• Published 29th Sep 2022
  • 3,701 Views, 59 Comments

Anon’s A Villain To Fight Villains - Yellowtail

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Day 5: warning: Heroes May Fall

I stare at the monitor. Twilight can’t stop him for more than a few minutes. For clarification, I decided to call him Hero. I’m shooting to try and ramp up my antics, since this guy seems like a polar opposite of me. If there’s one thing I know for certain, it’s that absurdity is a logical person’s weakness. Especially when the absurdity works. Clash stares at my monitor as well, clearing his throat to announce his presence. “Sir, the um, the tank squadron is-“

“Good. Tell them to come up on my mark,” I say.

“But sir, it would take a while for them to use the lift-“

“I didn’t say they were taking the fucking lift, I said they are coming up,” I correct sharply. “Don’t worry, I had the eggheads add… modifications…”

As Hero walks into the main room of the castle, the doors slam behind him. He feels a rumbling sound beneath him. He looks at the ground with a cold stare before jumping forward. A blast erupts from where he was, as two tanks fly through and land side by side. Hero glares at the mechanical beasts as the tanks rumble idly. “Alright Wreck, let’s show this imposter why no one messes with us!” A gruff voice calls out in one tank. A series of hollers erupts from the same tank.

“Wrecker agrees with Rocker. Wrecker says termination will be swift,” the other tank’s commander says. Hero grimaces and takes out his golden axe. Something’s not right with these tanks…

Suddenly- the tank to Hero’s right, Rocker, flies up, its treads springing the tank into the air! Hero, adapting quickly, charges forward to deal with the other tank, Wrecker, thinking that Rocker is anticipating his attack. To his surprise, Wrecker’s tank lifts up, and its treads swing out and smash Hero from both sides. “What the hell!?-“ Hero breaks free from its grip before swinging the axe down onto a tread. Rocker’s tank launches forward, ramming Hero. Wrecker’s tank launches into the air as Rocker lands, aiming its main gun at Hero, and shooting before he can react. The shot impacts Hero, sending him through the floor into a holding area that’s mostly empty. Hero lands with a crash, creating a crater into the ground. He gets up, grunting.

“I see… He mixed magic with mechanics. An anti-gravity spell, and a relative magnetism spell. What’s the fuck is causing them to move so fast though? The anti-gravity spell wouldn’t make them this fast. Let alone launch forward like that-“ Hero’s eyes widen before leaping out of the crater in time to dodge Rocker’s tank from crashing into him from above. As Hero swirls around to look at the metal menace, Wrecker lands next to his brother. Rocker’s tank tilts onto a front corner, and quickly spins to face Hero, with the body turned away while the barrel looks at him. Rocker laughs obnoxiously.

“Special training Goldy-Boy, the boss had us watch some anime, gave us a few ideas to try,” he says.

“Hm. So, fast reflexes then?” Hero notes.

“A rocket propulsion device also helps,” Wrecker adds. Hero, wordlessly, raises a hand. Rocker fires at Hero, who sidesteps the shot and charges forward to Rocker. Wrecker launches forward, before his treads launch him backwards in a flip. Rocker panics and launches away from Hero, causing him to roll until the tank landed on the end of its barrel, balancing on the main gun. Hero had charged forward, with the large golden axe in one hand. Without using both hands, using the axe was slow and awkward, thus it only slams into the ground where Rocker was. Wrecker, now in the air and aligning his shot with Hero, fires. Hero’s armor takes most of the impact, but it still forces him forward. Rocker’s tank quickly rotates, using its main gun to swing around and use the momentum to slam down on Hero. Rocker springs into the air as Wrecker lands in his spot, smashing Hero one more. Wrecker quickly rolls back in time for Rocker to aim his gun down, and blast into Hero once more, before righting himself and landing on Hero one final time.

“Hahah! Take that you bastard!” Rocker yells.

“Wasn’t that overkill?” Wrecker asks calmly.

