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The Crystal Wedding part one

We open on the Tambelon train Station, where the Mane Six, Stallion Six, and Spike stand waiting for a train to arrive.

"Mmmmm," Pinkie Pie muttered nervously, "What's taking them so long?"

"Relax Pinkie," Apple Jack assured her friend, "It'll be here any minute!"

"Grrrrrrrr," Rainbow Dash, "Everypony else has already left! Why did we have to stay behind?"

"Because," stated Thunderland, "We personally escorting some very special guests directly to the Crystal Empire!"

"What guests?" asked Soarin looking confuse.

"Eeeeeeee.. I can't wait to see them.." said Spike trying to hold in his assignment.

"See who?" asked Soarin still confused.

"I know, it's been so long since we've seen them," agreed Twilight.

"I repeat!" stated Soarin looking rather irritated, "Who Is Them!"

"Weren't you paying attention at orientation this morning?" asked Flash.

"There was an orientation this morning?" asked Soarin.

Thunderlane glared at him.

All of a sudden a large train whistle sounded. The ponies and Spike turned to see a long train plowing it's way down the tracks in the distance. As it pulled into the station, the doors of it's passenger car slid open revealing a pair of old unicorn stallions.

"Grandpas!" Both Twilight and Spike shouted out happily.

"Grandpas!?" asked Soaring more confused than ever.

The two old Stallions exited the train. One was short and fat with a bushy white moustache. The other was tall and skinny with a bit of an overbite. Both wore suits and ties, and had thinning manes.

"Well that was the long train ride I've ever been on," the tall stallion said.

"I've had longer rides," the short stallion replied.

"Oh yeah," the tall one continued, "What rides have you been on lately?"

"The ride of marriage!" the short on responded.

"DoHohoHohoHoho!" the old ponies laughed out loud.

Pinkie Pie grinned from ear to ear, "I Love These Guys!"

"Granpa Shooting Star! Grandpa Big Star! It's so good to see you both again!" said Twilight hugging the two old ponies.

"Ah, Twilight," said the tall Stallion hugging his granddaughter, "You get more beautiful every time we see you!"

"Of course she does," said the short one, "She takes after my side of the family!"

"Are you saying my son isn't beautiful?" Grandpa Shooting Star asked.

"Have you seen you're son?" Grandpa Big Star replied.

"DoHohoHohoHoho!" the two old ponies laughed out loud again.

"Are they always like this?" Rarity whispered to Spike.

"I know aren't they great!" said Spike with a smile.

"Ah Spike," said Shooting Star, putting a hoof on the little Dragon, "It's so good to see our favorite Grandson!"

"Favorite Grandson?" chimed in Big Star, "He's our only Grandson!"

"What about Shining Armor?" Shooting Star asked.

"Who?" asked Big Star.

"DoHohoHohoHoho!" the old ponies laughed again.

"DahahahaHahahaha!" Spike laughed along with his Grandparents.

"I don't get it," whispered Fluttershy, "What's so funny? They're just making fun of everypony?"

"Oh that's just there way of being friendly," said Twilight with a smile.

"How is that friendly?" asked Apple Jack confused.

"It's kind of like Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie," Twilight explained pointing to Pinkie Chatting with the two Stallions.

"Do the two of you do standup?" Pinkie asked the old Stallions.

"No but we love watchin' it!" Shooting Star stated.

"In we hate missin' in! Big Star continued.

"In fact we love hatin' it!" Shooting Star finished.

"DoHohoHohoHoho!" the old ponies laughed.

"GyaHeeheeHahahaHeeHa! Pinkie Pie laughed along with them.

"Oohhhhhhhhhhh," said rest of the mares suddenly understanding.

"So Twiley," said Grandpa Shooting Star putting a hoof on his Granddaughters shoulder, "Which one o' these Stallions is your boyfriend?"

Twilight suddenly blushed in embarrassment, as did the Stallion Six.

"We sir," stated Thunderlane trying to compose himself, "Are the Royal Guard assigned to take you the Crystal Empire!"

He gestured towards Cheese, Soarin and Flash, all draped in golden armor just like he was.

"Oh so it must be this well dressed looking Fella," said Shooting Star taking Trenderhoof under his arm.

"Wait, What!?" as Trenderhoof in a panic.

"Don't be ridiculous!" said Big Star patting Troubleshoes on the back, "It's obviously this tall drink'o'water right here!"

Troubleshoes face turned bright red.

Suddenly Apple Jack and Rarity came to the boys' rescue, pulling them away from the two old ponies.

"Sorry," said Apple Jack dusting off Troubleshoes, "These fellas are both taken!"

