• Published 8th Sep 2012
  • 4,556 Views, 421 Comments

How to Raise a Filly - CharmingChaos

Sequel to A Tale of Two Mares. Go read that.

  • ...

Three Wishes (Most Explicit Chapter in the Sequel)

My apologies. It was a dare.
But here, have some sexy (maybe) OctaScratch bath time.
My friend Rosie is a sick child.
It's her fault.

On a side note, this was all written while rotting my brain with vaguely pony-themed dubstep, so don't blame me for anything weird.
Now I have a headache. How the hay does Vinyl manage it?

Vinyl Scratch woke up feeling as though there was a heavy weight on her chest, making it hard to breath. It was almost as though... something was sitting on her.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she found herself staring into the large, purplish blue eyes of her wife. Said mare was straddling her chest, forehooves resting lightly at her shoulders. She leaned down, pressing their lips together for a long moment.

"Morning, Vinyl darling," she said cheerfully, sitting back up before stretching out so that she was laying completely on top of Vinyl Scratch. "Did you sleep well?"

"Sure, I guess, but why're you sitting on me? I mean, the kiss was nice, but..." Vinyl Scratch stifled a yawn, stretching her forelegs out behind her head.

"It's our anniversary," Octavia rolled her eyes. "And, considering Tambourine is spending the day - and the night, I might add - at Rose Bud's house, I figured I'd give you a little present."

"Mmhmm," Vinyl reached up and stroked her wife's cheek, grey but flushed a delicate pink and pleasantly warm, before wrapping her hooves around Octavia's neck, bringing them closer together. "Care to demonstrate?"

"I'm giving you three wishes, Vinyl Scratch," Octavia started in a terrible accent before breaking into a fit of giggles and going back to using her own voice. "Anyways, for today at least, I'm yours to command. Within reason, of course."

"You," Vinyl mused. "You and your reason. Why can't we be unreasonable for once?"

"Because I'm not you," Octavia answered, poking her partner's nose for emphasis. "Now, anything you want to do, while we're all alone?"

"Jeez, Octy, since when do you just ask me to rut you like this, and at..." she glanced at the clock. "Eight-thirty in the morning, no less. Whoever you are, please give my wife back, this is getting ridiculous."

"I promise I'm your Octy, see?" Octavia stuck out her hoof, showing Vinyl the slim, silver band around it. "Nopony else would have my wedding ring. Also, I wasn't exactly only suggesting that, frankly I expected you at least wait until evening, you could ask for anything. I mean, what about breakfast? A new record player since Grace Note knocked your old fancy one off its shelf?"

"Oh, boring," Vinyl faked a yawn. "Speaking of which, where is that little monster? I mean, you said Tambourine was at Rose's, but..."

"Oh, she's with a foalsitter," Octavia waved her hoof dismissively.

"A foalsitter? Already? She's only a month old, Octavia. Aren't you a bit worried?"

"I suppose I ought to be, but she's our second one. I mean, I think I got all of my over-protective mom instincts out when Tambourine was a baby."

"That's... uh, I guess I should say it's terrible, but the truth is I'm kinda glad. You were downright awful back then." Vinyl Scratch laughed lightly.

"I'm sorry," Octavia said. "But you weren't exactly calm about things yourself. Remember the first time she had diaper rash, and you insisted we rush to the emergency room? They must have thought we were complete idiots. Now, how about you actually come up with some wishes, instead of just making fun of me?"

"This is funny, Octy. An earth pony offering to grant wishes for a unicorn." Vinyl observed, a teasing grin on her face.

"Just get on with it," Octavia bounced impatiently. "I'm more excited about this then you are, I think."

"It's called hormones, filly," Vinyl remarked drily, patting Octavia on the head as if she were indeed a very young filly. "Now, what to wish for..."

She sat muttering to herself, debating what to choose, and Octavia giggled. "For somepony so sarcastic about an earth pony granting wishes you seem to be taking it quite seriously."

"I'm trying to see how many times I can get you to sleep with me on just three wishes," Vinyl Scratch explained. "I mean, not counting the one time I think I'm obliged to simply because it's our anniversary, I think I can probably manage five or six, but..."

"But what?"

"Then I won't get breakfast."


"Hey, Octy?"

"Yeah?" Octavia sighed, wondering how long it would take before Vinyl made up her mind.

"Remember that time, way back before we were married, when we got in that huge fight over the shower in Ponezia?"

"It wasn't huge. It was relatively small, compared to some of our other... ah... skirmishes. What about it?"

"Well, how about we try it now? That's my first request - er, wish, I think."

"Huh?" This caught Octavia off guard. "What is?"

"Sometimes I just don't get how thick you are, Octy. We take a shower together. Who knows what might happen then." Vinyl Scratch dropped her voice suggestively at the end.

Octavia blushed. "You're still going on about that, and it was, what, I don't even know how many years ago. Good Celestia, Tambourine was barely past Gracie's age, if I remember correctly."

