• Published 17th Aug 2021
  • 912 Views, 150 Comments

Costume Catastrophe - PrincessEnchanteDream

Canterlot is about to receive a change in style... whether or not the residents want it.

  • ...

Granny Smith, Pear Butter and Bright Mac

Granny Smith was having a good day so far.

She whistled merrily to herself as she finished her work in the orchards and headed towards the pumpkin patch. She frowned as she got near it and heard something rustling around.

"Show yourself," Granny Smith cried out threateningly, shaking a fist. "No scallywag is gonna be eating my prized pumpkins!"

She attempted to bend down to take a closer look, but her old age made it quite a difficult task.

"Oh darn it," Granny muttered. "I'll ask one of the kids to take a look."

Granny went back in the direction of their house where she met Applejack, who was just going out.

"Applejack, dearie," Granny Smith began. "Would ya go check on the pumpkins please. I reckon I saw something scurrying over there."

Applejack paused. "Of course, Granny."

Granny Smith smiled and ruffled her hair. "That's ma girl."

She then headed to the living room and continued with her chores. She stopped briefly to look outside the window.

"What in tarnation is that?" Granny exclaimed, at the bright blue and golden sparks flying around.

The moment that the energy blast flew through the air and hit her, Granny Smith perceived everything as seemingly happening at once. Whilst this is, of course, an impossibility given the world circumstances, as it would take thousands of years for everything to theoretically occur at the precise same time, it remains a suitable image nonetheless, as it left the older lady a bit confused, and possibly surprised.

"This had better not be another of Bright's pranks," she muttered to herself, as she went on with her work. One of the bedrooms needed cleaning, and with Grand Pear out for the weekend at a tractor convention or something, that left them one pair of hands down. At least Applejack was back now; they'd already accounted for Apple Bloom not being around (bless her soul; she was a hard worker, but even hard workers need days off), and Granny Smith hoped that strange scream had nothing to do with her youngest grandchild.

So, imagine her surprise when she suddenly noticed in a mirror that her neck kerchief was missing. "Well, that's funny. Did I put it down somewhere again?"

She paid it no further heed. She was always putting things down in weird places and then forgetting to pick them up again. She went on with her work, but then stopped when she felt something moving on her arm.

She glanced down and nearly jumped several feet into the air, which would have been an impressive feat for a woman of her age. The sleeves of her shirt were flowing down her arms, sliding down them until they reached her wrists, and stopped there completely, the newly gained cuffs doing themselves up at the ends. Her shoulders also began to noticeably increase in size, expanding to be a bigger size until they, of course, stopped.

Buttons began to form up and down her shirt to act as some sort of support, whilst the shirt then buttoned itself up. Contrary to what has been happening to the others, the neckline on her actually began to rise, stopping when it was just shy of her neck. A collar popped out of the top and flipped down before buttoning up. It now looked like one of those bodice thingies that Applejack's friend periodically talked about, and had once asked her if she wore those sorts of things when younger. How old did people think she was? She was only 70!

"I would put this down to be a prank, but even my eyes are beginning to doubt that," Granny Smith mused to herself, walking over to the window and taking a look outside, now awkwardly stuck between fashion eras. More of the sparks and light danced upon sunlit skies, producing a meteor shower effect.

Granny Smith's attention was soon drawn elsewhere, however. As the jacket turned lined green and white, her red skirt turned the same colours, with the apron vanishing into thin air (much like the previously discussed neck kerchief that had vanished to nowhere). Her skirt then grew longer, extending all the way to the floor and gaining three sets of ruffles at the bottom.

Her boots morphed into a pair of hardened shoes, perfect for the terrain they worked on, and with that there was seemingly nothing else to observe. To see if everybody was OK, she went downstairs and stepped outdoors- to suddenly see her son dressed way more formally than normal.

"What happened to you?" she asked. "Did you fall in the dressing up box?"

"That's not too far off what happened," Bright Mac admitted. "It may explain why I look like I escaped from the Civil War."


Pear Butter was in the apple orchards, snipping away at the dead leaves and branches, to prepare for their next harvest.

She dropped the tool from her hand, when a scream echoed throughout the air.

"What in the world was that?" Pear wondered aloud.

She was going to go investigate when she noticed golden-blue sparks flying in the air.

Pear Butter saw the blast of energy approaching her position, and covered her eyes as the light grew brighter. She had no idea what it was or how it was even here, but as the light faded everything seemed to be normal again. "Well, that was weird," she said, before starting to walk forward.

It only took a few steps for her to stop, as something felt wrong in her chest. It almost felt as though it was being compressed. She glanced down to suddenly see that her shirt was changing. The middle portion from her chest down to her waist had turned black from its normally cheqeuered hue, and was gradually getting tighter on her waist.

