• Published 28th Aug 2021
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I am a cloudbender [Pegasus] - Flash point

Reincarnated as a small cyan pegasus with a mane of two tones of blue, the darkest being the base with a fringe of a much lighter tone, his appearance gave his name. Storm Flash. Now Follow his adventure... if you want clear!~

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10.- One Month Later no Jutsu

Flying to the hospital was no problem for Flash, although his wings were a bit fatigued from the whole race and what he did in the forest was still not enough to leave him without the ability to fly, all thanks to his hellish training.

The Flash may hate training him, but it's moments like these that make it all worth it.

The hospital was found north of Ponyville near the train station, the place was very quiet when Flash arrive.

Flash did not have to make any prior appointment when a mare arrived, she quickly attended him with questions about the cause of his visit or what symptoms he could be suffering if he was sick, but as soon as he announced that he came for a check-up In case he still has damage to his hooves, he was quickly attended by a white mare who was passing by to collect some documentation on the current patients of the hospital.

"Dr. Horse will attend to you in a few seconds." The white mare left with the same speed with which she arrived.

The following days of Flash passed with greater normality and speed.

The Everfree Forest showed none of its initial madness, it was still chaotic, but at more controllable levels, the sighting of beasts on the edge of the forest was dramatically reduced according to Fluttershy who found out from the little animals now rejoicing for Flash's arrival in town as he scared away the big boys who always kept them scared every night.

The only novelty and constant of all Flash's days are the stands that were built on the outskirts of town overlooking the Everfree forest where many ponies would gather to watch the sunrise and the unexpected show that Flash would show when he is doing his job.

In the beginning, few ponies observed him (Scootaloo would always be among the first to arrive), then there were picnics or ponies having their breakfast while they watch it, then they built the stands and put up a new poster for how the ponies always gathered in the place after doing it for more than a month.

That annoyed and motivated Rainbow Dash, who tried to attract attention with her tricks, something that she managed and made her small group of fans grow, being all foals and a few adults.

Flash had arrived at the end of April, which meant that it was already June, the beginning of summer, and great news had reached the town.

That was that the princess chose the town as the place where the main event of the day of the Summer Solstice would take place, where she would raise the sun to start the longest day of the year, a custom that has always been celebrated normally in the big cities or Canterlot.

This news drove the people crazy who now had too much hype and excitement for the big day, making it very difficult for everyone to coordinate, because every hour some pony would have a new idea to make that day more memorable.

Some ponies exaggerated with some things, but nothing that a few words from the mayor didn't help…. Well, it was like that at the beginning, but things slowly escalated again.

Flash did not share the same emotion as everyone else, for him it was just another day where he would have to retain the clouds of the Everfree forest, do his exercises and take a tour of the forest to ward off any beasts that roam on the edge of the forest or catching adventurous foals for their Cutie Marks... an all too common trend, or spending time enjoying trying to guess what the weather will be like in the Everfree forest every half hour or five minutes.

It was interesting for him to see the first two times that the princess moved the sun when he was a colt, an event that destroyed his entire world and forced him to accept his new reality that he was trying so hard to deny at that time.

Another activity that Flash would do to enjoy his day would be to play with the clouds or with the air. A couple of weeks ago, Flash decided to collect a piece of clouds of all the different combinations that the Everfree can create and stores them in his room as trophies inside magic jars.

Flash isn't the first Pegasus to collect clouds and he won't be the last.

Another great or small news would be that many of the older Pegasi have left Ponyville because they have gone to other places following their dreams after being motivated by Rainbow Dash and Flash, some of them returned to Cloudsdale to enter Wonderbolts academy as Flitter and Cloud Chaser, leaving a few pegasi in town with Rainbow taking over as Captain of the Weather Team by being the longest-serving pony and being nominated by the other ponies.

Flash is already captain of the Weather Control Team, a separate division in charge of making sure that the Weather Team can do their job safely, Flash is captain as he is the only Pegasus of that division in Ponyville.

While Flash was distracted by fleeting thoughts of him, a wild Pinkie Pie appeared in front of him.

Pinkie is supported by a bunch of balloons tied to her body, she didn't say anything, she just handed him a pink letter and then went back to the ground, no words were necessary for Flash to understand what was happening.

[Storm Flash, you are happily invited to the surprise party that will take place at the Golden Oak Library for our dearest new Besto-Friendo, Twilight Sparkle and her little brother Spike the Dragon]

[PS: There will be Pancakes!]

Pinkie's handwriting was somewhat cute and at the same time childish because her choice of writing material was to use a crayon of the lightest pink color.

"She convinced me with the end of the letter or else I just wouldn't go, since I don't know this Twilight" Flash's stomach growled in agreement.

