• Published 4th Oct 2021
  • 3,425 Views, 73 Comments

The Fluffy Girl With a Heart-of-Pink - DogSomeOre

A bright pink mare, tries to go beyond her usual feelings.

  • ...

Ch. 12 - The Fondest Memories Are The Ones Made With You

"Wow, you really mean it this time, Nonie?" Pinkie's face lightens up, yet again Anon pulls another surprise her way.

"Sure do!" Anon gives Pinkie a cheerful thumbs up. "Got the tickets myself this time too." He shows Pinkie the two tickets for a small fair in town, it's no carnival, but they're sure to have some fun.

"Oooh~ this is gonna be sooo great! We can get cotton candy, ride on super-duper-amazing rides-"


"-Eat lots of food, *gasp* the wheel thing that goes round and round! I've always wanted-" Anon puts his hand on Pinkie's head, she snaps out of her excited rambles. "Sorry, Nonie, I'm just so glad to be going with you, oh, it's like a dream come true!" She proclaims.

"We've never been to any place like this before?" Anon questions himself, thinking.

"Nope~!" Pinkie's quick to answer. "That's why this is so great!" She may overstate just how much of a good thing something like this is, but it never fails to lighten Anon's mood up just by a few octaves.

"I can't believe you aren't tired though." Anon yawns. "You had a long day yesterday after all."

"Uh-huh! But~ It isn't like it was that bad." She emphasizes. "You were there, so it was actually the best over shift ever!" She overstates again.

"You've said that before; you say that a lot now that I think of it." Anon tells her.

"Only when your in the day with me, Nonie." Pinkie winks playfully. "Though I suppose now that you mention it, why are we going so early in the day? Wouldn't of it been better to go later so we've had more rest and time to prepare?" Pinkie proposes.

"Well..." Anon thinks of a way out of this. "I mean sure we would have more rest, but what about the lines? The shortage of food? Maybe some rides would have even closed by then."

"Hmmm, fair point Nonie; yeah, your right, early is certainly better then later!" Pinkie agrees. Relief fills Anon as he weasels his way to a somewhat, logical explanation. "So~" Pinkie starts in a jubilant tone. "You ready to go?" That's right, the both of them have just been standing at Anon's door, talking. Pinkie being the hands-on mare that she is, of course pounced on Anon like a tiger with their prey; though Pinkie isn't one for hunting, more-so just loving is by far enough.

"You know, Nonie, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're not wearing your cloth-wear on purpose." Pinkie eyes Anon up and down, her frisky comment makes Anon harshly aware of the situation.

"Ah, your right! Be right back!" He's standing right at his door, wearing nothing but the underwear he comfortably slept in. "Dang it, Pinks, why do you always have to make it weird." He pouts to himself, thinking of the fact that no one else even wears clothes on a normal basis, but he's the one that's strange for it.

"It seems like every pony else had the same idea as us, Nonie." The two of them make their way to the lively fair; Pinkie is right, there is a lot of ponies that have gathered here.

"Great." Anon sarcastically mutters under his breath.

"Where do you want to go first?" Pinkie excitedly looks around at all the things she can lay her eyes on. "I really don't know myself, everything just looks so fun! Can we do everything at once? No, I don't think we can; maybe if we had a time machine we could, but I don't think those exist so-"

"How about over there?" Anon points Pinkie towards a clown-pony bizarrely juggling a couple of balls whilst simultaneously riding on a unicycle.

"Oooh, that does look fun! Come on!" Pinkie tugs Anon's hand, they both head over towards the talented clown, experiencing the mystical tricks he has on display. They both applaud his entertaining works, fascinated by the talent the clown exudes.

"Encore, Encore!" Pinkie claps her hooves together, Anon looks over at her, she takes it all in so happily, the genuine smile on her face, the cute little giggles she produces; to Anon, it's already worth it that they came here.

"That was incredible, Nonie! Did you see how he spit out that fire?! It was like a dragon!" She gushes at the awe moment, Pinkie even making some of the movements the clown did.

