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Going to the Gala

Going to the Gala

"The Grand Galloping Gala was first founded when his majesty King Slepinir first banished the titans to an eternity in to Tartarus." Said Spik N Span

"Try saying that five." Said Soarin

"Since then once a year the alicorns invited all the ponies in Equestria to a royal gala to celebrate their victory."

"The Grand Galloping Gala!" shouted Pinkie

"And as the princess of templon it is your duty to attend along with the other royals of Equestria." Said Spik

Twilight frowned as Rarity was sewing a dress on her. "Personally I'm just looking forward in to seeing Princess Celestia again."

"Not me!" Said Rainbow Dash "I'm looking forwarded to seeing the Wonderbolts!"

"Yeah me too!" Soarin added.

"Well I'm just excited for attending the Gala." Said Flash "As a foal growing up on the streets Soarin Cheese, and I always dreamed of going there."

"And party with rich ponies!" Said Cheese

"Yes Rich ponies with full pockets." Trenderhoof said rubbing his hoofs together.

"Don't even think about it!" Said TroubleShoes

"Well keep dreaming." Said Thunderlane handing armor to Soarin and Flash. "As royal guards you'll be in charge at the security at the gala and I don't intend to see you three slack off."

"At least we'll still be there." Said Cheese

"Yeah." Said Soarin "Working."

"Well..."Said TrenderHoof holding tightly to Troubleshoes "We'll be having fun."

"Actually." Said Troubleshoes "I promise AJ I help her with something at the Gala."

"Well find, find." Said Trender "I'll just attend to the Gala with this lovely lady."

"Um...Actually." Said Rarity "I short of have plans of my own that evening."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Rarity your not trying to go after Blueblood again are you?"

"Blueblood?" Said TrenderHoof suspiciously "Who prey tell is this "Blueblood"?

"Well!" Said Pinkie "If you coaster the fact that his next in line for the throne of Trottingham, Slepinir's nephew 23 times removed and the most eligible bachelor in all of Equestria then yeah his no pony."

"Oh I see." Said TrenderHoof getting rather irritated. "Well lucky for you I already have plans for the Gala."

"You do?" Said Rarity in disbelieve "With who?"

TrenderHoof's eyes darted thought the room. "Pinkie Pie."

"We do?" Said Pinkie

"Yes I'm going help you with your pies." Said Trender

"But I'm not making any..."

"No!" Said Trender putting a hoof on her mouth "Making those other pies!"

Then Flash turn to Twilight "So You know this Blueblood character?"

"Unfortunately yes." Said Twilight "He used to be one of the suitors."

"Su...Suitors?" Said Flash shocked "I didn't know you had suitors."

"Oh don't worry." Said Twilight "Their all just dates my dad used to set me up with."

"And how's was Blueblood's?" Ask Flash.

Twilight thought back for a moment.

Flash back

"So anyway like I was saying that's how I got elected Equestria's most eligible bachelor." Said blueblood to a board Princess Twilight "But enough about me let's talk about me!"

Twilight Sparkle shuttered "I'd rather not talk about it."

"Oh." Said Flash looking disappointed. "Okay."

"Oh Drama!" Said Cheese

"Anyway." Said Spick n Span leading Twilight out of the room "Before we attend to this Gala it's imperative that we make have everything we need do we have rooyal carriage?"

"I booked that last wee." Said Thunderlane

"Ah but do we have the ponies pulling it?" Said Spik

"Got them right here." Thunderlane said pulling Flash and Soarin in for a hug.

"Do we have the second carriage for the none royal ponies." Spik N Span turns to the rest of the mane six and stallions.

"I personally booked that." Said TrenderHoof

"Well then all we need is the king and queen." Said Spik N Span

"Actually." Said Applejack "The king and Queen aren't in the palace."

"King and Queen aren't in the place!?" Spick N Span suddenly panicked "King and Queen aren't in the place! call the royal guards! Call the Wonderbolts! The King and Queen aren't in the place!"

