• Published 18th Jul 2021
  • 3,800 Views, 80 Comments

Fate of the Lostbelt Kingdoms - ElementBrigade

What if the lostbelt of the rejected human history were given a second chance at life in equestria

  • ...

Chapter Seventeen: Show and Tell

Fate of The Lostbelt Kingdoms

Chapter Seventeen

Show and Tell

It was awkward. Very awkward for the servants the moment they entered the room. All the students that were busy talking to each other due to being given free time after finishing up their work, or were getting work done for their next class stopped and turned their attention to Ivan and Anastasia. Most were taken by surprise by the sudden appearance of the servants, while others that weren’t ponies found them either odd or funny looking. The room was silent for a good few minutes before Smolder spoke up to break the awkwardness in the atmosphere of the room.

“Princess Twilight, why is there a hairless ape and an ugly gorilla in the class?” She said which caused the servants to flinch from the sudden burn/comment. Though it didn’t hurt them physically, it did hurt them internally on their appearance.

“Smolder! That’s very rude of you to say something like that.” Twilight scolded as the dragon shrugged.

“What? I’m being honest. You can’t expect anypony not to ask something like that when two weird-looking beings enter the room looking like that?”

“....Hm, she’s not wrong about that,” Ivan said as Twilight rolled her before looking over at the students.

“I would like to introduce you all to the ambassadors of the country that was recently discovered.” She said as Ivan and Anastasia bowed to the students. “Meet Ivan Vasilyevich and Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova, Former rulers of the Russian lostbelt as they say.”

“Former rulers? What, did someone overthrow you two or something? Because if it’s due to the way you look, then I can’t blame them for wanting to do that.” Smolder asked, which caused the servants to deadpan at her.

“Smolder, hush please,” Twilight said while giving the dragon a quick glare before looking back at the other students. “I know you all have a lot of questions about what’s been going on, why unicorns can’t use magic and the strange flower that’s growing off in the distance. I can assure you that all will be explained at Town Hall this afternoon. Before that happens I am giving them a bit of a tour around the school and a small history about Equestria.”

“Which is not that impressive in my point of view,” Ivan mumbled, which caused Anastasia to elbow him in the ribs.

“We are honored to meet such interesting individuals from this country. We’re hoping that we can establish a friendship between us and Equestria if it’s possible.” She said before noticing Silverstream quickly appearing in front of Ivan as she poked his horn.

“Whoa, I’ve never seen somepony like you before.” She said while continuing to poke at his horns. “Especially one with very pretty glowing horns. Are you a unicorn?”

“What kind of unicorn looks like that?” Gallus asked while eyeing Ivan up and down. “He looks like a Minotaur and a unicorn had a baby and made that.” He said which caused Anastasia to let out a muffled snort of laughter. Ivan looked over at her as she quickly looked away before the rider servant turned his attention to Gallus and Silverstream.

“While my appearance may be…odd. I can assure you that I am not a unicorn or a minotaur. I was a human that fused with a demonic beast to survive the harsh snowstorms of Russia.” He said as a moment of silence hung in the air for a moment before Smolder spoke up.

“Okay…so what are you? A monster, unicorn, or hooman?”

“Servant,” Ivan answered as he noticed the confused expression on the children’s faces.

“He’s a demonic elephant.” Anastasia said which caused some of the students to let out an “Oh!” as if they understood, but also let out an “Ew.” due to imagining some weird ways someone can be fused with an elephant or just gross in general as the caster servant could feel Ivan deadpan expression deepen even more before letting out a grunt of annoyance.

“So he is a unicorn fused with an elephant?” Silverstream asked as Ivan let out a sigh before speaking.

“It would be complicated to explain in great detail how I ended up this way, but for the time being you can assume that I am a unicorn for the time being,” he answered before looking at Twilight. “I’m still not impressed by this so-called school of friendship if this is how kids are towards Ambassadors from another country.”

