• Published 8th Sep 2012
  • 4,556 Views, 421 Comments

How to Raise a Filly - CharmingChaos

Sequel to A Tale of Two Mares. Go read that.

  • ...

Mo(u)rning Sickness

Octavia woke up early, as per usual. Only, this morning, it was early early, as in, 4:30 in the morning early.

She sighed, rolling awkwardly over her bulging stomach to a more comfortable position, and closed her eyes hopefully in some vain attempt at getting back to sleep.

It didn't work, and the fizzing sound coming from somewhere by her ear didn't help much, either. Octavia flicked the offended ear in annoyance, suspecting some foul and foalish gnat to have wandered in to irritate her sleep-deprived self. The gnat, if it was indeed a gnat, didn't oblige the somewhat polite, non-verbal request for self-extermination, and the fizzing noise continued, eliciting a quiet, passively miffed groan from its grey-furred victim.

Octavia waved a hoof in the general area above her head, feeling a staticky, electrical texture in the air. She rolled back over and cracked open her eyes.

Tiny blue sparks, and magical glowing bubbles fizzed around Vinyl who lay sprawled customarily across as much of her half of the bed as was ponily possible for one mare to cover. A bubble landed on Octavia's muzzle, and a minty, earthy scent invaded her nostrils. She batted the bubble away and stared at her sleeping wife in amazement. The fizzing sound originated from the white mare's horn, its tip just barely sticking out from her tangled bed-hair, and tiny, seemingly mint-scented bubbles and flameless sparks trailed out of its tip in a long, glowing stream that flowed around the room like a little river.

Octavia held her breath as Vinyl stirred, mumbling in her dream and letting out a little huffing sigh as she shifted into a different position, taking one of Octavia's hoofs and curling her neck and cheek around it, like a foal would a favourite toy.

The fizzing dwindled down and the last of the sleep-magicked bubbled and sparks faded out as Octavia watched Vinyl's breathing even out into the slow rhythm of a heavy sleeper again. The scent of mint still hung in the air, but it was a soothing one, even as it stung her nostrils with its potency, and Octavia, taking care not to move the hoof her wife was curled around, laid down the rest of the way again and closed her eyes, at last finding the peace to go back to sleep until sunrise and mentally sending a little plea to Celestia to have a slow morning and raise the sun late.

The sun Princess, however, had other plans, and the sun came painfully early, at least in the opinions of the two mares sleeping when it first came streaming in their window, warming their coats and coaxing their sleepy eyes open.

So did Tambourine, who bounced in at six for her regular morning... well, Octavia called it her morning cuddle, but Tambourine insisted that that made it sound immensely foalish, and refused to give it a name.

So, the enthusiastic early-bird filly bounced onto Octavia's and Vinyl Scratch's Princess-sized bed for her unnamed morning, er... whatever-you-call-it, with a bright "Good Morning, Mommies!" which dragged a simultaneous groan from both of her parents.

"Tamby, darling, would you be a dear and let Mommy and I sleep for a bit longer?" Octavia drawled, not opening her eyes as her foal straddled her stomach, bouncing slightly in a very painful way. "And, please, for the love of all things pony, get off my stomach, you're killing your baby sister."

"Sister? I'm gonna have a sister? Do I have to?" Tambourine slid off Octavia and flopped into the space between the two mares, making the entire mattress bounce.

"Well, Tamby-Cat, that's usually what happens when ponies have babies," Vinyl opened one eye to stare at her frowning filly. "Now that I've explained the basic consequences of pregnancy, would you mind going back to bed?"

"I would mind. But I thought you guys would get rid of it. You have me already, is - aren't I enough?"

"We still love you just as much, Tamby, but we thought it would be nice if you had a little brother or sister to play with," Octavia said, still without opening her eyes.

"Well, I don't." Tambourine crossed her arms over her chest and pouted. "Can you get rid of it?"

