• Published 20th Oct 2021
  • 4,547 Views, 697 Comments

Beyond Blind Eyes - Lunaric

Might not have sight anymore but there's always magic... It might take some time to learn it, though.

  • ...

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Solid shuffled his legs.

Solid sniffed to clear his nose.

Solid scratched his leg.

Solid had been standing guard for a while now. He was a guard and what he did was guard. He was inside the orphanage, just inside the front doors. To avoid disturbing the foals while they sleep... He had been here most nights since he was assigned to Aqua. Solid was not much of a night pony. He definitely wasn't a bat pony. But he had been making it work for the duration. Thankfully, he wasn't assigned this for every night, just the unlucky ones. Most of those assigned to the orphanage weren't supposed to guard inside. With the filly's disabilities, one had been stationed inside the building since she arrived. I've yet to hear how she arrived here.

Thumps from the hallway on his right broke his thoughts. It was the second time tonight, but It had gotten louder. Solid should check on Aqua.

He trotted down the hallway to the now-silent source of the sounds.

Solid knocked quietly on Aqua's door. "Aqua, it's Solid."

A second of silence before she responded, "Come in."

As Solid opens the door and trots in, he notices the state of the room. Furniture has strayed from their original spots a little, and anything not large nor bolted down now lies haphazardly around the floor. The bed is the only thing that didn't look like it was moved. In the middle of the chaos was Aqua. She was sitting in the centre of the room, holding a block of wood. One of the stacking blocks, with letters on it. She was curled around the block and looking at it.

Without turning, she tiredly interrupted his scan of the room. "You good, Solid?"

He walked in and closed the door behind him. "I... feel like I should be asking you that, ma'am."

"Hm... Probably." Aqua began to lightly push the block with one hoof, then the other, back and forth.

Solid stood near the door for a few seconds before deciding. Not the best at this, but I'll try... He closed the distance. "How are you feeling?"

"Annoyed. Extremely fuckin' annoyed." Solid noticed she was batting the block harder now as he sat down at her side.

"From the..?"


An uncomfortable silence grew between them. Solid thought about how to continue and comfort Aqua. Really not good at this...

Aqua broke it before Solid. "Why did it have to happen to me? I'm already crippled, goddammit." She then adopted a mocking tone, "Oh yeah, they're already blind, they can take it." Now muttering, "Fuck you, too. Piece of shit."

Solid's eyebrows raised.

Louder now as Aqua stood up, "I just fucking wish I could catch a fucking break. I've only been here for about a fucking month and I'm already getting shafted again." She hit the block and it stopped with a small thunk against the door. "I'm already way out of my fucking element, isn't this shit enough?" Her horn lit up and she lifted the previously unmoving bed. She strained as she attempted to throw it, but it only shifted slightly. She let it go and it hit the ground like a loud crash.

Aqua stood in place, panting. Solid lightly put a hoof on her back after she was done. Eventually, she sat back down and faced the floor in front of her

Solid sighed, breaking the silence. "I heard something like this happen to some of our unicorns in the guard a while ago..."

Aqua hummed for him to continue.

"She was one of our best shielders..." Solid looked down at the filly. She was still staring at the block between her hooves, no longer moving. "She had an accident happen involving her horn. Nearly broke it from how much magic was going through it. She ended up out of commission due to it. Her cutie mark involved making shields. She became depressed and barely did anything she didn't need to..."

Aqua began, "I don't-"

Solid interrupted, "But it was okay. She heard good news. The doctors had a breakthrough and figured something out. She would be able to recover within six months. Soon after, she began to throw herself into her magic training. Four months later, she was back to how she was before the accident. Now, she's even better... She still has the best shields out of us all."

Aqua turned to Solid for the first time tonight.

"This was a long time ago now. Before I even grew up. She's retired now... You'll be okay." Solid rested a hoof over the filly.

Aqua was silent and turned back down to the block. "It's... possible to get better?"

Solid nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

"Good... It's really fucking annoying."

As the filly leaned into his side, Solid awkwardly hugged her as she quieted.

Solid, meanwhile, was debating mentioning the small crack he heard earlier when she activated her horn.

Author's Note:

I edited 'A Mark for You and a Mark for Me' again for the same reason.
Finals week is a hell of a drug. Doesn't help that I've been strung out as well... I'm better now, but it is what it is.

I intended to write and release this chapter at least two weeks ago... It's been a bit longer than that.
I intend to speed up my writing from now on. In struggling to write this chapter, I've had a few ideas for the next few.
The quality of this chapter is likely not the best either because of that, though.

Also, Merry late Christmas and Happy holidays to all. Oh yeah, and happy Hearth's Warming... nearly forgot that.

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