• Published 28th Aug 2021
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I am a cloudbender [Pegasus] - Flash point

Reincarnated as a small cyan pegasus with a mane of two tones of blue, the darkest being the base with a fringe of a much lighter tone, his appearance gave his name. Storm Flash. Now Follow his adventure... if you want clear!~

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13.- The fire of my Forge it's my Will to forge my path

Life resumed its course in the small town with high speed, soon all the excitement about the new princess and the heroes was accepted by leaving the parties that Pinkie was planning for three days in a row in the town almost as for any pretext... well It is always like that, but those days had a greater intensity with her parties.

The only remaining novelty in the village was Princess Celestia's Student who now resides in the village library where she will have to study friendship to better understand her new magic.

Flash had a slight interest in this magic... but as soon as he remembered that he did not have a horn on his forehead, his ears were thrown back and he withdrew to enjoy the flight, the feeling of freedom that the power to fly gives.

The days passed without major problems, the girls were still eccentric in their own ways thus bringing some fun to the small town with their minor conflicts of friendship.

Flash was also part of this group because he was a Bearer of an Element, but he dedicated more time to his work, training taking care of Amperia who could no longer accompany him on his flights because the amount of electricity that Flash generated was already a danger to her in moments of high intensity, apart from enjoying small chats with Derpy when she stops to rest.

Flash was not moving around Twilight like the other girls who were strongly attracted to her for some reason that they attributed to being destined to be best friends, he could only nod at such an idea and did not reason any more and preferred to enjoy his time.

Still like Pony, Flash did not lose his taste for being sometimes accompanied by loneliness, a moment when his mind can be free and enjoy the wonders that the world has to offer and not to mention now that he lives in a world of fantasy.

Right now Flash is in a hobby that he has begun to take a little more seriously than necessary and that is observing the sudden changes of the Everfree.

Flash as a pegasus, can instinctively understand what a cloud will do just by observing it, but with all the knowledge that he has accumulated from his mother's teachings and his own experience obtained from interacting with the Everfree, he has developed more this skill and can read the weather of a place like Ponyville.

Observing the clouds in Ponyville is boring according to Flash and so he entertains himself by observing the chaotic forest where Flash has surpassed his mark of 30% accuracy with the weather guessing.

At first, Flash tried to predict the weather just by observing the clouds... how silly of him, he also had to see the animals, the fauna to obtain more information and be able to make a more accurate prediction.

Then Flash discovered that the air breezes also gave him clues as the air hummed in his ears and swept across his coat.

Slowly Flash was catching new clues, new ways to understand the weather, maybe things that could be taught in a survival class outside of Equestria, but Flash was learning them by himself out of his own curiosity about wanting to complete this puzzle without image.

So now Flash found himself sitting on a cliff in the Everfree Forest while feeling the air breezes, listening to them and feeling the temperature that they transmitted towards him, he observed how the smaller animals had been cornered again by larger beasts, and some trees were On the verge of death.

Soon an icy blizzard hit the forest and drove all the large beasts to hide in their burrows to avoid dying from frostbite, the small creatures went into wintering in their hiding places because of their small bodies.

But while everything was freezing, the trees before on the brink of death, now resurfaced with vigor showing their large green leaves together with the large and juicy fruits that now hang from their branches about to fall to the ground under their own weight.

The icy breeze disappeared and the fruits filled the ground, melting the ice.

Everything happened in the course of 2 hours, it was not logical, it was chaotic, but the most amazing thing was that this chaotic thing was not the first time to react in such away.

"If Harmony is a loving mother, Chaos is a rude father who will let his children learn from their own injuries instead of protecting them from the world" Flash observed intrigued as he saw this same event repeat itself not with the same combination of climates, but always the same result, separating the beasts from the smallest animals and granting equal opportunities to all.

Now the animals will only survive those who are quick to collect the most fruit and return to their nests, with the beasts feeding on the slower or less suitable animals.

"This world has a lot of harmony, making the flow of nature unbalanced... How much longer until chaos comes to even the order and restore the balance?" Flash took off from his place while having a few interesting thoughts that would quickly be forgotten as a passing thought like so many many other thoughts he has had before.

Flash's speed was excessively much faster than before he obtained his Element, something that annoyed him a lot, because it was an improvement that he feels he obtained effortlessly, being more of an inner complaint.