"No, we can't, and we don't want to, either. And do stop calling her 'it'. You look and sound like a spoiled brat right now." Vinyl pointed out, sitting up and rubbing her horn sleepily. "Ow, ow, ow. 'Tavia, do you have any pain medication around? I have a terrible hornache."

"In the bathroom cabinet, third shelf, on the left-hoof side. I think I know why." Octavia finally opened her eyes, yawning. "Tambourine, would you please get it? Your mother has a - "

"A hornache, I know. Fine," Tambourine said peevishly.

"And, Tamby darling, try to get it with your magic. I want you to practice."The filly nodded and trotted out of the room, and Octavia smiled sleepily up at her wife. "You were sleep-magicking or something last night. It was kinda cute."

"Nopony calls me cute," Vinyl grumbled warningly, feeling Octavia pick up one of her hooves as she sat up. The grey mare kissed the hoof softly, giving it a gentle nip before dropping it back on the bedspread. She watched Vinyl's face with a look of satisfaction.

"You were saying?"

"Nopony... except you. But if you were anypony else..."

"If I were anypony else, you would be in bed with somepony other then your wife, and I would have to locate a knife." Octavia grinned at Vinyl toothily, who in turn giggled before rubbing her horn again with a pained expression. "Oh, dear, are you quite alright?"

"I think so. Sleep-magic is very bad for my health. I'm getting old, Octy."

"You're not. But really, you oughtn't to be complaining so much, I'm the one who's been fighting back morning sickness the entire time," Octavia said gruffly. As if on cue, her cheeks bulged out and she clutched her muzzle and leaned over the trash can, making sounds that Vinyl decided it was best for both of them if she closed her ears to.

A soft hoof patted Octavia's back, holding her long, tangled mane out of the way. But Octavia knew that, even with the friendly gesture, Vinyl's eyes and ears wee probably firmly clamped shut. The poor mare had a terrible squeamishness to such things, and both ponies knew that if she saw or heard what Octavia was in the middle of doing, they would be sharing the trashcan for the rest of the morning.

Vinyl Scratch turned toward the door and called in the general direction of the bathroom, "Hey, Tam', it might be a good idea of you brought the whole bottle of those pills!"

A muffled groan and something Tambourine had learnt from the older foals that won't be repeated here was heard before Octavia sat up, wiping her mouth on the back of her hoof and glancing at the trash can in disgust before reaching for the glass of water she kept by the bed. She lifted one of the white ears clamped firmly against her wife's head. "I'm finished, Vinyl. you can open your eyes."

Vinyl blinked and dropped Octavia's mane. "Thank goodness. I feels ya though, Octy. Morning sickness is the worst part of pregnancy."

"You can say that again," Octavia nodded, wincing as the taste of her own vomit stayed at the back of her throat.

"Morni - " Vinyl grinned cheekily.

"I didn't mean it literally, you crazy thing," Octavia chided affectionately. "And, I'm sorry about your hornache. Did you know that your magic smells like mint? At least, last night it did."

"Octy, do you really think that I could live my entire life with this thing stuck on my head and not notice that?" Vinyl deadpanned, giving Octavia her best you-can't-be-serious look.

"Well, uh..."

"Well, you're right. I never noticed it before," the white mare said brightly. "Come on, let's give it a go. I have to find out if it was just a one time thing or if it's always like that."

Octavia burst out laughing as the white mare let out a tendril of blue magic, devoid of the fizzing sounds this time, and attempted to sniff it, her muzzle wrinkling up adorably. The tendril kept floating off in another direction, leaving Vinyl to helplessly follow her muzzle around the bed, sniffing loudly as she tried to catch a whiff of her magic.

Vinyl sighed. "I don't know, Octy. I can't smell it."

Octavia waved a hoof in the air, through the now limp magic tendril, and it popped, oddly, in a very solid way, letting out the same earthy, spicy smell that had woken Octavia up a few hours earlier. "There, see? I think it has to pop first."

But - whah? Magic doesn't pop, 'Tavi. You just severed it's connection with the source, me, but it didn't pop."

