• Published 17th Aug 2021
  • 912 Views, 150 Comments

Costume Catastrophe - PrincessEnchanteDream

Canterlot is about to receive a change in style... whether or not the residents want it.

  • ...

Big Macintosh and Sugar Belle

This was certainly the strangest wedding rehearsal she had ever been to, to say the least.

The strange lights and noises certainly seemed to suggest this, and now the impossible seemed to be happening. As Sugar Belle checked over the room to ensure everything was alright, as most of the other people had gone outside to watch the Technicolor light show streaking across the skies, her eyes suddenly caught something in her vision. Was it her, or were the sleeves of her wedding dress shorter than they had been?

She brought one up to her eyes and gave it a close look. She blinked, convinced she was seeing things. But she was not. The sleeves of her wedding dress were slowly, but surely, sliding backwards up her arms back towards their point of origin.

Sugar Belle had no clue how to react to this phenomena, probably because what she was witnessing was impossible. Fabric cannot simply change shape and move by itself! That was a basic violation of physics (as a baker by trade, she certainly knew plenty about physics and chemistry, although this was a little bit out of her field considering science had never covered a phenomenon like this).

The sleeves continued to shrink back. They were soon at her elbows, and only continued to retreat even further towards the shoulders, their movement continuous and producing a series of scratchy feelings on her arms as they continued to move along her arms.

They stopped just shy of her shoulders, slightly outside of her field of vision, so she turned to the full length mirror nearby to try and get a sense of what was going on. As she watched, the sleeves started to grow in side. But not down her arms. They were beginning to expand in width like bubbles, growing and swelling in spherical shapes that spread in every direction. The expansion kept on going, with the fabric continuing to spread and grow up, down, and sideways, consuming more and more space. Just when she thought they could not get any more puffy, they suddenly stopped, leaving her with extremely big and puffy sleeves. Then, for some reason, new sleeves grew out from them down to her wrists.

"Well, what was the point of that?" Sugar Belle asked nobody in particular. Losing sleeves to gain them? What a waste of everybody's time.

A necklace appeared around her neck as she suddenly breathed in sharply, feeling a compression in her waist. A corset had materialised around it, and it was getting tighter, sucking the bodice of her dress in with it. Her waist progressively got narrower thanks to the forces exerted on it, but mercifully it stopped before it got too tight, although it did leave her with brief breathing challenges.

Her shoulders had already been consumed by the puffy sleeves, but the front and back of the bodice still shrank downwards, completely changing the layout of the upper section of the dress. She suddenly heard a creaking noise from underneath her skirt. She was wearing a crinoline frame underneath it to give the skirt a little bit of extra volume, but she was rather surprised when she felt the skirt get heavier, as more layers seemed to be appearing underneath the outer layer. By the time it was done, she estimated there were about four or five layers underneath it.

There was a brief flash, and in the next moment everything seemed to happen at once. The outer skirt fabric became ruffled and extremely fluffy as with a bright blast of light the skirt exploded outwards in all directions. There was no gradual growth or taking up of space. One second it was quite small, and the next it covered much of the floor in a gigantic bell shape. The sudden change in weight distribution forced Sugar Belle to adjust her posture or risk falling over, but she was able to stay upright. Thank heaven her heels didn't change any more than they had. Or that the hallway had been empty, as this thing would otherwise have made getting out of here impossible!

Sugar Belle cautiously stepped forwards towards the doors, which were currently closed. Stepping forward, and seeing the front of her skirt brushing against the door, she gripped the handle and slowly pulled the other one open, looking outside as she did so.

The world outside was completely different to when she had entered. Sparks flew through the air, and everybody outside was dressed far more formerly than they had been before! Big Mac was even there... in a kilt, which he had not been wearing previously.

Sugar Belle opened the door as wide as it would go, and tried to fit through. Only to suddenly stopped partway through. She looked to her left and right, and soon saw the problem. "Bother! My skirt is wedged in the door!"

And it was. She pushed forward briefly, but that seemed to have no effect, and not only that she was worried about damaging it. She put her hands on the sides of the skirt to try and push it in, and to her surprise it worked. She popped through the door and out the other side, her skirt popping back into shape moments later.

Moments after that, some more people arrived. Again, Sugar Belle was pretty certain that was not how Big Mac's family normally dressed.

Big Mac had been elsewhere in the building when it happened. He knew that although this was not the real thing, he was still superstitious and was fully aware that seeing the bride at any point from 24 hours before right up to the wedding was bad luck. So he had been separate to be absolutely safe, compressed into a rather big suit designed to accommodate his rather formidable size.

Naturally, he was confused when he heard noise outside, and took a look out of the bottom of a window to try and establish what was going on. He was greeted with utter pandemonium, a situation echoed in his case when something crashed into him and knocked him off his chair.

