• Published 20th Oct 2021
  • 4,547 Views, 697 Comments

Beyond Blind Eyes - Lunaric

Might not have sight anymore but there's always magic... It might take some time to learn it, though.

  • ...

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"...Is something to try. But for now, you have been working for quite a while. Why don't we take a break?" Sunny suggested.

Cotton nodded and hummed an agreement. It has been a while... Cotton looked down at Aqua who had yet to respond. "Aqua?"

"Yeah, yeah..." The filly shook her head. "It's probably a good idea." She pointed at her head. "Don't want to fry this piece of junk."

Both the mares adopted concerned looks as Cotton leaned in close. Enough for only her and Aqua to hear. "You okay?"

The filly replied at a normal volume. "Yeah... I'm just so damn bored. I'm still used to being so busy. Before all this, I used to be doing so much, pretty much at all times. Granted, it wasn't bad don't get me wrong but, it's still so much less to do... So I dive into learning magic." Aqua grinned." "'Cause magic is cool."

"Still, young one, even though," Sunny joined Aqua in grinning, "Magic is cool, ponies need to have other interests. Even if those interests are as simple as making friends."

Aqua mimed looking past Sunny. Following her gaze, Cotton saw the other fillies and colts of the orphanage. "I think I'm good. Not to shit-talk the others but-."

"Aqua. Language."

"Oh shi- uh... Right... Sorry, Cotton." The mare nodded in satisfaction. "Uh... Oh yeah. They're a bit hard to hold a conversation with. At least, for me... Fun to talk to for a few minutes or short exchanges but... beyond that? Not really."

Sunny had motherly disappointment visible on her face. "Remember this, little one; You will need friends in the future. Even if you don't know it yet."

"Oh yeah, I'm fully aware, don't get me wrong... It's just they're," The filly pointed behind Sunny again, "Just are a little too immature to be true friends with, is I guess what I'm trying to say."

"Then you must endeavour to find ones you would call 'mature.'"

"Yeah, I fully intend to just... I ain't got much for options at the moment."

An audible hum from Sunny. "Aside from the aforementioned topics, are there any other interests you have or intend to pursue?"

"I-... Hm..." Aqua looked up in thought. "I... might want to try carving or moulding? Like, with clay. I know I told Cotton, but I don't think I've told you, Sunny..." Sunny tilted her head. "I... I used to draw before..." Aqua pointed at her eyes with her left foreleg and lightly shook her head. "Yeah... I used to draw. well, more akin to sketching, actually..." Aqua smiled, "I never really got past the sketching phase unless it was an assignment, but I enjoyed it. It was fun to do while talking to others or just thinking."

Sunny interjected, "I see."

"Yeah, it was fun. Especially once I showed it to my friends and art teacher..." The filly's smile grew. "I quickly found out my teacher doesn't like spiders." Aqua giggled. "Not that that stopped me, anyway. well, until she banned me from drawing them in assignments..." Aqua happily sighed, "Good times..."

"Going from drawing to moulding makes sense to me." Cotton looked up in thought. It's been forever since I last made something out of clay... Five or six..? Might join her in that... "I could help you if you want, with that, Aqua. I once played with clay when I was younger."

Aqua looked to Cotton. "Sure! More the merrier, as they say."

Cotton looked down at the metal cube Aqua had been tying to practice the warming spell with. Taking her quite a while to learn... I wonder why... Bring it up with Raven.

Cotton tilted her head as she looked at Aqua.

Author's Note:

Three days late or so. It's also shorter than I wanted; I'll likely go back and add more to the end of this chapter or just make another chapter. I've been overwhelmed with a lot of things and had little free time to myself.
On a brighter note: This story is now at 20k words! Thanks to all of yall for the support.
Hope y'all enjoy and have a good day.

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