• Published 28th Jul 2021
  • 1,543 Views, 50 Comments

BIG Business - BottleH2O

What happens when some snobby nobles in Canterlot become giants? Nothing good let me tell you.

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Chapter 2- Larger than life

The town of Oakenwood was known for being quiet. Ponies who resided here lived their everyday lives in peace while their foals went to the local school. One such foal was a young colt by the name of Thimble Turner. Thimble turner was a small coffee colored colt sporting a dark brown mane and had some thread and a needle as his mark. Thimble was a bright young lad who was currently in the process of learning the trade of the family business. Making hats. The process of creating a well-made hat was tricky one that required lots of concentration. Couple that with the loads of schoolwork he had to do, and the poor colt was pretty much swamped.

With so little time to himself Thimble relished in the rare opportunities he got indulging in his favorite hobby/escape from his reality: Keeping up with the major league boxing matches. To him, they were amazing! All the cool moves and techniques, the fast-paced action, and watching the contenders duke it out. What wasn’t there to like?

Thimble’s favorite boxer had to have been the unstoppable Sturdy Step. He loved seeing her matches more than any other competitors. The way she always started strong in the ring, wearing down her opponent before going in for the final strike was always a joy to watch.

Thimble sighed as he plodded through the marketplace, a large bundle of supplies resting on his little back, all of which were items his parents had sent him to get so they can finish a project for a client. His head was in the clouds as he daydreamed about one day meeting his idol. But judging from the way things were going in his life right now, that day may never come. He’d be lucky if he even got the chance to leave Oakenwood one day due to the currently low demand hats had in the market.

Throughout all his daydreaming Thimble didn’t even realize he walked straight into a street sign. He bounced back with a small squeak and landed on his hunches, the bundle falling off his back. Thimble rubbed his sore muzzle with his front hooves and began to pick up the goods before setting off back towards his parents’ house, dreading the long hours he was going to spend learning the boring process of creating the client’s hat. “I really wish something interesting will happen here for once,” Thimble though glumly as he turned into his street “All the exciting stuff always seems to be happening at that town close to the capitol.”

Looks like Thimble Turner spoke too soon because all at once he began to jostle around as a bunch of rhythmic earthquakes began shaking the town.





Thimble bounced around on the ground, somehow ending up in front of his house before a shadow fell over him. No, over the entire town. Thimble shook his head and coughed a little, trying to clear the bit of dust he inhaled before looking around trying to find the source of the shadow. And then he looked up.

And felt his jaw drop in awe.

There, looming over the entire town like a mountain, standing larger than life, was his idol Sturdy Step.

Sturdy smirked as she looked over the puny town she had just arrived at. It was the first town she had stopped at she really wanted to relish in the moment. Observing the town revealed several dozen different little houses and shops. Oh yeah, and the many tiny ponies running around in the streets in a bit of a panic. Sturdy’s smirk wanned a bit, she didn’t want anyone afraid of her! She only wanted to show off to her fans how awesome she was now.

Trying to salvage the situation, she put on a winning smile and waved down to the ponies below her “How’s it going everypony? Don’t mind me, just your friendly million-foot-tall boxer coming to say hi!”

Whatever the ponies were expecting the giant to do, it wasn’t that. The panic stopped and everypony looked up at her in confusion, as if wondering why she wasn’t trying to go on a rampage or something else from a children’s storybook.

“Hi everyone!” Sturdy tried again, albeit a little nervously now “It’s me, Sturdy Step! Boxer extraordinaire and long-time champion. Just thought I’d pop by and say hi now that I’m…you know, all big and stuff.”

The ponies looked at each other and began to creep towards Sturdy’s ivory legs towering in the sky. Soon a crowd formed in front of the titanic boxer, still weary of her but happy that she didn’t come to their town with ill intentions.

“It’s all right everypony! I mean no harm. Here, let me prove it!”

Sturdy lit her horn and a few ponies yelped as a white glow surrounded a bit of the crowd and they were effortlessly lifted up and deposited onto Sturdy’s upturned hoof. Sturdy Step dropped them safely into the frog of her hoof, grinning down at them, her old confidence starting to come back.

“Hi down there little guys!” The tomboyish mare said happily as she leaned in and began to assault the bug sized ponies with nuzzles, the more ticklish ones in the group breaking down laughing as her fluff rubbed against them.

With the tension in the air now gone, ponies felt their fear of the titan melt away as they began to cheer for the huge celebrity, some brave ponies even asking for autographs and pictures now. Smiling, Sturdy Step gently set down the little crowd she was holding as ponies began to line up, happy to meet such a (literally) huge star.

Thimble picked himself off his stomach, spluttering. All that shaking had really disoriented him, but he was really in for a shock when her saw his now gigantic idol looming high over the town. The town had gotten over their initial fear of her (“Why be afraid at all? Thimble thought “It’s Sturdy step!”) they were now lining up for autographs.

Thimble’s eyes widened, this could be the only chance in his life he could meet Sturdy, he had to get to the edge of town and ask for an autograph too!

Struggling to his little feet, Thimble began to race forward “Wait! I’m coming! I’m com- ACK!” with a yelp the young colt tripped over one of the many packages he had bought and fell to the ground again in a heap. Coughing some more dust out of his lungs he got up again and began to trek forward.

He was actually making good progress this time, only for Sturdy to take a small step back from the ever-amassing crowd in front of her building sized hooves. The resulting tremor caused poor Thimble to fall yet again and into a puddle of mud. Small tears began to well up in his eyes from the sting of the fall, but he knew that he had to push forward because he may not likely have this chance again.

