Cantata, is everything all right?"

Velvet with a groan leaned back in her chair and covered her face with her hands. She really wanted to throw something heavy at Willow, but she restrained herself. The half-changeling occupied a disadvantageous position right in front of the neighbor's locker with magic trinkets.
"Willow, don't bother me, please go away! I want to be alone and I am not eager to join the gatherings of the former "reds"!"
"Frisky is with us. And she does not feel any worries about this,"

"I'm not a Frisky. If she feels good around you, then I don't!"

The half-changeling sank into an empty chair. And she sighed softly.
"Velvet... Have you ever wondered why?"

As much as Willow was calm, Cantata was just as exploded.
"Fuck!!! Yes, I was thinking! Do you know what the point is, Whisp?! You know, you fucking nymphomaniac?! Do you know?!"

Velvet's horn and fingers were enveloped in a dark crimson haze as she jumped up from her chair and turned to the half-changeling. Willow wished for a second that she hadn't even gone to the pianist. But she still managed to keep her concentration.
"I tried to get out of slavery as best I could! As I could, knocking everything I could into my blood! And you! You bitches put your feet up to the top and were happy with that! Of course! You've been fucked enough!"

Cantata subtly quickly threw her hand in Willow's direction and clenched her fingers into a fist. The half-Changeling rose into the air, enveloped in the same crimson glow. Magic squeezed her chest and neck, making it difficult to breathe. Whisp wheezed.
"Velvet... Velvet, please..."

"If we would help each other! If only we'd stuck together! It would be possible to do at least something! At least something!"

When Whisp was already wheezing from lack of oxygen, something broke in the unicorn. Cantata swung her arm, pinning Willow to the wall and sank to the floor. Angry, hot tears were running from the pianist's eyes.
"Anything at all, Whisp..."

Velvet clutched her knees, shaking in silent crying.
"Ah... you know what... The most... The worst, Whisp? They... they... In front of my eyes... They tortured and broke my best friend... Almost a sister... To hurt me. To break me... But I persevered. Moonlight Violin is not. And the "reds" helped them... Those who could help my friend, help me-helped to torture us... How can I love you after this, answer me, Willow?"
"Velvet, I would also hate those who did such a thing..."
"Here is no need for soul-saving conversations about friendship, Whisp! I'm an adult equa and I don't believe in these fairy tales anymore!"
"Even here? Even in this land? Among these ponies, who healed us just for beautiful eyes? Among humans, who pulled us out of slavery?"

Cantata growled, she felt like she was literally being torn apart. She wanted to kill Willow and hug her. She wanted to sob with grief and destroy everything around in a furious outburst.

Willow approached to Cantata very carefully, sat down next to her and hugged her. The pianist felt a wave of trembling.
"Take your hands off me, Whisp,"
"I won't, Velvet. All that gives you the strength to live is hatred?"
"Yes, Discord rip you! Only this keeps me going! Only this gives me the strength not to break down!"

With a sigh, half-changeling tightened her embrace. The unicorn growled something unintelligible, continuing to shake.
"Really, and now you need it so much? Do you really live now, hating everyone around you?"
"Yes, damn you!"
"Do you hate Glidee?"
"Y... I... N-no..."
"And what about Vetrov?"
"Whisp. I..."
"You'll kill me, I know. But please, Velvet... Just for a second, give your own soul a chance to live. Look around you, Cantata. Is someone trying to break you? Now? Here? Or are there friends nearby who will not hesitate to stand up for you? And who are you hurting with your hatred?"
"Whisp, you're such a bitch..."
"Yes, Velvet, bitch, such as the world has not seen. But I pray, if not for me, then at least answer this question for yourself,"

Cantata was silent. But it was felt that she was holding on for the last seconds. Whisp took a deep breath, as if before jumping into the water. Her intuition and subconscious told her that everything was right, but her neck and back still hurt.
"You didn't let anyone near you... Were you afraid that it would hurt you yourself? Or you afraid of hurting your friends? After all, if they don't exist, they can't be tortured and broken?"

