• Published 18th Jul 2021
  • 3,801 Views, 80 Comments

Fate of the Lostbelt Kingdoms - ElementBrigade

What if the lostbelt of the rejected human history were given a second chance at life in equestria

  • ...

Chapter Three: In Soveit Russia

Fate of The Lostbelt Kingdoms

Chapter Three

In Soveit Russia

(Equestria, Friendship Express)

“Ugh! How come you couldn’t teleport us to that area on the map Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked as she leaned against the window of the train cart she and her friends were in.

“You can thank the giant flower tree thing for that. Ever since it appeared out of nowhere like that, the magic in Equestria has begun to act...strange. Like something is interfering with my own magic.” Twilight said as she tried to use her magic, only for it to fizzle out.

“She’s not the only one.” Starlight said as she tried to use her own magic, but fizzled out just like Twilight’s magic. “My magic along with Rarity’s and any other unicorns that we walked by are having the same issue as we are.”

“I hope this doesn’t become a prolonged issue.” Rarity said as she tried to use her magic only to fizzle out just like Starlight’s and Twilight’s magic. “It would be a pain to have to complete the orders I have with my hooves. Not that it's impossible to do them by hooves, but it would take me far too long to get them done even with help.”

“It might be like that for a while until I can get a better understanding of the plant. Not to mention we need to see if there’s anypony that lives in that area that might know what it is.” Twilight said. “By the time we get there, the princesses should have a head start into investigating the matter.”

“Let’s just hope we don’t have to fight a giant monster or something.” Applejack said as she tilted her hat and leaned back in her seat. “It would be nice to have an easy going adventure and not something that involves saving the world or something.”

“T-That would be nice.” Fluttershy said as Pinkie Pie bounced up and down in excitement.

“I wonder what the ponies would look like in this area that we’re about to go into? Oh! You think they’ll like the part I’m going to throw for them?”

“Darling, what party?” Rarity asked as she noticed Pinkie pulling out a large banner from out of her mane along with some confetti and streamers.

“The Welcome to Equestria mysterious land party. Duh?” The party pony said as Rarity and the others stared in uttar shock. Mainly as to how she was able to fit something like that into her mane without it sticking out or causing discomfort.

“Um...maybe we should wait on giving them a party until we establish some kind of connection with the ponies, or whoever the inhabitants are in this place we’re going.” Starlight suggested as Pinkie shrugs and placed the banner back into her mane. “.....How is that even possible?”

“It’s Pinkie Pie. Don’t question it.” Rainbow Dash said bluntly as Starlight looked over at Twilight, who simply nodded.

“Trust me on this Starlight. It’s better to just accept it now, and spare you from the hardship of trying to figure out Pinkie Pie, later on.”


“Accept it and move on.” Applejack said. “Less you want to end up like Twilight did in trying to understand Pinkie.”

(Lostbelt, Russia)

Patxi and his pack made it to the borders of where Russia and Equestria meet as they were within earshot of the ponies that they saw flying in the distance. One of the yagas popped their head out of the snow slightly while staying hidden as she saw them talking to a group of colorful looking ponies wearing gold armor before talking to each other. It did answer a couple of questions as to see if it was a demonic beast, which it wasn’t if it could talk like they can. But now it just raises even more questions to the already answered ones.

“I’m not the only one who’s seeing this, right?” The female yaga asked as Patxi slowly popped his head out of the snow as well.

“Seems like they’re just like us...well I can assume they’re like us intelligence wise from the conversation they’re having. There goes my plan to see if we can tame them so we can ride them.”

“You think they might be hostile?”

“I doubt a bunch of colorful horses can be considered hostile.” A male yaga said as he popped his head out of the snow as well. “But just to be safe, we might want to wait and see what they’ll do, and listen to their conversation.”

“Agreed. Back into the snow.” Patxi said as they quickly sank back into the snow and listened to the ponies conversation.

“It would seem that this place is the cause of the earthquake.” Luna said as Celestia and Cadence nodded in agreement.

