• Published 8th Sep 2012
  • 4,556 Views, 421 Comments

How to Raise a Filly - CharmingChaos

Sequel to A Tale of Two Mares. Go read that.

  • ...

Ponyville, Post-Haste

Vinyl helped Octavia into the carriage with a grunt. The grey mare appeared to be nearly twice her original size, now, and was having trouble walking long distances.

Said mare sighed as she plopped unceremoniously into the carriage seat nest to Vinyl. She gave her wife a light kiss on the cheek, but was brushed away with a hoof as Vinyl leaned forward to talk to the stallions driving. "We need to get to Ponyville, pronto!"

"Uh, ma'am, I know I'm not supposed to argue with customers, but - " The larger of the two, a grey pegasus with a mossy green mane and tail, started to say.

"Then don't," Vinyl said shortly, cutting him off. "We need you too take us as fast as you can - I'll pay ya double."

"Vinyl, it's already expensive," Octavia chided.

It's more expensive if you have the foal mid-flight, considering it might cost your life," Vinyl pointed out, shushing Octavia with a hoof over her muzzle. "I only married you three years ago, I'm not losing you that quickly."

"Well, thank you, but it really isn't going as fast as you thi - "

Octavia was interrupted by the driver again. "Are you two sure this is a good idea? I mean, lady, your... partner looks ready to burst, and I don't wanna be responsible for anything..."

"My wife," Vinyl spat. "Will be perfectly fine, as long as you get off the ground right now, and get us to Ponyville as fast as you can. Don't mind the skyway speed limits, this is an emergency."

"If it's an emergency, then you should probably leave her here, ma'am."

"Listen the whole reason we need to go to Ponyville is because it's an emergency. Now skidaddle, and stop sking questions!"

At last the two colts took off, letting the carriage jolt slightly, which in turn made Octavia hold onto the side in a casual show of mild startle, Vinyl nearly jump out of her skin and ask her a million times if everything was alright, and Tambourine, nos in her book on the opposite side, roll her eyes with a little groan, and slump further in her seat.

The filly hadn't taken the news of possibly having a sibling by the end of the day with much emotion, or at least, not much that she'd shown.

In fact, when her two mothers had come home, the filly, who was slumped on the couch, merely glanced up from her novel to say, "Wow. Mom, you need to go on a diet."

Once she had heard the news, the sardonic pony had rolled her eyes, muttering something about her parents being busy before leaving for her room. Naturally, she wasn't too happy to have to go to along with them to "Boring, rustic Ponyville."

It was a quiet ride. Vinyl was too worried to say much, other then apologize over and over, claiming it was her fault - and refusing to believe otherwise - and Octavia was rather hurt by the diet comment, especially since Tambourine seemed to be showing no sign of even being aware that an apology was in store.

For Octavia, the hours passed painfully slowly. The extra weight and girth around her middle made it difficult to sit properly - she was forced into an odd position she'd seen Lyra sit in when they were in college. Being reminded of the green mare didn't exactly improve her mood, either.

"We're here, Ma'ams." The larger colt seemed to do all the talking, Vinyl observed when he announced their arrival.

The three ponies climbed out, Tambourine mumbling about how she liked San Franciscolt better, Octavia leaning heavily on a rather harried-looking Vinyl Scratch.

"That was an odd bunch," the smaller stallion observed softly as they walking away, his high, falsetto voice barely over a whisper. His larger partner nodded in agreement.

Twilight met them at the library door, ushering them into a back room - the library was still open to the public until evening - and pulling some chairs out of a closet.

"In case of a chair emergency," She explained. "They're Pinkie's."

"I see," Vinyl nodded. "Octy, Darling, do you know where Tamby went?"

"She saw some foals in the schoolyard or something and went to play with them. I told her we'd come pick her up after we finished talking," Octavia answered, fitting herself into one of the chairs.

"Are you sure that was a good idea?" Vinyl frowned slightly for a second before clapping her hooves together. "Well, nothing to do about it now. Anyways, Twi, have you ever heard of this happening?"

"No, I haven't. But that's because the mage of a spell is only semi-responsible for the results. You haven't been my only client for it, Vinyl, but you're the only other pony who knows it. However, if a spell is performed by its creator, there is less room for flaws, because they are invariably more familiar with it. But, as I just said a minute ago, the unicorn who performs it is only partially responsible for the results - almost all the side effects and changes are purely consequential with the receptacle of the spell. In other words, it rests purely on what the pony on whom the spell was cast as to what the side effects will be. For example, if the pony I perform the spell on expects morning sickness from the beginning, she will most likely get it. All the better if she wants whatever the side effect is. Such as you, Vinyl. You expected a filly, and I suspect you would rather have a filly, deep in your subconscious, no matter what you may have convinced yourself of indifference. Did you girls understand all that, or am I still going all science-y? I'm trying to break the habit, but..."