“Nah, I’m sure it’s just what the doctor ordered,” Rocker replies coolly. “Besides, if he’s anything like the boss, he needs to go down no matter-“

Suddenly, the tank commander stops as a wave of cold envelopes the tank. Panicking, he starts to move, but gets lifted into the air as a spike of ice rises up, puncturing through the tank. Wrecker wastes no time getting back into action, and trains his sight on the lone human rolling his shoulders. “Pitiful,” he says. Wrecker launches forward, opening fire and blasting a round forwards Hero. Hero takes his axe, and swings horizontally, slicing the tank shell in half, sending them to different directions. Keeping the momentum up, he swings the axe around and throws it with a spin towards the approaching tank. Wrecker’s eyes widen and he ducks just in time for the axe to slice open the top half of his tank, taking out the main gun. Wrecker pops up and glares forward at Hero.

“One manned tanks? Looks like your boss is smarter than I thought,” Hero muses as Wrecker rushes at him with ramming speed. Hero simply jumps over the tank, about to freeze it as well. However, Wrecker smirks and launches upward, just under Hero. The tank proceeds to spin as it flips, going faster and faster. Hero launches out a magical ice attack, hoping to freeze Wrecker. One of Wrecker’s treads whips out, just as he freezes, and slams into Hero, sending him slamming into a wall with a ton of force. Hero falls to the ground with a thud, at the same time as Wrecker’s frozen tank. Grunting, Hero gets up, with noticeably dented armor. He grimaces before heading to the frozen tank. Although it’s on its side, the tank’s occupant can be seen frozen, with a smirk. He got the last hit. Hero scowls at the dog before spitting on the tank.

“W-Wrecker!? Is he done for!?” Rocker asks from his tank. Hero looks up to see the other dog is still in the air with his tank. It seems the cold had frozen the circuitry. “C-come on! Respond Wrecker!… Big Bro?” Hero sees a head poke out from atop the tank, only for the dog’s eyes to go wide. “N-no… No no no-“

“He’s alive, dirty mutt,” Hero says.

“Oh… okay, okay then… shoo,” Rocker says, relaxing as Hero walks up.

“Do you intend to keep fighting?” He asks coldly.

“Hell no. Without my tank, and Wrecker, I’m useless,” Rocker says. Hero’s eyes widen in recognition of the phrase. He heard that phrase before, in another world.

“Without my Princess, and my friends… I’m useless,” the words echoed in Hero’s ears. He shakes his head. That’s a different time. That’s not the present. That’s not how it is now.

“Stay out of my way,” Hero says.

“Don’t hurt our boss, please. He’s not a bad guy!” Rocker calls out, before Hero jumps up to the main floor…

I look on with worry as Hero jumps onto the main floor. “Damn, that didn’t take him long. However, if his armor is anything to go by, he’s a lot weaker now. I don’t think he’s weak enough to take on though.” Clash nods.

“I’ll send for-“

“No, you won’t. You’re not calling anyone,” I say, before turning to the monitor again. This guy’s cold blooded, and I don’t even know if the alpha squad’s still alive. At this rate, he could very well kill a lot of my dogs. He won’t stop until… until… “… Fuck it, I can’t risk the dogs’ lives like this. Call for an evacuation. Code Purple.” With that, I start to head to my throne room to await for Hero’s final confrontation. However, a voice stops me.

“Hello, My Lord…”

Hero continues stalking the halls, noticing the lack of enemy guard dogs in the area. Perhaps this is a ploy for an ambush. Regardless, he keeps his guard up, and his axe at the ready. As he strides down a big, long hall, a cough stops him. He spins around to see two, golden armored dogs. One looks older, and kind of like a bulldog. The other is more slender, and… dumb looking since he’s cross eyed. “More guards?” Hero asks.

“No,” the older one says. “I’m here to talk.”

“What about him?” Hero asks, gesturing towards the other one.

“This one’s Frank, he’s-“

“I have a the cancer!” Frank proclaims. The grey bulldog rolls his eyes.

“Close enough. I’m Bones. I’m here to talk,” he says.

“Foolish,” Hero says, before slamming his axe down and sending a wave of ice forwards the dogs. Bones quickly jumps in time to jump over the wave while Frank… “Wait, where the hell-“

“WELCOME TO THE RICE FIELDS MOTHER FUCKER-“ Frank yells, suddenly behind Hero and smacking the back of his head with a shovel.

“Frank! I did not travel miles and miles of train tracks just for you to-“

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-“ Frank yells as Hero gets up. Hero swirls around and grabs Frank by the throat. With a quick movement, Frank’s thrown through a door, out a window, and out of the castle,

“God damn this cursed place!” Hero yells. He turns to Bones with a glare as Bones looks at him calmly. “You better not get in my way, because now I’m-“

“Let’s walk. My lord’s throne room is this way,” Bones says. He starts walking past Hero as Hero looks on in confusion.

“What trickery is this?” He asks.

“No tricks. He simply feels like this is going too far already,” Bones replies. “You can check the other rooms, but I assure you, we’ll simply be right back at the throneroom anyway.” Hero stares at him for a moment before silently walking along side Bones. “… So, why this hatred for villains?” Bones asks.

“Villains take away people you love. That’s all they’ll ever do,” Hero says.

“… Okay, and the real reason?” Bones asks. Hero gives him the side eye, but sighs.

“Princess Celestia was… corrupted. An incident happened while Starlight Glimmer was trying to solve a friendship problem. Things got heated, and things escalated. Quickly. Long story short, Equestria had a small civil war, and Twilight was stuck in the middle. Celestia had eventually submitted to corruption, and Luna followed suit. “

“Twilight blamed Starlight, but Twilight’s friends disagreed with her. Then, a civil war erupted between the Elements of Harmony. I was helpless and I couldn’t help anyone, until one day Twilight’s friends left. All she had was me. I found a book in her library one day, trying to find something that could help me help her. “

“Then, I found the ancient book of humanity magic. I realized I could do things Twilight and no other pony could. When I told Twilight, she told me she blamed the villains of her world. She realized that Starlight could never know friendship, not when she was a villain to start with.”

“The next thing I know, I’m alone. Twilight had to… stop herself. Equestria was reduced to three tribes, and the elements reformed into three crystals. I should have stopped the villainy much, much earlier than I did.” Hero stops to clench his fists. “Maybe… Maybe Twilight would-“

“Anon,” Bones says, snapping Hero back to reality. “I… I know you’re not the Anon I know. However, the Anon I know would never have gone this far. He has come close to it, yes, but he never followed through with a lot of his threats. Dare I say, My Lord’s no real villain in all honesty. He was bitter and too smart for his own good, but he’d stop. The biggest difference between him and many of the evil villains I’ve seen over the years, is he normally knows when to stop.”

“… “ Hero stares at Bones for a minute before shaking his head. “I can’t take that chance. I’ve never seen anyone stop before it goes too far, and I doubt your Anon will do so.” With that, Hero walks forward, and pushes open the doors to the throne room.

I look up from my crouched position to see Hero walk into the throne room. He pauses as he sees my position. “… What the hell are you-“

“It’s a running gag that this table breaks, so I’m trying to move it before that happens,” I answer as I strain to push it.

“Erm, my lord, why didn’t-“

“I DIDN’T THINK ABOUT IT BEFOREHAND OKAY, NOW GIVE ME A SECOND!!!” I yell. Bones shrugs and leaves, his job done. However, to my disappointment, the table cracks and falls in half thanks to a giant golden axe. “God fucking damn it,” I mutter, giving up.

“Enough with these stupid antics. Die,” Hero says. With a surge, he jumps forward, only to phase through me. He lands and spins around. “What the-“

“God fucking damn it,” I repeat. “God fucking- God fucking- God- God-“ Suddenly, my form vanishes, and a blue square with white text appears. I look on from my cockpit, cursing myself.

“Fucking had to roll with whatever the pony equivalent of Windows 10 is huh you stupid fuck,” I ramble as I grab the joysticks to my mech. With a spark of electricity, I jumpstart my mech suit and jump up, using its rocket feet to propel myself into breaking through the throne room floor, the ceiling, and burst through the roof of the castle. On the way there, Hero is plastered on my windshield, which gave me ample opportunity to smile and wave. “Sup bitch!?” I call. I land on the castle roof, grabbing Hero and throwing him onto the ground before stomping him and jumping back. “Frankly, I’d say we both know we’re past the point of talking right now. So, let’s skip that part, yeah?” Hero gets up, groaning and glaring up at me.

I stand about twenty five feet tall, compared to the rather small six foot tall Hero. For a bit of intimidation, I punch my fists together, sending metal sparks showering down. “Lemme show you what this baby can do!” I yell, pressing a button. Missile launchers pop up from the mech’s shoulders and launch several missiles towards Hero. Hero breathes out and jumps up, avoiding the missiles with ease. Damn, he’s using his ice magic to hide himself from the missiles. Guess I’ll just have to warm him up. I quickly rush forward while he’s airborne, and throw a punch boosted by rocket propulsion. Hero summons his axe, but he’s too slow to use it as my fist slams into his body and sends him into a tower. From the corner of my eye, I can see a crowd has gathered around my castle. I focus back to the fight and rush after Hero. However, Hero’s axe flies towards me. Quickly, I lean myself to the side just in time to dodge Hero’s axe from splitting my head.

Before I could recover, a wave of ice coats the floor, causing me to slip while I was distracted by the axe. My mech falls on its back, making me wince and try to start moving again. The axe removes itself from my mech, but because it was in deep, it pulled my mech up enough to flip me and fall on my face. I’m starting to think I should have practiced with this mech a little more. I get up quickly in time to upper cut an incoming Hero, sending him flying up. I can see his armor is cracked and breaking apart now. Just a little more. He corrects himself in the air, stopping his momentum with some magic before he darts back to me, readying his axe. Quickly, I press a button, which makes my mech’s right arm change form. Jutting out the arm, it reveals itself to be a cannon. For a split second, I can see Hero’s face screw up, clearly pissed.

I fire the cannon, which launches him back into the air. I press another button with my left hand, which fires magic missiles. A swarm of magically enchanted basic rockets launch out from my mech’s back, curving around to go straight for Hero. I laugh maniacally as I proceeded to go overkill. No wonder super villains love giant mechs so much! My mech jumps into the air, practically flying towards Hero. I bring out both my arms and fire a barrage of cannonballs, laughing more and more.

“Erm, boss are you-“ a new voice cuts in, causing me to scream in panic.

“What the fuck Clash!? I’m in the middle of an anime battle sequence! Fuck off until I’m done, will ya!?” I yell.

“Sorry it’s just, you sound like you’re having too much fun… literally, given the uh, hint of crazy I’m hearing,” Clash says.

Hero again corrects himself in the air, taking his axe and quickly slashing all around him, in true over the top anime fashion, taking out all the missiles. “That’s bullshit,” I mutter. Hero proceeds to grasp his axe with both hands and form a shield with his magic, which takes the brunt of cannonballs. However, his shield doesn’t last forever, as a single cannonball breaks through, and keeps its momentum as it hits Hero.

I smirk as I start to fall back to the ground. “We’re not done yet mother fucker!” I yell, pressing another button and launching a man-sized grappling claw. It veers towards Hero, grabbing him, and yanking him back down with me. As we fall, Hero glares at my cockpit, before the claw freezes over. He bursts from the claw, grabbing the rope it was attached to, and yanks himself towards me. “Oh fuck-“ is all I can manage before he’s grabbing onto the cockpit and straining. Thinking quickly, I attempt to punch him off my face, only for him to take out his axe. In one swift motion, he swings it around, knocking the fist out of its trajectory, and keeps the axe’s momentum going for it to smash the cockpit open.

I scream in surprise as he grabs me from my seat and throws me out. I quickly sound around to see the ground quickly approaching us, and Hero’s jumping after me with his axe ready. I force push myself away from Hero, which only serves to slow my fall. Hero swings his axe, only for it to narrowly miss me. With a crash, we both land on the ground, next to my fallen mech suit.

I attempt to regain my senses as I crack open my eyes. I seem to be on my back. I groan in pain as I slowly start to realize I hear a crowd around us. I roll over, and sit up a little to see that we’ve landed next to the castle, where a crowd of ponies are watching. They suddenly start chattering when I look up at them, hurting my ears. I look back, to see Hero’s armor lying on… Where the fuck is he? His armor’s there, shattered and shit. Where the fuck-

Suddenly, I feel a blow to my side, and the crowd silences. I open my eyes again to see Hero standing there, bloody and bruised. He wears a tattered medieval getup. I think it was called a gambeson or something, along with some tattered pants. “You worthless piece of shit,” he says. He kicks me again, sending me back a few feet as I groan in pain. “Your toys, magic, and ‘friends’ can’t save you now.” He walks over and kicks me again, making fly into the side of my mech’s arm. Hero walks up to me, and kicks me again. The ponies watching on gasp in shock for every kick he gives me. “It’s people like you who destroy the world. It’s people like you who take the ‘games’ you play too far. You don’t care about anyone! You are nothing more than a fucking brat!” Hero yells, kicking harder and harder. Blood comes out of my mouth with every kick. “IT’S PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO KILLED MY WORLD!!!” Hero screams, before raising his axe. I look up in bleary fear, as my life flashes before my eyes.