“It would explain the off worldly magic this place was giving off as we were making our way here. Compared to other places in Equestria, the magic here feels...familiar.” Luna said before looking over at the fantasy tree as it gave off a pulse of magic. “Like it’s the element of magic. This might be the reason why Twilight is having those dreams that I mentioned to you before, sister.”

“You think Twilight and the others might know the reason behind this?” Cadence asked.

“We won’t know until they come here. But until then, we will have the royal guards scout out the area until then.” Celestia said as she ordered some of the royal guards to scout out the area of Russia, while the rest would be making a small base camp of operation. “For now, we will scout the area to see who or what might live in this frozen land of snow and ice.”

“I will take the lead with the pegasus. Don’t want them to get in trouble with whatever creatures that live in these lands.” Luna said before taking flight after the pegasi guards. As the ponies of Equestria began their work, the yagas would continue to watch from and listen for the moment. Though that moment seemed to come to an abrupt stop as they heard something coming from a distance.

“You guys hear that?” Patxi said as the other yagas turned their focus onto the sound in the distance. Their ears flicked a bit upon hearing the sounds of a demonic beast heading over to where the ponies were located.

“Demonic beast. And by the sound of it, it’s a big one.” said a female yaga and Patxi cursed under.

“Dammit, of all the time for them to appear. How are we on ammunition?” he asked as a male looked into his bag.

“About enough to get us back home, why?”

“We’re going to have to kill it.” Patxi said, which took the whole pack by surprise.

“Are you insane? We can’t take down a demonic beast of that size if it’s a big one. Not to mention, you’re still injured, or did you forget that?” said a female yaga as Patxi looked over his injuries as he noticed they were starting to blood onto the cloth covering them.

“Not like we have much of a choice in the matter.” He said before pulling out his rifle while still remaining in the snow. “We were bound to run into it anyway, so might as well be now then later. Let’s distract the beast so we can get them out of the area and back to the village.” Patxi said as he looked over at the oprichnik. “You guys will fight on the front line, we’ll provide you with support.”

“Understood.” The oprichnik said as they quickly pulled themselves out of the snow and headed towards the group of ponies.

“The rest of you, get your weapons ready. We’re going to feast tonight if we survive this.” As the Yagas and Oprichnik were executing their plan, Celestia’s ears twitched upon hearing the sound of a loud roar off in the distance.

“Did you hear that Cadence?” Celestia asked as Cadence turned her focus from the royal guards to Celestia.

“Hear what?” The alicorn asked as she tried to hear what her aunt was hearing. In a matter of seconds, she soon heard the sounds of something heading towards them at great speed as she focused her attention onto a nearby hill of snow. Upon looking up at it, she soon sees a giant demonic looking boar standing on top of the snow mount as it glared down at them. The demonic boar soon lets out a mighty roar as it causes everypony within the area to look up at it. “What in the name of Equestria is that!?”

“I’m going to assume it must be the wildlife of this land.” Celestia said as her horn began to glow for a moment, only for it to fizzle out in a second. “My magic. It’s not working?”

“Let me try.” Cadence said as she was about to fire a magical beam at the demonic boar, only for it to fizzle out as well. The pink alicorn’s eyes widened upon seeing this as she looked over at Celestia with the same expression on her face. “Oh no.”

“Fear not princesses. We’ll protect you.” said one of the earth pony guards as they along with some of the unicorns and pegasi that stayed with Celestia formed a defensive line in front of the princesses. “All units! Defend the princesses with your life!”

“Yes sir!” They yelled before a few of them formed a circle around the princesses with spears in mouths at the ready. The demonic beast lets a primal roar as it starts to charge towards the equestrians. As it was heading towards them, a few of the earth ponies started to do the same as they charged at the boar with the attempt to impale it. But sadly, that plan didn’t work. As their spears made contact with the boar’s hide, they broke with little to no effort. The ponies that were attacking the beast were either sent flying off to the side like water off of a duck’s feather. The boar soon looked over at Celestia and the others as it stomped its feet and began to charge at them. The royal guards were prepared to throw their spears at the beast, only to pause upon seeing the beast stopping in its track as the oprichnik appeared from out of the snow as it surrounded the beast.