"You really liked that, huh?" Anon asks.

"Absolutely! And that was just the first thing we've done!" She proclaims, reveling in the prospect that the two of them have a whole day together.

"Didn't you say something about the Ferris wheel? Want to go there next?" Pinkie nods her head eagerly; and so, that's the next stop they venture to. It took a bit of time getting on it, with the lines and whatnot, but to the two of them it was certainly worth it, both having their own reasons.

"Woah." Pinkie's jaw drops at the height they've reached. "Look down there, Nonie, you can practically see all of Ponyvile!" Pinkie waves her hooves in the air, euphorically giddy at this lifetime experience.

"Oh geez." Anon looks down, slightly sickened by just how high up they are. Pinkie takes note of this.

"Aw, Nonie, you don't have to be scared." Pinkie reassures him.

"I'm not scared I just-" He looks down again. "Ok, maybe a little bit."

Anon faces forward, not wanting to see the ground level again; a soft, warm peck is felt quickly on his cheek, he turns his head quizzically to the source of that feeling. Pinkie grins at him intently.

"Don't worry your handsome little head, Nonie." She jokes. "Pink's ain't gonna let anything happen to ya." Even though she teases around a bit, she's serious in her words all the same.

"Thanks Pinkie, I feel a bit-" Anon looks down again.

"You wanna lay on my lap?" Pinkie proposes.

"Huh? Right now?" Anon says bashfully.

Pinkie covers her mouth with a hoof, small giggles escape; she loves seeing Anon act so shy, it's adorable to her. "Yes right now, silly!" She exclaims.

"Yeah but Pinkie I'm not sure if- I mean we're out in public, so-"

"It's ok, Nonie. It's not like anyone's gonna see. We're in the air." She explains. Just hearing her say that they're basically relying so heavily on a machine to bring them down to safety makes him feel queasy. "C'mon, just lay down, like this." Pinkie takes hold of his body, softly directing his head down on her bottom hooves. Anon lays upright, looking at nothing but the clouds in the sky, and Pinkie's serine face.

"Feel better?" She speaks to him with a soft voice. In reality it's a little embarrassing for her too, but any moment to be intimate with her beloved human, is a moment that should not be wasted.

"Yeah, yeah, I do." He tells her, matching her tone.

"Good." Pinkie begins petting Anon's head, somehow, he really likes this weird interaction.

"This feels nice." He admits in a calmly manner; a straight contrast to his feelings just a moment before.

"I honestly thought you'd of been more embarrassed." She inquires.

"I was, truth be told."

"What changed?" She asks him.

"You." Anon rubs his hand on Pinkie's furred cheek, she leans into his palm, wanting more of his touch to be present on her face.

"Oh, Nonie. You really know how to make this girl happy." Pinkie says as a blush forms on her pink face.

Anon and Pinkie spend the rest of the ride in peace, Anon happy he doesn't have to feel his fear of heights and Pinkie, just being glad to have Anon right by her side.

"Mmm, delicious!" Pinkie speaks before throwing another piece of the fluffy candy in her mouth.

"I don't know, it taste really sweet." Anon refutes, grabbing another bite sized portion.

"That's the point though, this stuff's loaded with sugar!" She tells him, grabbing another hoof full of cotton candy. "You don't really eat a lot of sweets, do you, Nonie?" Pinkie asks as she chews on the delectable sugary substance.

"Not really, always thought eating sweet things was a big way to get diabetes." Anon states.

"Die-a-what now?" Pinkie's lost.

"Oh, uh- yeah sorry, it's a human thing- or where I come from anyway." Anon awkwardly explains.

"Oooh, I get it; just another hoo-man word to add to my vocab!" She playfully says.

They both get around to see almost everything. Going on the merry-go-round, trying to win prizes at game booths, the two of them really get there fill.

"What's next?" Anon asks Pinkie.

"Hmm." She ponders his question, Anon and Pinkie were just heading to whatever the next thing they saw was, not really thinking directly of where to go until now. "I think that's all, Nonie." Pinkie states in a fulfilled manner.