"That because they left for Canterlot hours ago." Said Thunderlane

"Oh that's right." Said Spik N Span smiling empresses

"Well then." Said the advisor as he opens the carriage door "It appears we have everything we need shall we be off then?"

As the carriages flew off the ponies failed to notices a small purple dragon chancing after them. "Wait guys I over slept don't leave with out me!"

Out side the city of Canterlot numerus carriages filled with ponies were lined up to the royal castle.

Within Canterlot castle countless ponies and other various creatures chatted with one another.

Suddenly a large horn sounded a royal fan far "Presenting her royal highness Princess Twilight Sparkle of the Kingdome of Tambelon!"

Twilight Sparkle entered the ball room fallowed by her friends all of then wearing drees suites and uniforms.

"Alright gentle colts." Said Thunderlane to Soarin Cheese, and Flash. "Let's leave the princess to the other guest of honor."

"Sure." Muttered Soarin "Not like we have anything better to do tonight."

As the others mares watch Twilight being lead away TrenderHoof chimed in. "Now that the old fuddy duddy's are gone who's up for a dance with their favorite stallion?"

"Um...I really have somewhere else to be right now." Said Rarity

"Oh look is that Spitfire over there?" Said Rainbow

"Um...I...Have to go." Said Fluttershy

TrenderHoof grumbled "Well Troubleshoes it look like it just you and..." He turn to see the big earth pony gone "Your gone." He watch as TroubleShoes walked away with Applejack.

"Sorry buddy." Said TroubleShoes

"At least you still have me!" Said Pinkie

"Boy am I lucky." Said Trender

High above the rest of the party the alicorns sat at a long table with numerous other creatures.

"Honestly this party is nothing like the ones we have in saddle Arabia." Said a tall brown stallion.

"Please." Said a regale looking pony in a powdered wing. "The parties are nothing compared to the ones in Maretonia."

"Yaks throw best Party ever!" shouted Prince Rutherford

The the alicorn king said "Now now, every-creature we are here to enjoy ourselves."

"His right!" Said Hippocampus next to his brother "Besides Seaqueatria throws the best parties."

"Your not helping brother." Said Slepinir

"Twilight." Said Princess Celestia as she saw her young student approaching "You made it."

"We apologies for the delay." Said Thunderlane "The traffic to Canterlot was unbearable."

"We never had such traffic problems in saddle Arabia." Said the brown stallion

"Don't start that again." Said Sleipnir

Twilight then took a set between Princess Celestia and Princess Cadence

"So how was the trip?" Said Cadence

"Adjustable." Said Twilight "Please tell me mom and dad aren't near by."

Shining Armor who was setting nest to Cadence said "I think that's them chatting with the king and queen of Abyssina." He ponited to two tall black feline like creatures talking to their parents.

"So how is it you stand on two legs." The king asked

"Honestly I think mom more embarrasses then you are." Said Shining

"Announcing her royal highness Princess Ember of the Dragonlands!" The ponies watch as a mid size blue dragoness walk in to the ball.

"Ember!" A Large Jackal creature then jumped out of nowhere. "Your father laid waste to the Anubis Kingdome now you shall pay for his crimes!"

The young dragoness and the Anubis began fighting in the ball room.

The Sleipnir muttered "Somepony get the royal guards."

Flash looked down at the scan confused "Is it like this every year?"

Thunderlane sing "Actually this year is pretty tamed."

At another part of the castle

TrenderHoof was walking down the hall way with Pinkie bouncing around him to his annoyance.

"So what you want do first you wanna go booming for apples? do want to pin the tail on the pony? How about a conga line?"

"I can't believe this is how I'm spinning my first time at the Grand Galloping Gala." Sad Trender

"Well..." Said Pinkie "How would you like spinning it?"