He fell to the floor and promptly pulled himself up, trying to clean off the accumulated mess on his jacket when he noticed something off. He was not one for excessively flashy or ornamental clothing, and yet there were now several silver buttons in the structure of his jacket, mostly on the sleeves. They were positioned in such a way that they reflected light back into his eyes, which he found rather irritating.

Thankfully, the buttons all stayed in the same place, and nothing seemed to have happened to his shirt, which had been an absolute nightmare to prepare for this occasion. He quickly gained a waistcoat, underneath the main jacket, and that was soon full of the shiny stuff as well, as was portions of the main body of the jacket itself.

Big Mac took a quick glance in the mug he had been drinking from, and saw that it seemed to contain normal coffee. "So it's not what I've been drinkin' that's making me hallucinate," he said, convinced that none of what he was witnessing was real and was simply an illusion.

That didn't explain why his feet felt so squashed, though. He soon found the cause of the problem, as his feet were in shoes that he was pretty certain were smaller than they had been previously. His socks also seemed to be considerably taller, for some reason, and he soon saw why this change had occurred.

As an elaborate tartan shawl and cloak was bolted onto a clasp on his shoulder, turned out in checkmarked patterns of red, blue, and green, his formal pants were merged into one and shrank back up his legs to about his knees, before becoming much rougher in texture and turning the same colour as the cloak. Yes, it was now a kilt.

Big Mac now certainly knew he was not hallucinating, and that his day had just taken a turn for the bizarre. He decided to take a look outside, and opened a side door to try and exit. When he stepped outside, he saw that everybody was dressed completely differently to how they had been before. "We'll have a hard time fittin' them all in," he said to himself.

Seconds later, there was a pop, and he saw Sugar Belle quite literally pop through another door. She looked like she had escaped from a Disney movie, but before Big Mac could say anything his family's truck pulled up, and out got his mother and father, both of whom were not dressed as they usually did.

Big Mac blinked. "So I'm not dreaming."

Pear spoke up. "I'd ask what happened to you guys, but I think we know the answer to that."

"It was rather strange, I must admit, but seeing that we're all in this, I can confirm I'm not hallucinating," his father remarked.

Just then Pear's eyes fell upon Sugar Belle, who was dressed rather elaborately as compared to her previous dress, which was something she knew for a fact, as she had been there when Sugar had picked it out.

"Not that I'm complaining, but you look gorgeous, honey!" Pear exclaimed as she rushed over to Sugar, her skirts swishing as she did so.

Sugar Belle smiled shyly and ran a hand through her hair self consciously. "Really?"

"If you have any doubt, just look at Big Mac over there," pointed out Bright Mac, motioning to the person in question, while stifling chuckles.

It was then Sugar noticed how he was looking at her. Body frozen, mouth agape, and blinking eyes, Big Mac looked like he could barely believe his eyes.


Big Mac was a man of a few words, but in that instance if anyone asked him to write a song to serenade his lady, he would've done it in an heartbeat. Forget songs, he could write an entire book series on "All the Reasons Why I Love Sugar Belle, and Will Continue to Do So." Big Mac knew she was already pretty, but today, it seemed like she was an angel sent straight from the heavens and he was merely a poor peasant lucky even to be in her presence. All that were missing were metamorphical wings and a halo, but in his eyes, she seemed to be glowing, no, sparkling, even without them.

"Marry me?" Big Mac asked dazedly, with heart eyes.

"But I already am?" questioned Sugar Belle, in equal parts amusement and fondness.

Bright Mac and Pear Butter exchanged smirks over their heads, being reminded of their younger selves. Bright Mac was similarly stunned speechless when he first saw Pear walk down the aisle, and Pear could vividly remember having the same shy, lovesick smile on her face as Sugar did right now.

Sugar Belle and Big Mac would’ve continued smiling and staring at each other if it weren’t for Bright Mac clearing his throat and patting Big Mac’s back.

“Back to the task at hand, right kiddos?”

Sugar Belle jumped slightly, startled and blushing, while Big Mac looked away and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, although he still stole glances at Sugar when he thought no one was looking. An action that was not missed by his mother by any chance.

“So, what are we going to do now?”

Pear Butter smiled knowingly. “Applejack called, it seems that we’re not the only ones in this predicament here, a couple other people we know seem to have gotten caught in it too. We’re all meeting at the town square to discuss the next course of action.”

“Seems fair enough.”

Big Mac stepped forward, holding out his arm as he did so. “Shall we, m’lady?”

Sugar Belle blushed but nevertheless took the proffered arm. “We shall.”

And so, the party of four set off towards Canterlot City Square, all smiles and laughter as they did so.