"Very taken!" said Rarity holding onto Trenderhoof tightly.

"Since when does Trenderhoof have a girlfriend?" Spike whispered to Rainbow Dash confused.

Rainbow Dash simply rolled her eyes.

"Well anyway," said Twilight trying to change the subject, "Now that everypony's here, we should probably get going!"

"Get going?" asked Soarin looking confused, "Where are we going?"

Thunderlane slapped Soarin on the back of the head.

"To Cadence and Shining Armor's Wedding!" everypony shouted at once.

"WhaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?" stated Soarin in disbelief.

"This kid ain't to bright is he?" whispered Shooting Star to Big Star.

"No, but he's gettin' brighter..!" whispered Big Star back.

"Dohohohohohoho..!" the old ponies chuckled to themselves.

Up in the mountains, the Tambelon Express train plowed ever forward, preparing to reach it's destination. Within the passenger car, Twilight and here friends visited with Big Star and Shooting Star, excited for there destination.

"I can't believe Cadence and Shining Armor are finally getting married!" Twilight said excitedly.

"That's alright neither can we!" stated Shooting Star.

"Look's like I owe your mother twenty bits!" continued Big Star.

"Well he does have a face only a mother could love!" replied Shooting Star.

"DoHohoHohoHoho!" Twilights grandparents laughed out loud.

"I can't believe these two are related to Twilight," Fluttershy whispered to Rainbow Dash.

"I can't believe these guys are members of Royalty!" stated Rainbow Dash

"I can't believe Shining Armor is engaged! Am I right?" Soarin asked jokily.

Everypony in the passenger car looked at Soarin in disbelief.

"Seriously," said Rainbow Dash sarcastically, "They've only been engaged since forever.."

"Duh," said Pinkie Pie.

"Obviously," said Rarity.

"Even I knew that!" stated Cheese.

Soarin frowned looking both embarrassed and annoyed. "So what's the deal with this Crystal Empire again?" he huffed.

Twilight Sparkle chuckled, "Really Soarin, you don't know the Legend of the Crystal Empire?"

"I don't think he knows much of anything!" said Shooting Star.

"As a matter of fact I think he knows absolutely nothing!" continued Big Star.

"DoHohoHohoHoho!" the old ponies laughed.

Twilight smiled as she waited for her Grandparents to finish, "Long ago.. Back in the days before Luna and Celestia.. The great Alicorn Svadilfari created an Empire up in the far north.. One powerful enough to rival Equestria.. And he called this kingdom the Crystal Empire.."

"Svadilfari?!" asked Soarin confused.

"An old friend of Sleipmir's," whispered Flash to Soarin.

"Anyway," Twilight continued, "For awhile everything was peaceful.. Then the Titan War happened in Equestria.. Svadilfari knew that Sleipmir needed his help.. So he decided to leave the Crystal Empire into the hand's of someone he could trust Prince Bright Light!"

"Hold on a second," said Pinkie Pie tapping her chin, "That name sounds very familiar.."

"Unfortunately," continued Twilight, "While he was watching over the Crystal Empire, Prince Bright Light became corrupted with power by Grogar.. And so he became King Sombra!"

"What!" said Rainbow Dash in disbelief "Your telling me Sombra was the ruler of the Crystal Empire?"

"Well I think we all know the rest." Said Applejack

"That right King Sleipnir over threw his son and stripped him of his wings and banish him into the EverFree forest." said Twilight

"Saw that one coming." Said Soarin

"But with Sombra gone the crystal empire was leaved with out a ruler and so it remind for a thousand years." Said Twilight

"Um what does this have to do with Princess Cadence and Shining Armor's wedding?" Asked Rarity.

"Because Princess is king Svadilfari's grand doughier." Twilight said

"What?" Everypony on the train shouted at once.

"Princess Celestia made have made her into an alicorn but she a member of the crystal Empire royal and once she and Shining Armor are married she''l take the throne that's way this wedding is so imported." Said Twilight

"Wait!" Said Thunderlane "That would mean Shining Armor is going to be a king and not only when marries an alicorn he too well become one."

"So who's going to be the new captain of the royal guard?" Ask Flash

"Shining Armor hasn't announced that yet, I'm sure he'll come to a decision soon." Said Twilight

"This must be the best day of Shining Armor's life." Said Spike.

"This is the worst day of my life!" Said Shining Armor

Back at the Crystal empire everypony is preparing for the wedding of the crystal palace. The alicorns and noble ponies alike have gathered to watch the ceremony.

Meanwhile numerous crystal ponies prepare the wedding with the royal family at the lead.

"Have the bridesmaids arrived?" Ask King Nightlight

"They arrived a head of schedule." Said Spick N Span who pointed at the three unicorns.