"At the moment with Rarity." Said TrenderHoof

"Well Rarity right over there!" Pinkie pointed to the place gardens.

"Well what do you know." Said Trender as he saw the white unicorn with the purple mane.

At that point TrenderHoof then rushed over to her to try and meet her.

"Oh Prince Blueblood your so... Funny." Said Rarity

TrenderHoof then came to a stop as he saw a white unicorn stallion with a suite and tie chatting with Rarity

"I know, I know I am hilarious." Said Blueblood he then saw TrenderHoof "Ah there you are waiter can you please give me and the lady a couple of glasses of sparkling cider."

"Um...Excuse me?" Said Trender a bit annoyed

"Oh hold on Blueblood this is my good friend TrenderHoof, you know one of the knights of Harmony." Said Rarity

"Ah yes the knight why I remember the time when I was knighted." Said Blueblood

"You were knighted?" Said Trender "How does a prince get knighted."

"Why in Trottingham being knighted is part of being royalty." Said Blueblood. "But I suppose you won't know that."

"No." Said Trender "But I have met plenty of royals."

"Oh really." Said Blueblood "Are familiar with the house of Xanthus or are the with the house of Faust? I'm a descendent Slepinir myself."

"Thorax." Said TrenderHoof matter of facility

"Who?" Said Blueblood

"Thorax king of the Changelings over throw the previous ruler with the help of princess Cadence. I should know I was there when it happened before I join the knights." Said Trender

"Oh right the Changelings." Said Blueblood with disgusts. "I suppose you can coaster them royalty set the standers low enough."

"You do realize they almost took over Equestria once right." Said Trender

"Did they." Said Blueblood "Well no wonder their not here in this party."

"Announcing his royal highness King Thorax and his brother prince Pharynx!"

"Well will you look at that?" Said TrenderHoof "Perhaps I should go see my old pals Thorax and Pharynx."

"Why that would be wonderful we will be happy to join." Said Blueblood holding Rarity tightly.

"Wait what?" Said Trender

"Well since they are close friends with you." Said Blueblood

"Technically all I said was I knew them I didn't exactly said I we were close friends." Said Trender

"Nonsense." Said Blueblood "I'm sure they'll remember you all too well."

Else where in the royal gardens

Applejack and TroubleShoes were setting up the counter to sale Apples trads.

"Can't thank ya'll enough for helping me set up the stand." Said AJ "With all the other apples in Appleoosa I don't know who was going to help me set the stand up and sale this where's."

"Well it's a least I can do for all you done for us." Said TroubleShoes

"Aw we have done much you'all had been a bigger help to us then we been to you." Said Applejack

"Well that's kind of you to say." but we owe you a lot more." Said Troubleshoes

"No we owe you a lot more." Said Applejack

"No we owe you a lot.."

"Oh would you two get a room a ready." said Rainbow Dash approaching them.

"Rainbow Dash!" said applejack to the blue pegasus, "Can't you see that we're in the middle of the an important business venture?"

"Well I'm in the middle of an adventure all my own," said Rainbow Dash proudly.

"Yeah!" said Soarin popping up beside her, "We're going to go find the Wonderbolts!"

"Soarin?" said Troubleshoes confused, "Aren't ya'll supposed to be guarding princess Twilight?"

Back at the table, Cheese nudged a figure in Soarin's armor.

"Don't slouch buddy."

All of a sudden the figures helmet fell off revealing a dummy.

"Soarin's a dummy!" Cheese proclaimed in terror.

"Tell me about it," Flash said rolling his eyes.

"Honestly I don't know why your getting so upset." Said Anubis to Sleipnir "They started for invited our Kingdome for no good reason."

"It five hounded years." Said ember rolling her eyes.

"Five hounded years doesn't take away the members!" Anubis shouted

"Where is Orisis." Said Slepinir to Queen Faust "He usually calms Anubis down by now."