Flash gathered his magic pressure three times as easily, being able to do an ElectroBoom much faster than before, thus showing that he is now much faster than before, but he does not release his magic to be able to do the ElectroBoom not when he does not have his new speed increase under control.

To fix that inconvenience, Flash started to have more races against the clock, only high-intensity flights while he made complicated maneuvers without losing speed or rhythm.

At first, he suffered from tunnel vision because he was not used to the new speed that he obtained from one moment to the next, but his other senses have helped a lot to overcome this problem.

* Ka-Boom !! *

"The heck!" Flash looked for the source of the sound while his ears went crazy looking for the source of the explosion as well as trying to smell any smell of scorching.

Flash's eyes swept across the forest until he felt a sensation that he easily recognized and that was static, the residue of lightning passing, his fur absorbing all the static from the air as he followed the few clues.

Flash arrived at the place where the impact was when he looked around the place with his gaze, Flash's eyes sharpened when he found a certain magenta pony who was embarrassed when she was caught in a badly executed spell.

"U-uh... I put a few extra parameters on my spell" Twilight commented a little embarrassed while her mind was occupied with another task and she ignored the little pain in her head.

"Luckily I was close, if not you will be a serious appetizer of some Timberwolves" Flash landed next to Twilight as he stepped between her and the beasts that arrived attracted by the poorly executed magical blast.

"I just wanted to teleport a little faster, don't expect to be teleported 1,235 km with 37 degrees of deviation from my calculated destination" Twilight let out her thoughts while she still ignored the situation.

* Pop! *

"Sure, leave me with the puppies" Flash looked a little sullen at the missing Twilight.

"They only bring chaos wherever they go and are emissaries of harmony" Flash touched his forehead a little annoyed while he ignored the Timberwolves who were preparing to attack him, but they did not achieve anything when Flash took off without giving them a chance.

It didn't take long for Flash to return to Ponyville after a few more hours of spending time in Everfree, it was barely 5 in the afternoon and Flash had nothing to do, the weather was not a problem, remove the clouds from the Everfree much less.

"I should find more interesting ways to use the air, that always distracts me" Flash thought to himself as he tried to visualize ways to use his abilities which always ended up leaning towards combat.

"I can already make air blades, sharpen my wings, be one with the air, make the air solid... I could also be able to interact with things in my environment without actually touching them ... the air is my emissary" Flash's imagination turned crazy trying to give a concept to his crazy idea about being able to touch something without touching it or push it without pushing it.

Flash's mind ran through all the fantasies that he had read or seen and the answer was Ninjas, for some reason Flash’s mind remembered all the great techniques of the Ninjas from the Naruto Anime that he saw so many years ago that he had almost forgotten how many other things.

"Walking on walls... I can make a vacuum on my hooves and I will achieve the same while I become weightless!!" The Flash's ears perked up as his tail wagged intensely, but even so, he did not give space for someone to see the parts of him since they were hidden with a magic sheath that is camouflaged with the pony's coat the same function as horseshoes.

"Neji!! I remember a chapter where he hit the air and also hit a tree or the chakra dome that he did spinning to do great defense/offense!" Flash felt like a kid in a candy store, but instead of candy, he had Fantasy Techniques that were now made possible by his new reality.

He had so much concentrated on improving his speed that he forgot this possibility when he learned Air Jump.

"THESE ARE TICKETS FOR THE GRAND GALLOPIN GALA!!!" A shout resounded throughout the place, reaching Flash, which was already a little outside the town.

"Huh? Why so much emotion?" Flash raised an eyebrow and bowed his head to all the ponies who stop doing their thing to run off in the direction of the voice.

Intrigued a bit Flash flew into town to see something interesting and so it was, he saw a lot of ponies getting hit by their herd instincts and now many ponies were following Twilight for no reason other than being dominated by their instincts.

"Haha, this is fun to watch" Flash drew a cloud with a flick of his wing and stood to watch the little show Twilight put on, following her with little flaps to push himself onto the cloud.

"Hi Flash... you're not following Twilight to get my entrance... are you?" Rainbow approached curiously with her ears fully alert.

"Nel, it's fun just to watch and I have bad reviews of the place from my mother" Flash shook his head.