"And what about the flower ponies?"

"They came with us." Said Spic N Span as he pointed at the Cutie Mark Crusaders who were playing in their flower dresses.

"What about the..."

"Relax your majesty." Said Princess Celestia putting a hoof to King Nightlight's shoulder.

"Everything has been planned out well in advance, there's absolutely nothing to worry about."

The king was not so sure, and nether was Shining Armor.

In a fare corner Cadence was trying to comfort him.

"Where's Twili She should have been here by now!" he asked

"Sweet heart relax I'm sure the train is taking a while." The pink princess said.

"What if she doesn't get here on time? How am I going to get thought this with out my best mare?" Shining Armor asked

Cadence then put a hoof to his mouth. "Just come down we both Twilight, she never miss this for the world."

"Look!" Somepony shouted then out from the clouds appeared three large alicorn stallions who landed in the middle of the palace court yard.

"Svadilfari!" Said King Sleipnir shouted appearing from the crowed.

"Sleipnir my old friend," Said the one eyed alicorn to two stallions hugged each other in a friendly embrace.

"How's things been going up north?" Said the Sleipnir

"Same as always, Cold and snowy," Said Svadilfari, "You remember my son Skinfaxi."

A large flamed mane pony appeared from behind his father.

Celestia blush at the sight of him.

"And other of course my other son Hrimfaxi," Another pony appeared from behind and he has two curled horns instead of one he turn and glared at Shining Armor intensely.

Which made him nerves. "Ummmm...Nice too see you again mister I mean Prince..."

"Daddy!" Cadence interrupted trotting over to the stallion.

"Cadence my sweet child it so good to see you again," said Hrimfaxi hugging his daughter. "I just wish it was under better circumstance." He then glared at Shining Armor."

"Daddy don't tell me your still upset with Shining Armor?" said the pink alicorn.

"Of course not daughter if your happy then I'm happy too," Hrimfaxi replied.

Hearing this Cadence walked away.

As she did Hrimfaxi got right into Shining Armor's face, "For the record I'm not happy not Happy.. Not even in the Slightest.. You are not good enough for my daughter and you never will be.. If I had my way I would turn you into a toad just be rid of you.. But I won't.. Because that would be to kind of fate for you.. You rue will Rue this day for the rest of your pitiful existence...!"

Shining Armor sweat buckets as Hrimfaxi whispered threats to him right in his face.

"Daddy, are you coming?" called Cadence as her father to join her with the other Alicorns.

"Of course Sweetie," said Hrimfaxi calling over to his daughter, "Just giving my new Son in Law my approval!"

"I do not approve of this wedding.." Hrimfaxi continued, "I spit on this wedding.. From this point forward I will make every single moment of your life a living Heeeeeeeel...!"

As Hrimfaxi trotted away Shining Armor then said "I'm in trouble."

Back on the train the ponies showily approach the crystal empire.

"I can't believe there's an actual in all this snow and ice." Said Rainbow Dash

"Oh and such a gorgeous one too." Said Rarity.

"Eh, looks like a giant snow glob to me." Said Shooting Star

"How would you know?" Said Big Star "You're blind as a bat."

"DoHohoHohoHoho!" The two laugh.

As the train pulled up to the station the ponies and Spike got off one by one.

"What do you want to see first?" Asked Pinkie Pie. "The Crystal lemonade!"

"Um Pinkie." Said Flash "Maybe we should focused on the wedding first.

"That's the best idea I've heard in ages." Said Big Star

"That's the only thing you heard in ages." Said Shooting Star.

"DoHohoHohoHoho!" the two laughed again.

As the ponies and Spike walked off the failed to see a small blond foul wearing head phones and a red jacket exiting the train.

"Hmm. Excuses me." Said a near by Crystal guard pony. "Are you traveling alone?"

"Actually." Said the foul slyly. "I'm visiting a relative."

Back at the crystal castle Shining Armor was still feeling pretty down until he heard.

"Shining!" Twilight said entering the ball room.

"Twilight!" Shining Armor said with he raced over to his sister and hugged tightly.

"Spike everyone you made it." Shining Armor said

"WE sure did!" A familiar voice shouted. "We wouldn't want to miss this for the world."

"Mostly we thought it would never happened!" Said another.

"Oh no." Said Shining Armor as he looked and sees his two grandfathers.

"Grand pa Shooting Star, Grand pa Big Star." Shining Armor said rolling his eyes "What a pleasure it is to see you."

"Wish we could say same." Said Grand pa Shooting Star.