"I think he got stuck in traffic over the storm Kingdome." Queen Faust said

"Well someone needs to make make sure that he doesn't try to destroy the castle untiled Orisis gets here." Said the alicorn king

"Another year another disaster avoided." Said Shining Armor

"Don't worry." Said Cadence "They'll be another in about five minutes."

Seeing Twilight Sparkle chuckling to herself Flash Sentry decided to approach her.

"Well who'd a thought the Grand Galloping Gala could go so awful." Said Flash

"Oh Flash." Said Twilight "The Gala is always awful when the delicates are fighting each other the rest of the Gala is a bore."

"Well." Said Flash "At least your setting with your friends and family."

"And Soarin!" Said Cheese nervously putting the helmet back on the Soarin with out Thunderlane knowing. "Don't forget Soarin!"

"Yes it certainly is" said Twilight blushing "Flash there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

"Well look who it is." Said an arrogant and cocky voice. "If it isn't my old flame Princess Twilight Sparkle." It was prince Blueblood with TrenderHoof Rartiy, and Pinkie fallowing behind.

"Hello Blueblood." Twilight said frowning

"Blueblood!?" Flash in shocked

"Yes, yes it's wonderful to see me again guard can you give us some drinks?" Said Blueblood

Flash then turn to Thunderlane who nodded and then when off to get some drinks.

"So what brings you here?" Asked Twilight

"Oh TrenderHoof is going to introduce us to King Thorax and Prince Pharynx." Said Rarity holding TrenderHoof tightly

"Yeah we didn't even know that he know them!" Said Pinkie

"Right." Said TrenderHoof "Excuse me Pinkie can I talk to you over there." He then bring Pinkie to Cheese who was still trying to hold the Soarin dummy together.

"You guys gonna help me on this." Said Trender "I did meet Thorax once but it was before he was King of the Changelings it short of happened like this."


TrenderHoof and TroubleShoes were hiding behind a rock looking at a sleeping bug bear.

"Alright little guy here's the way it works you help us get pass that bug bear and we'll help you get to the other side of the mountain." Said Trender

"And um.." Said The small Changeling "How do I do that?"

"Your changeling right?" Said TrenderHoof "Change in to something."

As the bug bear woke up he suddenly saw a curvaceous female bug bear approaching him.

"That's it buddy." Trender whisper "Shake that stinger and make it fly."

"Ouch." Said Cheese

"Yeah I really don't think he want to remember me." Said Trenderhoof "SO anyway I need your guy's help to distract Thorax from seeing me."

"Well here he comes now." Pinkie said

He turn and see the Changeling brother approaching the table.

"AAAAHHHH!" Screamed TrenderHoof as he hide under the table cloth.

"Trender? Trender?" Said Rarity "Where did he go?"

Meanwhile in another part of the castle Soarin and Rainbow were looking into a large roped area where the Wonderblots were chatting with many famous ponies.

"Okay here's the plan." Said Rainbow "You pretend to be a royal guard and get us in."

"I am a royal guard." Said Sorain

"You see it's alrighty working." Said Rainbow "Speaking of which what if Thunderlane finds out you abandon you post?"

"Relax how is he going to find out?" Said Soarin

"Excuse me!" Said a Guard pony approaching him "We have a problem with a you know who in you where with the you know what's. You stand guard and I'll go get LT. Thunderlane."

"The you know what? With the where with the why? What does that mean?" Aske Soarin

"Oh no!" Said Rainbow "Not again."

All of a sudden numinous animals began to rush in to the ball room in a panic fallowed by an all to familiar and crazed pony.

"YOUR GOING TO LOVE ME!" Fluttershy shouted to the panicked animals.

Back at the gardens Applejack and Troubleshoes were still waiting to make a sale.

"I can't believe not pony is interested in this apples." Said Troubleshoes

"Actually." said Applejack this is pretty common.

"Yeah guys." Said Flash Sentry approaching the two of them. "Got any ciders? Prince Blueblood wants a drink."