Anon looks at his watch, checking the time. "Surely there has to be something else..." He leads on.

"I don't think so, Nonie. We saw the clown, went on rides, played games, ate food." Pinkie shrugs. "I think that's it." Anon looks around, desperately trying to find something else. "You alright, Nonie? You look a little restless."

"Yeah, I'm fine, totally." He tells her unconvincingly.

Pinkie's not buying it. "You keep looking at your watch though."

"Uh, well that's because-"

"Someone wouldn't normally do that unless..." She pauses until coming to a revelation. "No way! Don't tell me!"

"Oh no, she's got me." He thinks.

"There's going to be a live parade right here?!" Pinkie hops with joy. "I love parades, Nonie! With all the ponies, the loud music, the cute floats-" She goes off, rambling about all the things she likes about this one of a kind spectacle.

"You ever seen a parade before?" Anon genuinely asks.

"Nope!" She casually responds back. "But there's a first time for everything! Which is why-"

"Well, Pinkie, I'm sorry to disappoint you, there is no parade; at least none I'm aware of." Anon tells her the unfortunate news, though just as the words are leaving his mouth-

"*gasp* oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Pinkie hops up and down, seeing it happen right before her eyes. Anon looks to where the pink mare is shouting at.

"Oh, alright then." Anon shuts his mouth, just going along with it. He thinks it to be perfect anyways, as it'll buy him more time.

Pinkie could barely contain herself the whole time, pointing out different, unique things to Anon that ultimately, were far more exciting to the pink mare then it was for him; all the while he enjoyed Pinkie's cheerful outlook on the show, she really did seem to enjoy it.

"That was great, Nonie! One of the best I've ever seen!" She tells him.

"I thought you said you've never seen a parade?"

"Well, not in real life, but one time I had this dream-" The pink mare blabbers on about her silly and charming story. Anon and Pinkie walk back home while Pinkie explains her dream in oddly vivid detail. Anon can never get enough of the party mare's stories, as weird or whimsical as they might be. The sun sets down brightly in their eyes, reflecting just how long they've been out today.

"Today was a fun day." Pinkie says to Anon wholeheartedly. Anon agrees, but something comes striking in her mind.

"How long are you going to play this game? It isn't a game." Pinkie's tired of this tug-of-war, she wants these thoughts to begone, but they keep nagging her. "Yeah? What about when he eventually leaves you for some mare better, then what, Dianne?" It hurts her heart so much to think about a reality where that's true, but it can't be, can it?

"Hey, Nonie, can I ask you something?"

"What's up?" He casually voices back.

"I know this is probably gonna sound weird, or maybe a little too much but..." She stops walking, standing firm she waits for Anon's full attention. "Do you, you know, like going out to places with me?" Anon's baffled, he thought she already knew the answer, but he'll tell her anyway.

"A-hundred-percent, Pinks, we're a couple." Anon tells her point blank.

"Forever and ever?" She cutely, yet softly inquires.

"Until Celestia herself stops the world from moving, I'll always be by your side, Pinks." Anon playfully ruffles her hair, thinking that's the end to that. He begins walking, Pinkie doesn't follow.

"...Pinks?" Anon turns around, seeing her stand firm.

"When you invited Rose to Nightmare Night- or when you said that me and Applejack could go to that carnival, instead of me and you... " Pinkie brings up the past events, the events Anon foolishly ruined by his own two hands. "Was it just because you didn't want it to be me and you, or-"

"Pinkie." Anon speaks up, interrupting her insecure question. "I was a fool to do those things, I told you that." He reminds her.

"I know, I know. It's just that I can't shake this feeling-"

Anon walks up to her, pressing his lips up against hers. Pinkie instinctually closes her eyes, the feeling of Anon's lips and scent shutting her down completely. Anon moves his face away slowly, the two of them breathe heavy.

"I love you Pinkie. I'm not going to do anything like that ever again, I want you to be happy, and I intend to do everything I can to make that happen." His speech confidently rolls off his tongue, no hesitation, no pauses. Pinkie knows he means it.