What do I do? I can’t run. I can’t charge up an electric shock to stop him long enough to run. I can’t fight thanks to the brutal kicking. I stare on as if life was in slow motion. The axe starts to move, and I can barely hear the screams of horrified ponies. Is this it? Death by some stupid contest some random pretentious fucking prick set up? Then again, this is another version of me, we’re talking about. A version that’s the opposite of me in some aspects, but still me. You know what? I think I can accept the fact that the only person who could stop me is literally just a slightly different version of me. I close my eyes, as I accept my fate. Fuck it, I had a good run.

“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!” A voice yells, getting louder and louder until a figure jumps in, rams into Hero’s side, and knocks him down. I open my eyes and look up to see-

“Frank! You stupid fuck- get out of here, you’ll die!” I yell, mad. Frank, clad in armor and a spear, shakes his head.

“Ey boss!” He exclaims happily. I start to shake as I grit my teeth.

“Damn it! Stupid mutt! He’s too strong! He’ll kill you! Fucking move!” I yell. Hero gets up, gritting his teeth in fury. Frank readies himself.

“Stupid mutt indeed,” he mutters, before swinging his axe and striking at Frank. Frank jumps and spins in the air, before throwing his spear at Hero in full force. Hero narrowly side steps the spear, glancing back and noticing how unusually strong the spear throw was for a Diamond dog. As he turns back around, Frank is already at his face, throwing a punch that sends him back into the ground. Hero coughs in pain as Franks grabs a leg. As Frank lifts up Hero, Frank also starts to spin, before launching Hero into the side of the mech, making a Hero-shaped hole from the amount of force put in. Frank pants for a moment, not used to the exertion as I unsteadily get up.

“Frank, please-“ I start to say before Hero emerges from the hole at high speeds, punching Frank across the face and sending him flying. Hero raise his hands, and icicles form above Frank before rushing towards him from above, sending him into the ground. I start hurrying myself up, trying to reach Frank. Dammit, this was between me and Hero at this point! Frank doesn’t need to die! I feel tears start to spill from my eyes as I see Hero walk up to Frank’s battered body. I feel electricity course through me as I feel myself panic.

“I hope you felt it was worth it,” Hero says, raising his axe. Before he could swing, I ram into Hero’s side, and before I could deliver as much electricity into his system as I could, I feel myself instantly become numb. My mind dully registers the fact that Hero almost froze me, as I still crash into him. Knocking Hero down, he groans in pain before pushing my nearly frozen, but still thinking and chattering, body off of him. “So, he came for you, huh?” Hero asks, slowly getting up.

“D-don’t…” Frank groans out. “P-please… boss…”

“Most villains don’t care enough for their minions… You were real lucky,” Hero says, raising his axe above me. “Too bad he doesn’t have your luck.”

“W-wait,” I chatter. “I c-can’… do a-anything, p-please hear me o-out.” Hero stares at me for a moment before looking at Frank. Frank wheezes, still trying to get up.

“… Since you seem like a slightly better person than I thought, I’ll give you two minutes,” Hero says, lowering his axe to his side,

“Y-your world… I-is it… S-s-safe?” I barely manage to ask.

“Yes. It’s safe. I have dealt with anyone who could harm the citizens of Equestria, and my friends,” he says.

“Do… T-they fear y-you?” I ask.

“Of course. It discourages villainy, and when the right people die, no one has to die again,” Hero replies coldly.

“So… W-why, h-haven’t you w-won?” I ask.

“I have won, you’re at my mercy. I’m still standing, and no one can stop me,” Hero says.

“No… I mean… in your w-world,” I correct, slowly losing my chatter. Hero’s frown deepens and he furrows his brow.

“I have won, I’ve done what I had to do. I did what needed to be done!” He says, getting louder.