"Oh don't tell me that snob is trying to put the moves on Twilight again." Said Applejack

"You know about him?" Said Flash to Applejack

"Oh yeah." Said AJ "Twilight didn't tell you the whole did she?"

"Not really." Said Flash

"Well it when like this." AJ said

Flash Back

"And that I was how I got knighted So what do you think princess?" Said Blueblood

"I think..." Said Twilight trying to speak up.

"Hold on." Said Blueblood "I know what your going to say you've never meet a pony quite like me before."

"I was going to say something along those line." Grumbled Twilight

"Well I can't say I'm surprise." Said Blueblood "After all I am once of the most Enigmatic ponies in all of Equestria."

"Huh." Said Twilight

"So I guess there's only one life to discuss." Said blueblood

"And that is?" Said Twilight

"How do we ditch the creepy little dragon in the corner those things are absolutely repulsive." Said Blueblood

"Blueblood." Said Twilight getting closer to him. "I can honestly say you are the most infuriating aggravating pony I've ever met!" She then slammed a tea try on top of his head.

"Well that would have been some good information to know." Said Flash

"If you wanted to know that you could have just asked one of us." Said Applejack "Or Spike."

All of the sudden all three of them shouted "SPIKE!"

Meanwhile back at the castle Spike and the Crusaders sit in a closet hiding.

"So..." Spike whimpered "Read any good books lately?"

Back at the royal table a tall white stag continued his lecture.

"And that's why Griffins should not be allowed in the white tail woods."

Severely Griffins at the table gave the deer a dirty look.

"Thank you King Aspin for that not at all offensive commentary about Griffinstone." Said King Sleipnir rolling his eyes. "So how about we talk about something that won't causes a war."

Then Anubis rise his paw.

"Anubis you don't get to say anything!" Sleipnir shouted. "Look the reason we all come to this Gala is to share out culture and build better relationships between our respective Kingdomes not for arguing who the better what's or starting fights for no reason."

Then Balius said "Makes senses to me." The alicorn king gave him a glare "What it does."

Twilight was quickly becoming board with this conversation. "Where is Flash?"

"Waiting for someone?" A voice said behind her

She then turn to see a pale black unicorn stallion with green eyes and a dark black mane wearing a tuxedo.

"Oh." Said Twilight "I've never seen you before."

"Prince Shade." Said the stallion ""I'm new to the Gala tell me what Kingdome are you from?"

"Um Tambelon those are my parents over there talking to queen rainshine."

"So it it true Kirin are related to Breezes?" King nightlight asked

Back to Twilight and Shade

"So what's a lovely pony like you doing here by yourself?" Shade asked

"Well I do have some royal guards some where but I'm not sure where they are right now." Twilight said

"Fluttershy claim down!" Said Thunderlane trying to hold down the yellow pegasus.

"Did he see us?" Said Soarin along with Rainbow Dash hiding under a table.

Back at the table

"So King Thorax ever see a pony that can jiggle cheese while playing a tuba." Cheese asked. Pinkie Pie appeared doing just that.

Thorax look confusion.

"There my friends what can I tell you." Twilight said to Shade at the table watching the whole thing.

"Well your lucky I wish I had friends that care about me that much." Shade said

"Oh I'm sure you have plenty." Said Twilight

"Shadily no." Said Shade "Being a member of royalty really takes up your time for things like friendship."

"Do I know how that feels." Said Twilight "Say what Kingdome are you from?"

"Oh it's a smallest Kingdome it over on the other side of the EverFree frost. The only reason I'm here is because my father told me too he doesn't socialize with other Kingdomes."

"Yeah I know how that feels too." Said Twilight looking over to her dad.

"No really Epona!" Shouted king Nightlight "I didn't mean to insult the Breezies by comparing them to the Karin!"

"Parents." Said Shade "Am I right?"

Twilight was so busy laughing with Shade that she didn't notices Flash hade return to the table.