"That's face only a mother could love." Said Grand pa Big Star

"You're already said that joke you old cook!" Said Grand Pa Shooting

"This whole wedding is a joke!" Said Grand Pa Big Star

"DoHohoHohoHoho!" The two old stallions laughed.

"Every freaking year." Said Shining Armor

"Come Shining don't feel bad this is your big day." Said Twilight

"I'll say." Said Shooting Star "We never thought this would happened."

"Yeah what did you do to trick Cadence into marring you." Said Big Star "Ya Breve her?"

"DoHohoHohoHoho!" The two laughed again.

"Their just messing with you big brother." Twilight said putting a hoof to his shoulder. "You know their happy for you."

"Of course we are Shining Armor." Said Grand Pa Shooting Star nooging his head. "We're just messing with our second favorite grand son."

"You would have been first but Spike was cuter." Grand Pa Big Star

"DoHohoHohoHoho!" The two laugh for a tried time.

"Um Grand pa Shooting Star, Grand Pa Big star." Said Flash as he saw that Shining Armor was looking annoyed. "Why don't we take you into inside and grip you a drink?"

"Fine idea," Said Big Star "I could go for a punch."

"Keep up with the jokes and I might just give you one," Said Shooting Star.

As Flash Cheese, Soarin, and Thunderlane walked the old ponies away. Applejack notices that Twilight is seems to want alone time with her brother.

"Uh, everypony what do you say we check on what eats they got at the receptions," said Applejack.

"Aww, but I want to see what they're going to talk about," said Spike

TrenderHoof and TroubleShoes gripped Spike and dragged him away with the mares. Now alone Twilight looked to Shining Armor.

"What's the matter BBBFF," Twilight asked.

"Nothing," Said Shinning Armor, "It's just that nothing seems to be going right with this wedding."

"Um, Shining the wedding hasn't even began yet," said Twilight.

"I know," Said Shining "It's my Grandfathers are heckling me, my Father-in-Law seems to hate me, and I'm pretty sure Dad only wants a son who rules the Crystal Empire."

"Shining Armor how can you say something like that?" Said Twilight.

"It's dad," Said Shining.

"Okay I see your point," Twilight said, "But still dad didn't set the two of you up now did he?"

"Yeah that's true," Said Shining Armor, "Who would have thought I would be marrying the Alicorn of love?"

"Not me," Said Twilight, "Remember the day she first came to the Tambelon to be my foul sitter?"

"How could I forget?" Said Shining Armor.

"You were so nervous to see her you couldn't say a word." Said Twilight

"And when I finally did all I said was HELLO!" Said Shining Armor

"You were a total dork," Twilight giggled

"Hey is that anyway to talk to your big brother?" Said Shining Armor as he grabbed ahold of Twilight and started to give her a noogie.

"Haha Hey cut it out!" said Twilight.

After that Twilight then asked, "So after you marry Cadence, you'll no longer be the Captain of the Guard. Did pick your replacement yet?"

"Well Twilley," Shining said, "I haven't but do you recommend somepony?"

"Well...I know you probably still have negative feelings for him but Flash is still a very capable leader and warriors," said Twilight.

"Right now I'm more concerned with wings sprouting out of my back," said Shining Armor. "I just want to get thought this wedding with out anymore surprise."

As Twilight and Shining Armor walked into the castle, the small foul from early watch with glee. Suddenly his uniron horn began to glow.

"It's me Auntie we're already to go we are just waiting for your single," said the colt.

"Excellent," Said a voice, "I soon as the groom says 'I Do' it's over."

Back inside reception hall, everypony was chatting and about trying to prepare for the wedding.

"Come on guys, let me in!" said Spike banging on the other side of a door.

"Sure thing Spike," said Rainbow Dash from the other side of the door.

"Heavens no!" shouted Rarity from the other side, "We're getting dressed!"

"Um, beg pardon Rarity," sounded Applejack's voice, "but we don't usually wear clothes?"

There was a silence and the door creaked ever so slightly open, "Sorry Spike, some of us do have standards."

The door slammed shut into Spike's face and the small Dragon grumbled as he walked off.

"Spik'n'Span," Queen Nightlight whispered looking over towards Spike, "Shouldn't Spike be ready himself?"

"We're trying to initiate the element of surprise, Madame.." Spik'n'Span whispered giving a wink.

Behind a corner, Cheese and Soarin hid, waiting for Spike.

"He's coming.. He's coming.." Cheese whispered trying to hold his excitement, "GO!"

The two Stallions leapt out and tackled the young Dragon, much to his surprise.

"Wait!? What?! How?!" Spike stuttered in shock.

"We got him Trender!" Soarin shouted.

Soarin and Cheese held Spike back as Trenderhoof approached. He wore a dapper tux and was carrying something out of sight.