"What's happenin'?"

The sleeves suddenly came to life, shrinking further and further up into her shirt until there was no trace of them. Likewise, her collar and upper part of her shirt began to shrink back until her upper chest could clearly be seen. Pear was thankful nobody could see her as the fabric from what remained her sleeves and collar turned gold, and became ruffled fabric that ran along the front of her chest, over her shoulders, and round the back in a very loose pattern, making it look like something a princess would wear.

The extra fabric from her shrunken sleeves and collar spread downwards, linking into her jeans and flowing into them. Pear tried to move again, but the legs of her jeans suddenly tore open as the button and zip vanished, leaving them flapping there. Within seconds, they had sewn up again, but as an extremely tight skirt which made walking difficult.

Pear looked down in disbelief as her boots shrank down, the fabric almost seeming to melt and become much softer, turning into a pear (ha ha) of golden heels. Her new skirt then turned to gold, or at least a golden shade, and then began to softly grow longer, gently flowing down her legs and over her feet until she could no longer see either.

Pear shivered as she felt something metal brush past her legs and down to the floor, where it briefly swayed. She then felt another skirt drop down inside it, followed by what seemed to be more layers on the metal object based on how her skirt suddenly seemed to gain volume.

She suddenly remembered what this thing was, and she had a clue of what was coming next. When she was a little girl, her grandmother had sometimes worn this old style dress with a big skirt, and Pear knew that this was similar somehow.

She was quickly proven right. The metal thing, or the hoop, quickly began to expand outwards in a dome pattern, and the fabric of the dresses and skirts on top of it started to expand as well. Pear quickly figured out that the fabric wasn't stretching, as it seemed to be getting wider without any imperfections. It seemed as though the skirts were actually growing, more and more fabric and layers flowing out of them as the dome of a skirt continued to stretch out wider.

Pear's concern soon turned to a feeling of enjoyment as she saw her skirt continue to grow wider and wider, covering more and more of the ground with its vast golden expanse. She was slightly worried that she may not be able to fit through doors, but this fear was quickly alleviated when it began to slow down after expanding through five feet. With a quick grumble of metal and stretching skirts, at six feet it finally stopped growing.

Pear stepped out of the door and outside, her skirt gently swaying in the breeze. She looked every inch the Southern Belle, and stopped when she suddenly saw her husband and mother in law, both of whom would not have looked out of place as extras in a Western. Well, at least this was true of Granny Smith. Her husband was dressed in something that would have fitted in with the old South.

"Hello Pear!" he said, with a smile as he saw her. "Energy get you too?"

"Yeah," Pear replied, nodding. "It coulda been worse though, based on what Applejack has said about magic."

"Now, that dress looks familiar," Granny Smith said, peering at it and trying not to be blinded by the light shimmering off its golden hue.

"It's because she wore a very similar one to our senior formal," Bright Mac smiled, memories of that night returning to his mind as he did so. "I'll always remember the song you sang as we danced."

Pear smiled as well. Bright was such a nice and sweet guy, but as she was about to take his hand she suddenly heard rustling to the left. She suddenly turned to see Applejack and Pinkie Pie running towards her, both of them attired in fancy gowns. Applejack's she recognized as Cinderella's dress, but Pinkie's was unknown to her.

"Ma!" Applejack called. "You got hit by it too?"

"As ya can see, yes," Pear replied, indicating to her dress. "Now we all look like extras from Gone with the Wind."

"What about Big Mac?" Bright said suddenly. "Remember? It's his and Sugar Belle's wedding rehearsal today."

"And now Apple Bloom's here!" Granny Smith said. "I'm pretty sure she weren't dressed like that this mornin'."

"I'll deal with it!" Applejack called, speeding across the ground with remarkable speed for such a heavy dress.

"Make sure you don't loose your slipper!" Bright called after her.

"Very funny!" came the reply.

Pear looked to her husband. "We need to get to Big Mac in case he's in trouble, or Sugar Belle for that matter. If whatever this magic is could do this to us, I dread to think what could have happened!"

"I'll get the truck out and we can drive down there to help!" Bright said quickly, and headed off to start it up.

Pear looked down at her skirts in consternation. "I somehow doubt I'll be able to fit this through the passenger side door."

Bright Mac jogged towards the house, slightly uncomfortable in his current attire, to fetch the truck's keys. He grabbed them from where they dangled on the windowpane, and ran back where the truck was parked.

As he ran, he recounted the day's completely strange events. He was simply working on his father-in-law's tractor, when he heard a loud scream. Bright balls of light had followed, which flew around everywhere.

