• Published 13th Jul 2021
  • 2,183 Views, 64 Comments

Across the Airwaves - Mystic Sunrise

Across time and space, Twilight and her friends listen to the words of a dying world.

  • ...

The Dying Words of A World

Normally, the Mane 6 would be glad to visit the so-called, Castle Friendship. Especially today, since Twilight and Starlight had finally said their month's long tinkering looking for a way to pick up signals of any kind from across the multiverse had finally born fruit. They had announced the day before, that she had completed what she called a 'Trans-Universal Frequency Receiver.

Now the rest of the Mane 5, Spike, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna stood outside the doors of the Throne Room concerned. From inside, they could faintly hear, some kind of voice. One that none of them knew. As the voice ended, they finally pushed open the door, expecting the worse.

Instead, they found Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer sitting in the Throne Room. A look of grief was on their face, and tears flowed down Twilight's face. In front of her was what they assumed was the radio. It didn't look like much. A square piece of metal, with a bunch of dials and knobs on it.

Princess Celestia finally broke the silence. "Twilight What is wrong?"

Twilight finally noticed them. But there was no joy in her eyes as she did. "Hello, every-pony. Well, I have good news and, bad news. It works. We can now receive any transmissions, from anywhere in the multiverse. It took much longer than we had hoped it would, but we can."

"And the bad news?" Applejack asked, afraid to know now what it might be.

Starlight sighed. " We did a test run. Just to see what we could pick up. If anything really. And... This is what we found." Turning a dial, this is what they heard.

'This is Ventanus, Captain, 4th. I am making an emergency broadcast on the global vox-cast setting. The surface of Calth is no longer a safe environment. The local star is suffering a flare trauma, and will shortly irradiate Calth to human lethal levels. It is no longer possible to evacuate the planet. Therefore, if you are a citizen, a member of the Imperial Army, a legionary of the XIII, or any loyal servant of the Imperium, move with all haste to the arcology or the arcology system closest to you. The arcology system may offer sufficient protection to survive this solar event. We will shelter there until further notice. Do not hesitate. Move directly to the nearest arcology. Arcology location and access information will be appended to this repeat broadcast as a code file. In the name of the Imperium, make haste. Message ends.'

"It has been repeating this for over an hour," Twilight said, as the message began again. No one knew what to say. All were trying to digest what they had heard. None of it made any sense to them. Where was this even coming from? Who was this Ventanus that spoke with such authority? Princess Celestia, though, had gained a look of horror, and grief.

Luna, noticing this, broke the silence. " Sister. Do you understand what he meant"?

"I do," Celestia nodded, "Calth's star, is dying. The solar storms will only get worse. It could be years, if ever before any rescue is possible. And that is a best-case scenario as well."

"What about these, arcology's, Captain Ventanus mentioned?" Twilight asked, hoping against hope that there was some way the population could survive. She, of everyone here, knew what being human was like the most. And while she did not know everything there was to know about them, she knew enough of what they could and could not take.

"If they are far enough underground, the survivors should be fine. Everything living on the planet's surface is now living on borrowed time. If they are not underground before the solar storms boil away Calth's atmosphere, they will not survive," Celestia replied. But something about this did not feel right to her. "But this is strange. From what you have told me of the Human World, Twilight. The population should have had more advanced warnings. If Captain Ventanus' tone was any indication..."

Twilight and Starlight shared a look. The same thing had occurred to them as well. "We picked up what sounded like the sounds of battle as well. But they were so faint that we couldn't make them any louder," Starlight said.

Twilight nodded. "I talked to Sunset earlier. None of this is happening to my friends at Canterlot High. Nor is it on any of their news channels. Something like this would make worldwide news quickly. Whatever this might mean, this is happening someplace else. Another human world that we do not know anything about."

That, if anything, made the mood even more somber. "Umm, Twilight. How long has that message been broadcasting for?" Fluttershy finally asked.

Twilight's ears folded flat. "I did some calculations. My best guess? We listened as the captain made the first announcement when we turned this on for the first time. How we even picked it up? I do not know. I did not tune it to pick this up."