"AH that you waiter." Said Prince Blueblood taking a glass of cider from him.

"Um yeah what ever." Said Flash was busy staring at Twilight with the stallion.

"Well it was nice taking to you." Said Twilight

"Indeed it was." Said Prince Shade as he walks off "Until we meet again."

"Who was that?" Asked Flash as he approach Twilight from behind.

"Oh he was just a somepony new I was disusing with." Said Twilight

"Look like it was more then a discussion." Said Flash

"What is that suppose to mean?" Asked Twilight

"Nothing." Said flash a little defensive. "It just that I sworn I've seen that pony somewhere before."

"Oh it's that all." Said Twilight looking rather suspicious at Flash

"Yes that is all." Said Flash rather abruptly "But look that not import I need to tell something about Spike."

"Aaaahhhh!" A voice screamed Prince blueblood just spit out his cider "My royal lips have touched common carnival fare! What kind of waiter are you?"

"I'm not a waiter!" Said Flash "I'm a Guard!"

All of a sudden a hoof tapped Prince blueblood from behind the prince turn to see the delicate from saddle arabia towing over him with a wet face. "You think this is funny spitting in face with cider!?"

"Umm." Said Prince blueblood rather nervously

"You ponies think your so great with your cutie marks well not all Equines can have those thing!"

"Why didn't they spit in Yaks face?" shouted Prince Rutherford

"What about my face they didn't spit in my face!" Said Anubis

"Why would you guys want to spit in the face?" Asked Ember

Then they both said "Because they don't think were imported enough."

The table then started to get rowdy.

"Every creature settle down." Said Sleipnir

"Why don't you tell your father to come down here and say that himself!" Said Anubis

"Hello! Said Ember "he won't fit in the castle!"

"I don't care what you say!" King Aspin to an old Griffin in a fezz "The Griffins can not be trusted until put there Kingdome back together!"

"Well I don't see you insulting the Kirin and they burst in to flames!" said Griffin

Then queen rain shine began to smolder "And what about the hippogriffs there just as dangerous as we are!"

"Hey my wife a hippogriff!" Shouted Hippocampus

Twilight looked a the growing argument with concern "Well at least it can't get any worst."

Then a loud expose felled the ball room and and familiar voice

"Attention creatures big and small prepare to surrender you Jews and other valuables to the greatest pirate in the skies!"

"His the famous captain Don Grif'aun!" The pirates stated dancing while the party guest panicked.

The pirates were then robbing the creatures lift and right.

"Ha That is right ponies and other creatures!" said captain Don Grif'aun standing proudly in the middle of the pirates. "For you have absolutely no one to deafen..."

All of a sudden the griffin pirate looked up to the throne and saw numerous royals glaring down at him. The Griffin then whispered nervously to a gremlin "I thought you said that the alicorns won't be here."

"Ops." Shrug the purple creature "My mistake."

There was a poof of smoke and where the gremlin once stood was now discord "Toondaloo!" The Draconequus then disappeared.

"Discord!" Shouted The king alicorn king

"Alright now it's a party!" Shouted Anubis as he leap down and tackled one of the pirates he soon followed by Ember Prince Rutherford, Pharynx, and a flaming Kirin. The pirates began to panic as the alicorns joined the fight.

"Stand back Twilight!" said Flash "I'll protect!"

"I don't need your protection!" Said Twilight rather defensively

There was loud roar suddenly lions tigers, and other exotic animals entered the ball room Thunderlane case after them while Soarin try to seek away unnoticed.

"Soarin!" Said Thunderlane "What are you doing over there!?"

Soarin began to sweat buckets.

"You should over here helping me getting these ponies out of here!" Said Thunderlane

"Oh right!" Said Soarin smiled sheeplsiy "That was just what I was about to do!"

"Weee!" Said Pinkie Pie riding on top of an antelope.

