• Published 18th Jul 2021
  • 3,800 Views, 80 Comments

Fate of the Lostbelt Kingdoms - ElementBrigade

What if the lostbelt of the rejected human history were given a second chance at life in equestria

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Chapter One: The Arrival of The Permafrost Empire of Anastasia

Fate of The Lostbelt Kingdoms

Chapter One

The Arrival of The Permafrost Empire of Anastasia

The lostbelt of the permafrost empire of Anastasia had been denied to exist in the world once again. Only this time it wasn’t because of the world itself this time, but by the only master of the proper human history and Chaldea. Ritsuka Fujimaru. The man that saved the world from incineration by the hands of Goetia, The beast of pity. It was wrong for this place to be denied an existence. Even though this was a wrong point in history. The lives of the now free nation of Russia were doomed to once again fade away into nothingness. Never to know what lies beyond the borders of Russia, never to experience new things in their new found freedom, never to live out their new lives in peace.

All that they could experience in their new but short lived existence of freedom was the sound of Antonio Salieri playing twinkle twinkle little star on the piano that survived the battle with Chaldea and Ivan The Terrible. The Yaga’s that survived the aftermath standing in awe at the music he was performing. This music that he said it was called was something that lifted their spirits and sense of wonder. Was there more of this music out in the world? Could they make music like the hairless Yaga is making? This made their curiosity peak more and more by the seconds...but sadly their questions would not go answered as the Lostbelt began to quickly fade away.

The snow that covered the ground, the destroyed building where the battle was fought against the two giants of ice and earth, the remains of the fantasy tree, all of it was fading away. Salieri took notice of the Lostbelt fading away, but continued to play on the piano. He couldn’t help but feel sorry for these poor creatures that were once humans. It’s not like they wanted to be the way they are, it was the only way to survive in a world ruled by a tyrant and a place where no one is given mercy from the harsh weather of the cold.

“Goodbye, Yaga’s of the Lostbelt. May you find rest and peace wherever you may go in nothingness.” Salieri said as he played the last note to the song he was playing. The moment he played the last note on the piano, everything vanished into nothingness. Thus, brings an end to the false history of Russia...But...where one story ends, a new one begins.

(Equestria, Treehouse of Harmony)

Equestria, the land of friendship, magic, and harmony. Home to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, co-rulers that had ruled over and protected the ponies for the past one-thousand years. That is until The Elements of Harmony had chosen Twilight and her friends to be the shield that protects Equestria and the ponies from enemies that might want to cause harm or take over the world. It was here that Princess Twilight Sparkle and her number one assistant Spike were making their way towards the Treehouse of Harmony.

For the past couple of days or so, she had been having weird dreams lately. Dreams of weird wolf-like creatures with body structure of a human in the mirror world, demonic beasts with fangs that can rip a pony into pieces, giants that towered over a city to clash with each other. What got her to head over to the Treehouse was the dream she had of it glowing before exploding into prismatic colors. The moment the light from the explosion vanished, it revealed one of the wolf-like humanoids standing in front of her, but she couldn’t tell what it looked like due to the dream ending from hearing Spike waking her up.

“If you don’t mind me asking Twilight, why are we here at the treehouse of harmony again?” Spike asked as Twilight looked around the area as if looking for something.

“We’re here because of the dream I’ve been having for the past couple of days.” Twilight answered while continuing to search around the area of the tree.

“You mean the one with the weird looking wolf creatures? I thought it was just a nightmare you had from reading too many fantasy books late at night.”

“That had nothing to do with the dreams I’ve been having...also I stopped after you and the girls had an intervention for it three months ago. But that’s not the case.”

“Then why are you looking around the tree? Did you lose something the last time we were here?”

“No, but I am looking for something that might lead to a clue to dreams I’ve been having.” She said before turning her attention onto the treehouse. “All I know is that the tree of harmony started to glow and exploded. Meaning that there’s something that might be happening to Equestria that not even Celestia and Luna are prepared for if the dreams are a sign of a warning or something.”

“Shouldn’t we bring the others here? You know, so that we might be able to find where the source might be hiding?”

“The girls are busy teaching a class with the students over at the school of friendship. If I can’t find what I’m looking for today, then I’ll ask them to help with it tomorrow.” Twilight said before returning to her search. “Now keep an eye out for anything suspicious, Spike or odd. Leave no stone unturned.” She said as Spike was about to look around the area they were in, only to notice the tree began to glow brightly.

“...Does that count as something suspicious or odd?” Spike asked at Twilight turned her attention onto Spike for a moment before looking at the treehouse glowing. Her eyes widened upon seeing this as a beam of magic shot out from it and into the sky. There was a moment of silence within the area they were in, but was soon broken as a massive earthquake shook the very ground they were on followed by a giant booming explosion sound.

“What in the name of Celestia was that!?” Spike yelled as he felt himself falling to the ground, only to be picked up by Twilight’s magic and placed onto the purple alicorn’s back.

“Don’t know, but we better check outside to see what’s going on.” Twilight suggested as he flew out of the area they were in while avoiding some of the rocks falling from the side of the cliffs due to the earthquake. Seconds later, Twilight and Spike would be outside of the area that leads to the treehouse of harmony and look around to see if anything had happened. The alicorn would feel Spike tap her on the shoulder to get her attention. Twilight would see the young dragon’s shocked expression on his face as he was looking up at the sky.

Twilight in turn looked up to see what the young dragon was looking at as her eyes widened and her jaw dropped in both shock and awe at what they were looking at. What they saw was some kind of giant purple and cosmic color tree shooting from wherever it was sprouting from as it gave off an otherworldly glow. The alicorn stared at this marvel for a few seconds before taking up towards the sky to get a better view at this...thing. Upon reaching the height that she needed, the alicorn took notice of the tree blooming as a purple-cosmic colored flower erupted from it.

“Twilight...Do you know what that thing is?” Spike asked.

“I don’t know what that thing is, Spike. This is something I’ve never seen before.” Twilight answered before analysing the weird tree-like structure shooting out from the badlands. Upon seeing the plant reaching full bloom, a powerful gust of magic and wind flew past them as it caused Twilight to stagger a bit in the air before regaining her composure of dominance in the sky. Twilight’s mind began to ponder what this plant was. Could it have something to do with the dreams she's been having? A sign from the tree of another mission involving friendship?

“Maybe Princess Celestia might know what it is? I mean she does know a lot about the tree of harmony then we do, right?”

“That is true, but we better inform the girls first and make sure everypony is alright. If that plant’s the reason behind the massive earthquake, then it might’ve caused damage throughout equestria given the height, mass, and volume of this thing.” Twilight said as her horn began to glow. “Once we know that everypony is safe, then we’ll inform Celesita and Luna about what we just saw.”

“Really hope they have an answer for this. Because so far, I’m getting tired of having one weird thing after another weird thing appearing to cause trouble for Equestria.”

“You’re not the only one, Spike..” With that the princess of friendship and her number one assistant teleported off to Ponyville.