"Well let's get started then," said Trender with a mischious smile.

The unicorn floated out a miniature tuxedo, that was exactly Spike's size.

The young dragon's eyes grew as wide as dinner plates, "No, not That! Anything but that!"

"Don't fight it buddy," said Soarin as Spike tried desperately to escape, "If we all have to dress up then so do you!"

"Noooooooooooooooooooo!" cried out Spike as Cheese and Soarin pulled him away with close behind.

Over at the buffet table Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo munched on cupcapes.

"What's with him?" said Scootaloo looking over at the scene with Spike.

"Who cares?" said Sweetie Belle with her mouth half full, "These snacks are delicious."

"Waiter," said Applebloom taking a large swallow, "More cider please."

"But of course," said a familiar voice pouring a glass of cider for the filly.

A startled look crossed Applebloom's face as she recognized the voice, and the claws that had handed her a glass. The Crusaders turned to Rover, Fido, and Spot standing behind the Buffet Table in suits and bow ties.

"What are you three doin' here!?" shouted Applebloom, pointing an accusing hoof.

"What does it look like we're doing!?" an annoyed Rover stated polishing a glass. "We're doing Community Service! You think we wand to wind up like Cujo?

Back in the Tambelon Dungeons, the Grundles were digging a tunnel out of there cell.

"We're almost through Ma," one of the Grundles said peaking his head out of the hole, "Do we really have to take him with us?"

Ma Hydia turned to see Cujo rocking in a far corner of the cell. His face was painted in a permanent smile, but tears were streaming down his eyes at the same time.

"Sorry boy's Sombra's orders.." Hydia grumbled.

The Grundles sighed. Two of them leapt out of the hole and picked up the still petrified Cujo, carrying him to the hole.

"Don't worry," said Ma, "Once we get him back to Sombra, he should be back to his semi-normal self."

The three Crusaders glared at the Diamond Dogs, still suspicious.

"Alrighty then.. But we got our eye on you," Applebloom stated.

The three crusaders backed away from the table, keeping there eyes on the Diamond Dogs the whole way.

Back at the entrance, Shining Armor and Twilight walked in observing the reception.

"Well, I'd better go meet up with the girls.. And you had better go get ready for your wedding, Big Brother!" Twilight said with a smile.

"Very funny Twilley," Shining Armor said smiling down at his little sister.

Twilight Sparke watched as her Big Brother Best Friend Forever walked away.

"Yo-Ho Darling," Rarities voice chimed out.

Twilight turned to see Rarity and the rest of the girls decked out in fancy brides maid dresses, that Rarity had designed herself.

"Rarity, those are brilliant," Twilight stated, "Those are brilliant!"

"Just wait until you see yours," said Rarity pushing Twilight toward the dressing room.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm so excited for the wedding," said Pinkie Pie hopping alongside Twilight.

"Eh.. You've been to one party, you've been to them all," said Rainbow Dash floating along with the group.

"Rainbow, this ain't a party, it's a weddin'!" Applejack stated Matter of factly.

"Oh just imagine girls," Rarity stated dreamy eyed, "What it would be like if we we're getting married.

Everypony suddenly screeched to a halt at stared at Rarity.

"Umm, I don't think that's going to happen for a while," Fluttershy said nervously.

"Especially not for me!" said Rainbow Dash proudly.

"What about Soarin?" said Applejack mischievously.

"Especially not Soarin!" said Rainbow Dash angrily, "I wouldn't marry Soarin if he was the last Stallion in all of Equestria!"

"Does that mean you'll give my brother another chance?" giggled Fluttershy.

A sudden jolt of horror went up Rainbow Dash's mane at the mention of Zephyr Breeze.

"Okay, maybe not the last Stallion," Rainbow Dash blushed.

"What about you Twilight?" Applejack said nudging Twilight, "Anypony you have in mind?"

"Oh, I don't think so," said Twilight brushing the thought off.

"Oh really," said Rainbow Dash floating next to Twilight with a mischievous look, "Not even a certain pegasus."

A nervous look crossed Twilight's face, "You mean Thunderlane..?"

"I think she means a certain blue maned pegasus," Rarity chimed in from behind.

"Lot's of pegasus have blue manes," said Twilight beginning to sweat, "You'll have to be more specific."

"They mean Flash of Course!" Pinkie Pie shouted out loud.

Twilight Sparkles face turned bright red.

"Me and Flash..!? Married..?! HA HA HA HA HA!" she stated with a fake laugh, "That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard! So ridiculous.. I'm laughing about it! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

Twilight continued her fake laugh as her friends led her past Flash and Thunderlane.

