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The Chaotic date

The Chaotic date

The house of Flash's family inside. Flash's parents and aunts were preparing him for his date with Twilight.

Then Allgood said, "Oh I can't believe we're actually going to see our first son's first date."

"I know we missed a lot of things in the last few years," Said Snaps, "But I'm glad we didn't miss this."

Aunt Holiday then said, "I just wish your aunt Yearling was here to see this."

Then Lofty said, "I don't that mare is nothing but trouble."

Suddenly the door open and three foals tumbled in.

"Scootaloo, Frist Base, Tender Taps were you eavesdropping on us?" said Lofty

Then Scootaloo smiles sheepishly and said, "Mostly dropping."

"Go easy on them," Flash responded, "I did the same thing when I was a kid. Besides this is my big night and I'm not going to let anything ruin it."

Meanwhile at another dimension a certain draconequus was watching TV.

"I can't believe this," Discord said while holding the remote on the television screen were Flash and his fam are on. "It way too soon for them to start there relationship. But if it's the direction that they want to go." He then turn the TV off. "I suppose I could give them a little push in the right direction."

Meanwhile at Twilight's room she is getting ready for the date with Rarity and princess Cadence helping her.

Then Cadence said, "Oh this so wonderful my favorite filly I used to foal-sit is going on a date."

"Oh yes!" Said Rarity "Why I remember my first date with TrenderHoof."

"Since when do you go on dates?" Rainbow Dash asked

"I have a life outside of you ya know," Rarity said

"I say we should throw a party!" Said Pinkie

"No Pinkie," the alicorn of love said, "This is Twilight's moment."

"Well Twilight how's it feel going on your first real date?" Fluttershy asked

"Well..." Twilight said nervously, "I never really had any experience with this before.. I suppose everything could go right. Then again, our reservations could get cancelled.. Or somepony could get food poisoning.. Or Flash might not even show up! Or the movie theater could collapse! Or this date might go so horribly, that Flash and I will never want to se each other again, therefore ruing the dynamic of entire group! And furthermore..!"

Then Applejack then put a hoof to her mouth and said, "Keep it together Sugar Cube, none of that is going to happen."

"Your right," Said Twilight confidently, "Because I'm not going on this date!"

She then tried to run out the door but Rainbow Dash slammed the door shut in front of her.

Twilight screeched to a halt in her tracks.

Then Cadence said, "Twilight relaxes I'm an expert on relationship and I can a sure you there's a strong connection between you and Flash."

"Well tell that to my brother or my father," Twilight said, "When I told about my date with Flash they almost leap out the window."

"You just leave Shining Armor to me," Said Cadence, "And your dad to your mom. You just get ready for your date."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Said Twilight

Spik N Span entered with a frown. "Princess Twilight your 'Date' Has arrived," he gesturing quotes with his hooves.

Outside the castle Flash who was carrying flowers and wearing a black tuxedo was waiting for Twilight a long side him was Soarin and Cheese.

"Okay dude," Said Soarin, "Here's your big chance to win over the parents."

The door creaked open reveling Shining Armor with a large frown across his face.

"Of course you might have to win the big brother first," Soarin whispered.

"I already tired that," Flash whispered back.

"So try again," Soarin said.

"Hello Flash," Said Shining, "So Your going on a date with my Twilley huh?"

Flash began sweating and nervously said, "Well...Yeah...This is our big night."

"And where are you planning on taking her for her night?" Shining asked.

"Oh just dinner and a movie," Said Flash

"What restaurant?" Asked Shining.

"The Tasty treat," Flash said.

"What movie?" Shining said.

"Daring Do and the griffin's gauntlet," Said Flash.

"And what time are your planning on having her home by?" Shining Armor just stared at him.

"Um would nine work?" Flash asked.

Shining continued to glare at him.

"Eight..? Seven..? Six..? I want to spend the evening with her not an afternoon!" Flash shouted

"Shining Armor," A soft voice said behind him.

He turn to see Princess Cadence appeared, "Don't you thin you're being a little harsh on Twilight's date?"

Then Shining Armor began to sweat, "Um well the thing is..."

"Need I remind you of how my parents treated you when we started dating?" The princess of love said.

"No," Shining Armor said looking ashamed.

Then the whole world paused as Flash saw a vision of beauty in a bright purple grown walking down the stairs towards him.

Flash then said in his head, "Oh Sweet Celestia, never in my life have I've seen Twilight this beautiful. My head is spinning, my heart his racing, and my wings have an uncontrollable urge to shoot out right now."

While Twilight said in her head, "Stay calm.. Keep your balance.. Don't trip on your own dress and fall down the stares.. Just focus on the guy your going on a date with."

