• Published 17th Aug 2021
  • 912 Views, 150 Comments

Costume Catastrophe - PrincessEnchanteDream

Canterlot is about to receive a change in style... whether or not the residents want it.

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Rapid Fire and Silver Zoom

Rapid Fire, meanwhile, was balancing the football on her ankle. She tossed it into the air, caught it with her other foot, and then tossed it again, only to catch it in her hands and roll on her arms.

"WOO yeah!" exclaimed Rapid, once the ball had stopped spinning. "Better and better. Great job, Rapid Fire!"

She set the ball down, and placed her right foot on it to keep it in place. Huffing, Rapid decided she needed a break now. She bent down to catch her breath and doing so, she didn't notice the golden-blue blob fly right into her.

However, she did shriek in surprise and lose her balance, but quickly caught it on time.

Rapid Fire would first get awareness of the strange circumstances surrounding her day when she suddenly saw a skirt poking out from underneath her shorts. Confused and a little surprised, she peered a little more closely, questioning how on earth one could even fit through her shorts given the nature of how shorts were put together.

She quickly found the answer. With a tear, the legs tore open down the seams, flapping about awkwardly with no structural support. In a similarly quick moment, the stitched themselves back together differently to before, not a very short skirt indeed.

They soon turned pink, her skirts gaining a metal frame that flowed down the inside and stopped when it reached the floor. It then began to inflate in all directions, gaining metal strips that ran both up, down, and across the frame, which was still expanding outward in an A shape. This left Rapid Fire rather confused, and feeling increasing pressure on her abdomen, which a small metal band soon relieved. Now, a band made of metal, not a musical band that played metal music.

The skirt and former shorts had been busy too. They grew down the inside of the frame and stopped at the floor, covering over her feet, but not before she saw her boots begin to turn into heels. She felt cold glass on her feet and her entire center of gravity be pushed upwards as the frame briefly lifted off the floor, only to grow some more to allow it to reach the floor. The skirts followed suit.

What happened next caught her by surprise, as a pink skirt flowed down the top of the frame and to the bottom of the ground. She looked around and saw it had covered the whole frame in all directions, which left her surprised. Maybe Surprise would feel the same way, if she ever encountered her.

Anyway, on with the story. Several more skirts then flowed down on top of that, reducing the lumpiness and helping to maintain the shape of the skirt as a proper A shape, with elements of a dome to it as well. After at least five layers had flowed down, the top skirt finally emerged from the bottom of her shirt. The very strange contrast from blue to pink was not unnoticed, and it stopped a short way before the floor, before a series of elaborate ruffles and bunched fabrics grew to the floor on all sides.

At the rear, Rapid Fire suddenly noticed that each of the skirts underneath the top skirt had been longer than the last, and what happened next surprised her again. The rear of the dress began to stretch backwards, producing a gradually longer and longer train that eventually extended a full five feet behind her. More of those elaborate fabrics extended behind her, complete with the complex network of ruffles and layers that meant the skirt weighed an absolute ton on her hips, even with the pressure relief provided by the aforementioned metal structural support.

Her shirt shrank rapidly, becoming little more than a sleeveless and backless bodice as it shrank, the fabric running away like wax. Finally, it attached itself to her shirt and the whole lot turned pink.

Rapid Fire staggered about in confusion and some surprise (no, not that Surprise). She had to figure out a way to get back to normal, if only to save herself the embarrassment of having been seemingly turned into a life size Disney Princess, although the gown looked way too fluffy to be official, and slowly made her way across the field, trying to see if she could find anybody she recognized.

To her relief, she saw Silver Zoom, at a distance not too far from her, and similarly dressed in a ridiculously impractical ballgown. She grunted and hefted up her skirts, and made her way over to Silver.

You know there's something seriously wrong with your day when a strange blob comes flying out of nowhere and hits you, consequently changing your clothes into period-style dresses.

Even stranger, the impact of those blobs knock you off balance or send you flying into a tree.

On the contrary, the same couldn't be said about Silver Zoom.

She arguably got lucky when the blob hit her. Unlike some of the others, who were thrown across the field or landed in awkward and annoying places, all she got was a mild pushback from the impact that moved her very slightly, but not enough to cause her any real problems or navigate her way across muddy fields to get back home. She wandered about, trying to find her way back. The conditions had changed very suddenly, with strange lights floating and dancing on the winds. This made navigation hard, as all the flashing lights were messing with her vision and making it hard to see. She groaned as she stepped along, trying her hardest to see where she was going, and eventually covering her eyes to try and best see where she was or what was going on.

Then suddenly everything happened at once.

It all seemed to happen so quickly Silver Zoom had no chance to register it in her head. Luckily, the writer, who is omniscient, knows exactly what happened, and can describe to you precisely what happened.

In a flash, her shorts merged together into one and burst down her legs to the floor as some cold metal thing flowed down her legs, before suddenly exploding outwards like a flower petal in bloom, covering several feet of ground as the skirt warped and folded in places, some parts extending further than other parts exactly as flower petals would.

Her boots morphed into heels just as quickly, and her shirt suddenly merged into the giant skirt and began to tighten. It slowly tightened onto her body and waist, making it form fitting and quite snug, as opposed to the relatively loose fit of a sports shirt. The sleeves completely shrank back on one side, the shoulder opening up and exposing that side for all the world to see, a process that was not replicated on the other side as a single strap remained, although the sleeve was now much longer than it had previously had been, and this was of benefit to her as it at least kept that arm warm.

Finally, the dress began to change colour. The bodice, sleeves, and half of the skirt turned to a deep purple shade, and almost seemed to glitter and glow as layer after layer of crystals and glowing sequins were added, causing it to shimmer in the light. The other half of the skirt changed to become a strange shade somewhere between pink and purple, which looked very odd.

To say Silver Zoom felt odd was an understatement. She saw her friend Rapid Fire nearby with a massive pink number on, and slowly made her way over, not used to walking in heels. "Hello!" she said.

"I feel stupid," Rapid Fire complained.

"Welcome to the club," Silver Zoom replied. "I wonder what caused this though?"

"I don't know, and I don't particularly care," Rapid Fire said. "The sooner I'm out of this thing the better."

"Look! There's Spitfire! She looks really pretty in that dress," Silver Zoom commented.

"There are all the others!" Rapid Fire noted. "And they manage to look sillier than us."

"Come on!" Silver Zoom called, and they headed in Spitfire's direction.