• Published 29th Sep 2022
  • 3,701 Views, 59 Comments

Anon’s A Villain To Fight Villains - Yellowtail

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Day 4: Reflective Chaos

In the middle of the night, a lone robot teleports into a metal throneroom, where Jan awaits his prize. “Excellent, thank you. Run along now and keep repairing the perimeter.” The robot nods and heads out. The human-like creature picks up the object, inspecting it and realizing it’s a book. “So, this is Anon’s source of power?” He asks himself before opening it. He takes a deep breath before opening his eyes fully to take in this immeasurably powerful magic… only to see words he cannot read, as they’re in a language he doesn’t recognize. “What the- this is chicken scratch!” He yells, throwing the book at the floor before putting his face into his hands. “Confound it all! Why is he always one step ahead!?” He yells. “I’ve traveled stars know how many light years to catch this stupid miscreant and I swear it’s like fate is just torturing me for kicks at this point!” He continues yelling into the empty room. However, as he looks over disappointingly at the book, he sees its pages flipping wildly before stopping.

“What’s this?” He asks, much calmer now. He walks over to it, his metal boots clanging against the metal floor. He picks up the book to see it’s resting on a picture of a human figure, split down the middle. One side was dark, while one side was light.

“That, is your solution for today,” a voice calls, scaring Jan.

“What the-“ Jan spins around to see a mismatched menagerie creature, lounging on Jan’s metal throne. “Discord, I presume?”

“Why yes! Good job! Amazing observational skills my alien monkey friend!” He says. Jan snaps and humanoid robots teleport in, pointing laser guns at Discord. “Oh please,” Discord says, before snapping as well. The robots suddenly have antlers and deer legs, which start synchronized tap dancing. Jan looks on, not really surprised anymore. Discord smirks. “What’s wrong Jan? Why the long face?” Discord teleports beside him and uses two claws to hook each end of his mouth and turn it into a smile, threateningly close to cutting him. “Try smiling Jan, you’re the hero! The one to save us all, right?” Discord asks mockingly, letting his face go. Jan sighs.

“Why do I even bother? None of you take me seriously, Anon’s done nothing but make a fool of me every step of the way,” Jan says, sulking. He starts walking to his throne. “Just… just go home. I don’t care anymore.”

“Oh, now, that’s quitter’s talk!” Discord says, teleporting beside him with a wide orange jumpsuit and jeans on, a towel lazily wrapped around his neck. “You just need to get back in the ring, show ‘em a one two punch!” Discord emphasizes this by punching the air.

“Look, unless you know how I can use that book, I don’t stand a chance. I might as well call off this stupid bet and leave,” Jan mutters.

“Well, it just so happens, I do know,” Discord says, making Jan perk up. “You see, I knew this one guy, kind of. Strange fella, always hopping in and out of various realities. He was such a hoot though!” Discord laughs to himself. Jan taps his fingers on the armrest, growing impatient. “Leeroy really ought to see the state of his shenanigans now. Oh well. So, you want to know the opposition spell?” Discord asks. Jan nods. “Very well, but I don’t think a villain version of you would do the trick.” To this, Jan smiles.

“Oh, neither do I, but I have a better idea…”

I throw junk left and right as I ransack a storage room in absolute panic. “Fuck fuck fuck-“ Clash, to his credit, is searching diligently ahead of me, checking a whole other area of the storage room. Celestia walks in, yawning.

“Sweetie, what’s wrong-“

“THE VOODOO BOOK’S GONE!!!” I yell in terror. Celestia takes a moment to process for a bit before it dawns on her what I said.

“… You don’t think Jan-“ Celestia starts, but at the mention of Jan, I realize it has to be him.

“I bet that stupid motherfucker rubs his filthy hands all over it, that idiot will release hell itself,” I mutter as I start running out.

“Sir!? What are your-“ I shoot him a glare and he shuts up. “Stay inside, got it,” he whimpers.

I run outside and see a giant television in the air, with Jan’s smug robot face plastered on it. “You look uglier everyday you fucking nimrod!” I yell.

“Oh, so hostile today! Why is that Mr Nefarious-“

“Shut up and fight me you bitchass!” I yell. Jan snickers.

“Today, I’ve got a special guest! You’ll love him!” He says.

“When I’m done with you, the lamo better still be in one piece as well because I swear to god I’ll-“ before I can continue my threat, a burst of golden magic yanks me back as an axe lands, blade first, into the ground where I stood. With thunderous crack, a heavily armored figure lands before me, clad in gold. I feel myself grow colder as I look at the opposing enemy as he stands up.

“A-Anon?” Celestia asks, though not to me. A spitting image of myself stands before me, the air growing colder as he glares down at me.

“Princess, I must ask that you stay out of the way,” he says, with a tinge of sorrow in his voice.

“What the fuck?” I ask.

“You see, villain. I knew Discord wouldn’t help me, and I can’t stand up to you. So, here’s someone you’re up to snuff with! Yourself!” Jan says, beaming.

“Celestia, get back to Canterlot,” I say.

“But Anon-“

“Now!” I yell, turning to her, however, my doppelgänger grabs me by the scruff of my coat and throws me away from my castle. I force push myself to land on my feet, and throw bolts of electricity his way. However, the electricity bounces off. “Oh fuck off with that shit,” I say. Quickly, the hero throws his huge axe at me, which I dodge, only to suddenly find my feet frozen in place. “What is it with gold armor fucks and wielding axes?” I ask myself as I try to break out. As I try to lift a foot with force, I hear a whoosh and feel a searing pain on my arm. I look over and see a splatter of blood on the ground.

“Woah. Buddy, calm down! I want him alive!” Jan says, watching the battle.

“He is a villain. I’ve dealt with villains my entire life,” my opposite says, before looking up coldly. “I deal with them permanently. A dead villain can’t hurt anyone.” I finally break free from the ice, and force push myself away from the fight. This is already taking up some energy as I crash through a house. I groan as I roll over and get up quickly before sliding over a table, knocking over silverware. Getting back to my feet, I run through the cramped house, dodging a pony as I swerve to avoid furniture and knickknacks. I kick open the front door of the house, and start running. I have no idea where that crazy executioner is, but I need to get away from him. Suddenly, chains wrap around my leg and trip me onto the ground. I look back to see the Hero, his gaze locked onto me, walking towards me as he winds up his axe. His left hand has chains coming out of it.

“Shit- shit-“ I say before trying to electrify the chains. He recoils in pain, disconnecting his hand from the chain, allowing me to set myself free. He quickly looks back up to me and throws the axe. I throw up a shield spell, only for the axe to merely slow down enough to allow me to roll over and dodge it.

“I need him alive!” Jan yells. “You’re a hero, act like one!”

“A hero lets the villain get away, only to terrorize another day. I’m the perfect hero, the villain dies and the world is truly safe.”

“Th-that’s not what a hero-“ Jan is cut off by Hero recalling his axe, only to throw it at the television and breaks it. Recalling his axe, the Hero turns back to me, only to receive an electric-punch to the face. He backs up before kneeling down, his armor trying to stop the electricity.

“Direct contact bitch,” I say, before pulling back my fist and charging again. I need to be quick now. There’s no telling what the fuck a hero version of me could do. I start wailing on him, punch after punch after punch. However, each punch has a weaker charge, and Hero is recovering faster and faster. He grabs my incoming fist and grimaces.

“My turn,” he says simply before punching me. I’m sent flying, dazed and confused as I soar through the air before crashing through something. I stare at the ceiling and slowly come to realize I crashed through a window. The crystalline ceiling suddenly looks familiar and I slowly get up.

“Anon? What’re you-“ I hear Twilight say before gasping. “Oh my Celestia- you’re bleeding!”

“No shit?” I smartass, out of breath. I start stumbling away from the window, only for a force to knock me forward. I start to look back, only for an armored boot to step on my back and hold me in place.

“Wha- another Anon!?”

“Do not associate me with this filth Princess. I am a true hero,” I hear him say.

“Bullshit,” I spit before he presses harder onto me.

“C-careful he’s-“

“He’s a villain, why do I need to say this so many times!?” Hero yells, pressing even harder into me. Finally, he steps off, allowing me to breathe before I’m picked up by my tattered coat. I twist around and pull out my gun and shoot his forehead, causing him to yell in pain before dropping me to cover his forehead. I land with a thud and force push myself into the air and rear back a fist, quickly charging it before slamming my fist across his jaw. He stumbles back and I try one more trick. Using the last of my energy, I create a shield spell around his head, and his eyes widen. Struggling to breathe, he quickly throws his axe at me again. I dodge, keeping my focus, only to fail to notice his other hand reaching for my neck. Breaking my concentration, he pick picks me up and has me thrown into a wall, shooting pain through my back as I yell out.

“Fuck!” I scream. “Mother fucker-“ I force myself to flop over, just in time to dodge the axe thrown at me. This time, I glance at it and my eyes widen suddenly. “W-wait-“ the axe is taken away, but a newfound anger courses through me as I slowly get up.

“No,” Hero says, before raising a hand. With a newfound strength, I grit my teeth and glare at him, and the golden axe he’s carrying.

“That axe isn’t yours you mother fucker,” I spit. For a moment, I could see his lips curl into a smile before fading just as quickly.

“Good eye. Now die,” he says. Before he could shoot his magic, Twilight blasts his hand, making him miss. Icicles fly past my head and embed themselves into a wall. “You stupid-“ he’s suddenly held in place by Twilight as she glares at him.

“What did he mean about the axe!?” She yells. Hero keeps a stoic face as he looks down at her.

“Why, it’s Princess Celestia’s, before she fell from grace,” he says simply. “I had to purify the world once she fell into frenzy.” Twilight stares up in horror as I start trying to leave.

“Y-you didn’t-“ Twilight starts asking. However, Hero shakes his head.

“I didn’t want to, at first. However, that changed when you convinced me Princess,” he says. Before I left the room, I hear his final words that shake Twilight to her core. “No matter what we tried, we couldn’t beat her. You convinced me we had to go farther.”

I run, or rather, stumble, into my castle, as Clash rushes to me. “Sir!? What’s wrong sir!?” He asks.

“Get me my medical potions, and bring me Opposer platoon alpha,” I say, grunting as I sit on my stone throne. “Fuck- put all guards in high alert and ask them to defend against a doppelgänger. He’ll look like me but with big ugly ass armor on.”

“Y-yes sir!” He says. He scampers off as Frank rushes up.

“Boss?” He asks. I cough into my hand, pulling it back to see blood.

“I’ll brief you in a little bit. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ll need you for defense. What the hell am I going to tell Celestia?…”

Hero looks at Twilight with pity. “I’m sorry, but I need to get rid of this filth,” he says, dropping an unconscious Twilight. He turns to leave the castle, determined to finish his quest. This is not his world, but villains ruined his old one. He refuses to see it be done again by his own hands.

Author's Note:

Oh shit, this went from “haha silly funny animal” to “oh shit he’s out for blood”. I’m trying to keep this short , so I’ll probably focus on fights still. See y’all next time!