If possible, the mood sunk even further, as ears fell all around. Rarity looked on the verge of fainting. "Isn't there something we can do?" Rainbow asked. "I hate not being able to do something like this!"

"No," Celestia said, fighting back tears. "Even if we knew precisely where Calth is, not even an alicorn would physically survive solar storms of such magnitude irradiating the planet for the length of time it would take to evacuate the entire planet That is on top of convincing them that we mean them no harm and that we are trying to help. And even if we could do so, Equestria would face challenges of its own trying to accommodate them all, and in new bodies as well. All we can do is hope that all who heard this broadcast, have now fled underground. It is their only hope."

No one said anything after that. For the first time in a long time, Celestia hated her inability to do anything to help those in need. Even though she knew nothing of him, she hoped that Captain Ventanus had survived. Though it had been brief, she could feel the commanding tone and presence he must have.

Luna felt she would be dealing with many a nightmare in the coming days. Her own included. This was no way for anyone to die, though she knew nothing of those who were going through this.

Even as Captain Ventanus's message began again, everyone present had tears running down their faces, their minds on a distant world, even now, in its death throws.

Author's Note:

So this is a story fragment from a very long time ago. Revised and expanded from the original draft. It was really just a silly idea I had one day, and I decided to put it down. I think I had just finished the Horus Heresy novels Know No Fear and Mark of Calth, not long before.

To a lesser extent, so did all the novels set in Ultramar, besides these two: Macragge's Honour, Betrayer, The Unremembered Empire, Deathfire, Pharos, Angels of Caliban, and Ruinstorm. Plus a few short stories as well.

Honour to the Dead, and Censure from Legacies of Betrayal. The Laurel of Defiance, and A Safe and Shadowed Place from War Without End. Inheritor, Stratagem, The Long Night, Sins of the Father, The Herald of Sanguinius, and Red-Marked from Eye of Terra. The Purge from The Silent War, The Sinew of War from Scions of the Emperor.

Rules of Engagement from Age of Darkness, The Unburdened and The Honoured from Betrayal at Calth, The Dark Between the Stars from Burden of Loyalty. Spear of Ultramar, Illyrium, and Hubris of Monarchia are free-floating short stories.

Comments ( 64 )

I wonder if that means the Imperium or the four will eventually learn of Equestria?

Equestria has a better chance with Chaos finding it. The Imperium would just Exterminatus it. End of story.

Well considering Equestria's tech level, they would probably at best ignore it and at worst enslave or exterminate the ponies. An extrermanitus is generally reserved for an asset denial, like if the forces of chaos has donked the planet up too much, or the 'nids are already munching it(or if you're inquisitor Kryptman, use it as a way to preemptively deny their hive fleets access to the bio matter). An agriworld would be too much for the Imperium to pass up on.

Twilight needs to stop mucking about with radios, it never ends well.

The Imperium or Chaos. Does everyone forget the Orks or Tyranids? The Eldar or there Dark Kin? What protection to Equestria would Discord bring? Would the Four move to destroy him or consider that world his?

Then again you could always just have Cypher show up to Raritys shop and see if he can get his robes stitched up from all the Bolter holes in it.

Tyranids aren't a thing yet in Warhammer in this time period. Eldar probably wouldn't care. Dark Eldar do need more love around here I agree. Orks as well.

I hate to bare more worse news to the ponies. But, the terrible news to Calth is only but a very tiny, tiny, tiny faction of mess up stuff happening in WH40K!

How do they feel of untold multiple worlds and solar systems getting invaded, conquered, corrupted, or destroyed monthly?!


I think letting Chaos rule Equestria/Equis is a WAY WORST Fate than possibly getting Invaded or Exterminatus by the Imperium themselves.

This is during the Horus Heresy, but yeah. They don't know about the rest of it, though. For the better, I think.


They would have mental seizures for seeing all that grimdark stuff.

Because the Elements of Harmony are a perfect foil for Daemons, but would do fuck-all against nonmagical attacks.


I highly doubt that the elements are "that OP". Especially that both Chaos and Daemons are very OP Monsters themselves in WH40K!