Both Flash and Twilight eyes meet as soon as she came down the stares.

Flash was the first to speak as he handed the flowers to Twilight. "These are for you Twilley...Twilight!" he said correcting himself.

"Well thank you Flash Magnus...Flash Sentry!" Twilight corrected herself, "I mean the Flash you, not the Flash Magnus the pillar of Equestria!"

"Aren't they just adorable?" Cadence nudged Shining Armor

"Yeah adorable..." Shining said rolling his eyes.

Twilight then took the flowers and place it in a near by flower pot and then said, "So, you ready to go?"

"Yes! yes I am." Flash said.

The two ponies trotted off in to the night.

The ponies trotted thought the busy streets of Tambelon as watching the night life go by.

"Oh there are so many gorgeous restaurant," Said Twilight. "I have no idea which one should we go too?"

"I know just the place," Flash pointed to a fancy looking restaurant east Asian theme restaurant.

"Oh that kinda looks expensive," Said Twilight. "Are you sure we can afford it?"

"Trust me," Flash said confidently, "I got it covered."

"Ah Flash Sentry!" a chubby looking unicorn with a mustache greeted them.

"Coriander!" Flash said, "What's up my mane stallion?"

"Oh so good to see you again," Coriander said. "Glad to see you moved up in the world."

"Yes well being a royal guard and a knight of harmony has benefits," Flash said.

"Flash are you going to introduce me to your friend?" Asked Twilight

"Oh I see your brought the Princess of Tambelon," Said Coriander. "You better carful with this one," he said nudging Flash.

"This one?" Twilight looked at Flash confused.

"Oh.. uh.. Coriander doesn't speak English very well," Flash said.

"Let me take you to your table," Said the restaurant owner.

He then leads Flash and Twilight over to a nice quite table.

The two ponies sat on opposite sides of the table. A bright candle was lit, it's warm glow made the to two look even more romantic.

Then Twilight said, "So far this is a good start."

"Just the two of us," Flash said

They took a few minutes looking at each others eyes.

"Well isn't this romantic?" A Voice interrupted, "Look we have candle light and everything."

"Discord!?" Both ponies glared at the sudden intruder who sitting a the center of the table.

"What are doing here?" Flash said.

"Well you said we were going out for dinner and movie," Said Discord

"No," said Flash unamused, "I said we were going out to dinner and a movie."

"Oh potato, tomato." Said Discord looking at a menu.

"Oh waitress!" Discord snaps his claws and a unicorn mare with curly brown mane appeared at their table looking rather confused.

"Flash?" The mare asked curiously.

"Saffron?" Flash said sweating buckets

"Uh Oh.." Said Discord smiling slyly.

"I'd didn't realized you still work here." Flash said nervously

"I've never stopped working here." Saffron stated "My father owns the restaurant remember."

"Huh...That would have been nice to know." Twilight said with a frown

"Oh Twilight this Saffron." Flash said still nervous "My old friend."

"Huh." Twilight said suspiciously

Flash then thought quick and said "We like to place our order!"

"Aright." Said Saffron "Would you like to have the usual?"

"Umm...Yes...No! Just give us what's ever the special is please." Flash said looking even more nevous.

"Um... I haven't had the chance to order yet." Said Twilight "And I like to look at the menus first."

"Of course." Said Saffron with a smile "Take all the time you need princess."

Flash glared Discord while Twilight looking at the menu.

"I don't care how long it takes but I'll get for this Discord." He growled under his breath.

"Wait a minute when do I get to order?" Discord asked

"Go home Discord!" Flash and Twilight shrouded.

After dinner Flash and Twilight walked to the movie theater. Things were obviously tensed.

"Twilight, Saffron was just a friend." Flash said

"Did ever dated her?" Twilight asked

"Uuuuhhhhhh." Flash repointed

"It's fine Flash." Twilight chuckles "I suspected you dated girls before me. Trust me I've been on dates too."

"Wait what I thought I was your first." Flash said

"First official date." Twilight said "I've been on plenty on diplomatic ones remember."

"Oh right" Said flash growing tenser "The suitors."

"It was never anything romantic." Twilight contained "It was just my father trying to get me married."

"Ha ha ha ha." Flash laughed nervously "That's funny."

"But can't believe Discord just popped out of nowhere and rudely interrupted our date." Twilight said

"Yeah." Flash Agreed angerly "But let's move on a least we can enjoy the movie."

But little do they know a draconequus was hiding behind a open news paper on a near by beach.

"Hum hum hum." He chuckled looking over the pages.

Flash and Twilight were setting inside a large movie theater surrounded by other ponies.

"This is going to be good." Said Twilight "I wonder how your aunt Daring Do feel about it?"

"She feels that they weren't accurate to her books." Flash said

"Well don't tell me I don't want any spoilers." They heard a voice

They turn to see in their horror Discord munching on popcorn as he made his to his set in front of Flash and Twilight.

"Discord." Flash whispered in anger "We thought we told you to go home."

"Last I check this is a free movie theater and I should be able to watch film just like everyone else." Said Discoid

"Oh fine." Said Twilight "Just don't disturb us."

"Oh don't I won't." Discord said with a smile.

As the movie started Flash and Twilight sat beck down on their sits. all of a sudden a large crunching interrupted their enjoyment they look down to see Discord cuing large amount of popcorn with his mouth open.

"Discord." Flash said annoyed

"What?" Discord replied "I have to eat."

"Well at least chew with your mouth close." Twilight said

"Okay, okay no need to get cranky." Discord said

Twilight and Flash then sat back down only to hear a loud ringing.

"Hello?" Said Discord answering his cell phone "Ah smozze how it going?"

Twilight and Flash glared at him.

"Oh no, no I'm not doing much I'm just seeing a movie." Said Discord

Other ponies in the theater began to glare and mutter.

"Discord would you please." Flash said even more annoyed

"Now Flash I'm in a middle of a call that's rude you know." Said Discord

"I'm being rude!" Flash said in disbelief

"Sigh Smooze I'll just have to call you back somepony just don't have any respect." Discord then hanged up and sat back down.

Flash's face turning red with anger.

"Discord." Said Twilight "Your not just ruining the movie for us but your ruining it for the other ponies in the theater."

"While if they have a problem they should have said something." Said Discord

"We have a problem!" All of the ponies in the theater shouted

"Well now who's being rude." Said Discord as he slumps back to his set in a huff.

The movie contained for a while with out any interruptions.

But all of a sudden a large ruckus could be heard from the back on the theater as ponies scream and yelped a large blob like creature began crawling it's way down the row in front of Twilight and Flash and sat next to Discord.

"Smoozey you made it!" Discord said

"Discord what is that thing?" Twilight asked

"Well this thing just so happens to be my good friend the Green Smooze. We haven't seen each other in a thousand years and I thought this movie would a grerat way for us to re-contact."

Twilight and Flash looked at the row in front of them and saw all the ponies in it's path were all covered in green slim.

"Discord that's the last straw!" Flash said in a rage. "Bad enough your ruining our night do you have to ruin everypony else's!"

"Excuse me sir." A bright light was now shining on Flash "Your disrupting everyone in the theater I'm afraid I'm going to ask the two of you to leave."

"Us!?" Flash said in disbelief "What about those two?"

He pointed down the sets in front of them only to fine that Discord and the Smooze were gone.

Twilight and Flash turn to the usher with nervous smiles.

The usher did not look amused.

Flash and Twilight walked out of the movie theater looking depressed.

"Well that didn't go as planned," Said Flash

"Well the night is still young," Said Twilight, "We can still go for a walk in the park."

"Yeah," Flash chuckled to himself, "I like to see Discord try and ruin that."

They past by a fountain with a tiny statue of a draconequus spitting out water neither of then notices it's eyes fallowing them.

Deep with in the lush foliage of Tambelon park Twilight and Flash walked together. They passed by numerous other romantic couples nuzzling with each other.

"Oh Flash," said Twilight with a blush, "Isn't that cute."

"Yeah," said Flash blushing even harder, "Cute.."

"This was a perfect idea for us to spend out date," Twilight stated hugging Flash.

"It certainly is!" replied Flash his face glowing bright red.

"Oh look," said Twilight, "A carriage ride."

The two ponies looked over to a pony drawn carriage. A coach pony in a large cape to hat could be seen sitting at the reins waiting for customers.

"Come on Flash," said Twilight tugging on his hoof, "Let's go for a ride together."

"A ride?!" stated Flash, now more nervous than ever.

"Please," said Twilight, her eyes open wide and sparkling in the moonlight. Flash knew he couldn't say no to that.

"Altight," muttered Flash.

The two ponies made their way into the carriage and hopped into the back.

"Excuse me sir," said Flash, "One ride around the park please."

The coach pony nodded without turning around. The coach began to make it's way around the park pasting lakes and beautiful statues. Twilight then began to draw close to Flash resting her head on his mane. flash blushed and looked back down at her. The two ponies stared at each other for a moment then their faces drew closer to each other.

"Thunk!" The carriage hit a large bunk casing both ponies to leap out of their sets as they landed.