"So? Doesn't mean I don't remember." Vinyl countered. "Besides, I can think of a whole lot of fun things to do if we're both wet."

"I can't believe you." Octavia resisted the urge to facehoof at her wife's immaturity. "Honestly, Vinyl, I swear you're a colt in a mare's body, sometimes."

"You won't be complaining about that tonight."

That didn't even make sense."

"Oh, trust me, there will be nothing that makes sense once I really get started."

"That didn't either," Octavia facehoofed. "You're going to take this whole 'day without the kids' thing as one long opportunity to - poorly, I might add - try to convince me that using it as one big... how shall I put this? - "

"Bucking session?" Vinyl suggested, raising one eyebrow questioningly.

"I was looking for something a bit less crude, but I suppose so. Now, are we going to take that shower, or what?"

"You just wanna get it over with," Vinyl said, pouting.

"Not completely," Octavia winked, flicking her tail across Vinyl's face as she brushed past her.

"Oh, my little tightflank conservative wifey's still got some spunk in her, eh?" Vinyl felt herself shiver slightly at the touch of her wife's tail.

"Don't call me that or I might lose it," Octavia called from the bathroom. "Are you coming, or what?"

"I'll be there in a second. I'm letting you enjoy that first cold spurt of water before the hot stuff makes it all the way over here."

"Well, aren't you generous," Octavia remarked, smirking as she came back into the bedroom. "If you think it's so nice, why don't you have it? I'm sure I'll do just fine."

"No, I really think you deserve it, Sugarplum," Vinyl Scratch said, putting as much false generosity into her words as possible.

"Sugarplum? When the hay did you come up with that?"

"Just now. I'm always coming up with new names for you, my dear,"

Octavia stuck her hoof in the flow of water in their walk-in shower. "By the way, with all this polite arguing, the water's heated up."

"I don't trust you." Vinyl Scratch narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"Why not? Come on, this was your idea, after all." Octavia looped one of her hooves around Vinyl's right foreleg ankle, drawing her into the steamy shower compartment. She pulled her wife close, standing up on her hind legs and bracing herself with a hoof on Vinyl's chest as they leaned on one another for balance. She forced their two muzzles together with a passion laid dormant for far too long, and Vinyl's half-closed eyes snapped open in surprise as she felt her mouth rudely taken over by Octavia's powerful tongue.

Octavia felt Vinyl's hoof drifting down her stomach, and she pulled away for a moment, listening to the satisfying smack as their lips parted. "See? I'm very trustworthy."

"I need more proof," Vinyl said, licking her lips. "Do it again, and maybe I'll consider not forcibly bucking you right now."

"That threat doesn't quite work when it sounds so pleasant," Octavia purred in her ear, giving it a playful nip, before turning it into a full-fledged bite.

"Okay, now you've got it." Vinyl nodded appreciatively. "I didn't know you were still up for this kind of thing."

"I was pregnant a month ago, I couldn't be up for this without hurting the baby." Octavia said, moving her muzzle down from Vinyl's ear to give her another kiss.

"True. But still - this is ridiculous, we can talk later - should I keep going?" Vinyl asked, moving the hoof at Octavia's waist slightly.

Octavia nodded, and felt herself pushed roughly against the wall of the shower. She gasped as her back hit the cold tile, and her body left the comfortably warm water splashing from the ceiling. "W-what was that for?"

"You're gonna need the support once I get started," Vinyl said, before going back to kissing her muzzle messily. "Sorry. I guess I'm just impatient."

Octavia felt Vinyl's hoof slide to its destination, and she closed her eyes and lost herself in the sensations.


Vinyl lay stretched on the bed again, feeling the dampness of the sheets under her skin with mild annoyance. The two had moved from bathroom to bedroom halfway through their... um, music making, we'll call it for now - without paying any heed to their drenched state, and their wet, tangled manes and tails mingled on the white bedspread, showing starkly.

Octavia cocked an ear toward the bathroom for a second, listening to the faint sound of rushing water still coming from within.

"You know, Vinyl," she said, rolling over to face her. "For somepony whose last excuse for taking a shower together was the environment, you seem remarkably unbothered by the fact that we left the water running when we came in here."

"... there are so many sexual things I could point out in that sentence," Vinyl said eventually.

"But you won't, because you love me and you want to me agree to do that again sometime, right," Octavia asked, half bribing.

"If there's a possibility of that," Vinyl agreed. "I didn't know you had it in you, Octy. I mean, your tongue... it's so..."

"Long?" Octavia suggested, sticking it out. "Thank you. With you around, being Miss Demandy-Pants all the time, I've also had a lot of practice with it, in more ways then one."

"Ha. Looks like my taste for dirty jokes in starting to rub off on you. Took long enough, I'll say." Vinyl grinned at her, her mane even more messy then usual.

"Who said that was a joke," Octavia replied wryly. "Would you please let me brush your mane out, Vinyl? It looks revolting."