Getting up once more Thimble shook a bit of the mud from his already brown coat, and the brave little colt soldered on and finally made it to the crowd. But try as he could, there was no way he could make his little voice heard over the roaring sound of grownup ponies chanting for Sturdy Step. Thimble stood on his hind legs and began to jump up and down wildly, trying to get his massive idol’s attention but nothing seemed to work. The grownup ponies and Sturdy were too big, and he, too small. Thimble whimpered, sad that he was completely unnoticed to all the bigger ponies.

What was even worse, was the fact that Sturdy Step was beginning to wrap up her impromptu meet-and-greet “Awww, it was so nice to meet everypony!” She boomed, her powerful voice sweeping over the town like a gale, knocking poor little Thimble back a bit from the force “I’ll be sure to stop by again someday little guys, ta-ta!” The crowd cheered one last time before dispersing, chattering happily about the autographs and pictures as Sturdy Step look over the small town one more time before starting to turn around. Thimble was left sitting by himself in the middle of the street, covered in dust, dirt, and mud. He had gone completely unnoticed by the larger ponies and was left behind, tending to the scratches he had accumulated by himself.

At least things can’t get any worse,” Thimble thought with a small sniffle, tears beginning to build up again in his eyes. As if tempting fate itself, the young colt suddenly found himself in a dark shadow. He looked around confused, not seeing anything around him before looking up. And squealed in fear as Sturdy’s building sized tail fell towards the ground on top of him. Thimble tried to run but it was no good, the tail was too big. It landed on him and the surrounding landscape with a small THOOM before lifting up and away as the colossal Sturdy Step turned around and began to stroll off towards the next town. Completely unaware of her new tiny passenger trapped in the long, thick, strands of her white tail. Thimble bounced around from the movements of the titan, silently hoping that the nauseating ride will come to an end soon so he could just go home.

Back at Canterlot, Blueblood still held the tiny capitol in his massive hoof, smirking down at all the tiny, multicolored specks in his mighty grasp. “Blueblood! Put us down this instant!” came the faint squeaks from Celestia and Luna.

Blueblood chuckled, the noise reverberating through the air “Sorry, what did you say auntie? You’re so puny now I can barely hear your teeny tiny little voices,” Blueblood’s smirk only grew wider when he heard another faint squeak of “Guards!”

From out of the castle, many white and gold specks came out, some holding infinitesimal weapons like spears and crossbows while others simply flew. Now, Blueblood may currently be the biggest and most powerful unicorn around at the moment, but he certainly did not consider himself a villain (at least from his perspective) and did not wish to actually hurt the extremely tiny guards. So how did the gigantic noble remedy the situation? Well, like all members of the nobility he must look his best, so Blueblood always has a small bottle of hair gel with him to style his gorgeous golden locks. Said bottle just so happened to be in his pocket at the spells activation and grew alongside him.

Blueblood, still with that mischievous smirk present on his face, lit up his horn and pulled out the small (to him) bottle of hair gel and squeezed out a few mansion sized drops down and onto the little capitol. Entire platoons of guards yelped in surprise as the gargantuan globs of extremely expensive, high-end hair gel landed on top of them with a SPLAT, pinning them in place and unable to use their magic. Thanks to Blueblood’s surprisingly good aim from such a great size, even the pegasi guards had a soft landing after the gel landed on them.

With the guards taken care of safety, Blueblood turned his attention back to the diminutive forms of his aunts and the element bearers. Only for a blast of rainbow magic to hit him right between the eyes before he could say anything. Blueblood blinked, not feeling anything, and looked back down at the castle. Down below, Twilight and her friends were floating back down to the floor, having just blasted him with the full might of the elements of harmony.

Looks like Mrs. Upper Crust was right after all,” Blueblood thought ecstatically, a small grin beginning to spread across his face “I’m now so large my magical resistance really has improved a thousand-fold. Even the powerful elements of harmony couldn’t work on my new size!”

With his newfound confidence that nothing could hurt him as a titan, Blueblood finally gave the little spectators in the castle’s tower his full attention. The element bearers and the Princesses were looking up in dismay at the realization that the kingdom’s most powerful weapon did little more than tickle him.

“Really auntie, did you really think those silly little relics would work? They’re so small and fragile!” Blueblood said

“What do you want Blueblood? Why are you doing this?” demanded Luna

“Well, auntie Luna, I guess you could say I’m not too fond of certain things currently, and since you and auntie Celestia barely give me any time of day anymore, I, unfortunately had to resort to more drastic measures to get your attention,” Blueblood explained, trying to keep things vague so he could buy his cohorts more time to take care of whatever they wanted to do.

“And what, pray tell, are these things you aren’t too fond of?”

Blueblood though back to what Upper Crust had mentioned before “Stall them, maybe make a few demands of your own while you’re waiting for us,”

Blueblood’s smirk was back on full display as he eyed up the tiny pony specks standing helplessly in the tower “Let’s just say I have a few, shall I say, requests for you auntie.”

Author's Note:

Oh no! Poor Thimble Turner!

Don't worry, things will get much better for him eventually. The poor thing is just a little down on his luck right now.

And as for Blueblood, looks like he's getting his distraction for the princesses ready so the others can finish up whatever it is they wanted to do around the kingdom. What will happen next?

Special thanks to Hereward for making this AMAZING art of the three currently gigantic nobles: Sturdy Step, Enterprise Pursuit, and Lily Shine. Thanks for reading the story and I hope you enjoy the rest!