• Published 20th Oct 2021
  • 4,547 Views, 697 Comments

Beyond Blind Eyes - Lunaric

Might not have sight anymore but there's always magic... It might take some time to learn it, though.

  • ...

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After that, she didn't say anything... Cotton stared at Aqua. Did I say something wrong? The filly was sitting in the same corner she usually took up. Maybe it was her brother? Though, the filly had her back to the corner, directly touching both walls. Is that comforting to her? Cotton shook her head lightly. Did he do something to her..?

The filly's front right hoof was jittering back and forth. Up and down. Otherwise, she was only moving her mouth. The filly was talking to herself. Cotton glanced at a clock for a second. Been mumbling for nearly an hour... She wasn't close enough to hear everything the filly was saying, but she could catch a few phrases.

"... pick Aqua..?" Aqua sniffled.

Cotton frowned.

"Why did..?" Aqua's hoof stopped moving.

Something about us trying to help her?

"Did I..?" Aqua rubbed her eyes with a hoof.

Is she okay..?

Aqua shook her head suddenly and spoke up. "I can't be thinking like that." The filly looked up in Cotton's direction. "Hey Cotton?"

The pegasus's eyes widened. "Yes, Aqua?"

The filly rubbed one leg with the other. "S-sorry about earlier today... I... kinda forcefully stopped the conversation and was kind of an asshole about it."

Cotton opened her mouth to comment on her choice of language but didn't say anything. Not the time.

"I wanted to apologize for that as well as..." The filly hung her head.

"With my brother... The last time I saw him, he was doing pretty good. Though, I don't know how long it's been since then, so I... I don't know..."

Cotton slowly nodded." Aqua... I forgive you, but... Your brother. Did he do..?" Cotton caught herself. "Did you like your brother?"

Aqua nodded. "Yeah. A lot. Though, sometimes I feel like I wasn't really a good... sibling... Anyway, yeah."

"Do you... Do you want to talk about him?"

Aqua started to nod before she stopped herself. "I... No. I... want to avoid thinking about that for a while... There's some... Nevermind. I can't tell you."

Cotton's head tilted. "You can't say?"

"It's not that you're not trustworthy or anything stupid like that, just... I... I'm sorry. I just can't. Not yet, at least." The filly slowly shook her head.

The mare's eyebrows drooped. "Okay... Just... When you think you're ready to talk-"

Aqua jolted forwards. "Cotton!" Quickly shaking her head, she looked at the pegasus, "Cotton, sorry to cut you off again. I just want to make sure you know for sure before it can get worse. I wasn't abused. I know it sounds like it, what with how I'm avoiding giving details and how some of this sounds..." The filly groaned and lightly tugged on her mane. "Look. I know I wasn't, or at least, not intentionally, nor badly... I wasn't, so please don't think that I was..."

Cotton reached a hoof out, but it didn't go anywhere. "I-..."

"Look. I know not thinking about it-... This whole thing I mean. Not thinking about it or talking about it isn't healthy. I know... Just..." The filly hung her head and fully laid down. "Not yet..."

Cotton leaned back, her eyes wide. How did she..?

The filly spoke up and sat up again. "I just... I don't want to cause confusion or annoyances down the line... And... Trust me. You're the- When I- You'll be the first I talk to..." Aqua nodded firmly as she put a hoof to her chest. "I promise."

Cotton opened her mouth.

The filly slowly faced the floor and nodded weakly."I promise..."

Cotton closed her mouth. What..?

The filly nearly whispered to herself as sparkling water dripped onto the floor. "I promise..."

Cotton pulled the filly into a hug. Oh, Celestia... What do I do?

Author's Note:

I like this chapter more than yesterday's despite that they're both the same length ish. This one is technically exactly 60 words less upon writing this. There's a possibility I won't upload one tomorrow due to watching a movie with some friends. Sorry for the delay in advance. If it happens, that is.

Also sorry for all the chapters being sad in some way.

I think I found the way I like to do these chapters. On one hand, I can start with just a simple line and then a response and then build an entire chapter off of that. And then, on the other hand, I write out what every line will mainly be about and then go about actually writing the chapter, occasionally adding in an extra line that feels like it fits here and there.

I hope you all have a good day

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