Bright got into his truck and started to drive back where Pear and Granny Smith were waiting for him. As he drove, he thought back as to what all just happened.............................................

Abruptly being hit by an unknown flying object whilst trying to repair a tractor is, generally speaking, not a good thing to happen during your day. Bright Mac knew this well, as it had just occurred to him. "What in tarnation?" he exclaimed, as he stepped back from the Ferguson he was working on. This machine belonged to his father in law, who was currently away down the coast at a John Deere convention looking for new equipment to replace a selection of older kit.

He sighed, and wiped the sweat off his brow, suddenly noticing the weird particles dancing through the sky. "OK, today is gettin' weird."

He stepped backwards to try and get some collected mud and engine oil off his muddy boots so that they may last a bit longer. They weren't exactly short of money (apples and other produce still brought in a remarkable haul, seeing as their primary customer Barnyard Bargains believed in paying proper amounts for things rather than trying to force the prices down), but at the same time being frivolous with it wasn't in their nature. Bright Mac knew that all too well, considering his own cousin's lack of responsibility in that regard.

Imagine his surprise when his brown boot, or rather brown boots, were suddenly black, and slightly different in design. Whilst still fitting for walking across a field or being in a fancy building, they still looked weird nonetheless.

"Have I been inhaling lubricator fumes by mistake?" Bright asked, quickly pinching himself to see if he was dreaming.

Alas, he was not. As he looked downwards in further confusion, his socks didn't change, but his hard wearing jeans shifted into a pair of black formal pants of the sort worn with a suit, the sort of thing he was not fond of at all. Not least because he found them ridiculously constraining, and utterly inappropriate for working outdoors.

But, it seemed as though there was nothing he could do to stop them, or indeed anything that seemed to be happening. As time went on and the process continued, his favorite cheqeuered shirt started to shift as well, firstly by tucking itself into his newly acquired pants, then by abruptly softening and turning white, like a formal shirt, soon losing any trace of its former patterning.

Bright had to admit he found what was going on more annoying than anything else, as a white cravat was suddenly tied into place around his neck. This felt like somebody had glued a boa constrictor next to his vocal chords, which was not fun at all. Moments later, a black jacket formed on top of that, closed shut with offset buttons and also featuring another set of buttons that seemed to serve no function at all. To check, he reached for them and checked. Nope. Completely pointless.

"Boy do I feel silly," he said, as he slowly walked back over to the house, only to see his mother emerge dressed like she was an extra in a Western.

But none of it compared to what had happened to his wife, Pear Butter. Whomever had done this to them clearly had a sense of humor, as both of them looked like they would have fitted in perfectly in the Antebellum South.

Bright brought the truck to a stop next to where Pear was standing, navigating carefully to avoid getting his wife's skirts caught in the wheels. He'd heard stories of the old days where trams and streetcars had had plating fitted over the wheels to prevent clothes from getting caught in them, and wondered if fitting those would help.

He opened the passenger side door, and reached over to help Pear in, who was trying to squeeze her skirt through the door.

Pear struggled for a bit longer, before the hoop suddenly popped out of shape and the skirt deflated. Pear was now able to sit down normally. "Phew! I've still got it, even if I am a bit rusty with these things."

"Never thought I'd see this happen," Bright commented. With that, he disabled the parking brake and they set off, driving through the streets and on their way to find Big Mac. Along the way, they passed Apple Bloom heading towards the park in a Medieval dress, and people all over the place were dressed in excessively formal clothes; men in suits and jackets tighter than normal clothing, which explained their odd walks, and women in long, flowing dresses that looked more appropriate for the ballroom than the street. Even the policemen and military personnel had been affected, many looking like they had gotten lost on their way to the pantomime.

Eventually, they arrived at the church where the rehearsal was happening, and both parents bailed out. Pear took a moment to pop her skirts back into shape before following Bright.

As they approached, they could clearly see everybody had been affected. Not least Big Mac and Sugar Belle, both of whom now looked very different.

Big Mac blinked. "So I'm not dreaming."

Pear spoke up. "I'd ask what happened to you guys, but I think we know the answer to that."

Author's Note:

Granny Smith-

Art belongs to Fude-Chan-Art at https://www.deviantart.com/fude-chan-art/art/RQ-MLP-FiM-EQG-Granny-Smith-890159304.
Pear Butter-

Art also belongs to Fude at https://www.deviantart.com/fude-chan-art/art/RQ-MLP-FiM-EQG-Pear-Butter-887067634.
Bright Mac-

Art belongs to TheLifeDragonSlayer.