“They’re still in the process of learning about friendship, but you can’t expect everypony to act polite around other ponies…Though I will give them an extra lesson on manners and using their words carefully so as not to hurt another pony’s feelings.” She said while giving a stern expression towards Gallus and Smolder who in turn looked away while whistling innocently.

“In their defense, they’ve never seen yaga’s like us before so, understandably, they would react this way. Though I do like the blue griffon and orange dragon consider Ivan as a freak and abomination~”

“Of course, you would say that,” Ivan said before hearing Twilight speak up.
“Does anyone have a question they would like to answer?” The alicorn asked before noticing a few hooves being raised. “Questions that don't revolve around Ivan’s appearance.” She asked before noticing a few hooves going down. Twilight gave them an unamused look at the classroom before pointing a hoof at a changeling. “Yes, Ocellus?”

“I was wondering. What is the country that you two come from?” Ocellus asked which took Ivan by surprise. “Do all creatures from your country look the same as you two?”

“If you’re referring to the Yagas, then yes,” Ivan said before using his magic to make magical images of himself, Anastasia, and a random male Yaga. “Russia is home to the Yagas who were once human,” he said, pointing to Anastasia as a prime example of what a human would look like. “Humans used to look like her, but due to the harsh snowstorms within Russia, we had to use magic to fuse with demonic beasts to survive the cold.”

“You were once a hairless ape?” Smolder asked as Ivan shook his head.

“Human, not hairless ape child. Keep that in mind less you offend someone with that statement. But yes, Anastasia and I used to be humans before Russia became a harsh environment to live in at the time.” He said before making a magical image of a random demonic beast. “We figured that demonic beasts can survive the cold due to their magical and biological make-up in adaptation. So with the country’s best mages, we conducted the magical experimentation of fusing humans with demonic beasts. The process worked, but it only solved one of the many problems that Russia had due to the snowstorms.”

“Like what?” Sandbar asked.

“Loss of knowledge, magic, fertile land for crops. The biggest one would be food shortages. You see, because we fuse with demonic beasts, yagas require more food to eat to maintain their high metabolism. Because of this, the yagas would have to fight each other to steal food from either villages or rival packs to survive. Sadly there is not much I can do given how we didn’t have the power to control the weather like the pegasus in this country.”

“Is that the reason why you came to Equestria? To seek help from the princesses?” Yona asked as Ivan nodded.

“Indeed. With the snowstorm finally gone due to some magical yet odd reason, we can now leave the country in search of assistance in rebuilding Mother Russia to her former glory…or at least to where it’s decent to live in.” He said before looking at Silverstream who was admiring his horn. “Is there a reason why you’re admiring my horns child?”

“Oh, sorry. It’s just that they’re so glowy and shiny.” Sliverstream said while continuing to admire the servant’s tusk. “I mean, I have never seen an elephant creature like yourself that can do something like that. Is there anything else you can do?” She asked as Ivan stared at her for a moment before looking over at Anastasia, who simply shrugged not knowing what to do, then Twilight who simply motioned for him to answer Silverstream’s question.

“Hm…perhaps a demonstration of magic is to be in order.” He said before making his way to the front of the classroom. Applejack quickly moved to the side to where Twilight and Anastasia were standing as a worried expression was on the earth pony’s face.

“Are y’all sure this is okay to do? I mean, shouldn’t they be in hiding so that they don’t cause a misunderstanding?” Applejack asked as Twilight shook her head.

“While I can understand your worries, this would be a good opportunity for us to see their magic at work. Not to mention sharing with others about another person’s culture is another way of friendship.” She said before looking at Ivan standing in front of the class. “I wonder what kind of magic he’ll perform? Maybe teleportation magic? Levitation?”

“I don’t think he’ll be doing that,” Anastasia said before noticing Ivan summoning his staff into his hand. “You wouldn’t happen to have a spell that repairs damages to objects, do you?”