King Thorax was completely tariffed as he joined Rarity and Blueblood behind a table.

"Alright!" Said Don Grif'aun leaping in front of them. "Hoof over your Jews and no one gets hurt!"

"AH Take her instead!" He pulled Rarity in front of him

"What!?" Said Rarity looking back at Blueblood in dis belief

"Well well," Said the pirate griffin "If it isn't one of the ponies that had been fowling my schemes time and time again. What a lovely dree you have but not as lovely as that necklace around you neck. Hoof it over and I may just pare your life."

"Hold it right there Grif'aun!" He turn to see TrenderHoof standing a top of the table bow and arrow on hoof. "Lay on claw on that mare and you'll have me to deal with!"

"Ha!" Said the pirate captain "You think that puny arrow can is enough to stop me!?"

"No but I know your weakness," Said TrenderHoof

"Griffonheimer!" a loud shill voice shouted.

"Ohnohohohooo.." whimpered Don Grif'aun as he turned to see an all to familiar face.

"What is the meaning of you comin' to Canterlot and causing trouble," the elderly Griffin with a Fez yelled.

"Grandpa Gruff!?" Grif'aun whimpered, "What are you doing here!?"

"What am I doin' here?" the old Griffin continued, "I was invited! You on the other claw most definitely weren't.

The griffon captain backed away from his worst nightmare come true.

"Why do you always pull these stupid stunts!" Gruff continued, "You make all of Griffonstone look like a bunch of plundering thieves!"

"But we are plundering thieves!" Don Grif'aun stuttered.

"But we don't go advertisin' it!" Gruff shouted.

"You just don't understand do you?" Said Grif'aun "I'm the famous Captain Don Grif'aun!"

A pirate sing behind him "His the Captain Don Griff..."

"Shut it!" Both Grif'aun and Grampa Gruff shouted at him.

"They'll be going on like that for hours." Said TrenderHoof lifting Rarity up on the table.

"Oh TrenderHoof that was so noble and brave." Said Rarity then she turn to Blueblood with a glare. "Unlike Someponies who only think for them selves."

Blueblood grin sheepishly as he backs away. As thorax rose from behind the table he suddenly recognize Trender.

"TrenderHoof." Thorax said in disbelieve

"Oh Thorax old buddy!" Trenderhoof said nervously "Long time no see."

"I can't believe it!" Said Thorax "I haven't seen you since you too me on the other side of the mountain."

"Yeah." Said Trender "About that..."

"Hahahaha Crazy times right?" said Thorax

"Wait what?" Said Trender "Your not mad?"

"Mad about what?" Said Thorax "You taking me on the greatest adventure of a life time?"

"But I made you look like a lady bug bear." Said Trender

"I know!" Said the changeling king "Up until I left the hive that was the most exciting thing to ever happened to me!"

"So your not upset with me?" Said Trender

"Actually I have to thank you." Said Thorax "If you didn't help escaped from Queen Chrysalis I would have never become the king I am today."

"Uh." Said TrenderHoof "I guess I never thought of it that way."

Back at the fight

"Look out!" A voice cried as a pirate crashed in to the table.

"Well I guess we better join the fight." Said Thorax

"Just like old times." Said TrenderHoof

Rarity smile as she sees the two friends dive into the pirates.

Later that night Applejack and Troubleshoes enter the ball room to join the others.

"What in tarnation!?" Said Applejack

The entire ball room was in disarray royal guards where dragging away the pirates while the gust try to regain their composer.

"Uh you guys what to tell us what happened here?" Said Troubleshoes approaching Rainbow Dash

"Yeah it looks like a twister blew thought this place." Said AJ

"More like a hurricane." Said Rainbow Dash "Huh Fluttershy?"

Yellow pegasus blushed looking rather embarrassed

"Excellent work stallion." Said Thunderlane to Cheese and Soarin as they chained up Don Grif'aun.

"Oh it was nothing." Said Soarin "All in a days work as a guard pony."