"B-but the Wonderbolts will go!" Rainbow questioned surprised by Flash's disinterest since every pony has an interest in going to that party because it is the Grand Galloping Gala.

"AND? I'm not a fan of them, they are just more ponies gathered in a place that I have no interest in going to"

*Gasp!!!* Rainbow widened her eyes as wide as she could at Flash's comment.

"Heretic!! HOW CAN YOU BE A PEGASUS AND NOT BE WONDERFUL BY THE WONDERBOLTS!! " Rainbow approached Flash and tried to grab him by the shoulders so she could empty her mind into Flash's little mind, but she only provoked a bit of animosity from him.

"I refuse to sermonize on whether or not to be a fan of some Ponies who only know how to do tricks... I assure you that they can't do this" A little annoyed Flash stood on the cloud.

Rainbow for the first time realized how tall Flash is when he used his height to intimidate her a bit, but what happened next left her puzzled.

Flash just spread his wings and the sky... was cleared, the clouds that abounded in the sky after the rain, now they had been eliminated.

"H-how?" Rainbow looked in all directions for clouds, even the cloud they had been standing on, now it was gone because of the powerful breeze caused by Flash's wings.

"Training, dedication, and talent" Flash looked back at Rainbow who just went silent.

“I have been able to replicate the Wonderbolts shows for two or three months, they are fast and resistant I grant them, yeah, but none of them have achieved a Sonic Boom, maybe Spitfire can do it, but how will she do it if she does not understand what it takes to do it and apparently for me it is easier to achieve it because I have something that allows me to cheat, like you with your cutie mark "

"You only need control over your flight and you will leave the Wonderbolts behind, but until you achieve control over your own abilities, you cannot be better than them even if you can do a Rainboom"

“Why is our difference so big?… I have wanted to ask that a long time ago, why are you faster and why do you have more control? What have I done wrong to stay so far behind? " Rainbow didn't look Flash in the eye as he released his most suppressed feeling from him.

Flash was surprised for a big moment until he recuperated his mind under control.

"There are only three things that differentiate us... our goals, you want to be a Wonderbolt, I want to master the speed that I would be able to do a Sonic Boom in an instant and not after 500 or 800 meters of flight and that is only a goal of the several that I have "

“That I can impose my will on the Pegasus magic that every Pegasus has and uses intuitively, while you use it unintentionally, I control it because my will allows it, but you have a monstrous natural talent, I know it because you managed to replicate a technique that took me years to master like the Aerial Jump which is when you kick the air, you did it during our race through Ponyville"

"The third and most insignificant difference, but it makes the most difference... is how willing you are to suffer to achieve your dream, I break my back training to be able to increase, even if it is a little my wing power, it does not matter if it is only 0.001 what improves… an improvement is an improvement and that makes me better than before…. I'm not saying that you exercise until you break your wings, but at least do some exercise more seriously, your natural talent cannot bear everything, so push your limits every day and don't just try to fly expecting to be faster than yesterday "

Rainbow now looked intensely at Flash who had finished speaking.

"You know ... your strong will is something contagious, it shows that you are the Bearer of the Element of Will and don’t think otherwise" A smile adorned Rainbow's face when the small flame that she had before is now a burning backfilling her with motivation and great ambition.

"I'll tell Twilight I don't want that ticket anymore, I have to buy the right gear to be 20% cooler and faster!" Rainbow flew away.

Flash landed on the ground now that there were no clouds to sit on.

“Nice talk, lately Dashie was a bit distracted and grumpy at not being able to make her Rainboom while you can do it at will, last time I offered her an ultra-super-duper-motivator Cupcake... and she did not eat it!! Because it would make her fat and slow her down and she never turns down my cupcakes!!" Pinkie appeared leaning on Flash giving him a grateful hug.

"Uh ... you're welcome, I don't understand why I exploded like this either"

"He's your goofy pony element, now that you're in tune with him you can feel when somepony needs a motivational talk like me when a pony needs to laugh" Pinkie gave a little laugh as she skipped away in the direction of the library.


"Oh! Right, You should come my Pinkie Sense tells me you have to come” Flash's ears went alert when he ran into Pinkie who had gone in the opposite direction from him only to find her when he turned the corner.

Pinkie didn't give her time to react when she instantly dragged him through a bush to exit a bookcase in the Golden Oak Library.

“I have so many questions” Flash said with a poker face.