"I want that for you too Nonie. You're very special to me." She proudly tells him. "I love you so much Nonie, and everyday I feel like that only grows more and more. I'd do anything for you, I've never felt this way about anything before, I just never want to lose you." Pinkie loves Anon so much that she's scared of never being able to share a walk with him, talk to him about any problems that may arise, she wants to stay as intimate as she can with her special human, it's the only thing on her mind.

"You'll never lose me, I'll be with you for as long as my heart keeps beating, because for me, you're more important, then any friend could ever be." They share another warm kiss with one another, Anon rubbing her soft mane as he smells her gorgeous fur, it's an intoxication that frankly, the two can never get enough of. To Pinkie her thoughts may bring her down, may hurt her or remind her of bad times, but something will always be for certain, Anon will be there with her through all of it.

"This it it." Anon says to himself. Pinkie and him make their way to Sugarcube, she isn't sure why Anon wanted to tag along, but she thinks it has something to do with helping her with an order.

Opening the door, the dark bakery is hard to make out between the two of them; a voice calls out like a whisper from the shadows, Pinkie looks around for a quick second, confused.

"Surprise!" The lights flash on as a collective voice rings out in Pinkie's direction. She quickly blinks with the flash of light, before realizing just what- or whom she's looking at.

"Hey girl, how've you been?"

"L-Lime?!" Pinkie's shocked to see her sister here, but not just one, all three are made out from her vision. "You guys... are..." She's at a loss for words. Anon's hand pets her head softly, she slowly turns to look at him, her mouth agape at this sudden visit.

"You said it's been a while since you've seen your sisters, so I thought they'd come pay you a little visit."

"We've been wanting to see you for a long time too Pinkie." Marble speaks up.

"Anon- Nonie-..." Pinkie looks back to her sisters, then to Anon; she can't wrap her head around this wonderfully shocking encounter. Water escapes her eyes, she can't hold back the utmost joy she feels. First the whole day with the one that she loves to the end of Equestria, and now a reuniting with her siblings, in which she holds so close to her heart.

A connection quickly forms in her mind, the reason why Anon was trying his hardest to stay longer at the fair, the reason he wanted them to go so early; it was for her, all of this, was for her.

"Woah, easy!" Pinkie springs up on Anon emotionally, crying into his shoulder with heartfelt tears.

"Thank y-you s-so m-much, N-Non-" Pinkie's voice cracks as she tenderly whispers in Anon's ear, she nuzzles the side of his head firmly with her snout, preaching all the love she can give to her very special person.

A few moments pass before she gets down from Anon's grasp, she looks towards her sisters, staring at them with a motionless love only the four of them can understand, and makes a beeline for a long overdue hug.

October 31st, Nightmare Night
"Wow, Pinkie, you look beautiful!" Anon can't hold back his thoughts. Pinkie twirls around, showing off the dress prominently to her special human.

"You really like it?" She asks rhetorically. "I had Rarity patch up a few things with it as it's been a while since I've worn this dress."

"I can't believe I'd ever see you with it on again." His disbelief is immeasurable, but he's glad to be wrong.

"Only for you, Nonie!" She sweetly winks, bowing down like she just finished a wonderful performance.

"For... me?"

"Well of course! You told me how much you liked it when we celebrated the first party me and you had together, I just knew this would be the perfect time to wear it again!" Pinkie has no qualms or regrets with wearing this as a costume to Nightmare Night, she's only happiest when she can share that joy with Anon.

The night passes by as Anon and Pinkie have the time of their lives, getting scared by the various attractions just wouldn't be the same if they weren't experiencing it together.

"It sure has gotten pretty late." Pinkie takes a mental note at all the ponies beginning their leave, they've been here for a while.

"You said it." Anon replies, stretching his back. "You ready to hit the hay?" Pinkie nods with a cute smile, they both begin their adventure to the very special spot that the two of them share so fondly.

"Is that how it goes?" Pinkie quizzically looks at the assembled tent, unsure if they followed the instructions correctly. Anon tugs on the ends, seeing if it's stable.

