• Member Since 29th Nov, 2020
  • offline last seen May 12th


Here to try my best. I'm the artist fumalunga, findable on Twitter and derpi. Profile Pic by Nookprint.

Comments ( 21 )

Oh nice, Haven't read it yet, but I hope Annon is a pony in this story already. I wonder if he and the other stallions he will bed all originally concidered themselves straight, I would wonder how much convincing he had to do to get them to agree to it.

Oof. Hope it isn't too disappointing but this story is a bit of a different direction from my other stuff. Human in Equestria isn't a genre I dip my toes in too often, but I wanted to contribute a good gay version of it for any reader who want to get some simple self insert of going on cute dates with horse boys. Hope you can still enjoy it though!

No problem dude, any new takes are welcome. Also I just finished reading the chapter, it was fun, I feel Annon's just swinging to the other team could have used a little more coxaing in convincing, I have a weak spot ofr first timers or straight to gay fics, but I guess you wanted to jump straight into to clop then i can certainly understnad. I love the Breaburn in the story, the beguning was a little awkward in the flow for the setup of the scene, but it quickly started to pick up steam once they passed the asking for the out on the rump part. I hope you will visit Sveengallop, he is one of my favored minor entagonists, I would like to know how you could get him in bed with annon, seeing how fussy he is. Hope you will get around with Flim Flam and Sunburst too.

This is cute! I am happy to read this later.

when are new chapters human on stallion is sooooo rare on this site by the way good story

I tend to stay away from HiE fics because 90% are either straight or ridiculous violence for some reason, but this is written pretty well so far, and The Gay has intrigued me. Having Braeburn be straight is a... choice, but nonetheless I enjoyed it.

"I really never found myself fancied by them. I guess I did want to try going out with you as a spur of the moment thing cuz, well, if there were one fella I could see myself swinging that way for, it might be you."

I think many of us guys feel that way regarding Braeburn.

Gay humans in Equestria is a surprisingly undervalued and underappreciated genre.

So, this premise certainly has me interested. But I can't help but wonder: if he needs to find true love to go home, isn't that kind of a naturally impossible situation? Find the love of your life to leave them forever? After literally going through the mare population of Equestria available to him, you'd think he'd understand this. And it'd turn off potential suitors.

Unless of course, this is just to open a portal to move back and forth between. But that needs clarification, given how these HiE stories tend to go.

Yeah, I mostly like where this story is going, but that part confuses me. They also haven't addressed why he wants to go home in the first place.

Nooo, you can't just predict the easy narrative tension baked into the premise :raritywink:.
It was just too easy to start where everyone expects. Though I get if it comes off as contrarian for the sake of it.
Yup. I wanted a cute gay HiE fic so you pretty much have it on the nose as to what I'm at least trying to shoot for. Something like junk food for anyone who likes pony boys.

I would also like to predict the stallions that get dated.
How relevant is the cover pic?

The cover pick is 100 percent relevant (eventually) and otherwise I think I have some interesting picks lined up. I mean you can see the tags ;). I'm planning for this series to go on for a while as a kind of episodic break from my other writing on here, so hopefully we'll get through a lot of boys and do justice to everyone's favorites!

Wow. Well then, I say you have quite the list ahead of you. There's been no shortage of named stallions to use for this. At least a half dozen of them would be in Ponyville alone. Not to mention the more popular ones introduced in later seasons of the show.

It's almost a shame, then...that this Anon can only have one of them. heh, maybe he'll end up playing matchmaker for some of the dates that didn't quite work out?

There’s also quite a few stallions that it outright cannot be then. If Anon discounted some of the mares for being married, Shining and Big Mac are immediately out, among others.

Idk seems kind of gay

I look forward to this

I know it probably isn't very likely, but is this ever continuing?

It was a fun read, I hope you do Special Delivery later too. Keep it up.

At this rate, I'm not sure if the final chapter will be a long drawn-out session with the final stallion or one big gay orgy

see if you still have a chance at discovering your true love, allowing you to get back home after all this time."

would he even want to at that point

Nice to see you back : )

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