• Published 28th Jul 2021
  • 1,546 Views, 50 Comments

BIG Business - BottleH2O

What happens when some snobby nobles in Canterlot become giants? Nothing good let me tell you.

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Chapter 3- Big, Bigger, Biggest

At a more secluded village, there was preparations for a town wide party going on. The mayor of the small town Rosenville’s birthday was coming up and everypony wanted to contribute to the celebration of their beloved mayor. A stage was currently being built in the center of the town, here, ponies will gather for songs, dance, and refreshments. So far, the stage was still undergoing construction, with several huge logs laying on the other side of town, tired earth ponies having left it after carrying it for miles from a forest. Banners were in the still in the process of being set up, tables lay midway assembled, and chairs laid strewn about. Absolutely nobody could work in the sweltering sun.

Oh, how horrible!” one Pegasus stallion thought in dismay “We’ll never get these decorations finished in time for tomorrow, everypony is just too tired. Whatever will we do now?” All around him, the stallion could see other volunteers plopped down either on benches or on the ground, too tired to go on. All of them metaphorically baking in the hot summer heat. “What does Princess Celestia think she’s doing with the sun right now? It was not supposed to be this hot today! Is she under a lot of stress or something and forgot to tend to the sun?”

Shaking that ridiculous thought out of his head, the stallion got up from his spot on the ground and shakily made his way over to a pile of streamers. He took a bundle in his mouth and spread his wings, trying to fly up to the stage to hang them up, but collapsed shortly after a few wing flaps. He seemed to jostle around on the ground for a bit after falling back to the Earth, the ground seemingly shaking on its own accord. The stallion just chalked it up to him being tired “It’s no use,” he thought sadly “The other volunteers and I are simply too tired to keep this up. Now the party will have to be cancelled. Oh, what to do? The poor Mayer will be so said now!”

While lost in his thoughts, the stallion got a brief reprieve as a shadow covered the town, blocking out the sun’s sweltering rays “Oh thank goodness, at least now I can focus on the task at hand instead of worrying about collapsing from the heat!” chuckling to himself, the stallion picked himself back up from the ground again from where he crashed and turned around, looking to check back in with the volunteers.

The stallion blinked, for some reason all the volunteers had already gotten back up. They were standing in the middle of the street, muttering amongst themselves, and looking up at the sky. “That’s odd, what could have gotten them in a tizzy?” the stallion wondered as he made his way over to where the crowd was and looked up. And then proceeded to scream like a little filly.

Looming high above them all, covering the entire town in their shadow, were two colossal unicorns, looking down at all the tiny ponies.

Lily Shine giggled with happiness as she and her gargantuan husband walked past another little town, the miniature inhabitants stopping their morning activities to gawk at the two titans as they passed by, the world shaking with every one of their monumental steps. “What a wonderful feeling!” she said happily to her larger husband, who was effortlessly keeping pace beside her “the feeling of being so big, powerful, and not have a care in the world! It is most wonderful; don’t you agree Enterprise?” She asked.

The gigantic gray stallion chucked and gave his wife a little nuzzle as the two nonchalantly stepped over a lake “Of course my dear! I never dreamed we would get such an opportunity.” Enterprise said heartily, his eyes occasionally looking back down at the ground, keeping a keen and watchful eye for any puny houses or even smaller ponies that may unwittingly be in their path.

The colossal couple continued their stroll through the equestrian countryside, which continued to quake from their steps, as they happily took in all the sights. Lily looked on with glee, thankful that she finally got to go out for the sake of her pleasure, and not because it was mandatory for her job. Enterprise on the other hand, was closely examining his surroundings, taking in the sight of the miniature landscape in awe.

It’s amazing,” Enterprise thought as he took another casual step over a cluster of trees “It wasn’t long ago I would have been looking up at those little weeds in the ground with the same admiration as I would with another similarly tall structure. Now look at us, we’re so huge, entire forests are practically the size of moss!” Enterprise chuckled again at the irony of the role reversal. Many of his colleagues in fact, always used to tell him he was quite tall, Enterprise could only imagine their faces if they could see him now.