“Eliminate the threat.” said one of the oprichnik as the small group quickly began to attack the beast in a hit and run tactic as some would attack with their axe, while some would attack from a distance with their crossbows. While this was happening, the ponies would hear the sounds of gunfire from behind as they saw the Yaga’s firing at the boar from a distance.

“If you don’t want to die, then I suggest you gather your stuff, and follow us!” Patxi said as he fired a shot into the demonic beast’s right eye. The boar lets out a loud roar of pain as it staggers backwards.

“Princess, you can’t seriously think of trusting that...thing?” asked one of the royal guards as Celestia looked over at the injured ponies that the boar charged through.

“We’re not prepared to handle something like this. Right now, we need to get everypony away from here, and these creatures seem to know what they’re doing given what they’re doing to this monster.”

“But what about Twilight and the others. We can’t just leave without telling them where we are going. And I can’t send a message to her or Luna because whatever it is that’s messing with our magic.” Cadence said as it caused Celestia to think for a moment. In a matter of seconds, an idea appeared in her head as she ordered one of the pegasus to come over to her as she started to write a letter.

“Not to sound rude or anything. But we have to go!” Patxi said as he noticed some of the oprichnik getting hit by the demonic boar’s tusks as they vanished into dust. “Because the oprichnik aren’t going to last long against a demonic beast that size, and we’re not suited for prolonged battles.”

“Take this to Princess Twilight Sparkle. She’ll know what to do once she reads it.” Celestia said as she gave the pegasus the letter and quickly flew off to the train station that leads towards the badlands. Once she saw that the pegasus colt was a good distance away from where they were, she turned her attention onto Patxi as she looked at him up and down. “I take it you’re along with those creatures who are attacking that boar are the inhabitants of this land?”

“Yeah, we are. And like I said before, but we need to get going.” He said before walking over to Celestia and placing a hand on the white alicorn’s mane as a means to get her to move, only to be met with spears pointed at him by the royal guards as he took aim at them.

“Stand down everypony.”

“But princess-”

“I said stand down.” Celestia said in a authorintary tone as it caused them to lower their weapons. She lets out a sigh of relief before looking over at Patxi who lowered his weapon in return. “I’m sorry about them. They tend to do that when meeting new po-” before the alicorn could finish her sentence, the yaga quickly tackled Celestia towards the ground as an oprichnik flew by them before vanishing into dust.

“Talk later, we need to leave. Now.” The young yaga said before pulling Celestia up onto her hooves. He soon looked over at the oprichnik as he saw that five were remaining. “Dammit, everyone retreat! We’re heading back to the village!” he ordered as they began to make a quick retreat while still injuring the demonic boar. “I advise you to follow us, less you want to be that boar’s lunch.”

“...Everypony! Follow the...um...I’m sorry, I hope I don’t sound rude, but what are you?” Cadence asked as one of the yagas answered her bluntly while retreating.

“We’re Yaga!”

“Follow the yagas to their village!” The pink alicorn yelled as they quickly began to follow after the pack of yagas while helping the injured ponies up to their hooves to follow after them. As the groups began to retreat, a cat-like humanoid with two tails and a boar’s head-like hide on her shoulder was off in the distance watching them leave. She continues to watch them a bit more before looking at the demonic boar and glares at it.

“Are you planning on going after them, boss?” A male yaga asked as the woman shook her head.

“Take the pack and go after them so that no demonic beasts try to kill them. I’ll deal with the boar.” Atalante said before summoning her bow into her hands.

“And the creature that flew off into the distance to where the desert is located?” asked a female yaga.

“I get the feeling that they’re bringing in more of those creatures here. So I’ll have to kill it so that it doesn’t attack them.” She said before getting ready to jump off the mountain top they were on while watching both groups leave. “Not only that, but this will give us enough food to last for a month for the yagas at the resistance camp.” Having said that, she quickly launched herself into the air for a moment before descending towards the demonic boar.