“No… you didn’t win at all you… fucking moron,” I grunt.

“Oh yeah!? What’s a win for you then!?” He yells. “You don’t seem to be ruling the world, so you’ve clearly failed!”

“I don’t… want to rule the world…” I say, stopping to warm myself up some more. “I just wanted to be happy. That’s all. Granted, I don’t… necessarily care about anyone else’s… mood. I win when I… feel h-happy.”

“Happy!? Do you think being happy matters when everyone’s dying on you!? When everyone you’ve known and loved are gone before-“

“Hero, look at me,” I say. He stops and grits his teeth to look at me. In his eyes, I can see anger, resentment, fear… “… You haven’t won in a long time, have you?” I ask. Hero glares at me for a moment before yelling out in frustration and raising his axe. With a crash, the axe embeds itself into the ground next to Hero as he falls to his knees and weakly punches me.

“Fuck you! Fuck you!” He yells as he breaks down next to me. He repeats this phrase until finally, he’s nothing but a sobbing pile. “There’s nothing! Nothing!” He yells. “I have nothing left! Are you happy you son of a bitch!? I have nothing left! They took everything! Fucking everything!” As he yells, all I can do is weakly pat his leg in an awkward attempt to comfort him. He cries harder, as the crowd of ponies around us finally have some bravery to come and help us.

Hero and I sit on some chairs in the throne room, surrounding my broken table. Hero and I are badly cut up, buried, and aching. We each have a red cup we take sips from. Apparently Hero is more of a store brand soda kind of guy. In any case, we sit in silence, waiting for a certain someone to arrive. Jan. Jan’s catching hell for all this shit, one way or another.

I sigh as I rub my face. This was supposed to be fun, not this complicated… whatever… Suddenly, a thought occurs to me. Where the fuck is the lamp? I resist the urge to scream ‘fuck’ and settle for groaning in mental pain. “Something up?” Hero asks.

“I… I forgot whether or not I recovered a fucking lamp,” I say. Hero stares at me for a moment before cracking a small smile, chuckling.

“A… heh, a lamp?” He asks. I smile a little and nod.

“Yeah, a lava lamp,” I say, laughing. “It was a gift for Celestia. I… I forgot our anniversary was this week, and… Heh, I stole this lamp from Canterlot,” I go on, laughing as I talk. Hero breaks into a small fit of laughter, growing louder and louder as we both take in the ridiculousness of this situation we’re in. We keep laughing for a few more moments before dying down long enough to regain the silence. However, this was a comfortable silence.

The silence is finally broken when Jan walks in, looking sad. “Fucking decided to appear in person this time you fucking-“ Jan holds up a metal disk, and a hologram of a fellow Jan-like alien appears. “Who the fuck is this?” I ask.

“Hello, my name is Spam. I wish to deeply apologize for my subordinate’s inappropriate behavior this past terrestrial week,” she says. I stare at her for a moment before she continues. “To show our regret and hopefully get out of your hair, Jan here is to return all items and properties and people he kidnapped-“

“I was-“

“SHUT UP!!!” Spam screams. “You’re lucky I don’t leave you on that blasted mud ball you little brat!” She yells. She clears her throat. “Sorry. As I was saying, if there are any damages we could potentially help smooth out, we’d be happy too. Or, you could punish Jan in a manner to satisfy and ‘eye for an eye’ need if you people have that sort of thing.” As Jan looks at her in horror, I smile.

“I can send Hero back once I get my book. There’s a lamp I think he still has… As for punishment, what kind of tax laws do you have?” I ask wickedly.

As we all stand outside, Jan looks at the book of tax laws I’ve written down with horror. “I… I can’t… Why do they all rhyme!?” He yells.

“It just works,” I reply. Jan grits his teeth before looking up at me.

“You’ll rue this day Anon! I swear I’ll-“


“SHUT UP!!!” He screams before he’s teleported out. Jan’s ship is already gone, so there’s no fanfare or super cool moment to cap off the fact that Jan is out of my life forever… Now for Hero. I turn to him and take out my voodoo book.

“Okay Hero, I’m making a portal to your new home,” I say, before muttering the incantation. A portal opens up, and Hero looks on.

“… I… I don’t know what I’ll do now,” he says. “There’s nothing…”

“Restart, live again,” I answer simply.