Yeah, I remember that story. But, is being a servant/slave to the will of the Four Chaos Gods a "good thing"?

In the Ponies moral standpoints that is?

Unlikely very very unlikely those worthless gem stones would have do fuck all against warp chaos and frankly the ponies of Equestria Would be driven completely and utterly insane the moment they are a deamon of the warp with their own eyes

No equestrian with have no chance Against chaos and not discords petty party tricks.

Even if equestrian was discovered during the horse heresy or even during the great crusade Hey we've been exterminated regardless After all they are filthy disgusting xenos scum. And frankly they would never ever survive in 40k Raise #1 equestrian are extremely weak a species In 40K will not last long if they are weak. The chaos god's likely wouldn't care About the world of Equestria Or it's very denizens. The orks wouldn't care either since they want a fight and they would Quickly lose interest in fighting a bunch of cowardly tiny horses. The regular eldar would never bother with them Since every other race The galaxy is beneath there other contempt They would only interact with the equestrian's If they Inhabited a maiden world and everyone knows how anal the knife wars get when Undesirables colonize The few worlds Left in their possession.
Dark eldar would see them as just another play thing to use and abuse to for fun and games back in the dark city.

I'm not that familiar with Warhammer, but couldn't Discord, you know, snap his fingers and deal with anything they send?

Possibly. If you want it to be a good story anyway. I couldn't say for sure. Discord's version of chaos is different from Warhammer's Chaos, so I'd say it could go either way.

You consider them xenos but...what if they're not? They do share quite similarities with the denizens of the immaterium. Excepting their alignment of course.


I consider Discord's powers to be equal to an Old One myself.

On-contact insanity is wildly incongruous with the way 40k itself works, and the Ponies operating on 40k-metaphysics where they're a species of Psykers who have warp-sensitive extremities like the Eldar have the vast majority of their psychic ability come from a particular neurological structure requires they have omnipresent innate defenses vastly superior to anyone short of the Necrons and Eldar. The setting would not exist otherwise.

Also, Discord's wildly ridiculously more than any single Daemon we see in the entire 40k franchise. He just shows up under his own power, fucks around with the laws of physics across a continent with a snap of the fingers, grotesquely mutates entire species in mere minutes, and is generally way the fuck more off-the-walls batshit than 40k's usual offerings.

The wargame nature of 40k disallows things like Discord from existing, he's a sole individual being a strategic power with no followers. Even though he's "merely" planetary scale, what he's doing is much more extreme than other "planetary scale" individuals technically influencing more.

Sure, Mortarion showing up near-invariably leads to entire planets ending up a rotten husk, but he has legions of Plaguebearers and the Death Guard helping. He isn't personally turning a Forge World into a rusted ruin, he has armies doing that. Over the course of months and years of horrific corruption. Discord, meanwhile, shows up and casually turns a five hundred mile radius, including down, into an MC Escher painting where the factories are incomprehensibly cyclical Rube Goldburg absurdities that give not a whit for any conservation law. In minutes, if that.

He's a very wildly Outside Context Problem, where if he's running on 40k-metaphysics he has to be comparable to at least Malcador the Sigilite with how he's treating sizable amounts of realspace as a toy. Malcador's best feat is pulling Titan into the Warp for time dilation, which is fundamentally not comparable to realspace actions because it's explicitly taking a step outside it. By what we know, the most sensible explanation is a manual instantiation of how the Warp can cause people to arrive in the past, which is fundamentally divorced from any material power-scaling or ad-hoc judgements of volumetric reality warping like we can use for Discord against Daemons.

Discord turned the entirety of Equestria into a pastel checkerboard and flashed away extremities of people while making the weather into fucking candy. Find me a Greater Daemon wholly personally doing shit like this, without any assistance from legions of lessers or cultists. In a fight? How much napalm rain do you think an Ork Waagh is able to put up with? What is an Astartes Chapter going to do about their "fortified mountain pass" being sat on by the mountains it's situated in? How are Tyrannids going to cope with the biosphere being repeatedly turned to actively-toxic minerals right as they're throwing it into the Digestion Pools?