"Just this once. Because it's relaxing," Vinyl relented.

The white mare turned away from Octavia, feeling her run her hooves over and through her hair as she manipulated the comb with her teeth. Vinyl toyed with the blanket in front of her, feeling young and unlike she was married again, even a little shy.

For some reason the motherly care Octavia always put into her mane made Vinyl feel oddly calm, foalishly so, and a bit... weak, even, though she didn't mind that at all. Not if it meant Octavia was brushing her hair.

Every single time Octavia did it, Vinyl was reminded of the first time, back when they were first living together. They weren't even officially 'going out' - that is, it was still a secret from everypony they knew - but they had become quite close, and one evening the grey mare had simply insisted.

She'd come out of the bedroom carrying her hairbrush, and quietly sat down next Vinyl, merely saying, "I'm going to brush your mane," before starting the task. She worked in silence, and Vinyl hadn't questioned it, simply because she wasn't giving the chance to. She could still remember her smell, the faint aura of... lilac, or something, that seemed to follow Octavia, even now.

Vinyl Scratch inhaled deeply, aroused from her memories slightly by the same lilac scent, mixed with that of sweat and... other things - in the room.

Her hooves met a particularly damp spot, and Vinyl looks down to see that she'd pulled half the blanket into her lap as she sat.

"How much of this do you think is actually water?" she asked curiously, using her magic to wring some of the liquid out of the cloth.

"That's disgusting, Vinyl," Octavia said, not stopping her combing. "Now, be quiet again, I like you better when you don't talk."

Silence reigned once again, and the peaceful atmosphere was enhanced even more when Octavia, probably unconsciously, began to hum softly.

It took a full ten minutes before Vinyl Scratch regained the courage to speak again. "You know what, Octavia?"

Octavia stopped humming, moving around to the side of Vinyl where her mane covered her face. "What is it, Vin'?"

"I still love you just as much as when we first started going out. Isn't that funny?"

"What's funny about it?" Octavia asked sharply.

"Oh, I don't know. It's just, so many couples are together for, I don't know, a month, or something, and then they get tired of each other, and break up. Or they get married, and then they decide they don't actually like each other that much and get divorces. But us - we've been together for ten years now, and I still feel the same way I always did. Hay, you even still smell the same as you did back then."

"Is that a good thing?"

"What? Oh, yeah. It's really good. I love the way you smell. It's like, lilacs or something," Vinyl clarified, sniffing loudly for emphasis.

"Lilacs, huh? My dad always said that too," Octavia said quietly.

"Do you miss him?" Vinyl asked suddenly.

"What? Oh, I suppose so. He's not dead, or anything though. I suppose I could go and visit him at some point, honestly. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know. I just - well, he seemed pretty cool, just cowed by your mom."

"He was okay, I guess," Octavia admitted. "What about your parents? Do you ever miss them?"

Vinyl Scratch sighed. "I used to miss them terribly. But... I guess I'm just used to it, now."

"Really? It's okay if you do, Vin'. You ought to admit it to yourself."

"I hated them for a while," Vinyl admitted, starting to play with the blanket again. "For... dying, I guess. And for drinking all the time, and - I looked up to them as a kid, and when Dad started drinking, and then Mom too, I guess... I don't think I ever really forgave them for that. I felt like I deserved better."

"It's okay," Octavia said, rubbing her shoulders softly. "You don't have to tell me."

"I just did, though. That's really it." Vinyl sighed. "Jeez, mare. You sure are good at getting me to talk."

"It's my Octy-power." Octavia snaked her hooves around Vinyl's neck, leaning around her to plant a light kiss on her cheek. "Tamby calls it Mom Magic, but that doesn't quite work for you."

Vinyl Scratch nodded, glancing at the digital clock sitting next to the bed. "Oh, it's eleven o'clock. Perfect time for my second wish - breakfast."

"I swear, you act just like a colt." Octavia remarked again. "Alright, what would you like, your highness?"

"Pancakes." Vinyl answered instantly. "And not those scrawny little flat ones - I'm talking about the nice, fat juicy ones. With lots of syrup."

"Crepes, you mean?"

"Yeah those. Can't stand them. To scrawny and un-filling. I mean, the neightella part is good, but I can just put that on bread, or regular pancakes. Seriously, I think those, what are they - crapes? Sounds like craps with a weird accent - they're like, pancakes' starving, third-world cousin, or something."

"Now that you've finished ranting against your daughter's favourite food, care to come to the kitchen with me? I'm making lunch."

"Lunch? But I thought we were having pancakes."

"We are," Octavia said briskly. "But to the normal pony, half-past eleven is considered lunchtime. Now, are you coming, or not?"

"I'm coming. I wouldn't miss your pancakes - not craps - "


"Whatever. I wouldn't miss this breakfast for all of Equestri - hey, there's an idea. Octy, can you make me co-princess or something? That's my last wish."