“Villain, I told you, there’s no one-“

“No,” I interrupt, before pointing at the portal. “Look.” Hero looks at it hesitantly, before sticking his head in. He just back in surprise, blinking.


“A second chance,” I say. He looks at me, with tears in his eyes. “Don’t make that face. You need this. You’ve got a whole life ahead of you man. Live it. Try again. Make sure things go alright. There’s a voodoo book in that world too, probably. I can’t guarantee you’ll get a chance like this again. Consider it a gift.” With that, I turn to walk away.

“W-wait,” Hero says. I stop. “… Thank you. This time, I’m winning.” I simply pull down my cap and continue walking, hearing Hero walk through his portal before it closes. I smile to myself, a little happy. Now, for Celestia…

Celestia and I look at the lava lamp sun thingy I knabbed some time ago, watching it do it’s thing like all lava lamps do. “… It’s kinda tacky,” Celestia muses.

“Spent half a week trying to get it,” I mutter.

“Don’t worry Anon, I like it. It’s undeniably a ‘you’ gift,” Celestia giggles, muzzling into my hair. I smile, staring at the lamp.

“Good. Happy anniversary,” I say. With that, I look towards Clash, who’s idly shuffling cards. “Hey, bring out the TV, I’d say it’d be a good movie night.” Clash looks up and nods before putting up his cards and walking off. However, before I could do anything else, a flash blinds me, and I clear my vision to see Twilight standing before me. I look around to see I’m still in the throne room.

“Anon, I want to say something,” Twilight says, looking serious.

“Look Twilight, can we fight about it later, I-“

“I’m sorry.” Those two words take me by surprise.

“Excuse me?” I ask, leaning towards her.

“I said, I’m sorry,” Twilight repeats. “I… I almost took it too far… and seeing the other you… I realized that I was pushing more than my friends away… I’ve been taking this rivalry too seriously. So, I’m ending it, I don’t want to fight anymore. Okay?”

“… Alright, sure,” I say. I shrug. “I uh… never thought you’d say you were wrong about anything. Probably the biggest win of my life…” twilight sighs.

“Okay. Well, since that’s over with, I’m going to bed. Have good night Princess Celestia, Anon.” With that, she vanishes.

Celestia, most of the guard dogs, and I, watch movies as the night ends. I watch some alien movies, Celestia makes us watch crappy romcoms that I’ll never admit I like, and the dogs get to watch some the alien films they starred in. This was a pretty shitty week, but hey, it all worked out in the end. I’ve got my anniversary gift, I fought some bitches, and finally, I’m right back to where I started. I idly pat Frank’s head when he walks up. You know what? I’m happy. I think this win will be a big one for a while…

Author's Note:

It’s finally done. It only took… three months- but hey! It’s done, and I hope y’all enjoyed!

Comments ( 16 )

So do we get to see Vil, short for Villian Anon, hang out with Hero later? I feel these two have some antics they can get up to. Or have a normal day while everyone else does crazy stuff.

Comment posted by Verdauga deleted Feb 22nd, 2023

If it's done, then don't forget to change the status.

Normally the author posts a epilogue chapter

I have a the cancer!

Dang, Frank is filthy. :derpytongue2:

When the wedding

Welp, dunno if this is the end for the Anon is a Villian series or not, but if it is, its a damn good way to go.

Gud shit Yellow, Gud shit

Gald to be here again. Miss your stuff still great

Damn I wasn’t expecting heroes backstory to be so fucking deep man.

It's enough to make a grown man cry...


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Nice. Kinda hoped his vengeance against Jan would be a strong hit to the jaw just for the hell of it, but nice.

I sincerely expected a strategy battle or a mental battle between Anon and Cozy Glow since as mentioned before, Anon would win because Discord is quite entertained with his presence and the chaos that comes with this, although this battle between the and Hero was not bad... A worthy ending for this Anon? I say it will not be until I see him being a grumpy old man telling stories to the young colts (and among them, perhaps, this his grandson or his grandchildren)

My words pale in imagination to how wonderfully magnificent this story was. An unexpected return of a tale of the classic asshole anon with lightning abilities, as a sort of... hero? this time around. The sheer excitement I felt as I read.
So many things I wish to say, yet I lack the vocabulary.

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