“Oh, look over there honey! I see another village!” Lily said excitably, pointing to a spot in front of them “Let’s stop by this one and say hi to all the little ones!” Enterprise nodded, smiling at his wife’s energy “Of course my dear, we can say hi and also get to inspect them up close.”

Beaming, Lily literally pranced up to the tiny rural spot on the ground. Her stomping causing even more tremors to the poor denizens down below. When Lily stopped at the edge of the town, she leaned down to get a better look. None of the houses were even remotely taller than her hooves. Even the town’s clocktower only made it about quarter of the height. Enterprise caught up with his wife and also leaned down to examine the miniature settlement.

“Hi everypony!” Lily greeted enthusiastically “How’s it going way down there?” her booming voice drowning out a tiny scream coming from somewhere below them. The townsponies continued to stare up at the two massive nobles, seemingly uncomprehendingly at the situation. “We’re doing good Miss,” one pony finally managed to squeaked out timidly.

“Wonderful!” said Lily as she looked around “So what’s going on here little guys? You doing some construction or what?”

The townsponies glanced at each other cautiously before answering “We’re setting up for a party Miss giant,” another pony called up to her.

“Ohhh a party? Who’s the lucky pony?”

“It’s the mayor. His birthday is coming up, so we all wanted to do our part and show how much we appreciate him.”

“That’s wonderful! Looks like you guys made some good progress here! How about I lend a little helping hoof?” Lily said as she lit up her horn. Orange magic swirled around it as down below, all the streamers, balloons, lumber, and tables were surrounded in a similar light and with practically no effort, the gigantic model easily set everything in place. Tables, balloons and streamers were neatly hung up and set, and the lumber was magically shaped into planks and fitted gracefully into their place on the stage, securing it in place.

The townsponies looked on in awe before bursting out in applause at the feat. Lily smiled and took a graceful bow, happy to have helped.

“Well done dear!” Enterprise said, beaming at his wife.

Lily blushed “Oh it was nothing Enterprise,”

Smiling, Enterprise leaned down again and once more, continuing to observe the bug sized equines. Many were running towards the newly built stage to inspect it, while others went to check out the decorated square, some ponies even left to retire to their homes. Enterprise’s nose flared, his nostrils flexing as he sniffed the little town gently, taking in the multiple scents of the festival now that ponies had started preparing for it at last. Unbeknownst to him, to the perspective of the mite sized ponies, the sniffs weren’t so gentle. To them it was a powerful wind blast. Several tiny ponies squealed in fear as they even got sucked up towards the gigantic face above. Luckily for them, they didn’t fall into the gaping dark hole but instead landed with a soft thump inside Enterprise’s bushy mustache.

The diminutive ponies held on tightly to the thick, tube-like strands of hair as the gargantuan business stallion began to stand back up, their world rumbling from the movement.

“Well, my dear, I think it is best if we head off now, I believe we are scheduled to meet up with Mister Jet Set and Missus Upper Crust in the city around this time to take care of our, ah, little problems.” Enterprise thundered

Lily giggled “of course sweetie. There’s just one problem, you seem to be carrying some additional little passengers in your mustache,”

Enterprise blinked and went cross eyed, trying to see the puny ponies that had been unfortunate enough to get stuck.

Lily stifled another giggle behind a hoof “Here honey, let me help,” she said as she lit up her horn again. Tiny little specks began to glow inside Enterprise’s mustache until several little ponies floated out and were deposited safety in Lily’s huge, elegant hoof. Lily and Enterprise leaned in, looking down at the tiny stowaways. “Is everypony alright?” Lily asked kindly. After a few quick headshakes Enterprise leaned in a bit more, his gigantic face filling up the ponies field of vision “I’m terribly sorry about that little ones, it was never my intention to put you in harm’s way. Can you forgive me?”