"What do you think they're laughing about," Flash whispered to Thunderlane.

"Mare's are a strange bunch.. Who knows what's going through their minds.." Thunderlane responded.

"Well that was a struggle," said Trenderhoof approaching with Troubleshoes at his side, "but we finally managed to get Spike in his Tux.. Speaking of which, shouldn't you be getting dressed."

"We're guard ponies!" Thunderlane proclaimed, "We wear armor!"

"We'll I wouldn't be caught dead dressed like that at a wedding," Trenderhoof continued, "Let alone my own."

"Well it's a good thing it's not your wedding then," Soarin said smacking Trenderhoof on the back of the head.

"I didn't know you were getting married too," said Cheese approaching with platter of snacks.

"He isn't," said Soarin, "We were just saying what if he was getting married?"

"Well if he was getting married, he'd probably marry Rarity!" Cheese continued, "Just like if Flash was getting married he'd probably marry Twilight!"

"Wait, What!?" said Flash Sentry startled by Cheese's words.

"Come on Flash," said Thunderlane, "We all know how you feel about Twilight."

Flash then blushed bright red and then glared at the others. "Look! Twilight and I are just friends okay nothing more."

"Okay then what about your date with her that discord invited himself in?" Said Soarin

"Or when hug each other at Sombra's castle." Said Cheese

"Look even if there was something between us, then we marry and I become an Alicorn prince?" Ask Flash

"What wrong with that?" Ask TrenderHoof slyly "Sounds like a pretty good deal to me."

"Well it isn't!" Said Flash "I'm not Shining Armor I can't handle that responsibility."

"What Shining Armor got to do with all of this?" Ask TroubleShoes

"Just nothing I'm going to do another round." Then he walked off with his head lowed.

The other Stallions watch as Flash walked off.

"What's with him?" Asked TrenderHoof

"It's a long story." Said Thunderlane

"Excuse me." Said a black unicorn bumping into the stallions. "Can you tell me witch way the wedding hall is?"

"Hey sure it's that way." Said Soarin not even looking

"Thank you." Said The unicorn walking away.

As he left a realization dawn upon Soarin and Cheese.

"What a minute was that?" Cheese spoke up.

"Na couldn't be." Said Soarin

Meanwhile back in the dressing room Rarity was putting the final touches on Twilight's dress.

"I mean really it's just ridiculous." Said Twilight "Meet and Flash not in a million years."

"Oh long is she going to keep this up?" Applejack whispers to Rainbow Dash

"I don't know but she's not helping herself." Rainbow Dash snickers.

"And done." Said Rarity putting on a final bow.

Twilight looked at the mirror and was amazed by her best mare gown. "Rarity this is beautiful you make great brides mares."

"Brides mare?" Said Rarity "Don't insult me I am the mare of honor."

"And what are we chop apples." Said Applejack

"Speaking of brides mares." Said Pinkie Pie "Aren't Lyra Minuette, and Twinkleshine?"

"Who?" ASked Rainbow Dash confused

"The other three brides mares." Said Piknkie

Everypony looked at Pinkie confused.

"Candace's old friends from high school come on we've met them a million time!" Said Pinkie

"Don't worry Pinkie I know who your talking about." Said Twilight with a smile. "I'll go find them."

Twilight walk out of the dressing room and into a near by hall way as she trotted about suddenly she saw them in a dark corner.

"Hey girls," Twilight stated, "There you are.."

"Is everything set?" Asked Lyra to a hidden figure in the dark."

"Of course it is." Said a small colt in a red jacket. "Auntie set up the whole thing in advance, all we have to do is wait for the groom to say I do and it will be all over."

"Good!" Said Minuette "I getting tired of this disguise."

"Hey but I'm lovely this dress." Said Twinkleshine.

"Focus!" Said the colt "We can't take empire if you keep fooling around."

"WE would have to need a new empire if our "Queen" Hadn't lost our old one." Said Lyra

"Would you like to tell her that yourself?" Ask Minuette

"Don't think I won't!" Said Lyra

"Well here your shot." Said the young colt

The they turn to see princess Candace with an angry look the was staring at Lyra.

"Oh my I didn't know you were there." Said Lyra

Candace then raised her hoof commanding her to be silence. "Let me get this straight I suppose my greatest failure is funny to you Arachnius?"

"Arachnidus?" Said Twilight confused

"Taunting your ruler like it's a big joke?" Princess Cadence

"Well yes, I mean no! The thing is..." Lyra said

Then a blast of magic was shot from Candace's horn hit Lyra across the hall.

"Listen to me you worm!" Said Candace in a rage. "If you ruin this day for me, I will personally see to it that it's your last!"