I'm intrigued by Pancakes~~

I arrived at the time indicated in the letter and when I reached the door of the library, Pinkie pushed me inside the place making sure that Twilight did not find out, there were already several ponies inside discussing in low voices about this Twilight and how tense she had been seen through the day, some compared her to the Canterlot Snobs Unicorns, hearing that my interest plummeted quite a bit, but I kept my thoughts in silent.

"Aww ... I already want Twilight to come so I can eat those great muffins" A wild Derpy made her existence known by sitting next to me.

"Aha, I already have my eyes on the Pancakes, but tell me Derpy, how have you been these weeks that I haven't seen you in town?"

"Uh... there's a lot of mail for Manehattan and it's a very very big place and very few good ponies" Derpy showed a slightly grumpy face at the memory, but she quickly regained her positivity.

“But there is always a muffin at the end of the day that will make me happy or when mail arrives for me from my friends, Dr. Hooves, Pinkie Pie, and you! Those cards made it easier to work with the bad ponies. "

“There is always a payoff for the workers and sometimes it takes a strong will to keep going… or just friends and let's not forget the food” Derpy nodded in agreement with me as we had our little conversation.

The party did not take long to start when all the guests had been gathered and Pinkie Pie turned off the lights causing everyone to be silent.

* Sniff * Someone breathed on the back of my neck, but I ignore it, in the dark, it’s easy to collide with someone it would not be strange for a pony to end up close to me because as we are all squeezing in the depths of the library it would not be something so strange and it has happened to me in other times when I have ended up in some awkward place.


"HE-!" I wanted to yell at the person who decided it would be fun to handle my flanks, but a hoof instantly silenced me that almost I raised my voice and ruined the surprise.

"Shh! Don't want to ruin the surprise!" For some reason I could clearly see Pinkie Pie's eyes for a moment, annoyed, I resigned myself, but I kept my eye out for that pony trying to touch something else, so I flew high to avoid this pony.

The seconds passed and finally, the mare arrived at the party, only to experience the welcome Pinkie for the first time, which is a combination of a one-sided conversation at high speed and then take you to meet everyone.

With the party started, I approached the food table where a Derpy was already eating Muffins with... Pinkie eating Cupcakes... don't reason and move on, totally ignore Pinkie's psycho who puts sauce on the cupcakes... ignore her, she doesn't exist, it's just you and a direct path to the pancakes.

I decided to enjoy the party with funny talks and silly jokes with Derpy and Dash who joined the conversation at some point, soon it was a group conversation with the other girls who were attracted by the laughter.

Big Mac left early, and Dr. Hooves also left early for some reason that I did not ask, I am not questioning half the world to know why they return home.

As usual, all the adults got up to witness the sunrise and the beginning of the Summer Solstice, on the other hand, I preferred to stay in one of the small clouds that usually remain floating almost at ground level, they are small clouds very useful for the fast weather control, nothing to do with the giant masses of clouds on Earth or those generated by the Everfree.

I had decided to take a nap on the cloud something that was disturbed when screams of panic and terror filled the town.

"RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!" "MY LEEEG!!" "NIGHTMARE MOON IS BACK RUN FOR YOUR LIVES !!" "AGAHSGB-S-DH!!" Someone fell into the fountain in the square drowning their cry of panic, the quiet town was now full of life with all the houses turning on their lights with the panicked screams of foals that suffered a terrible nightmare.

I could only observe how everyone ran like headless chickens from one side to another while nowhere could I observe a guard, this confused me quite a bit.

"Tch!" Flash landed in the square annoyed to see all the ponies screaming in panic without any sense to him.

* !!! * A thunder filled the square thus attracting everyone's attention.

They all turned scared, thinking they would find the sight of some monster or the source of their panic, but they only found a Pegasus.

“Enough with all this clamor! You're grown-up for Celestia! Behave like one, I don't understand what Tartars you have so scared, but it would be great if everypony could meet at the town hall and make sure to keep those that scared you away"

"We can’t! Nightmare Moon is the queen of Nightmares and in our dreams, she will eat us!" Someone among all the ponies yelled out the problem and they all nodded silently.

"Hugh! Just have a cup of coffee, throw a bucket of water on the pony that falls asleep and play some card game while someone or Celestia fixes this problem” Flash felt a great need to roll his eyes at how dumb ponies can be get.

"Now line up and calmly go to the town hall where you will share the idea of ​​staying awake and blocking the entrances while you wait for the problem to be fixed."

The ponies nodded silently and when several ponies heeded the directions, the herd instinct kicked in in all of them as they began to protect the foals and be more rational… well just a little more.