"Well I'm glade you agree Soarin." Said Thunderlane dragging the pirate griffin away. "By the way you'll befoaming double shifts for pulling that little dummy stunt earlier."

"Oh does he do that!?" Said Soarin in disbelief

Over at the royals Slepinir was lecturing Discord.

"Honestly I can not believe you let those pirates in to the grand galloping Gala!"

"Really it would seems exactly something I would." Said Discord

"Don't play jokes with me Discord!" Said the Angry Alicorn king "I have half a mind to put you back in that lamp! Because of you the Gala is ruin!"

"What are you talking about." Said Saddle Arabian pony "This is the best Gala we had yet!"

Sleipnir turn to the delicate in disbelief "What but we were attacked by pirates!"

"Exactly!" Shouted Anubis "This is the most fun we at a Gala in years!"

"I'll say!" Said Ember "Beating up some pirates beats a bunch of boring politics any day!"

"Wait you two are agreeing now?" Alicorn king said

"Nothing brings creatures together like good fight!" Shouted Prince Rutherford

"You see father everyone had a good time can you image what would have happened if I hadn't invited discord." Said Celestia

"Wait what!?" Said Sleipnir

Over at the other side of royals Spic N Span was making amends with the Abyssinian king and queen.

"No really your majesties the king didn't mean anything by that nine life comment he knows that's a commend miss conception."

Twilight rolled her eyes as she watches her fluster advisor. "Somethings never change." She smiled

"Um Twilight." Said Flash Sentry approaching behind her.

"Oh yeah Flash." Said Twilight embarrass about their earlier interaction.

Flash Sentry starch the back of his mane trying to think of what to say. "I'm sorry about how I reacted before."

"Why did you act like that?" Twilight asked

"It just..."Flash said blushing "You told me about prince Blueblood and then he showed up out of no where and then that other guy appeared and you were seeming to have a good time with him...The point is I was..."

"Jealous." Twilight finished his sentence

"Yeah." Said Flash with a snig

"Well..."Said Twilight "I guess I was kind of jealous too. You did promise to spin the night with me."

"Yeah." Said Flash "It was a pretty awful Gala was it?"

"Oh Flash," Said Twilight, "The Grand Galloping Gala is always awful but at least this year I had a friend besides me."

Flash blush as Twilight drew him close.

"So what was it you were going to tell me about Spike?" Said Twilight

"Oh sweet Celestia!" Flash shouted

"What?" Said Celestia appearing behind him.

Back at Tambelon the mane six and stallions entered the castle exhausted.

"Well..." Said Twilight "The damage doesn't seem too bad."

"I feeling sorry for spike for missing all the fun," Said Pinkie Pie

"What fun?" Said Soarin "That fact that we had to reangle up the animals that Fluttershy let lose or that fact I'm pulling double shift for the next month?"

"And we didn't get to meet the Wonderbolts," Said Rainbow Dash with a sad look.

"And we didn't make any bits," Said Troubleshoes

"Well I had a good time," Said TrenderHoof pulling Rarity in for a hug

"In deed," Said Rarity

"Well I think the Gala when a hack a lot better then last year," Said Applejack

"I thought agreed with never to speak about that again," Said Thunderlane

"I can't help it," Said Fluttershy, "I just love those animals so much."

"Well I'm sure," Said Twilight, "That Spike had a nice relaxing staying here in the castle."

The ponies entered the throne room.

"What in Equestria!" Twilight Sparkle shouted.

The ponies jaws dropped as they looked upon the throne room completely in ruins. Stain glass windows had been shattered, and bits of cake batter were splattered everywhere. Hanging down from the chandelier, were Cujo and his Diamond dogs tied up in a rope. At the center of the mess stood Spike, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle desperately trying to clean up the mess.

"Applejack!" said Applebloom noticing the ponies, "I am telling you the honest truth.. This was not our fault!"