"Of course Queen..." Lyra started but Candace put a hoof to her mouth.

Then said. "Quite you fool do you want to blow our cover!?"

"Of course not Queen I mean Princess Candace." Said Lyra

"Look just go with the plan and we'll have no problems." Said Princess Cadence "Is that Clare?"

"Of course your majesty Clare as my mud milkshake." Lyra said

Cadence then rolled her eyes and walked off.

"What in Equestria was that about?" Twilight stated in disbelieve.

Meanwhile Flash was patrolling the out side of the crystal palace.

"Excuse me." A guard pony approached Flash he was Clarey from Equestria not the crystal empire.

"Yes can I help you?" Flash asked confused.

"We the Equestrian guard." The pony showing Flash about two dozen guard ponies behind. "We are here to provide security for the crystal wedding."

"But I thought Shining Armor wanted security to be light for the wedding." Flash ask.

"Sleipnir's orders." Said the guard pony. "You can never be to carful when Sombra or The Storm King about."

"But doesn't the Crystal empire have an army? This kind of seem like over kill." Flash asked

"Look I don't make the rules I just work here." Said the guard pony.

"Okay then just pass clearance and I'll let pass." Said Flash "Never be to carful with Channelings about."

"Channelings!" The guard said nervously "Who said anything about Changeling? I certainly didn't!"

"Yeah but they do work for Sombra don't they?" Flash asked

"The Changeling work for no creature!" A guard pony shouted form the crowed.

All the other guards suddenly glared at him. "Not that I would know. "The guard curated himself."

Flash the eyed the guard pony suspiciously but then Princess Luna showed up from behind. "It's alright Flash Sentry, Father asked me to escort these guards here personally."

"Well if you say so princess." Flash said

Flash watch as Princess Luna lead guards into the castle.

"Well that was unusual." Flash said to himself as the last guard entered.

"Sorry I'm late!" Shouted a voice from above, Flash then looked up in horror to see Princess Luna flying down towards the castle.

"I over slept!" Said Luna "Guarding the night can be so tiring you." Said Luna

In side the wedding hall everypony was getting in their sets.

"I can't take this suite." Spike said tucking on his tux.

"Don't be silly darling." Said Rarity "You look absolutely adorable."

"Dragons aren't suppose to be adorable!" Spike shouted

TrenderHoof said "Well this best wedding I have ever been to."

"It's also the only wedding you've been invited to." Said Troubleshoes

"Hey if Charlatan didn't want to come to his daughter's wedding he could have just said so." Said Trend

"He did." Said Troubleshoes "Several times in fact."

"Um girls." Said Applejack looking at the Crusaders. "Should you be up front waiting for Princess Candace?"

"No now Applejack." Said Applebloom looking at the Diamond Dogs "We're on an important mission."

"Girls they aren't up to any thing." Applejack said while pushing the three. "Now come on to the front with ya."

The Cutie Mark Crusaders hurried to the front passing by Flash and Twilight as the race into the room.

"Everypony!" They both shouted at once.

"Changelings!" Flash shouted

"Evil plot!" Shouted Twilight

"Wait what?" They both turn to each other in shocked.

"Twilight!" Flash said "I think Changelings had infiltrated the crystal empire!"

"That's not the worst news!" Said Twilight "Something is wrong with Candace! I think she gone evil!"

"Okay, okay!" Shining Armor said while standing between them, "What in Equestria are you two talking about?"

Flash and Twilight started to both talk at once, "Changeling! Changelings have taken over the Crystal Empire..! And Cadence has turned evil..! And Princess Luna..! There were two of here..! And Lyra..! She was in on it..! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO!?"

Shining Armor looked at them both for a moment and then a large smile crossed his face.

"Okay I think, I know what's going on here." Shining Armor said.

"You do?" They both asked looking confused.

"Twilley." Shining said while placing his hoof on her. "I know you want Flash to be the new captain of the guards. But you didn't have to make up a crazy story to try to impress me."

"What!?" They both stated at once.

"Twilight I know Candace for years I think I know when if she suddenly turned evil."

"But I..." But Twilight was interrupted by Shining who turn to Flash.

"And Flash I know I'm not fond of you but even I know that you stress out about guarding the wedding." Shining said "Maybe you two just need a break for a moment."

"But!" They both said at the same time.

"Not another word." Shining said "I got a wedding to go to."

The two of them looked at each other in disbelief and then both groaned.

"If Shining Armor won't believe us we'll just go to Princess Celestia

Then they ran and while they were making their way to see the sun princess. Flash asked.

"Did you really just asked about your brother to have me as his replacement when he become an Alicorn?"

"Of course." Said Twilight "Don't you want the job?"