Velvet couldn't stand it. Throwing up her head, the pianist screamed at the ceiling. Bitterly and lingeringly, spilling out her own pain.

Willow did not let go of the pink-maned, and after a few seconds, with surprise and joy, she finally felt an answering embrace. Especially valuable to those from whom they were received.
"What should I do, Whisp?! After everything I said and did in captivity? After words on the boat?! Willow, who wants to come to me?! Who wants to be my friend?! Whisp... I strangled this opportunity with my own hands! Because I was afraid! And now it's too late,"

The half-changeling buried her nose in the Cantata's mane, feeling a hot knot tie in her throat and her eyes get wet.
"No, Velvet, it's not too late. Come with me. And I'll show you that it's not too late,"

Velet was shaking. Either from excitement, or from overflowing emotions.
"I've already refused Glide,"
"But you didn't refuse me! Come on, Cantata! Please! And I'll show you how much girls are waiting for you, despite all your prickles,"

The pianist sniffed and snuggled closer to Willow. Gathering her courage, Velvet stood up, at the same time lifting the half-changeling to her feet and resolutely wiped away her tears.
"Here's the Cantata I'm used to. Let's go,"

Almost all the Canterlot equas were already gathered in the hall below. When Willow appeared, someone cheered and waved their hands. When Velvet appeared, there was confusion in the air.
"Hi. I'm..."

Vibrant, as soon as she saw the pianist come down to the company, she broke into a radiant smile from ear to ear. It was unmistakably felt that the red-maned physicist was really happy to see the unicorn.
"Velvet, you've come after all! What a happiness! Fillies! Squeeze her!"

In the blink of an eye, Cantata found hersf in the midst of a whirlwind of hugs, kisses, kisses on the cheek and nose, affectionate pats for ears and mane. The pianist was crying, hugging her now friends. Which she haven't allowed herself to have for so long.

Velvet asked everyone present to apologize for her former anger. For turning away when she was needed.

And they hugged her. And they cried in the mane. And they said that everything was fine now.

Citrine. Glide. Willow. Orchard. Ciarin.Lif. Lilac. Belmi. Summer. Vibrant. Frisky.

All her friends were there now

07.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters
Fallen Equestria
Time 23: 34

The conversation flowed smoothly and gently, resembling either a dance of two experienced partners or a duel on the rapiers of equally experienced swordsmen. The topics varied from discussing possible deals and how to implement them to talking about life in general, Equestria or the humanity themselves.

When the bottle of wine from the "cave grapes" ran out, the Queen waved her hand to open a passage in the wall of the hive. And she offered to continue the conversation in a more calm and private atmosphere.

The Major, who was more interested in controlling the swarms of nanites that were splitting wine, chuckled.
"Isn't your office quiet and private enough, Your Majesty?"
"There is always an opportunity for more… Privacy. Come with me. Or are you afraid?"

Laughing, Chrysalis took Smirnov by the hand and led him behind the wall. In a small but cozy living room, also designed in green tones. But warmer shades have already prevailed here. Light green, young foliage, yellow-green.

And the furniture was much more comfortable than in the Queen's office. Actually, all the furniture consisted of a low couch and a huge semicircular bed that occupied half of the room.

The Major sent a request via psycholink. He was told to act on the situation, but to achieve agreements at any cost. And not to disgrace his regiment and humanity as a whole.