"Yup." He gives a cheerful thumbs up.

They take a moment to look around at their dark surroundings, Pinkie spotting something that dutifully catches her eye.

"Nonie- Nonie, look!" She tugs on his shirt, grabbing his attention.

"Oh, now that is a sight to behold." They both look down at Ponyvile in awe, street lamps and houses shining light echoes back to them. "Hey, Pinks. You want to lay down here?"

"Hm? Why, Nonie?" She takes her attention off the daunting amount of houses.

"Just to take in this night, that's all." His simple answer is all she needs, Anon lays a blanket down, both of them getting comfortable with the relaxing night. A thought comes to Anon's mind, on all the nights he could have possibly chosen to say this, tonight is perfect.

"Spooky ghosts who's faces can send even the heartiest of ponies into fright-" Pinkie recognizes those words, she looks over at Anon, their stomachs facing towards the starry sky. "Jack-o-lanterns crafted so marvelously with delight, skeletons, goblins galore!"

"Oh do I know Nightmare Night can offer so much more." Anon's face looks over at Pinkie's who's taken over the poem. "Ghosts and demons that go 'boo', creepy things I never even knew, wouldn't be complete-"

"If I didn't spend this time with you." They finish it off together, a sweet duet between them.

"You... saw my poem." Pinkie's humbly surprised.

"I'm sorry you didn't get to rehearse it to me last year." Anon confesses.

Pinkie quietly grins, thankful that Anon was able to see her little composition she had written just for him. "I love you, Nonie."

"I love you too, Pinkie Pie."

They spend the foreseeable time just basking in each others warmth, while looking up at the beautiful stars above. Pinkie can't think of anywhere else she'd want to spend, then in the comfort of the one she loves the most.

"The moon sure does look bright out tonight." She voices sincerely.

"It sure does, Pinks."

"I'm really glad I get to spend this moment, with you, Nonie."

Author's Note:

Well, that's all he wrote. Thanks to all who stuck with this story till the end, it means a bunch that you enjoyed my story.

Comments ( 13 )

Their is gonna be a sequel of this right

There might be. I'm not sure whether or not that's what people want to see, like I don't know if people are fulfilled enough with the story here. If not, then in the future I'd definitely consider it for sure! Hope you enjoyed it all the while though!

I did hopefully you will make a sequel if not then pm me but if you are what idea/plot is it and is it going be teen or mature?

Hmm, I haven't thought that far ahead to be honest. Though it might be a teen rating just because this story was. I have been thinking of doing mature rated stories, but I don't know how 'dark' I want to get with my writing, I however really did enjoy writing this fanfic and exploring Pinkie Pie's character in a way that, admittedly, probably isn't everybody's cup of tea, but that I hoped intrigued those who've read.

My other thing is I just don't want to ruin this story with a sequel if said sequel, doesn't turn out to be up to standards for those who enjoyed the original, i.e. this story. I am sincerely glad to hear that you liked my story though, and your feedback is always something that I keep an open mind to! Never say never to a part two to this story! I am always listening to what people have to say!

Oh no problem but if you have any ideas or plots relate to this then go ahead but I was thinking more along the lines of starting a family

Another great read.

Thank you for this wonderful story, another wonderful story

Comment posted by Dudumassami deleted Sep 6th, 2022

Hey, good job with this. It's a very sweet story! :D

Just a couple of tips - there are a fair few SPaG issues in this story, but two of the biggest ones were your use of "then" and "of". Several times per chapter you would write "more then" and "should of". Both of these are incorrect and are a frustratingly common mistake that 90% of humanity seems to make when writing in English. It should be "more than" and "should have".

Those mistakes are just a pet peeve of mine. I really did enjoy this story overall - great work!

They got married and had babies. The end. Good read.

Just finished this after randomly finding it and is now my favorite pinkie story! I don't think I have ever read pinkie portrayed so perfectly...there is clearly so much more to her then just a quirky party mare, there should be more pinkie love stories.

Great fanfic and the hidden side of pinkie nice

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