“What do you mean by-” Before Twilight could finish her question, she heard a surge of electricity coming from Ivan. She soon turned her attention to the rider servant as electricity was forming around his body for a moment before flowing into his staff. A small blue ball could be seen forming in the tip part of the staff. Within a matter of seconds, he would fire a concentrated beam of electricity through the roof of the room they were in as the students, Twilight, and Applejack were taken by surprise by the sudden beam that erupted from Ivan. Within a matter of a minute, the beam slowly vanishes as a giant hole can be seen in the ceiling of the room they were in. The entire room fell silent upon seeing what Ivan just did as Twilight and Applejack’s mouths gaped open in surprise and shock.

“That’s why.” She said while trying her best not to laugh at their reaction. “Ivan isn’t the best at being subtle with things like this.” The air of silence continued to linger in the classroom a bit longer before a random unicorn colt yelled.

“That was so cool!” He yelled as the others began cheering in excitement at what they saw. “Do it again!”

“No!” Applejack yelled as the calls fell silent upon the earth pony’s yelling. “I-I mean, not in this classroom mind you. P-Perhaps we should take this to someplace else with a bit more room?” She asked before looking over at Twilight. “Twilight, you wouldn’t happen to know of a place where he could perform magic without destroying the school?”

“Oh, um…We could take them to the place where Rarity goes to gather gems with Spike.” Twilight said before looking at the classroom. “Think of this little trip that we’re going on as a demonstration of cultural education.”

“Sweet! Free class period!” a random earth pony colt said as Twilight deadpans for a moment, but smirks.

“There will be a quiz on this by the end of the week. So I suggest you all take notes about what Ivan mentioned because I will put it along with his demonstration of magic on the quiz as well.” She said, which caused the students in the classroom to groan in annoyance, and Smolder to punch the random colt on the shoulder. The alicorn soon turned her attention to Ivan and Anastasia as she spoke. “I hope you don’t mind giving them a demonstration of magic from your world, would you?”

“I am not against demonstrating magic to children, though I will need some assistance in doing so.” He said before looking at Anastasia who noticed him, Twilight, and Applejack staring at her.

“Hm, well I suppose showing off to the children would be that bad…I’ll stomach my dislike towards you for a while, but I’m only doing it because we do owe Twilight a lot for helping us.” She said as a smile appeared on Twilight’s face.

“Wonderful. I’ll go and get Fluttershy and see if she can get the boar to carry the children to where we need to go.” Twilight said before looking at Applejack. “Applejack, would you be okay fixing the hole that Ivan accidentally made in the ceiling?” She asked as Applejack looked up at the hole as a small piece of wood that was hanging off fell to the floor. A sigh of annoyance escaped her lips before shooting an annoyed look at the alicorn.

“If I do this, I get two weeks off from teaching.”

“One week and my eternal gratitude~?” Twilight asked as she gave the farm pony the puppy dog look. A small smirk appeared on Applejack’s face before nodding.

“Fine, fine, but you owe me for doing this.” She said before walking off out of the room to gather supplies to fix the hole in the ceiling. The moment Applejack left the room, Twilight began to spread her wings before taking flight into the air.

“I’ll be back with Fluttershy. Please keep an eye on the class while I am gone will you?” The alicorn asked as Ivan and Anastasia nodded. Upon seeing that, she soon looked over at her students before speaking. “Feel free to ask them about anything you ask. And be nice to them while I am gone.” She said before flying off. The moment that Twilight left the room, Ivan and Anastasia turned their attention toward the students who were staring at them with excitement in their eyes.

“So,” Ivan spoke as the class turned their attention to the mammoth of a servant. “Any unicorns interested in learning how to use simple magecraft?” he asked as he noticed the unicorns raising their hands in excitement. While this was happening, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo stared in shock at what they just saw Ivan just did. They soon looked at each other for a moment before looking at the party cannon that they borrowed from Pinkie Pie before Scootaloo spoke up.

“Yeah…we’re going to need a bigger cannon…and bigger ammunition.”