We have nothing suggesting Discord can't be anticlimactically murderous like this. There's no setting rule stopping him from fishing for half-dead Ancient Evils to resurrect and throw in the Imperial Guard's face for them to face repetitive zombie legions or what have you, he's all reality-warping Conceptual nonsense with not a hint of the veneer of interfacing with physics that Chaos is required to work under.

40k can't really cope with him, because he gives absolutely zero shits about personnel numbers or material tolerances or any other Grand Military Force. You bring nothing but dedicated anti-Psyker equipment, or you lose. Simple as that. Anything that isn't a hard-counter to sorcery has any kit he feels threatened by turned into a useless funhouse version.

And, of course, the Elements of Harmony lock him down with no visible effort, while their source is dying to one of his few long-term plans. Post-Return of Harmony Equestria? If they don't lose very nearly instantly with biggatons wank like Daemon World Equestria alpha-striking the bulk of vaguely useful tools out of existence, then there is vanishingly little one can justify the Warp doing, it'd all be on the perfectly mundane abilities of a Traitor Legion spearhead. Even then, I would not be surprised at the Elements of Harmony purifying a Daemon Primarch, given they are a fuck of a lot less personally reality-breaking than Discord.

...Seriously, by any sane metric Discord's in the same "cannot really fuck with" boat as the Emperor, just not enough over this bar to make his own interstellar polity. Or he could actually be stronger than the Emperor and not give a fuck, but that'd put the Elements of Harmony in Deicide territory to permanently break 40k as a setting by killing the chief causes of Grimdark, which would be rather unacceptable wank.

In general, the abstract of the Gods of 40k is too big a gulf from any "on-screen" single-entity showings for a whole host of settings to play nice with 40k, as we have loads of series where the top end is just barely personally planet-wrecking in mind-bending fashions that'd vigorously shit over every displayed realspace asset in the setting for Outside Context Problem reasons, but have absolutely nothing on the implied capabilities of the Gods.

If 40k were structured like a Xianxia setting, you wouldn't have this issue because that would mean it'd have a neat clear ladder from the bottom to the top, where there's specific bars of how much better each step is than the last. But 40k doesn't have category fillers between Custodes and Primaris or Primaris and Firstborn. The Important People swing absurdly in their scope, and yet are never properly strategic actors on their lonesome. And consequently, any setting that hits one of these gaps to end up with lone strategic actors for a theater makes a big issue.

The pines are normal brings of the mortal relm not the warp besides their is no such thing as kind and Benevolent demon in the warp

Virtually everything you said is utterly irrelevant And you've missed the point entirely the ponies of Equestria Would never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever Survive in 40K They would be wiped out really quickly and frankly discord not that powerful and has Jack shit on the true gods of chaos. Discord nothing more then a Incredibly powerful magic user of a very likely extinct species.

And discord would only exist in the mind of a child in need of a Imaginary friend
He's only a as powerful As the plot of the show demands it

And you say the ponies have Greater psychic abilities than the elder ? Lol that funny
Lol like a bunch of dumb Horses could out due the eldar in warpcraft. #1The outdoor hold virtually every other race in the galaxy With complete and utter Contempt.
Eldar crafted literal gods to expand their empire what Achievements Could discord celestia or Luna be compare to that? Discord is nothing more Than they discount it version of Loki Nothing more than a trickster. Even the space commies of the tau are better then the ponies in everything.

The old ones create life. Discord is just a discount version of a Lokey who does stuff simply because funny after all of your a powerful magic user who can live for centuries why not

Discord creates life too, just on a much smaller scale. (The living apples from Big Mac's proposal to Suger Belle)

If an idea exists, it exists in the Warp. These small scale entities are basically antelope in a jungle that's 98% lions, but they do exist...especially Isha.

The Ponies have created a God too, they just refer to it as a Spirit.