Smirnov sat down next to Chrysalis on the couch and accepted a bottle of green telekinesis aura. Wanting to entertain the Queen a little, he cut the neck of the bottle with a psychic impulse

The glasses were filled this time with a soft purple wine, playing with small purple reflections. Chrysalis grinned.
"And you're a risk taker. This wine is filled with emotions, and so close to it to apply an attacking technique... It could turn out to be a very powerful surge, clouding the consciousness. And, most offensively, the wine would instantly lose the entire bouquet,"

Smirnov, who had already run through the analysis cycle of the sparkling drink, was clearly not happy. It will be necessary to neutralize not only foreign substances with an unknown effect, but also a very tangible mental charge.
"And what emotions are ... dissolved in it?"
"You'd better have a sip. And you'll find out everything yourself, human,"

The Queen, who was sipping her wine, suddenly threw her legs over the Major's lap. And she made completely innocent eyes in response to the questioning look. Finally, the Queen managed to catch something in the emptiness that a person felt. Finally, a barely noticeable shadow flashed under the layer of gray ice.
"Your Majesty?"

And again an innocent smile and the flapping of the most luxurious eyelashes in response to the humans's question. Downright naive seminarian, not the Queen of changelings.
"Tell me, aren't you a distant relative of a certain half-blood one, named Willow Wisp? She also likes to combine business with pleasure,"

Chrysalis looked serious. She closed her eyes, reaching out to the distant echo. The echo of a weak voice that was no longer in this world.
"I don't know Willow personally. But the Hive remembers her quiet voice, from which only an echo remains. Why are you talking about a tortured soul in the present tense, Yuri?"
"Because Phyllady Wisp is alive and well. Not in the afterlife, but only in a parallel world,"

The Queen's eyes sparkled with barely suppressed interest. The fate of even one half-changeling was not indifferent to her. Even the one whom Chrysalis did not know by sight, she sought to protect. Changeling moved closer to the Major, not taking her hungry eyes off him.
"Tell me. What else do you know about her?"
"Brought into the world by a caribou squad along with several other equas. During the skirmish, invaders were destroyed and the prisoners were released. They have been provided with shelter and proper treatment. Now fillady Whisp works in a spa on the outskirts of the port city. She feels good mentally and physically,"
"So, caribou took her as a toy along with other such unfortunate mares… Well, I already have something to thank humanity for - one half-blood is rescued from captivity and rejoices in freedom. As far as possible with the horn cut off,"

Smirnov smiled softly, seemingly absorbed in the contemplation of the purple sparks dancing in the wine.
"I told you, all the released received proper treatment. So fillady Whisp is enjoying life to the fullest, with a restored horn, at a pleasant job and next to a very good person. Whom she did put before a choice without a choice, just as you have now put me,"

Chrysalis leaned back on the couch and let out a sigh of contentment.
"You're not lying. You're not telling the whole truth, but you're not lying either. What? I am the Queen of changelings! And I can distinguish lies from the truth even when they come from the mouth of a piece of gray ice,"

The human did not say anything to this, only continued to admire the sparkling and iridescent wine. And listen to the purring chest voice of the queen.
"To whom I did the great honor of offering to seal the deal exactly as I offered. But apparently, the deal will fall through. Or is it still not? What do you say, Yuri?
"You really know how to combine business with pleasure, Your Majesty. I apologize for inadvertently making you doubt the firmness of humanity's intentions,"

Chrysalis 's mile was getting more and more anticipatory by the second. Draining her glass in one gulp, Changeling giggled softly. Her green, hungry eyes glowed with their own light as she leaned against the human's shoulder and breathed softly into his ear.
"I hope that your word will be no less firm than ... intentions. In the meantime, take off my shoes. My legs got tired of them during the day,"

As far as Smirnov remembered, when the Queen led him into the living room, she was not wearing shoes. But now Chrysalis's legs were wrapped in green silk ribbons, holding intricate gold wire hoofshoes.

And it was neither a trick nor an illusion. Just a little secret of the Queen, who is very partial to evenings in pleasant company.

The silk ribbons slipped from Chrysalis's legs. And the next moment, the Queen gave a thin, completely girlish gasp, finding herself lifted in air on the Major's arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and reached for his lips.

Soon, next to the hoofshoes on the floor were armor and underwear, Chrysalis's dress and her lingerie.

The deal was sealed. And the evening turned out to be really interesting