"I think so..." Octavia's brow was furrowed, she understood the long words, but magic was a new subject.

Vinyl shook her head, looking overly confused. "Nope, didn't catch that. Too many scientific terms and long words."

"Vinyl," Octavia admonished. "Be nice, she's much better then she used to be."

"Er, thanks, I guess?" Twilight looked confused. She walked over to Octavia and patted her stomach with a questioning expression. "Mind if I take a look? I may be able to slow this down a bit, but if you've only got a week or so left, then I'm afraid it won't do much good."

"Oh, of course. Do whatever you need to." Octavia nodded hastily. "One question, though. You said the side effects were based on what the pony expects or wants, but, I didn't want or expect this. I mean, I was looking forward to when the foal was born but - "

"That's enough. You may have also been expecting the next eleven months to fly by, in which case those two subconscious thoughts alone are enough to send things off-kilter. Now, I'll need you to be quiet so I can concentrate, alright?"

The two mares nodded, and Twilight closed her eyes and lowered her head to the level of Octavia's stomach. She held the position for several minutes, Octavia's midriff once again enveloped in a magic glow, and then she straightened, opening her eyes.

"Well?" Vinyl asked inquisitively.

"It's a filly, if you were experiencing a normal pregnancy, you would have another month and a half
before she is born. I can slow it to three weeks, if you like, but that's as good as it can get. If you'd rather - well, I can take you to the Ponyvilly General now, but you'd only have an hour at most before labour. Also, I've figured out that she will grow at a normal pace once she is born, no matter if I slow down the pregnancy or not. Would you like to think it over, or shall I just perform the spell now?"

Octavia glanced at Vinyl who shrugged. "It's your choice, 'Tavia."

"Well, I suppose you ought to do the spell, then, Twilight," Octavia sighed, bracing herself. "I want to be able to enjoy at least a little of this pregnancy."

"Pssh," Vinyl said, interrupting. "Enjoy, my flank. I mean, it's your choice, and I wouldn't skip my pregnancy for the world, but be warned, Sweetie, it's not always sugar and spice. Oh, and that first thingie I said can be taken both ways. You can enjoy my flank whenever you want now, 'Tav. We're married."

"Go ahead, Twilight," Octavia said, taking a deep breath. "Fire when ready."

The purple mare grimaced. "Okay, but don't use that phrase again, alright? It... brings back bad memories of a certain draconequus I'd rather not mention."

Octavia nodded and felt the now almost familiar tingle as yet another magical aura encased her belly. The purple glow remained for about a minute before fading away. Octavia sighed, rubbing a hoof over her painfully stretched skin, feeling the fur silky soft under it.

"So, it's done?" She asked tentatively, still stroking her belly.

Twilight nodded. "It's done."

"I have about three weeks now, right? And, it's another filly." She looked down at the lump. "I kind of wished it would be a colt - for balance, you know?"

"No, you didn't, really," Twilight said suddenly. "The spell relies heavily on your mindset at the time it is performed. You may have convinced yourself that it would be nice to have a colt, or changed your mind after it was done - though I highly doubt that - but at the time when Vinyl cast the spell, you were hoping beyond comparison for a filly. That much is clear from the first glance at the spell. It's like a mirror, you see? If you know how to look, you can see everything that went on in both ponies' minds when the first threads of the magic were cast."

Octavia felt a hot blush rise to her cheeks as she remembered what had led up to her agreeing to start the spell. "Everything?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes. But you have to look specially to see each thing. It's like... looking at the table of contents in a book and then flipping to the right page. I just went to the 'pages' with the gender and basic information about the foal. I also know exactly what she'll look like, but I'm not telling you that - one of the best things about birth is seeing your foal for the first time, or at least, that's what Pinkie Pie says. She and Rainbow had their foal about a year ago, using the same spell."

Vinyl leaned her head down to rest it on Octavia's stomach for a moment, giving it a soft kiss. "I can't believe they never told us they had a foal. Is it a filly or a colt?"

"Both," Twilight grinned. "Pinkie Pie was babbling about how much she loved taking care of the Cake twins because they were twice the fun the whole time I was performing the spell. It was obvious that would alter the results."

"Ooh, what do they look like?" Vinyl jumped up from her place resting on Octavia's stomach.

"Well, the colt, Sunshine is light blue with a spiky coral and yellow mane, and the filly, Iridescence, is pink with a curly rainbow mane. She's a pegasus, which makes Sunshine unhappy sometimes, because he's an earth like Pinkie. They're absolutely smitten, though. Those foals need hardly blink an eye, and both mares are by their sides, ready to take their every order."

"Well, that's wonderful," Octavia said, smiling. I'll admit we were a bit like that with Tamby. Speaking of which, we should probably go find her if we want to get home before dark. care to lend a hoof, Vinyl? I'm not sure I can get up on my own. This filly is too damn fat."