My statement is that Discord exists in a very awkward place where he's a lot more blatant on a regular basis than anything short of the full-on Chaos God. By appearances, they don't have assets able to do anything meaningful to him without him personally picking a fight with the Gods directly. He's very far into an annoying gap in that his personal reality-warping is vastly greater than seen anywhere "on the ground" in 40k. There's no Daemon that can be sent to deal with him. The Traitor Legions are likely to have their kit turned into useless props. Anything less than the Traitor Legions is probably getting shredded by him weaponizing the local flora, let alone fauna.

Seriously, find me a lone Daemon turning a continent into a playground by pure will. No setup rituals, no grand cultists, no preceding Daemonic invasion, just one Daemon alone fucking with a sizable chunk of a planet. I'm fairly certain that such does not exist in 40k, because of how 40k's nature as a wargame shapes the setting making it so anything with any vague chance of such a scale never appears without such favorable conditions.

FiM is slice-of-life, a nigh-omnipotent prankster being BTFO by a friendship laser doesn't have any incongruity because in-your-face power doesn't really matter to FiM, so having that nigh-omnipotent prankster casually fucking with the laws of physics across a continent makes the magic scaling pretty damn bullshit when you're talking about how they stack up against violence-driven settings.

You got any idea how high up 40k the Tirek fight goes? Because that fight has rather considerable area of effect going on. On a war footing, it makes it very difficult to argue that a mass Guard deployment can do anything useful against Celestia, Luna, Cadance, or Twilight, because normal baseline squishy humans against mountain-breaking teleporters isn't going anywhere pleasant for the humans.

And the ponies definitely could survive in 40k! They're a hell of a lot better off than most non-Knight Feudal worlds, and the comparison being made to the Eldar is not saying the ponies have more power than them, but that the two both have a fundamentally Psychic biology that fundamentally requires spectacular Chaos resistance to exist at all in the 40k universe.

It's just a matter of how long it takes for the Grimdark to notice them, and they could well end up too-big-to-be-worth-killing like the Tau before such occurs. And small scales of it like a mere few thousand Orks or a Rogue Trader can still be trivially BTFO. A freaking Astartes Company being eaten by locals isn't out of the question, depending on what bounding feats you take to bar their ceiling.

You are really Naive if you think the ponies would Surviving 40K News flash for you they never would. A race in 40k don't last long if they are weak.
And the centour fight against the main six means nothing

In frankly you have a very limited grasp of how horrifying 40K is The ponies would never survive in logical way and frankly you can simply kill discord with a bolt shell directly into his face. Being long lived doesn't make you Immortal after all Magnus the read literally Killed macador during the siege of terra he only came back to life after another Perpetual Sacrifice for on immortality to breaking back to life.

Doesn't really count his life That's a little more than a poultry party trick to discord

Give me my also not understand this but the warp Is capable of doing some pretty insane shit. Also the tau I haven't been wiped out by the other major powers in the galaxy is for this reason and reason alone well 2 reasons 1The plot still demands that they exist Second it be hard to sell tau models if you wipe out the entire faction for the table top. That's so funny That you think they would be more advanced and most Feudal
And knight worlds. Equestria Would be considered by many of the major races in 40k To be an irrelevant back water planet.

If Equestrian exists as depicted in the show, the ponies must be near-enough immune to Chaos corruption some reason. This is a logical prerequisite for initial existence, and thus makes the question of survival into finding them.

And yes, they're better off than Feudal Worlds that are not Knight Worlds, as Feudal Worlds are specifically defined as pike-and-shot at the most advanced while Equestria has weather control so total they use lightning for pranks and schedule rainfall.

I know 40k well, most likely better than any edgelord like you. It is not universal omnipresent brutality. The grimdark has to find Equestria, and it existing as a Psyker society requires something render Chaos a marginal problem.

If "lol chaos" were applicable, then Equestria could not exist in the first place. Sure, facerolling a Great Crusade Exploritor Fleet headed by a Primarch isn't happening. But 40k is not solely deployments of billions, and Chaos is the one omnipresent risk that Equestria would need to BTFO to come into being in the first place.

Most of the time, in most places, the Imperiun is just a bit shit in entirely realistic abusive employers and poverty senses. Most likely, Equestria is found by an at most 50,000 personnel Rogue Trader fleet or an even smaller detachment of Tau or under half a million Orks, not a Crusade fleet or full-scale Waagh because those are rare.

And the world of Friendship is Magic can quite reasonably answer these probable small cases. Such as Discord turning the pitifully amount of military hardware into gingerbread replicas. Can't shoot him in the face with a bolter if he turns it into an icing sprayer!

This. This right right here is the logic behind my Grimdark 6 series.

By the dark gods you are a Fucking moron

Says the triple-replier with broken grammar making zero specific counterarguments of actual events in 40k that show otherwise, just repeatedly being an edgelord. The fact of the matter is that the Tau came to be in 40k because the Grimdark missed them, with this occurrence being actually quite common as it's how Feudal Worlds in Pike and Shot continue existing, and Chaos is the one omnipresent source of Grimdark and is specifically drawn in by Psykers.

If Unicorn magic is a form of anatomy-dependent Psykana, then Equestria as shown in Friendship is Magic coming to be requires near immunity to Chaos itself. The Daemonic whispers, the contact-madness, all that direct influence would have to be BTFO pre-emptively for the scheduled weather, magic academies, and how they handle agriculture to not cause the place to have been run over by the Grimdark long into its pre-history.

This does not have to be dramatic overpowering. This does not have to be strict immunity. But it has to exist, and be extremely powerful, or else the literally all Psyker population would have been subsumed as Daemon-bait long before they established centuries-old civilizations. And this is not actually excluded by the rules of the 40k setting.

Tau have vanishingly little issues facing down Daemons because they've got too little Warp sensitivity for the Daemons to do anything special to their minds. Psychic Blanks that invert the normal relation with the Warp and have wildly orthogonal supernatural abilities fueled by consumed Psychic energy are a thing. The Eldar have two distinct ways of capturing souls before Slannesh claims them while simultaneously barring Daemonic influence. The Space Wolves have a Librarius equivalent with no issues from Daemons because they draw on a specific non-malevolent entity to focus their powers.

There's plenty of mechanisms in 40k canon to tell Chaos to fuck off and make it stick, with a lot of them being quite readily able to scale to a planet, and several entirely able to be baked right into the biosphere.

Little news flash for you kid tau are not immune to chaos a member of the water caste came under the Influence Of a demon of the Change of ways. Nothing you say about the ponies Surviving in 40K has absolutely 0 merits And there for any opinion you have on the matter should be discarded without fault.

And space wolf rune Priests Psychic powers comes directly from the warp Not from magical fairies on fenris

And it's quite funny How do you think they would Survive in a grim dark universe News flash for you kid they would never survive . And the element of Harmony would do Fucking nothing to a deamon primarch. And frankly where is your proof they would Survive the horror of 40k. Then again am Arguing with a dumb child who doesn't understand 40k at all hell your worse then the idiots who think star treak could beat 40k

And yet the Tau Empire at large doesn't have Daemon incursion problems. You've given an isolated incident of a Greater Daemon of Tzeench specifically trying to screw with someone, not proper cult activity or your boast about insanity by mere sight. Matter of fact, the Tau had to rip open a fucking Warp rift to start taking Warp influence of the sort you're wanking seriously in the slightest, and that's largely due to encountering the minor god representing the Greater Good freaking them the fuck out.

To which many witness' response was "purge non-Tau subjects of the Empire", not slavish devotion to the thing in question. A literal minor deity (emphasis on "minor", it basically barely exists), representing their official state ideology, encountered inside a Warp Rift, was openly rejected by a sizable number of Tau. So sure, maybe a Greater Daemon can force things on them one-at-a-time. But the highest possible degree of personal exposure to the most capable of corruption Warp Entity caused the group of Tau in question to go the opposite way.

As for the Space Wolves, I specifically stated "they draw on a specific non-malevolent entity to focus their powers". Not to fuel their powers, to focus them, as substantiated by the results of Magnus attempting to corrupt the entirely real world-spirit of Fenris. They are in fact not subject to the troubles of the Warp thanks to the world-spirit of Fenris. The fact the Warp is still the ultimate source of power is a purely academic distinction unless Blanks show up or a Daemon Primarch Sorcerer makes landfall on Fenris to fuck with it.