"Excuse me sir." Flash asked "Could you please slow down a bit?"

"Way certainly pal!" Said Discord turn around from the coach pony's set.

"DICORD!" Both ponies shouted

"What are you doing here?" Flash asked

"Just trying to make a couple extra of bit what it's look like!?" Discord said

The carriage moved faster

"Hm...Discord." Said Twilight nervously "Who's pulling this carriage?"

"Why me of course!" Said a second Discord in a form of a pony.

"Let's kick it in high gear!" Said Discord the carriage moved faster and faster with Flash and Twilight holding on tightly.

Then they shot in the air with Flash and Twilight shouting. "DISCORD!"

Twilight then teleport herself and Flash away from and carriage.

"Huh where did they go?" Discord said when he turn to see them gone.

"I don't know." Said the second discord sitting besides him.

"Wait a minute if your here then whos driving the..." The two Discords turn to see that they are heading straight throw's the templon castle.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" The two Discords scream for dear life.

The random ponies flew out of the way as the carriage on it's collision course with the castle wall.

Flash and Twilight looked down from a hill and saw this.

"We got to stop this Flash!" Said Twilight

"Why Doesn't Discord just..." Flash asked

"No time to question it!" Twilight said

The two ponies few up in the air and dove straight down tows the carriage. Twilight's horn began to glow and she teleported the discords out of there while Flash hoof dropped the carriage smashing it to paces.

The two Discords crouched down on the ground cowering after what just happened. Suddenly they looked up and saw Flash and Twilight glaring down at them from above.

"Oops," Said the two Discords as the became one again, "I forgot I can teleport."

"Discord!" Twilight said landing on the ground "What were you thinking to night?"

"Oh, I was just trying to make your date better," Said Discord.

"Better!?" Flash said while landing next to Twilight, "You ruined our dinner, got us kicked out of the movie theater, and sent us on a crash courses for the castle!"

"I know wasn't it fun?" Asked Discord

"FUN!?" Both ponies shouted.

"Well didn't you two enjoy yourself?" Said Discord

"No!" said Flash, "You ruined everything!"

"Well not everything," Twilight said.

Flash then turned to her amazed, "It was?"

"Well we did learn a lot about each other at the restaurant, and getting kicked out of the movie theater was kind of funny." Twilight chuckled. "And the carriage ride was sort of romantic."

Flash thought about it for a moment "Well I guess those were some enjoyable moments."

"And.." Said discord placing his arms around both of them, "None of them would have happened if it wasn't for me!"

Twilight and Flash glared at him.

"Oh come on you know it's true," Discord said

Twilight sighed, "Discord we appreciated what you were trying to do, but what you were doing was still wrong."

"Yeah," Flash agreed, "How would you like if we try to ruin your evening."

"How would I know you two never spin time with me!" huffed Discord

"Wait," Said Twilight, "Is that why you kept bugging us all night? Because you wanted to spin time with us?"

Discord's eyes darted back and forth nervously, "Well it's actually a funny story.. The thing is!"

Discord burst out into tears, "I'm so lonely! So lonely!"

Twilight and Flash stared at Discord in disbelief. Many other ponies gathered around equally confused.

"You and your friends always have all sorts of amazing adventures together!" Discord bawled, "And I always get left out! Now that you and Twilight are dating, things are only going to get worse!"

Twilight and Flash stared at each other for a moment. Than Twilight smiled, "Well why didn't you just say so?"

"Yeah Discord," Flash continued, "If you wanted to hang out with us, you could have just asked."

Discord's tears suddenly paused, "Really?"

"Really!" said both Flash and Twilight together.

"Well it sounds like a boring option," Discord shrugged, "but if it means I get to hang out with you guys, I'm all for it!"

"On one condition," Twilight said sternly.

"What's that?" Discord asked

"No more Date Nights!" both Flash and Twilight proclaimed.

Later that night, Flash Sentry walked Twilight Sparkle up to the front steps of the castle.

"Well this date sure had some ups and down," Flash sighted.

"Yeah, but it sure was fun," Twilight smiled.

The two ponies stared at each other for a moment.

"Ahem," a voice proclaimed as the castle doors swung open.

Twilight and Flash looked up to see Shining Armor glaring down at them.

They both smiled up at him sheepishly. Finally, Twilight slowly made her way up to steps to her bother.

As the castle doors closed behind her, Flash Sentry turned away, a sad look on his face.

All of a sudden Twilight teleported right next to him and planted a kiss on his cheek.

She teleported away with a smile, leaving Flash blushing with hearts in his eyes."

"Tonight was a success!" Flash proclaimed.