"That's not like you too say," Vinyl raised her eyebrows. "Alright, here we go, upsy daisy, and all that crap."

"Oof, thank you," Octavia grunted as she landed on her hooves, doing her best to keep her knees from buckling.

"Welcome," Vinyl muttered, looking shy.

"What was that? Politeness from the mare who could win Miss No-Manners hooves down? I'm honored." Octavia tried to look surprised.

Vinyl grabbed Octavia by the ear and gave her a short but passionate kiss, waving her hoof absentmindedly to sever the thread of saliva between them. "What was that? An insult from Miss Prissy-pants herself? I'm shocked. But yes, politeness from me. For you, anything."

"I appreciate the gesture, Vin', but was that really necessary? We're not exactly in private, you know." Octavia said, feeling her face flush pink in embarrassment.

"Hmmm," Vinyl looked thoughtful. "No. I just felt like making out with you. No real reason."

"Well, I guess that's normal, coming from you, but next time, could you wait until we get home? Or at least, away from other ponies?"

"Jeez, you're so touchy, Octy." Vinyl sighed. "We're a married couple, we can make out whenever and wherever we want."

"True. But I don't like to. Not in public."

"Well, I still think you're being over-reac'... -tionish," Vinyl finished, foalishly.

"That's not even a word. Come on, we have to get Tambourine." Octavia grabbed Vinyl's ear in her mouth and dragged her out the door. "I'm not over-reactionish, or whatever you said, Vinyl . Anypony who is interested in anything other than sex knows that you don't just randomly kiss somepony, even if she's your wife, when there're other ponies around. It's embarrassing for everypony involved."

"I'm not embarrassed." Vinyl said arrogantly.

"Yeah? Well you're... You're Vinyl Scratch! You don't know what embarrassed is!"

"I doubt that. You have no idea what you're talking about, 'Tavia. Like when we found out I was pregnant. I was terribly embarrassed then. And how about that time when I went to a gig and I accidentally brought a bunch of Beethoofen and Ponzart instead of my usual music? That was awful!"

"I... I'm sorry, Vinyl. It's just... Oh, I don't know. Now I feel bad." Octavia looked down, confused by her own illogical feelings.

"I think I might get what's going on, Octy. I'm sorry too. I know how those mood swings are, I have to forgive you because it's not your fault."

"I think that's a legit apology..." Octavia said, doubtful. "Even if it's not, I'm going to take it as one."

"It is, I promise." Vinyl leaned toward Octavia, but pulled back quickly. "Whoops, I forgot the no-kissing-unless-we're-alone rule. Sorry again."

Octavia smiled, nuzzling Vinyl's mane before leaning forward and puckering her lips in a comical expression for a moment. "I changed my mind on that one. Go one, I won't yell at you this time. If I do, you have full permission to hit me with a baseball bat."

"Which I wouldn't naturally," Vinyl said, taking Octavia's offered kiss.

A shout from the street, and Tambourine trotted backwards toward them, eyes on a red and blue ball. The grey filly bumped into her parents and gave a startled cry as she tumbled over.

"Wha - oh, hi moms." Tambourine smiled cheerfully. "Do we have to go? I wanna stay with Crimson Tulip. She's my new best friend. We're gonna be pen-ponies!"

"That's very nice, Tamby dear, but we've got to go, alright? I'm sorry, but you have school tomorrow, and I'm sure Tulip does too. We have to go back to San Fransicolt."

"Awww," Tamby groaned. "But we can come back, right? I don't want to never see her again. We Pinkie promised to keep seeing each other. It's gonna be a long-distance relationship."Octavia and Vinyl shared a smile at the misused phrase. Octavia patted her first foal on the head, giving her a soft hug. Tambourine struggled free. "Mom, not when my friends are watching. You're embarrassing me!"

"Embarrassing or not, Tamby, we've got to go. Now, go say goodbye to your little friends." Octavia gave her a little shove, and raised her eyebrows at Vinyl. "Sound familiar?"

Tambourine, meanwhile, trotted a few feet away. She cupped a hoof to her muzzle and shouted to the foals still playing. "Bye, Crim'! I have to go to my house now! See you soon, and don't forget to write!"

She trotted back to her mothers, still waving, and Vinyl gave her a funny look. "Aren't you going to say goodbye to the other foals?"

"No." Tamby shook her head. "Crimson and I decided we don't like them."

"That's not very nice, Tamby," Octavia replied sternly.

"No. They're mean. They said I was a mute or something because you guys are girls and I don't have a father. It wasn't nice." Tambourine said sadly. Then she brightened. "But Crim' helped me beat them up."

"Well, in that case, they deserved it." Vinyl said, putting a hoof around her filly. "Now come on, my mares, let's go home. I think a dinner at the Best of Celest is in order."