"No!" Said Flash

"Why not?" Said Twilight'

"Because I can't handle that kind of responsibility." Flash said

"What do you mean you can't handle that kind of Responsibility?" Twilight said angrily

"You know me Twilight I can't be a captain of the guards and I can't be an Alicorn prince!" Flash said

"Who said anything about becoming an Alicorn Prince?" Twilight said

"Well if we get married that will; happened won't it?" Said Flash

"Married!" Twilight shouted "You want to get married?"

"No that's just it I don't!" Flash said

"Oh really?!" said Twilight offended, "And why I not?!"

"Because I'm scared!" said Flash

"Scared of What? ME!?" Twilight shouted

"Scared of Responsibility!" Flash stated

"Well if you're going to be Captain of the Guards, you need to accept some responsibility!" Twilight shouted

"And what make's you think I want to be Captain of the Guards!?" Flash said angrily

"I thought that's what you wanted?!" Twilight shouted

"You don't know what I want Twilight!" Flash shouted back

"Well what do you Want!?" Twilight responded

"Um.. Excuse me?" a voice stated

The ponies screech to a hold and to see Celestia in front of them. "Can I help the two of you?"

Twilight and Flash glared at each other for a moment and the Twilight spoke. "Princess Celestia we think there is some kind of evil plot going on at this wedding."

"That funny." Said Celestia "I actually believe it." She then transforms into a small Changeling. "Good thing I found you two out before Auntie did."

Then a group of guard ponies with glowing green eyes surrounded them.
"Aw pony feathers," Flash then said

Back in the Wedding hall Everypony was seated. The Alicorns of Equestria sat on one side, while the Alicorns of the Crystal Empire sat on the other. Earth ponies, Crystal ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi filled the seats along with numerous other creatures.

Up at the alter, Shining Armor sat beside his mother and Armor. The rest of the mane six stood on the Brides side, with Spike holding out the ring.

"Where in Tarnation is Twilight..?" Applejack whispered to Spike

"I think she and Flash got into a fight or something," Spike whispered back.

"Shhhhh!" Rarity whispered, "It's starting.."

The wedding march began to play as Cheese Sandwich and Soarin opened the doors. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo pranced through them happily tossing about flowers. Princess Cadence followed close behind, let forward by Thunderlane. Even the Diamond Dogs wept at the Ceremoney.

As Cadence approached the alter, King Nightlight gave his son a wink congratulating. When the Bride finally reached the alter, King Sleipmir appeared.

"Dearly beloved.. We have gathered here today to unite Princess Cadence and Shining Armor in a bond of holy Matrimony.."

Everypony in the room smiled at the announcement.

"This wedding is more than just a Union of two Ponies.." King Sleipmir continued, "But a Union of two Kingdoms.. If anypony should have a reason that these two ponies should not be Wed.. Speak now.. Or forever hold your peace.."

Nopony said a word.

"Princess Cadence.." Sleipmir turned to the Bride, "Do you take Shining Armor to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Cadence smiled brightly, "I do!"

Sleipmir then turned to the Groom, "And do you Shining Armor take Princess Cadence to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Shining Armor paused for a moment and then gave a small smile, "I do.."

A wicked smile suddenly crossed Cadence's face. All of a sudden green flames burst up around her completely engulfing her, much to the horror of Everypony. With the flames vanished standing in the place of Princess Cadence was Queen Chrysalis with a wicked smile on her face.

"Surprise!" Chrysalis stated.

Suddenly all the guard ponies in the wedding hall began transforming into changelings. Lyra, Minuette, and Twinkleshine transformed into Changelings as well, much to the horror of the remaining Mane six.

The three transformed bridesmaids circled around Chrysalis and began singing there own Wedding March..

"Who's been messing up everything?"

"It's been Chrysalis all Along!"

"Who been pulling eyerypony's strings?

"It's been Chrysalis all Along!"

The transformed guards began swarming the crowd as the song continued


"HA-ha!" Chrysalis laughed

"So perfidious!"

The three changelings flew up into the Mane Six's faces and began taunting them.

"But you haven't even noticed"

"And the pity is"

"The pity is"

"Pity, pity, pity, pity"

Queen Chrysalis flew up into the air to join her army while the song continued.

"It's to late to fix anything"

"Now that everything has gone wrong"

"Thanks to Chrysalis!"

"Our Queen Chrysalis!"

"It's been Chrysalis! Chrysalis!"

"Chrysalis! Chrysalis!"

"Chrysalis all Along!"

Chrysalis smiled down at everypony in the Wedding Hall, "And I kidnapped Cadence too! BwaHAhaHAhaHAha"

..To be Continued!