What about the Eldar's Infinity Circuits and the Exodite version of World Spirits? What about Blanks having supernatural bullshit of their own? What about the way Eldar are automatically tied to Slannesh barring the other three Chaos Gods? What about the soul-binding of Astropaths? What about Geller Fields? What about Aegis Hoods? What about the Grey Knight's meditative shield? What about hexagrammic wards?

There are loads and loads and loads of answers to Chaos, they just don't get saturation so that "lol corruption" is a usable plot. The idea that one planet has its primary Psyker species universally subject to at least one such method is not at all incompatible with 40k's canon. Just because such a "Fuck You" to the Grimdark isn't there, doesn't mean it cannot exist.

There is a difference. Between coming to exist in the galaxy and have knowledge of the wider setting. And beating major military deployments. The Tau's backstory is entirely predicated on the fact that the Grimdark can miss large chunks of space for millennia. Feudal Worlds have no commonplace magic and their best technological context for warfare is pike-and-shot, making them very obviously worse than the universally-magical Equestria that has plenty of technical context for rather quickly falling into trench warfare.

As for Daemon Primarchs, mind finding me anything from the First War of Armaggedon establishing Angron as at all as threatening as an actively murderous Discord? Anything that substantiates the amount of reality-fuckery he's personally capable of as even vaguely approaching mister "make a continent into a madhouse"? Show me where Magnus nigh-instantly reshapes a continent on a world in realspace or plucks an Imperial fleet out of orbit if you have good reason to believe he's more capable of buggering physics than the local Q ripoff.

You aren't actually counteracting my points. You are in fact frequently failing to comprehend the points I'm trying to make. And you don't comprehend the basic fact that warfare is more than raw numbers. Even if everything the Imperium has is ten times the strength in a thousand times the number of the Starfleet equivalent, Starfleet still has an extremely solid chance of forcing a peace deal because they have standard-issue teleporters and FTL engagement ability.

It doesn't matter how much better an Imperial Battleship is if Starfleet just teleports a bit of antimatter to the bridge to vaporize the entire command staff and not a single one of its weapons travels fast enough to hit anything. Similarly, it doesn't matter how powerful an Imperator Titan is if Discord can turn its reactor into cheese or Twilight turns the Princeps into a Breezie. 40k does not display the kinds of fuckery to simply dismiss FiM or Star Trek, because these are things that make questions of raw power horribly obsolete.

To turn your "lol Chaos" argument back on you: What can the Imperium do when Discord decides to flash around and drive the command insane in their sleep? He can force people with a single touch to abandon all their core principals and behave in the opposite fashion. No lengthy incantations. No complicated rituals. He did it out of impatience. To the most resistant character in the sequence.

The eldar are tied to the dark Prince since they hate fucked a chaos God into existence them again time has no true meaning in the warp. The dark Prince has always and never existed all at once

Lol the tau are Experiencing chaos you idiot and guess They are now starting to have encounters with the death guard legion and guess what else idiot the tau have faced chaos quite a few times when they still had commander farsight with them

You are the dumbest person I've ever seen mlp character don't got shit on 40k kid and frankly discord can die he's a creature of flesh and none and Twilight as a magic user she's not very impressive she's a Dance ex machina aka a walking plot point like rey from Disney star wars

No one's wants a witch running around free on imperial worlds since they can hardly control their powers and are walking beacons for warp creatures to take over and any magic user Discovered on a knight or funeral world will be killed in the spot their a good reason why humans in 40k fear and hate witches

And frankly kid you zero talking points showing how and why the ponies would make it in 40k nothing backs up your talking points in anyway shape or form and frankly you don't know Warhammer lore since you read off the wiki I might Suggest You read some actual books on the setting.
Technically they are they where drawn to the milky way galaxy after the pharos beacon got destroyed and some types of nids have been found as late as M38 and before

Imperium would simply wiped them out.
They would learn very little from them even if they did enslave the lesser races in the planet

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