"It looked like it popped, and it sounded like it popped," Octavia pointed out. "And, I must compliment you. That was a very scientific thing to say."

"I think I should probably be insulted, but I'll leave it be for now. It's too early to get insulted. Besides, my horn hurts."

"I'm sorry, Vin'. Tamby should be back soon with the adfilly."

"I know..." Vinyl sighed, rubbing her forehead in a circular motion, around the base of her horn. "But, do you think you could kiss it better?"

"You are the most foalish mare I have ever met," Octavia observed, rolling her eyes. "But I guess I'm obliged, considering you did hold my hair out of the way when I was throwing up in the trash can. Speaking of which, could you... dispose of that?"

"No. My horn hurts when I magic. Are you gonna kiss it better?"

Octavia leaned toward Vinyl and half closed her eyes, dropping a soft kiss on the cool, slightly rounded end of Vinyl's horn. Her eyes opened again as she felt Vinyl press it firmly between her lips.

"Oh, no you don't," she muttered, frowning at the mare under her chin. Unfortunately, the simple sentence opened her mouth enough for Vinyl to slip her horn in, and Octavia glared at her, feeling Vinyl giggling in triumph under her.

"I think this might help more then the Adfilly," Vinyl said, trying to control her face as the sensation of Octavia's tongue against her horn threatened to overtake her. Sure, the grey mare was only moving her mouth in an attempt to spit the appendage out, but so what? It still felt nice.

Octavia put both her forehooves on Vinyl's head and pulled her mouth free, spitting out Vinyl's horn with a look of disgust. "I can't believe you, Vinyl. The door is wide open, Tamby is on her way back her, and you decide it's the perfect time to force your stupid little horn into my mouth. I might consider agreeing to that at night, when Tamby is asleep, and the doors are locked, but not now! It's preposterous."

"I er, see what ya mean there, Octy..." Vinyl said, looking uncomfortable. She gestured at the doorway, where a rather doubtful looking Tambourine stood frozen.

"H-how long have you been there, Sweetie?" Octavia asked nervously, smiling just a little too widely.

"Oh, not long. Just long enough to see you sucking on Mommy's horn. Does it taste good? Can I try?"

"No! It... doesn't taste good." Octavia said, eliciting a frown from Vinyl. "She asked me to kiss it better, and I did, and we... kind of slipped."

Vinyl nodded jerkily, and slipped out of bed to take the bottle of Adfilly from Tambourine. "Yeah... hehe, that's definitely what happened, I slipped. Thanks very much for the hornache pills, Tamby-Cat. Now, how about you try making breakfast or something? We'll be there in a moment."

Octavia raised her eyebrows. "Brilliant. Now we're going to have to call the police and the fire department all at once."


Because Tambourine is cooking, which means fire, even if she's just making cereal, and I'm pretty that technically speaking, I was just raped."

"It's not rape if it's voluntary, Octy," Vinyl protested. "Besides, considering we're a legally married couple, it's just semi-forced horn-sucking."

"No matter. It's not happening again, forced or voluntary, for at least a week now," Octavia crossed her hooves over her chest in a triumphant way.

"Damn. But I thought you said at night it was okay."

"Do you care about anything but sex, Vinyl?" Octavia looked at her with disbelief.

"Hmm, yeah. Food, you, Tamby, other kinds of sex, uhhh, whatever the new filly is gonna be named, sleeping, DJ-ing..." Vinyl ticked off the things as she listed them, causing her wife to roll her eyes at her for what felt like the thousandth time that morning.

"You're impossible, and insufferable, and the most irritating mare I have ever met, Vinyl," Octavia said lovingly, a gentle smile playing on her lips as she enveloped Vinyl in a full four-hooved hug. "And I can't get enough of you. I'm crazy."

Vinyl kissed her cheek. "I couldn't be happier with your insanity, in that case. I love you too, 'Tavi."


"Well, I knew that was the next thing you were gonna say, so I figured I may as well answer beforehoof."

"See? Arrogant, too. How do I put up with you?"