The little ponies in his wife’s hoof all nodded enthusiastically. While the experience had been a little abrupt and scary, it had been pretty cool to see the world from such a great height, even if it had only been for a few seconds. Relief swam across Enterprise’s face as he gently took the tiny ponies from Lily’s hold and deposited them carefully in the town square. The ponies look back up at the sky and waved the two titans good-bye as they set off towards the city. Enterprise and Lily could already see the faint shapes of two gigantic ponies already there, strolling around it. Jet Set and Upper Crust. The two nobles picked up the pace slightly as they made their way over to their two titanic colleagues.

“…And really, what is it with the ponies at the Gilded Cuts barber shop always raising their prices? Simply outrageous! I swear, it’s because they know I’m a prince they do that. It’s all so unfortunate, which is why I need the extra bits now so I can continue to go there and get their excellent service. Of course, now I may need a little extra if they intend to cut through these gigantic locks. Look at them, they’re even larger than most buildings here.”

Snores filled the air as many ponies had to listen to the long tangent Blueblood had been going on for the better part of the day. Well, it wasn’t like they could go anywhere considering the titan still held the entire capitol in the frog of his hoof. Many had fallen asleep by this point; some ponies had their shops closed already with the doors and windows locked. Of course, that did next to nothing when it came to drowning out the thunderous voice. A few ponies laid strewed in the street while others managed to make it back to their homes.

The guards on the other hand couldn’t really do much as they were still stuck in the gigantic globs of hair gel Blueblood had dropped onto them. Some however had taken advantage of the situation and used a bit of their expensive prison to style their manes in the high-end stuff. Because let’s be honest, this is probably one of the few times they’ll have access to the same brand royalty uses. Up on the castle, most of the staff, much like the rest of the city, had fallen asleep from having to endure the tangent Blueblood had gone on. The Element bearers and princesses weren’t doing much better, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie, Spike, and Celestia had all fallen asleep by this point, leaving only Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Luna still awake.

Luna had tried to shout Blueblood down at some point using the royal canterlot voice but was quickly shut down by Blueblood who casted a simple mute spell on her. Now all she could do was mouth what she wanted to say with an angry expression and continue to glare up at the gigantic prince as he simply continued. The other three element bearers weren’t doing much better and were clearly starting to get woozy. Even Twilight, who could sit and listen to lectures for hours was getting tired listening to Blueblood prattle on about how unfortunate his life would be without the extra bits. The elements of Harmony laid forgotten on the ground near them, with the bearers getting clonked out they had just been left there.

“…I can think of so many things I could get with the extra bits,” Blueblood went on “A new suit, that wonderful boutonnière I saw the other day, of course I will have to supersize them to account for my wonderful gargantuan size, Wonderbolt tickets, are you getting this auntie Luna? Oh, wait I won’t be able to hear you. Anyway, there’s this wonderful new museum that opened…”

Wow! I’ve been talking for so long I almost didn’t realize what time it was. It’s almost time for the others to show up. Only a few more hours. Well, might as well let auntie know what I want before then or else they’ll just hog her all to themselves,” Blueblood thought to himself.

How much more of this incessive prattling do I need to listen to?” Luna thought, bags growing under her eyes from tiredness.

“Where was I? Oh, right the museum!”


And with that, Luna plopped down onto her stomach on the balcony, trying and failing to cover her ears with her hooves.

Author's Note:

Well, now things are gonna get interesting. How will the gigantic business ponies deal with their competitors in the city? What do they have planned for them? And why does Blueblood want so much stuff? He's literally the Prince!

Hey everyone, thanks for being patient as I got chapter 3 up. I hope you're enjoying the story so far! More to come soon.

And here's another picture that Hereward made of Blueblood holding Canterlot as he prattles on about his allowance. It's a redo of the original one made on 03/04/2023: